Nuremberg v2.0

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It cannot get here soon enough. Anybody who participated in the scam and caused injury, death, job loss, education loss...should be tried, and when found guilty, disciplined to the extent of the law and "I was just doing my job" will not get you off the hook!

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Eichmann at his trial in Israel said, 'he was just doing his job.'

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and he hanged anyway didn't he? That is how it should be this time around too, and there better be a "this time around"!

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Doubt it, I am expecting worse mandates for disease X. Why? Because society is in denial.

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"operation paperclip"

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Please--and hope I am alive long enough to see people hang (on national TV).

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Treason! The penalty for treason is death!

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If the Courts will not oblige, it is up to Humanity to carry out the sentences.

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Prayers for the Lieffring Family - dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. In GOD we Trust ...

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Why didn't God protect this young, kind man?

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Free will.

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Why doesn’t anybody ever mention that high mortality rates didn’t happen till 2021.. in my mind it was enough time for them to tamper with the basic vaccine to begin their culling process

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So very heart wrenching. These are most likely the blood clots that Trent had inside of him:


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Fucking COUARD

MURDERER and nothing else!!! Especially doctors who participate in the CONVID AI!!!

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It gives me a knot in my stomach whenever I read stories like this. My 24 year old daughter, studying interstate and separated from us by lockdowns took two doses of The Pfizer "vaccine" because it seemed the right thing to do and all her peers were doing it in the hope that life would go back to normal after a certain percentage of the population had been vaccinated. That was the narrative back then. Her fitness and stamina are are still good but she has so much more time off work due to colds/flu/bronchitis etc than she ever used to. It is like her natural immune system does its job more slowly and less eficciently than it used to in her teen years and this problem seems to be chronic. And I keep thinking it is probably the Pfizer poison which has caused this.

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Dr. McCullough said the farther you get out without symptoms, the less likely you are to be in danger. He recommends natto kinase to break down the spike proteins.

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Yes, Nattokinase and Quercetin combo are supposed to be good for detoxing the poisons.

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He is, imo very wrong. The lipid nanoparticles had a ratio of 1000 per every cell in your body. They also brought into your body bacterial endotoxins. Assault on your body integrity will go on for years and years shaving years off a lifespan.

My condolences to the family.

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I'm sorry but Dr. McCullough still calls it a "pandemic" and a "vaccine" and on his Wellness site, he sells Plaxvoid, which has a Black Box warning. Like the "covid virus" which even the CDC has said has never been isolated, the "spike protein" has never been isolated. Dr. Jane Ruby says: "Can anyone show me an instrument that specifically measures a spike protein? It must be validated for Validity and Reliability. We must be able to directly measure a spike protein and the quantities to know the before and after effect of any treatment claiming to reduce them."

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I agree with Dr. Ardis, it's snake venom which attacks the nicotine receptors. Monoclonal antibodies are anti-venom. I forgot about him saying that until I recently watched one of his videos explaining it. It makes sense that they would use vipers to poison the world.

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There is solid evidence that the poison injections destroyed immune systems and I believe that is what they were designed to do. I hope your daughter continues to do okay, considering!

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Take action rebuild her immune system research Wellness co.

Add C, D, B complex, turmeric,Echinacea supplements.

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This breaks my heart My Boss died from the vaccines A dear beloved friend died My friends daughter died a friend’s son died a friends baby died and these evil people think they can get away with murder…….Karma is a thing…my heart is broken We must not allow them to get away with this genocide

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Are the relatives informing the public of the danger?

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I will never understand this "take your vaccines for the sake of others" BS that people have been duped into believing. It makes me sick how many were healthy, took the poison and are now injured or dead because they did something "for others"! We are officially a very ignorant and compliant people and that is exactly what the global parasites have been working towards for decades! I WILL NEVER give them what they want, I will NEVER COMPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Exactly !!!

If they believe taking a vax will protect them, then why do I have to take one to protect them ?

Makes no common sense whatsoever.

If a Doctor doesn’t understand that simple logic it makes me wonder what other things they don’t really understand.

No critical thinking skills. None !!!

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Right, if a doctor knows the shot does not prevent transmission and yet acts like it does, what planet are they really living on? They cannot be trusted.

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He was murdered!

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I hate reading these stories. For all concerned, about the shots, about the clots, watch for a stack that I will push myself to get to writing this week - on how to prevent the formation of clots, and destroy those already forming. This information will save lives.

One more thing I will say that will save lives,. stay away from doctors and everything that they promote. My little family has a 30 year record of avoiding doctors, and we are all alive and well, no sickness, no ailments.. no surgeries, no med bills at all! - with 2 of us in our 60s (I'm soon 68) and one 25 year old that hasn't been to a doctor or taken a med his whole life. (and hasn't been sick a day in 19 years, since getting over the measles).

The thing is, Allopathic medicine turned to darkness around the turn of the century, and is no more than a business pushing its products on the unwitting, and unwise.

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I believe nattokinaise is urgent for anyone who took those shots, and to keep taking it possibly for years.

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Yes Natto is wonderful. Not vaccinated but take it daily.

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Watch that the natto is both organic sourced and not msg laced. MSG is a potent neurotoxin. Taking it for years may give you other issues.

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What I have read about it, as in this article (https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-nattokinase-89831), there are too many 'may do this', and 'may do that', for comfort. What we need to see are definitive studies before it is called 'urgent' and might serve to dissuade the use of other more concrete treatments.

There are Godly medicines (non pharmaceutical) that break up blood clots and are proven to prevent blood from clotting. I add this not to detract from the potential of nattokinaise, but to caution potential users from expecting it to work miracles - that it may or may not be capable of. As lives are at stake.

(I'll be writing about one medicine in particular, that is proven to prevent and break up blood clots, this week.)

First always is prevention, of course - which means - don't take the vaccines under any circumstances.

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I think the clotting with mRNA is well proven now. Some MD will prescribe daily dipyridamole, or Clopidrel, plus aspirin. While over my head, I do understand that there is more than one clotting mechanism and have read how Nattokinase and it’s fibrinolytic and antithrombolytic properties will provide better protection than the former but at a tiny fraction of risk. The risk of taking say Plavix and ASA is hemorrhage, or, bleed out at minor injury.

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and STOP trusting and taking all poison injections. I can't believe how many people are priding themselves on not taking the c*vid poison, but turned right around and took the flu vax, the shingles vax, the chicken pox...I assure you, they are turning all into poison injections and they have been for decades. I haven't had a vax in 33 years after one of my daughters had a bad reaction at 2 years old. She and her older sister have not had anymore either and that is the way it will remain. If they come at me with a syringe full of anything, there will be violence, I will not go alone!

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My family same all holistic...Im 74 strong like bull. I await your recommendations.

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:>) LOVED.. "Im 74 strong like bull"

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Absolutely heartbreaking

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It's part of there depopulation agenda. They will do it now with bird flu vaccines. They want people dead plain and simple. Peter Hotez I believe is his name stated that they must get aggressive with the unvaccinated. He stated that Nato and UN must takeover western countries too force the jab.

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I had a heart attack and mild stroke after second Moderna and catherization showed no blocked arteries but PET scan showed necrosis of “capillary fed tissue”. Doctor said that if heart tissue died from clots so did other parts of my body. Then got a Phizer and bad myocarditis. At the time of heart attack there was negative CRP. So if I had same pathologies as Mr. Lieffring, I would encourage that full sectioning and survey of heart be done (if not too late)

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Richard, why did you comply? You had symptoms after Moderna, and you went on to take a Pfizer, I am trying to understand why people did this?

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I had heart pain and irregular pulse after the first shot. Short answer is I was brainwashed. The price I paid was a massive injury.

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The reason I am asking is because so many people did as you did. If you were not injured, would you still believe in the propaganda. Why didn't the doctor suspect mRNA injury after the first shot? Did you suspect injury after the shot, if so, why did you take Pfizer, and what was the main source of brainwashing for you? Did you consider researching to see if the shot was safe from those speaking out? You don't have to answer all these questions, but I suspect your trajectory was common. Do you educate those around you on the reality of medical brainwashing? Don't feel obliged to answer all these questions, you are not being deposed, just again trying to understand why some were brainwashed and others were not. It can mean the difference between life and death.

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It’s hard to know if whether I wasn’t injured would I still be pushed deathvaxx. I can say I was in group psychosis such as when people follow a mob. I had no access to a doctor after first shot and after second I was quite sick and deteriorating and doctor finally agreed to see me I had a heart attack bon his office. I failed to even look at arguments as I placed blind faith in government (yeah). I preach now but stop as soon as I see the emotional cascade of emotion rise up to block analysis.

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So, the pain woke you up, society doesn't care about the individual, it is concerned with the order of its own agenda. You are right, it is impossible to convince others of the truth, they have to come to it themselves. However, you can simply state your story, which you are doing. Well, you didn't die, and you won't add more toxins to your body, so I hope your vitality increases daily. Thanks for sharing.

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Well, heart is badly scarred, it was very very bad but seems to have improved a lot after much HBOT, can’t get a fresh stress echo to quantify how the valves are etc., can’t get to see a cardiologist to give me an idea of how long it’s good for but at the moment I can walk quickly about 20 minutes then heart goes irregular. Adaptive immune system is mostly gone but I can’t get a straight answer on longevity more than a comment to expect cancer and infections.Immunologist said not to expect immune recovery.

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Just please tell others. These shots are still being pushed globally and even at places like COSTCO. (COSTCO should publish notices on these shots and their pharmacy should stop all mRNA based shots including flu, RSV, etc.

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The family was not on board with it. If they had print outs of peer reviewed studies showing the potential for harms and handed the information to their son, most likely he would have had a better understanding. The propaganda quashed the dissemination of the facts, and it has resulted in this young man's death. I spent three years in utter terror of the same thing happening to my teen (heart conditions on the father's side), because the whole family did not agree with me, and attempted to provoke guilt and fear for not complying. Meanwhile, I was investing at least two hours a day on research regarding experimental mRNA shots and knew the risks. In our family there are only two, including myself with a science education, so I was able to understand the science literature. Yet, the other ignoramuses on biology, despite their engineering, flying and law credentials only received their information from legacy media, a mouthpiece for pharma and Gates. It could easily have happened to our family. I rarely experience rage, but I did during those years, toward the schools, the celeb mRNA pushers, the media, family and neighbors, and even irritation at the old ladies working at the thrift store, because they had the radio going all day pushing the shots. All relatives, acquaintances, and friends of those who were harmed have a duty to protect others by informing them. Hotez is on the warpath to ensure that the vaccine risk aware will be legally forced to take shots for disease X looming on the horizon.

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Hotez is currently pushing for the military enforcing all to take future vaxxes. He is evil and needs to be taken down along with the Gates, Schwab and all who are behind this evil agenda!

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The public needs to wake up.

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