Wow. This is good............

Now if you can just get someone from the major media to talk about it!

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Send it to all the media..especially Elon Musk!!, X, etc

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Yes, Elon needs to see it, and RFK Jr too.

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they already know about the death jabs

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Press the press, and I do often send these kinds of successes and revelations to the New Zealand Press.

THE DAY WILL COME and it could well be tomorrow!

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And talk about illness is not contagious,

Give this gift for xmas www.VirusTruth.NET

Free pdf book Contagious Myth by Dr Tom Cowan

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Thanks for your comment...but the legacy media needs to be taken out from the top down, ...deemed illegal, held criminally responsible for the millions of deaths and

injuries, they are responsible for!

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This article has a video of the warning he gave:

You have been warned’: Doctor, anti-vax protest leader facing suspension over bizarre rant to chief medical officer


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Fantastic Warning by Dr. Bray. We in Canada have a super hero... Dr. William Makis. (makismd@substack.com)

The Alberta Provincial Government is trying to jail Dr. Makis for speaking out!

If successful, it will be the first ever Dr. in Canada to be jailed for upholding his Hippocratic oath to do no harm. It will be the first ever Dr. in Canada to be jailed for advising his patients of "informed consent!" Due to the illegal force of the Covid 19 injections to all Canadians (young & old)....those injured by the fatally flawed delivery system of the genetic payload of lipid nono-particles can now seek effective consultations and begin the road to heal from the damage caused by the spike proteins and contaminated DNA!

There is Hope!

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Dunno about any "legal" cases, and a win against the "vaccines" means nothing, because there are sooo many other means to "vaccinate" the people:


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I think it is too late already, but not too late to foil the plan. The carriers and building blocks have been in our food and atmosphere for quite sometime. I bet it is in the ketchup media used to clear the bottle they added a while ago. The Russians used scorched earth policy during WWII and that would work equally as well for us. Leave nothing.

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Don't know.. how can (such inconspicuous methods of delivery) this be made "legal"? First thing that comes to my mind is an OVERDOSE, then there is allergic reactions. Too risky even for these criminals.

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Don't know.. how can (such methods of delivery) this be made "legal"? First thing that comes to my mind is an OVERDOSE. Such vaxx inconspicuous additives, in food or air (i.e. airports HVAC systems) can lead to unspecified side-effects/toxicity in (at least) some people allergic and/or easily lead to overdosing. You just can't mass vaxxinate this way. This CAN'T be legally approved. That can only make new vaxx more acceptable (to some sheaple), instead of needle.. but can't be done without consent.

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An honest judge. I shudder at what is to come next after this admission of .gov guilt. Many professional orgs soiled themselves during this period and the peoples trust will never be theirs again, and that expecially includes the police and health care never mind the politicians who unleashed this murder.

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The best news is that this "victory" can easily be magnified and is of international import.

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Let's hope so...

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And we now get to see how many people will follow the next plandemic rules. We get to see how stupid each person around us really is. They should have figured it out by now what happened.

The Bird Flu Plandemic coming to a City near you soon.

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I fought with everyone I know over this. Literally. Could not convince one person and they all thought me a conspiracy theorist. That is how ingrained propaganda is in our society and how little people actually look at what is going on around them and weigh evidence against heresay. When the damned canadian weather channel got invovled in spreading the lie that should have been a fxxking clue ringing in someones ear... But no, they all took the shots and now I deal with the fall out.

Little wonder it is so easy to convince our own people that they are racists.

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For what it is worth, you really aren't alone. Lots of us out here did the same thing. Told our friends and family over and over again what was going on. Only to be called names etc...

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Yes, thank you. It the reason I haunt these narratives from time to time. I'm very angry and want something to be done. This has been mass murder on an industrial scale that communists just love. 1052319

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Same here in Louisiana. In my entire circle of friends I know 2 who were not shot. Two women were pressured into it by their husbands who thought it was bad but also thought that if they had to take it so should their wives. Go figure. If I thought something would sicken me I'd want someone in the fam to take care of me, right?

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Even in uber Left West Los Angeles myself and a number of friends and acquaintances remained unvaxxed.. it was always fun to meet someone who figured it out. I met a ton of people that didn't want it but took it to stay employed or because family member guilted them into it . talked to quite a few people that had bad adverse reactions too...some permanant..

It was definitely an IQ test

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Rather critical thinking test.. IQ has nothing to do with all that.

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OMG Truly this news MADE MY DAY liveable and happy.

Dr. Bay is a very honorable doctor who refused thelieds and intimidation from CRIMINAL HEALTH REGULATORS around theworldi marching in lockstep draconian lies, killing and torturing and maiming families.

Please WORLD honor these brave and rarest doctors whom fought for all humanity.

Dr BAY -kudos and much love.

Angels are watching over you.

Blessings and THANK YOU

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Australia Won what exactly? All shots are harming cradle to grave bec virus are NOT contagious particles, they are dead cell debris... Www.VirusTruth.NET

Germs dont cause illness read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md free pdf under books

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But at least this will help some doctors be free to talk about choices with their patients..too many feared loss of jobs etc..so were censored into staying quiet..too long

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I hope he does a better video explaining , bec I think they can still suspend licenses and force docs into court which drags on, the medical board people are never personally liable or have to pay any damages to anyone they harm is my understanding...

Just like Fauci and system in America. No govt person or doctor can be held liable for creating, or giving a damaging or deadly shot. glad he fought to get his back, . Www.drtomcowan.com in america , is our best voice, dr Stefan Lanka went to court and won in germany re measles virus existing, but it did not take down the measles vax...,But that was before convid so hopefully now more are curious, more are fighting back ...

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You missed the point!

It was not a battle about germs, COVID, or if viruses exist.

It was about human rights, free speech and whether a thug like board of administrators have a right to unfairly punish good doctors and good science.

They court ruled they do NOT, and Dr. Bay was exonerated.

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Well the globalist government of the day that killed their citizens are now pucked !!!!(F) now it’s time to round up all involved and force inject them in a public forum!!! Swinging

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A landmark victory for Australians, also for all the world.

Time to magnify the victory worldwide.

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Need honest judges, most of the judiciary are reportedly masons and well owned.

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You don't have to be a Mason to be owned...

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But they have a plan, the rest are just exploiters.

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God bless you and thanks for heros like you who have the guts and knowhow to fight the greedy killers who are getting away with murder.

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What frightens me the most is that it seems nobody is understanding what the problem is in actuality. It's not the government . You can hang every one of them, and the CEO's, but once they're gone the problem will continue to persist. Because they are NOT the problem. You know what the problem actually is? The willingness to let someone control your life. As long as people are willing to do that, then you can remove the ones you point at but it won't make a difference. It is the people's beliefs that have to change. We must uphold free speech and body autonomy or in other words, personal sovereignty. Without that, we are all done-for. So far nobody seems to understand the critical nature of the underlying beliefs we have as a culture.

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Still need the pharma execs to swing and government officials who pushed this crap on virtually everyone whether they knew they were harmful or not..

If this happened people would think twice about pushing evil schemes on the rubes next time...

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Not really - we had the Nuremberg Trials but look where we are now. Even within a generation that was alive at that time. We need to get out of our barbarianism and revenge is just keeping us the same. Giving orders is not the crime - obeying them is. Most people give "we the people" a pass as though it's always the fault of the order-givers but no, it's actually the fault of the order followers. As long as we keep pointing the finger at the wrong culprits, we will remain in this condition where just a new bunch of order givers comes along and nothing would have changed. There have been numerous revolutions and changes of the guard, but since we are here today in this untenable position, perched on the precipice. it only goes to prove that everything we have tried before didn't work. We need to think totally "out of the box" if we are to survive this. They have us at every angle except a very few. Everyone ought to be asking how we get out of this and looking for answers. But nobody is asking. Everyone just keeps saying "off with their heads!" "Off with their heads!" Like the mobs of old. Unless we change, you can kiss your ass goodbye and everyone else's that you know. I guarantee it.

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They didn't hang nearly enough people at Nuremberg....

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Actually the west only selectively hung some and the talent they wanted were brought to safety if not the US. Operation Paperclip

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Hang them all this time... might make an impression...

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The number makes no difference. It is intention that damns us all, the intention to kill our own species for one, and for two, the intention to grab as much as we can from our species and from nature. And our systems all do that. The systems have to change, not the people. These systems beget exactly what they were designed to beget.

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Precisely. It's beyond me how gullible and willing most people are to do things that are stupid, immoral, dangerous etc. Only because they are told to do it by what they deem to be "authority" or "experts".

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I'm totally with you Yorianne. However it comes back to us for letting them. For accepting what our friends and families try to pass as logic but it's really nonsense such as forcing the wearing of masks and rules that we never did have a say in. We really need to confront each other on anything that doesn't make sense because when we say nothing, a nonsense then ends up snowballing so big that it becomes the norm. We also need to keep ourselves open to challenge on anything we say. But yeah, the belief in authority is a spell that most are under and it takes a lot to break free of that spell.

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I agree and that is what I am trying to do and have been doing for years. But somehow most simply do not want to accept that they have been lied to. Once the conversation turns to the idiotic measures (even mask-wearing and the a-social distancing), they stick to their beliefs. Nowadays I notice that eyes turn blank and all they want to do, is change the subject and move on. Let bygones be bygones...

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Thank you for all your work!! Now maybe scientists can put their focus on trying to heal all of those harmed..🙏🏻 Much love from the US..🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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The Bioweapon is still on the market

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Canada needs to see this kind of turnaround - they are still working hard to put our frontline truth doctors in jail.

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So happy for this judicial victory....and may the truth spread far and wide. I still know many well meaning people who are fully brainwashed and are still actively seeking out these "vaccines". Yes re this court case--"We have won!" --a significant win. But what the world has lost and will continue to lose from this criminal attack on human health and life...there can be no win except for the madness to stop. And I fear that those who want to perpetrate bioweapons on humanity will simply go more stealth....I have heard (not rigorously verified) that they are putting MRNA and other toxins into prescription drugs and supplements.

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Now, it will be as 'Domino's' falling all over the world...With each Nation following Australia and then those of the International Crime Syndicate Techno-Feudal Nazi's arrested for Military Tribunal as in Nuremberg.


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Would be good to get a link to the actual decision. In fact that is necessary if you want this decision to spread. We saw several small businesses win cases in Court in the US, who had been shut down by COVID policies, but those decisions did not spread. Reiner Fuellmich is still in Jail in Germany for opposing COVID policy. We'll see what follows in Australia. One win is certainly good. The COVID shots are still being recommended in my home State. And who doesn't know how bad they are at this point ?

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So what happens now?? Do the regulators and people in power who perpetuated the lies go to court?? Go to jail??

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I think we know the answer to that.

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