Thank you for this work!

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spoiler: second half horrific as first, antichrist all the worse.

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Great content

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Interesting videos, hadn't seen any of them before, there's just too much information out there to be able to digest it all. Will be linking this tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Thanks for sharing!!

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I just signed up for nothingnewunderthesun2016.com

I’ve never seen it before and it’s wonderful with so many articles, links, information, and many sites that I’ve seen before but it’s all together in one place . Thank you for posting the link.

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Hope you view it daily. I try to link things that I feelare relevant!!!

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I've watched "I, pet, goat II" twice. The imagery is astounding. I can't say I totally understand it all, but the fact Christ is in the final scene, going toward the light, is reassuring. The children, shown as half-brain dead, are a good reminder of why I am still here. I am going to watch the other videos (interpretations) tomorrow with a fresh head. I can't do so tonight, and still hope for a peaceful sleep.

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this thing with the eye on forehead is the Antichrist which ( Brenda explains in first video) will deceive many who will think it is Christ.

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Yes, I watched both of her videos and caught the eye with the still shot.

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I did watch the NWO in the Last days last night. That was very interesting, and although I knew bits and pieces, it was certainly a big coming together of the pieces of the puzzle. I just watched the "interpretation video." I needed that, as after two passes through yesterday, I still missed 75%. E.g., all-seeing eye on Christ's forehead. Here is my question. The author speaks that this is the enemy's version of revelation. I don't quite follow that (although after I watched it the first time, I did feel that I needed "cleansing" and said a quick prayer of protection). But some of it appears a warning? Also, she speaks of the great blood sacrifice "next spring." As the video was made in 2020, this makes me think of the C19 gene therapeutic roll-out, and that the shots were "approved" for teens last spring (2021).

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Crazy, good interview...The SHADOWY Origins of Klaus Schwab and the WEF w/Journalist Johnny Vedmore.......talks about Bill Gates, Pierre Trudeau, Teresa May, Kissinger and others, too......scary as sh*!t.........https://rumble.com/v181vkh-the-shadowy-origins-of-klaus-schwab-and-the-wef-wjournalist-johnny-vedmore.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=3

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Jun 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I enjoyed hearing your voice on fakeologist podcast. Loved the name fakeologist too. I am trying to help reduce chaos but not be too serious about this world situation in order not to push people away. Your words helped me see it with a new light.cheers.

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RemovedDec 18, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry
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🙏🏼 ❤️

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Its not Christ. Please watch Brenda's videos

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And now that I better understand, there is some irony there too!

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I wondered about that after I posted. I will do so tomorrow. I need a fresh head to better interpret that montage of imagery!

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