After hearing everyone stating their getting shots from multiple drug companies I never heard anyone, not the media, or any Doctor mention this:

‘Things to know | Note: Don’t mix vaccines. If your first two doses were Pfizer, your third dose should also be Pfizer. If your first two doses were Moderna, your third dose should also be Moderna. https://www.medicare.gov/coverage/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-vaccine -

they're treating every live body as if it's a pin cushion for their experiment & profit while drug companies have full immunity from harm or death. If this isn't a Medical Cartel then I don't know what it is.

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Even better don't take any clotshots.

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I was thinking after I read this 'Things to Know'. It could have been just a Pfizer PR stunt to maintain returning customers for their injections. The Covid protected are going to start looking like heroin addicts, tracks up & down their arms from Booster #1-100+.

Nobody knows how better to kill people than our Doctors. Yet they expect us to trust them with ‘experimental‘ jabs? That’s a big fat NO. ‘More than 'a million' Americans have died from overdoses during the opioid epidemic - Separate preliminary data from the CDC shows another '100,000' drug deaths expected in 2021.’ - https://www.npr.org/2021/12/30/1069062738/more-than-a-million-americans-have-died-from-overdoses-during-the-opioid-epidemi?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social

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It’s horrible, but I imagine some of those opioid deaths were people trying to cope with strange and devastating symptoms and illnesses. This vax is of the devil. This is a spiritual war as well. 🙏✝️

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Best strategy is not to take any!

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In my shithole country in Europe they are _enforcing_ the mixing of different vaxx. Hard times for the clueless and the weak willed.

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Maybe this is why Pfizer made that claim. They did come in #1st place!!!

The 10 best-selling COVID-19 vaccines and drugs in the first half of 2021 are:

1. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (Comirnaty®): Worldwide sales were $19.927 billion. Global Data Healthcare projects that Comirnaty will bring in $100 billion in sales between 2020 to 2027, with a large portion of the revenue driven by the 2021-2024 time period.'

‘The success of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 has become a cash cow for Moderna, the Pfizer and BioNTech team and Johnson & Johnson. All three companies earned an approximate combined revenue of $31 billion in 2021’. – https://www.biospace.com/article/three-covid-vaccines-generate-more-than-30-billion-in-sales-in-2021-expected-to-increase-in-2022/

‘According to Research and Markets report by 2030 Global Covid-19 Vaccine Market will be $61.56 Billion dollars. https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5310222/global-covid-19-vaccine-market-analysis- I'm asking how many men, women & children are they going to require to kill in order to reach their financial goal? The answer? They don’t care...

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The quote you mentioned under Things to Know has now been removed from the Medicare website as far as I can see.

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Thank you for this info. Totally agree!!

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I know I reviewed this document before I was terminated and I believe I cited it to my employer. It was all for naught. But God gave me clarity as early as July 2021, months before my employer announced their official mandate - and I told my family that day that I would be terminated. I still went through all the steps, seeking to avoid termination. But thank you for the reminder. I will make sure my lawyer has this document. God's will be done. I cannot pretend to understand the past three years. I have been burdened with great challenge and blessed with a strengthening of my faith. At least I know now that I am living God's plan. The clearest moment was the Sunday mass between my religious interview and my former employer's final notice that my request did not warrant an exemption. The priest said in his homily about Francis of Assissi, "when you do what God tells you, people will reject you. Do it anyway." Thank you all who do God's work by revealing the truth of what was known and not known. God's will be done.

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You're courage greatly inspired me.

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Thank you and God bless you. God continues to guide me and stand with me. He has been in the courtroom with me. Twice, they have filed motions to dismiss, twice, the court has rejected. God's will be done as my case continues to progress.

“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. 32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. Matthew 10:26-33

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Praying for you!

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Amen. This is true and we have to stand up to fight for humanity. 🙏❤️

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I have said this from the beginning, not to mention risks with medications!!!

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Great synopsis. Can't believe we have been waking up to this engineered genocide every morning for over three years. Those of us who knew and warned in early 2020 or before have also paid a heavy price. And yet there is a whole blinded contingent of humanity who doesn't know.

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Dr David E. Martin addressed the European Union Parliament Covid Summit last week. his 21 minute presentation was the most eye-opening damnation of Pfizer, because there no study or published medical evidence or information proving vaccines provide any protection for ANY Coronavirus, whatsoever.

If you'd like the video and transcript, I've made them both available here:



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Tim, do you have his presentation with citations? I bought the "book" from Amazon but I found it to be poor printing quality and miniscule print. His presentation had so much important data but I would like the source documents. Thanks for any help.

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Pfizer; 2020/21 'COMIRNITY' BNT162b2 (COVID-19 mRNA [NOT] vaccine); OZtopia (Australia).

For ALL of the PRE 'Fully Informed' - 'JAB' recipients, in case YOU/EWE Missed 'THE Memo', OR cannot 'Access' the SDS [1]. THIS IS the Info on 'Attachment A' DIRECT from Pfizer, Titled ;

'Important Information for Health Providers and Consumers.' Please note, ALL of the Capital letters on this advice ARE from 'Attachment A'. Begin;



* This vaccine is new and experimental and has not been fully validated for safety and efficacy. [2]

* This vaccine has not been safety tested for medium term and long term side-effects.

* This vaccine has not been tested for genetic impacts.

* If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, immune compromised, otherwise ill, frail, taking other medications, or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you should not take this vaccine.


* This vaccine may not prevent infection or give long lasting protection against infection.

* This vaccine may not prevent viral transmission.

* This vaccine will not reduce symptoms.

* Before taking this vaccine, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits against the risks associated with infections, including mortality and morbidity data [3].

* You should carefully consider whether the vaccine is right for you in all circumstances.

SO, IS THIS what was Told to the Population @ large PRE being 'Jabbed'?= Rhetorical.

This info, as also referred to in Original Product SDS - (Released Prior to 'Attachment A'), WAS KNOWN to the OZtopian TGA/ THE MEDICAL INSTITUTES ( Doherty Groups who's 'Members' form ATAGI & other advisory bodies of the Land, PLUS, Chief Medical Officers of Government (STATE AND FEDERAL), THE AMA, & 'SCIENCE' Groups such as The CSIRO, AND ALL the afore mentioned 'Health Providers', AND Pharmacies, AND BROAD SPECTRUM CORPORATES - Including Banking/Retail/Resources AND Especially 'INSURANCE' Groups ( Who 'TRACK' statistical data, to stay ahead of the 'Negative Investment Curve Ball')! THE 'Ignorance Card', IS NOT A PDF ( Plausible Deniability Factor)!!


[1] SDS - Safety Data Sheet = ALL are 'Product Specific'!

[2] SO! At this 'Point' from the Product Manufacturers DIRECT, HOW, BY ANY METRIC, CAN Govt OR the Other Groups mention, 'Coin' - 'SAFE AND EFFECTIVE'?? = THEY CAN'T!!!

[3] CATCH 22 = HOW can the 'Peasants' ( Middle Classes - the MAIN 'Target OF Destruction' - I'd use 'Decimation', but I think the Target 'Ratios' were Expectant of MUCH HIGHER than 1;10), cont'd - HOW can the Peasants, 'Access' Mortality & Morbidity Data, PURPOSEFULLY 'Hidden/ Destroyed or REBADGED' - BEFORE making a Balanced/Informed 'CHOICE' - 'ILLEGAL Mandates' by THE STATE, Not Inclusive!

Wellness to the UNIFIED US!

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I wonder if the millions of third-world invaders that our government is importing are being forced to get “the jabs”....?

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NO THEY ARE NOT! - This IS Global! U.S/ U.K/ Europe. They, the 'Immigrants', are 'Bussed - Relocated'/ Fed/Provisioned/ 'Monied'/ Housed/ Health Supported [Physical - Mental]/Schooled where necessary. THE U.S. is even 'Emptying' Local Schools & Shelters of 'eCONomically Challenged' U.S. CITIZENS, FOR the 'Immigrants' - NO incarcerations. NO 'Security Checks' of 'Illegal' or 'Wanted Felons', NO 'Jabs' Proof required - NOR 'Mandated' !

THE RUB; THE U.S Various Citizen States, who Forcefully 'Required/ Mandated' CONVID-19 'Jabs' { AND the 'Individual INDEPENDENT Middle Classes', Individual - Family- Business 'Attached' Financial/Social/Mental/Physical /Support Vaporisations/ ABUSES & LOSSES therein 'FALLOUTS'), AND ARE part of The C 40 Cities Program[ Check C40 Cities. Maybe Check ANTIFA 'Active' cities in 'Overlay' - Just as a thought) - ARE some of the SAME States 'Bussing in' the Immigrants - NO 'Jabs' required! = EURO Zones Ditto for African 'Migrants'! ( The other 'Issue' as covered by Mexi/U.S. Border 'Crossings' - Import Crime/ Child abuses AND - The amount of SINGLE, Military aged Males [Euro SAME!].


I Wonder IF, 'THEY'LL' Bus in 'Immigrants' to CLEAN OUT - Sorry, = CLEAN UP Maui? = They'll have to 'Relocate' FEMA first, who are STILL trying to 'BLOW' their U.S.$ 29 BILLION Annual Budget for ZERO 'Outcomes', via 'Housing Agents' in 5>6 Star Hotels, AFTER, the same Hotels 'Evicted' the Local Maui Victims! Philosophically, perhaps Tragedy IS, just one big Merry Go Round of WASTED RESOURCE! - Maui/ Syria/ Libya/Greece/ Gaza - WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOUR PLIGHT BROTHERS AND SISTERS! - THE Planetary 'ROGUE STATES', may be 'Reminded' soon, of Self Inflicted Arrogances!

Wellness to the UNIFIED US!

Wellness to Ongoing Individual Spiritual developments.

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all planned theatrics , so many movies> one came today thats from 1978 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMSQ5yabSfk

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They told my mom to get her COVID booster and flu vaccine at the same time (and she was already on immunosuppressants for an autoimmune condition ). Within a month she was hospitalized...4 hospitalizations and she’s dead. I diagnosed what all the medical professionals missed....sudden onset myasthenia gravis (no previous diagnosis) and the process/symptoms she suffered from were described by McCullough et al in their paper on the impact of the jabs on the innate immune system.

While I diagnosed her properly (confirmed by test results), the medical profession has dehydrated and starved her under a “stroke” diagnosis to the point she went into cardiac arrest due to dehydration before treatment for MG commenced. She had been in the hospital for 10 days. They did not even put a pic line in for more than a week....just sat around wringing their hands about COVID (she never tested positive for COVID).

I wonder how many stories there are that are like my mothers? How many elderly or immunocompromised died due to misdiagnosis and being starved/dehydrated and/or neglected to the point of death or significant life altering disability.

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Laura. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m afraid our healthcare system needs totally dismantling as well as our government.


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ACTually 'MIS/DISmantling' ANY EXISTING 'System', IS a waste of Resources & Energy! - WHAT, are you 'expecting' to achieve? Only ONE, infected apple in a Completely NEW barrel, WILL, inevitably 'Affect' the NEO WHOLE!

Save your energies/ Coin, & invest in a NEO Pristine model of Moral / spiritual - Co Operative, like Minded Holistic Visionary CitiZens - But 'Grounded & Practical' on this Plane! Leave the 'infected Systems' to their Inevitable 'Self Inflicted' demise!


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So sorry for your loss 🥲😞

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OMG I'm crying reading your story. They got to my mom too. And she lied to me about it but her health to a sudden turn for the worse at only 62, 3 hospitalizations and she's dead too for the exact reasons you stated. I found her unconscious on a Saturday morning and she was able to wake up but didn't know what the hell was happening, I brought her to my house and called my best friend who's a curse to come over and she diagnosed a stroke right away, but it had been too long since I found her and she couldn't sit still so I chose to keep her at home bc I knew they would kill her if I took her in. Well the next day she was more back to herself but still very sick and asked to go to the ER. so I listened to her, they diagnosed stroke as well but lied to me about it. She recovered fairly quickly and went to rehab 2 days before she was to be released to home, her own MOTHER took her a pack of nasty cigarettes @!! Within hours she had a massive heart attack and the rushed her to the hospital. By the time j got there she was already placed in a vent and I kept asking everyone WHY THE HECK SHE WAS VENTED, THEY REFUSED TO ANSWER UNTIL ONE LADY AN NP SAID MY MOM REQUESTED IT!!! bull crap my mom had COPD

that's against protocols pre covid. They kept her in the vent for 2 weeks before they did the quadruple by pass. Then when they finally let her wake up, she was basically a paraplegic they had her strapped to a chair but would say to my family oh yeah she's sitting up on her own!! She couldn't move to scratch her nose much less. They killed her. It was the most horrible thing I've ever had to witness. And her death certificate said she died from Hypoxia, meaning she suffocated to death. It's been awful. My heart goes out to you in every way.

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I am so so so very sorry for your loss. It is devastating to know that our loved ones needlessly suffered due to the lies of public health officials and then were sorely neglected and mistreated by doctors who blindly and often arrogantly ignored signs that something was amiss. It is unforgivable. I pray you can find some peace. We must seek justice...and I believe part of that is speaking plainly and freely to the experiences we and our loved ones endured. Some of the most difficult moments since my mom’s passing have happened when friends or acquaintances have essentially told me that my mom could not have died how she did because Fauci et al said so...”safe and effective”. And so my grief and experience would be routinely invalidated and ignored as a figment of my imagination...even though her death certificate has the diagnosis I made on it and the records also indicate that the doctor’s attempt to vent her led to card it an arrest due to dehydration. It has been hard to have had the loss and then be labeled a conspiracy theorist as you try to grieve what happened.

My heart goes out to you. I hope at the very least my mom’s story and my sharing it validates the horror of what you endured. And I pray that if helps you to know you are not alone. Stay strong and soldier on. Our mothers deserve that. God bless. Hugs to you.

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I am so sorry. I hope you sue for malpractice resulting in death and that there are attorney’s reading this who will assist you. It seems that hospitals are not treating people purposefully, resulting in their deaths. Many people comment on dehydration and lack of food while in hospital for emergency care or surgery, many die. Since when have doctors and nurses deliberately followed non-treatment protocols so their patients succumb!! Shameful evil abounds in the so-called medical ‘profession’...

Read Naomi Wolf’s essay about nearly dying from lack of treatment of acute appendicitis in New York, with no hydration, food, or surgery until her husband finally raised holy hell and she was operated on (see Substack: the Outspoken Naomi Wolf) several days after admittance. Could this be a ploy for greater reimbursement due to longer hospitalizations despite the very real risk of death? Never leave your loved one alone in a hospital, have a family member of friend with them continually. If they do not treat, find another hospital and have them moved!! Rent a wheelchair and take a cab if you have to. It can be life and death.

Personally, from the testimonies I have read, you must be very careful and watchful about all treatments, medications, or lack of treatment in any hospital in the USA. May God Protect and Bless you all.

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