Yes, crimes against humanity, on a global scale. But will the perpetrators face real justice? Or will these slimy eels slither past unscathed?

There is a long list of names of those who were complicit, and must face the ultimate punishment.

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Dr. Boyle is 100% ON TARGET.

Installing Regulations to legalize MASS MURDER, SLAVERY does NOT make it so.

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Jun 24Edited

lawful, justice is to do no harm-that is the whole reason for lawful and justice. This is perversion of law, trickery being use to enslave and destroy, harm people. Crime is crime.

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However; LAW, itself is legalistic and only attends to the words wrote. Until the REGULATIONS placed are removed to nullify the Constitution and make First Degree Mass Murder, Cyber-Digital Slavery, Disability and Sterilization by poisoning or any other Govt. decision, mandate, activity...IT WILL REMAIN LEGAL ACCORDING TO LAW ALREADY PLACED BY THE SNEAKS.

If it survives, this whole situation is a VERY GOOD LESSON for the population of The Natural Territory of the U.S; TO NEVER TRUST GOVT. TO MAKE DECISIONS BY THOSE PRETENDING TO HAVE THEIR BEST INTERESTS IN MIND OR HEART AGAIN. The People, alone, are the only one's having their best interests in mind and 'THE PEOPLE' must approve every Bill before passing from this time forward.

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-evil, enslavement, maiming, stealing, impoverishing, killing is wicked and done in darkness-it does not matter if they write with a stroke of a pen that it is "legal' in their constructed, perverted system. If people are foolish enough to buy that sh-t devoid of any moral construct then prepare to loose everything that matters. Family, property and prosperity.

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'Summa Theologica' by Thomas Aquinas discusses the 'Philosophy of Law' involving actual 'Conceptual Analysis', etc.

I agree with your 'Values System' and its ethics and morals. This post involves THE WORD OF THE LAW evil people mutated

'The United States Criminal Code' through re-writing it and deliberately misappling it.

This Post is for the purpose of instructing people that the actual WORDS OF THE LEGAL CRIMINAL CODE'S REGULATIONS TO HAVE NULLIFIED LAW OF THE UNITED STATES even to the extent of The U.S. Constitution NOW being nullified. The foundation for The U.S. Constitution really was Traditional Christianity; thus to nullify one is to nullify Traditional Christianity...OR SO THE ENEMY DESIRES ALL TO BELIEVE.

It's a deception.

While I agree with you in moral/ethical standards based in 'Natural Law' as stipulated by Thomas Aquinas, this post is NOT addressing actual morality/ethics in law as such. THE COMPLEXITY OF WHAT'S TRANSPIRED IN OUR CRIMINAL CODE ARE EXACTLY WHAT THE TREASONOUS IN GOVT. HAVE WISHED TO CREATE...COMPLEXITY. They wish all to be lost in the weeds of the words...A WORD WAR having no relevance to the actual CRIMES regardless of how heinous and evil.

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The blank vial inserts were a bit telling

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DJT the father of the vaxxine has some explaining to do

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Trump has never taken responsibility for anything he was wrong about.

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In fact , he expects us to bow down and thank him for the vaids jab

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Only Almighty God can mete out the full level of Justice required to recompense the unthinkable magnitude of crimes against humanity that comprised the premeditated use of bioweapons and related tyranny orchestrated by evildoers under the auspices of the cv19 “plandemic”. The millions of deaths, long term harms, and every other psychological, socioeconomic, and societal fallout of these unprecedented crimes against humanity is devilishly evil and on a global scale never before witnessed in human history. The fact that many governments STILL continue to make these poison shots available to the public as if nothing is wrong is either a desperately foolish attempt to cover up the crime of the ages, or it amounts to an ADDED crime, requiring that an even heavier justice is meted out. Let us not forget that these crimes involve a complex mafia-style network of nefarious “partners in crime” including the propagandist legacy media, colleges of physicians and surgeons in Canada, Big Pharma, Gates, GAVI, the WEF, WHO, the US DoD, the central banks, and many others, who set out to make mass murder a “sport”, a trillions $ grab for power, and who continue to believe they have gotten away with it. May God’s infallible Word that will never pass away hold every single person involved and responsible for these crimes against humanity, fully accountable, for as it is written, “…they brewed many a cup of woe for others, pay back to them now double…for all their crimes.” (Revelation 18) Regardless of the epic lies and coverups, God always gets the last word, and God WILL have the last Word on the cv19 crimes.

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In the meantime, I could come up some ideas

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See my world exclusive substack on Scottish COVID inquiry. The entire global media apparatus including ''alternative'' missed it or have point blank refused to cover it. See why below.


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The advertising arm of McCullough’s Wellness Company reaches in unexpected places.

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No covid. It was the flu.

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I've posted this elsewhere: The core principles of all medical bioethics laws, codes, regulations and treaty in the world are BODILY AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARY INFORMED CONSENT and "DO NO HARM" (precautionary principle). These are timeless eternal principles that you do not violate. Period. Violating bodily autonomy or voluntary informed consent puts you in the realm of subjugation, slavery and totalitarianism. The covid situation, including the withholding of all forms of treatment, the extremely/fraudulently fast tracked experimental injections, the mandates and passports, etc. horrendously violated every set of medical bioethics laws, codes, regulations and treaty in the world. This includes the Hippocratic Oath, Declaration of Geneva, Declaration of Helsinki, Belmont Report, Rome Statute, Oviedo Convention, CIOMS Guidelines, and all 10 stipulations of the Nuremberg Code. These violations are classified as both crimes against humanity and war crimes.

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Well said!

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Yeah well, this is the lawless, wild, Wild West.

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Francis Boyle is female, if the image in the video is to believed. Why the references to "he"?

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All of government and big pharma is a crime.

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Execute the murders...tam, tedros, biDUMB, turdo, univerSH*Tty presidents, fake jab executives, etc.

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We also were (and are still being) tortured.

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