It's still not safe for the unborn babies and never will be. Wonder how long it will take them to collect the data showing massive harm from this? As long as it took them with thalidomide?

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That data will never be collected. Any data that suggests any vaccination is questionable will be destroyed.

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Plus they just proved it's a lie that vaccines don't cross the placental barrier and thus are safe...they just outed themselves.

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The Norwegian health authorities are doing what they are told to by the WHO, the WEF, et al.

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You mad scientists can take your f*cked up fake jabs and go to bloody hell with them all.

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My granddaughter is pregnant and they try to give her an injection of some sort every time she goes to the Dr. She and I have talked and she will never take a vaccine of any sort.

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How she trusts a medical staff that’s clearly trying to kill her and her baby, I cannot fathom.

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It's why I always go with her. And even through her delivery. She has to have a physician to deliver her baby. I am a nurse so I can make sure of her care.

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What Kelly !!😮

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It is ok. I am always with her.

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Great 👍🏼🙌🏼💞

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Absolutely awful and highly dangerous! They should not be at all, full stop. I just hope & pray these pregnant mothers will be wise enough to resist & say no, and of course if their babies get to come to term & be born to shelter & protect them from such harmful genocidal genetic nano bioweapons of ultimately damage through disability and death. 😢😟

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The only thing these medical retards are safeguarding is future diseases and death.

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Parents need to say NO. Do research and see why these vaccines are poison, especially to pregnant mothers and infants/fetuses. No vaccine can be proven safe or effective.

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Doctors tell women not to smoke, drink, eat certain foods, or change kitty litter.

But injecting them with poison is OK.

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good observation, Kathleen! So true!

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The world needs too unite and stop these heathens.

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Pretty soon they may have us take a jab before baby making commences.

Sounds silly doesn’t it. !!!

So did the rest of this foolishness not so long ago.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

When are people collectively going to admit, vaccines cause SIDS?

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

SIDS SADS same needle! Sheep don’t care though! Keep repeating the same bs line vaccines save lives and they lap it up!

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Jesus... they are now infecting unborn babies with the Morgellons Bio Tech straight through the mothers blood stream because what is in her blood already isn't a strong enough mix to ensure the baby is connected to the grid & manipulated even before its taken its first breath.... Domestic Terrorism.

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It’s all Abortionland now. And guess what? We’re the despised, dehumanized “fetuses” they’re aiming to kill.

So many refused to speak out on the Holocaust of the Preborn. 64 million plus in the US alone, but so few even cared. Some laughed and considered it problem solving. So no one today should be surprised their silence equals their death. You reap what you sow.

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Spot on !!! You really hit the heart of this move !!

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Those murderers learned nothing from Thalidomide and DES.

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I have a profound understanding of what you mean. But what I don't understand is why most Substack writers, if not all, tend to present their essays in a doom and gloom manner, never offering any solutions to the ordeal. On rare occasions, good people like Derrick Broze and Paul Cudenec offer glimpses of solutions. French activist Florian Philippot also sheds light on what should be done to stop all this. Do we have to let these malicious individuals continue to harm others?

Summary of Issues Affecting My Ph.D. Completion: Violation of Academic Freedom: These actions represent a concerted attack on academic integrity and freedom of expression; Ideological Censorship: The pervasive influence of "woke" and DEI ideologies created a hostile environment for intellectual diversity. You may find it helpful to read my complete interview: https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy?


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Why present this as reality? Big Pharma or the death cult is just making a big announcement re their future plans that may never come to pass in Norway - a sound bite to engender fear in the masses. Why b cause the talking heads see this as their role- substack is a money driven operation that must meet the needs of their readers and has become a way of living for these authoritarian types. If you read substack realize there are many writers who present info with no solutions - see Mark Crispin Miller’s announcements column re rich and famous dying suddenly or suffering with horrid diseases- never states but implies this is vax related. This is abuse via exploiting these people while never directly stating what the cause may be- speculative journalism. Puke. Rethink what you are willing to support. What is the response to manipulative journalism? Stop reading it.

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Agreed. Some instill fear, while others avoid stating the facts.

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I would say that the most important question is - Do the governments and corporations intend to force these marvelous new Frankenshots on their citizens? If we begin to see any indication of coercion, then we must collectively say "No" while we still can.

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As easy as this all is for me

It still comes down to a life

Wishing everyone was smarter.

How dumb is that ?


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"immunising?" No it's not. The only thing being immunized against is health.

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