I wonder what the financial incentive was - maybe still is - for doctors per injection. I've lost count of the number of voicemail messages from my "medical team" urging me to get jabbed. I haven't - and I should say former "medical team."

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Articles on the bribes and/or coercion most appreciated. Carrot and stick, carrot and stick...

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I am now on page 154 of "Turtles All the Way Down." I am simply aghast at what I have already read, starting with learning that "vaccine development research" is a slipshod, incompetent, utterly dishonest fraud and has been, ever since "vaccine development research" began over a century ago – and that the Medical Profession, that we've been inculcated to hold in such reverence and awe – has scarcely evolved from the days of leeches, cauterization and blood-letting.

Or, come to think of it, "lobotomy."

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I agree with what you said above and have read works written by doctors 50 and 100 years ago - doctors such as Eleanor McBean. I looked up "Turtles All The Way Down", all I could find was a kids novel. Please email me link if you can dougplumb123@gmail.com

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I have the book next to me. I am afraid to start it because we can not unread what has happened. I intend to read every page but it is a little scary to start…

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My advice to you is "Start Reading." Also RFK jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci": You have an obligation to yourself to be adequately informed.

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ALL GOVT in Canaduhhhhhh is controlled by the Khazarian Mafia.

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This may interest you:

"Darkest Before Dawn" - https://odysee.com/@ashalogos:92/Darkest-Before-the-Dawn:b

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Bribing us to take a deathshot with our own tax dollars. That takes supreme hubris.

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Ronnie is amazing.

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Please note Ontario health is not the official Ministry of health it is a parallel organization paid for by Bill Gates and his WHO. The name looks the same he just rearranged the words to confuse and confound.

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The entire health system been taken over by the Globalists a long time ago together with all the political parties and government agencies

Public Health Agency Of Canada Created As Branch Of WHO; Bill C-12 PHAC Act


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First of all, how many doctors are actually in their offices ? I haven't seen a regular doctor since 2017 but apparently she still gets payment for my not even seeing her- all fact checking appreciated . As for the group therapy in order to want an experimental drug injected , how is that not unlike those Uighur reeducation camps in China ? Young trudeau's love of China's dictatorship seems to be obvious to me on many levels.

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Mar 9, 2022
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What you quoted puts virology about on a par with little kids making mud pies.

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