Go Japan!!

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You cannot vaccinate against a cold virus. COVID is a fake disease. Yes, some people say they had a weird illness in 2020. I did too. A strange dry cough that lasted a couple of days. Who knows what it was. Maybe 5G EMR emissions. But there is no proof of a new virus or a contagious disease called "COVID". Nada. The viral genetic sequence comes from a computer model. Tests for COVID are nonsense.

So what is this phoney vaccine supposed to immunize against? It's a load of bs.

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It's "immunization" against life. Designed to kill

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"Maybe 5G EMR" not a Maybe, for SURE it is!!! I was from the earliest, in Germany who caught the most significant symptoms, unable to breath, intestinal perforation!!!

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It is a load of very carefully planned BS.

Have a look at Arcturus pty ltd. Since 2013. I think you find some interesting connections to DoD and some familiar names.😉

Japanese scientists have also warned that there has been massive infrastructure built with lots of new mRNA facilities being built recently.

Replicon as a self amplifying shot, also means that it will be multiplying at unconstrained rate🤔😐 that means it will shedding like a mofo!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Previous Japanese scientists have warned against accepting any shots manufactured in Japan as they ALL will be using the new (new to public anyway) platform. I suspect that when people begin using Replicon, it will transfect so only a small number will actually need to take the shot to have everyone affected.😐🤦‍♀️🤐😤

Pleading stupidity or negligence by governments can only go so far, before it passes into maeleovant intentionally harmful.🤨

#thegovisnoturfriend #heretohurtyou #trustyou #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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"Replicon" sounds very close to what it truly is: A Reptilian injection which is a con.

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The Reptilian part is not a scam.

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The 'common cold' is not caused by a virus either. Cold/Covid viruses are non-existent, well all so-called viruses are non-existent anyway. :) www.whatreallymakesyouill.com

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(sigh)well, I sure caught SOMETHING from a grocery cashier who should not have been at work . of course they have to handle each item for it to be scanned & priced; she was sneezing, nose and eyes running like a faucet, looked miserable. within a day, so was I.

friend, your views are sincerely held but don't necessarily mesh with the everyday experience of many people.

Maybe you can think of other topics you want to promote?:-)

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SIGH! How are you so sure you 'caught something'? Sometimes people get exposed to the same environmental toxins/influences at the same time and they develop the same detox symptoms. All you have is an observation and a presumption and you condescendingly tell me to promote another topic? Come on now!

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I can almost guarantee you Kristina, that it wasn't "Covid"... 🤔

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no it wasn't "c0vid", this was a few years before that.

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Or maybe you caught it from the same source as the grocery cashier? Maybe something in the store was contaminated with something, like anthrax?


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Colds are the body cleansing itself. The colds release and rid the body of toxins.

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Absolutely correct.

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Try telling that Gecko1, to the Blue-Pilled Pinheads that comprise 99% of Humanity, that believe the bullshit that comes reeking out of their telescreens.

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You are not wrong:).

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I feel the same, I had a persistent dry cough and was unwell in March 2020, at the time it felt like a chemical reaction of some sort but it could also have been radiation emission. Everything associated with "covid" was lies and deceit from beginning to end.

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FWIW, I think those who claim that covid was actually an inhalation-anthrax-based aerosolized bioweapon could be on the right track. The symptoms of inhalation anthrax are similar to those of covid, and we know that people like Robert Malone were working on anthrax at his lab in Windber, PA, close to where United Airlines Flight 93 allegedly crashed on 9/11, leaving no wreckage:


On the other hand, I don't believe in coincidences and there is also a lot of evidence pointing to 5G EMF radiation as the cause:


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" Feb 4, 2020 - NYC allows 5G equipment on street lamps " media report.

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Yes, there are lots of "coincidences" like that all over the planet, going back to the introduction of the telegraph in the nineteenth century:


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Maybe it doesn't matter what it actually was, because it just was used as an excuse to get people vaxxxinated, which was the goal.

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I see what you mean; but surely it does matter, because if people realized at the time that covid was a bioweapon rather than a natural disease used to justify jabs, the jabs' scam would have been an even bigger failure than it already was/is? If people know and understand the enemy modus operandi, they will be less easily fooled and better able to protect themselves, defeating the enemy's goal.

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beware the international health regulations for more information go to citizengo.org and scroll through to a petition break free from un control reject the international health regulations..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world it currently has over 267000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and most importantly by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as ive asked you

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All those Dr's.. Amazing that not one of the skin Drs has put a skin scope on any skin issue and stated is really going on. If they have they would be seeing that every one of them has morgellons today. This is what is being hidden. They are seeing it as we all do when we look. The jab is just an upgrade on existing tech to me..

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Come again about skin? What are you seeing?

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Hi Tex, Morgellons, bio film, objects and tech. Come have a look for yourself.m.

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I wonder if that is what’s going on with my husband. He only had one and would not listen to me. Now he regrets it and his skin seems to have problems. He has NEVER had skin issues. We have him on a protocol and we eat very healthy but anything you can share would be greatly appreciated.

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Bill Gates, the college dropout with no medical or biological sciences qualifications whatsoever. The global public health and vaccine "expert". Why do people listen to this clown? Only because of his Foundation's money and bribes.

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And he even admitted that if "we get vaccinations right, we can control population growth".

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Deceived. Greed. Both are because of lack of courage. Both are willful.

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And zero accountability for him and everything he does. He has to be arrested and indicted for crimes against humanity asap and so does everyone in this Japanese “ government “ that is ordering and allowing this slow murder of their country. Again. Wasn’t Hiroshima and Nagasaki enough and convid last time ? It’s incredible to me that gates is still wandering the earth bribing “ governments” at his pleasure but the corrupt DOJ whines about Trump having a few documents??????

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I think he comes from a "bloodline" family like Bush etc and so is untouchable.

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Miles Mathis would agree: https://mileswmathis.com/gates.pdf

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agreed, Janice ! but I suspect he knows his guilt and it bothers him. notice where he lives? an isolated mansion, accessible only by boat, without even human servants-- everything is "smart" !

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You think satanists feel guilt?!

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I dunno about satanists.... maybe Gates [of Hell] feels paranoia? he doesn't seem happy, anyway.

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Bill Gates is going to protect us from viruses.

Is this some sort of bad joke?

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Bill Gates is a human-shaped virus.

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But he did so well against viruses when he was pushing his software.....

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Unfortunately, it's a sad fact that our planet is ruled by satanists and eugenicists like Gates :(

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I wish I knew the mailing address for that group of doctors ; I would send them a thank you card !

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Japan definitely can't afford to have any more death, sickness and infertility, with such a decline in population. Glad they are rising up, what happened to us??? 😭

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I would suggest FLUORIDE happened to us. It makes a person unable to resist. That's why the nazis put it in the water at prison camps.

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If I were a Japanese psychopath, I would probably say that having more than 30% of your population over 65 was too big a burden for a shrinking working-age population to support and so ridding the population of a lot of the wrinklies would be a good thing :(

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Great to see so many Japanese doctors and professors taking a stand.

But somewhere in the Japanese Organs the decision was made to proceed with this abomination.

Someone in government approved it.

Given the ample evidence of harms from all MRNA from the trials onward (and indeed before the trials when the LNPs were labelled 'not for use in humans') it boggles belief that more similar bioweapons are being approved.

The Monster is not going to stop by choice. It has an Agenda to meet; and it wants us dead.


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Don't forget that Japan, like Europe, has been militarily occupied by the US since 1945. While Japan has a certain amount of autonomy in domestic matters, foreign and defence policy is to all intents and purposes controlled by the US. It was a political decision; but - as you say - it's great to see Japan's medical community pushing back at last.

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“They faked a pandemic, they faked a test, and they faked a cure.”

-Vernon Coleman

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Faked a virus, too.

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At least some folks are admitting that Gates is a sociopath interested only in depopulation like the Rockefeller's

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That Billy Gates sure is a piece of work.

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Poor Japan. They are already in a severe demographic crisis losing population every year. Now, the murdering gates and his clan of retards wants to kill even more. Why would the Japanese government allow this deadly crappola into their country to begin with? Did gates pay them off like he does everyone else?

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Way to go Japan! American doctors love money more than people, to protest against Gates.

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Japanese medical professionals are the only practitioners that have not gone missing in action worldwide. They are to be highly commended for both their public stance and even more so for their collective actions!

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Killing people is obviously the goal. What else can one conclude???

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Bravo. If only an equivalent percentage of U.S. health professionals and academics showed the courage and integrity of their Japanese counterparts. Unfortunately, too many are like the doctors who went along to get along in Nazi Germany. History, God, and—God willing—Nuremberg 2.0 tribunals will judge them harshly.

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Forgive me for this Dr. Goldsmith and don't take it personally please... I'm just Mr. Joe-blow-way-below-average with a worthless "music performance" degree; I make my living as a security guard, but: The performance of the vast majority of the medical profession over the past 4+ years, along with our lickspittle academics and our quisling politicians, has been an utterly unforgivable, absolute bloody disgrace.

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No offense taken. You are more gentle in your criticism than my profession's performance deserves. You may be interested in my previous post, "The Profession Formerly Known as Medicine."

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Just noticed you're a pshrink! I will give you this at least... I shudder to think where I might be now, if it weren't for the compassion of my first psychiatrist, John Barteux MD, (RIP)... Why you guys don't all wind up like Hannibal Lecter, is (somewhat like the Babel Fish) surely clinching proof of The Grace of God, viz:

Clarice: "If you didn't kill him sir, who did?"

Hannibal: "Who's to say? Best thing for him really, his therapy was going nowhere..."😘

08:43 ... ah, the fourth ambulance siren of the day already...🤔

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