The current invasion of the US southern border is being facilitated by DHS's Mayorkas, a converso Jew of Spanish origin, and by the Catholic charities operating on both sides of the border. Bergoglio is probably a converso descendant, as he is a Jesuit, I think all Jesuits may be. Sotomayor on SCOTUS is. Christofero Columbo was never Italian, but another Spanish converso. In 1493 he returned to the Caribbean with a flotilla of conversos to found the plantations there. The Catholics changed the day of the week for worship from the Sabbath to Sunday, the day of Sol Invictus. They changed some feasts of the Lord into pagan worship feasts, such as Easter and Christmas as stand-ins for Passover and Dedication Day. They also changed the 10 Commandments, dropping #2, the proscription against worshipping images, and split the last into two parts, both covering coveting.

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In this short article notice the video close to the bottom from FT on populism at Davos. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/populism-democracy-must-be-terminated/

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Excellent article, and great synchronicity with me. My husband and I watched a documentary about Sitting Bull last night. Sitting Bull in his own words, read by the narrator, extolled the arrival of "Black Robe," a papal representative who was a Jesuit, onto their already decreasing lands after losing much to the US government. Sitting Bull claimed to be enamored by "Black Robe" and his promises of fulfilling the Lakota Tribe's (and other local tribes') demands to remain on their sacred lands but with the support of the US government, since the army soldiers had killed off the buffalo and trashed the land.

"Black Robe" — with his highly trained psychological manipulation — persuaded Sitting Bull to go on tour with Buffalo Bill in his New York City musical show. It is clear to me that Sitting Bull became enchanted by the limelight and adoring fans, and — despite using his earnings to give to the city's poor — he essentially sold his soul and the soul of the entire tribe for fame and accolades. This is what the black magicians (especially the Jesuits) are best at: Using their projections to target the ego, then getting the individual man or woman (or child) to trade their Divinity for material glory, while the evil ones steal the precious soul energy being fed in an endless positive feedback loop back into their projections.

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