If someone doesn’t consume mainstream media at all (I don’t, like none), I am interested to understand what the control mechanism of my beliefs is?

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Your worldview informs your beliefs.

'Who am I?'

'Where do I come from?'

'Where am I going?'

'What is my purpose?'

'Why am I here?'

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You probably believe much of what your environment believes, that is the culture you live in. You may believe in government, owning land, viruses, mowing your lawn, etc. As long as you question everything, which you may do as well, you're on the right track.

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Rich men lie and poor men die. It's like being forced into an alternative reality where social workers can opine, police can take hostages to those opinions, through "video" court 72 hours after the initial hostage taking, a prescient judge determines that "You have waived your rights" by allowing LEO's to kidnap you and your children and are not worthy of the "Privilege of Rights" The hostile corporate takeover of the nuclear family by satanist doing back room deals on other peoples lives? Being reduced beyond recovery to a permanent pariah class and indigent status by those "superiors" who can only take life and give grief? Been there, done that. The worst of the worst seem to be calling the shots, but that is only a "Conspiracy theory". What "seems" clearly has overtaken what "is". Well, that's my rant for today.

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So glad to be hearing admissions like General Frank van Kappen is coming out with. Oh for more admissions coming out constantly to get this across to the sleeping public and discredit the liars who abuse their people. Information is so crucial to civilized life that it must be open and free. But the people ourselves need to reaffirm our championing of free speech. That is a "right" we are all entitled to. The idea that adults have to look after adults and decide what they can know and not know, as well as do and not do, or threaten bodily harm. It truly is mafia business when it's done like that. Oh may government get thrown very soon, into the vat of irrelevance.

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