Yap...And if some groups, movements, no movements, organizations, experts in evetything, health/freedom fighters are saying that they want to reform the medical system and the main point of this reform is not the fact that humanity, all beings on the planet earth DO NOT NEED ANY vaccines, this nightmare will never end. Sensitive subject, isn't it.
I follow your work Lioness of Judah. However you may not “like“ my comment.
Your statement :
“ I am not an anti-vaxer, I am only against experimental Covid mRNA jabs, but I trust traditional vaccines. Traditional vaccines have been around for a long time, they are thoroughly tested and licensed by the FDA”.
This is very discrediting to you and disgusting to those of us ALL who read this substack.
However, I myself used to say the same thing to be politically correct and to let others think I am “normal” too.
We should All be Anti-Vax because we all know the shots are poison to all humans. It gives them patients for life from the maladies vaxxes cause.
I survived the ones I received, even the measles combination one that gave me leg paralysis for 2 weeks in grade school. My guilt ridden mother even later told me I had had German measles. So I can remember havin chicken pox but not measles, eh Mom? It is hard for mothers to admit to vaccine injuries they allowed to happen. They are fooled also by the people wearing white coats too. Until they aren’t, usually too late.
You have a fairly large platform and audience. You should pay attention not just to this comment, but everyone on this board, cause we are all saying the same thing and RETRACT your foolish statement.
Aside from this, keep up your excellent work Lioness.
"We all heard the common sentiment: “ I am not an anti-vaxer, I am only against experimental Covid mRNA jabs, but I trust traditional vaccines. Traditional vaccines have been around for a long time, they are thoroughly tested and licensed by the FDA”.
Read all. He did't say about himself but about a lot others (most of the doctors for example) who are anti this one now, not having problems with the rest of the vaccines.
The one good thing about all this coming to light is that it seems to be finally opening people’s eyes to the fact that Big Pharma has been an enemy of the people for a long time.
I'm 78 and hear where you're coming from Mark. 'Medicine' has become a 'vehicle' for profit! Since the turn of the century, Big Pharma has realised the enormous profits that can be made from 'MODIFYING' diseases and using their medicines to extend these diseases. Fauci got on the bandwagon early and reaped the enormous benefits with his Gain of Function 'tailored diseases'.
Medicines, particularly injections they try to pass off as VACCINES, have caused massive increases in Autism and other more profitable illnesses. I believe these increasing illnesses are 'designer' health problems, created for massive markets and the profits the makers enjoy.
I believe Big Pharma's slogan should be "THERE'S NO PROFIT IN HEALTHY PEOPLE! Join the dots!
So who has the PATENT on Lyme Disease? The CDC, The WHO, Pfizer, Moderna, The WEF's 'New World Order'?
Apparently, The CDC has just PATENTED EBOLA! It 'was' (IS) illegal to PATENT a LIVING ORGANISM just in case the 'evil' PATENTEE decided to MODIFY the illness for PROFIT! But, if you can make money from modifying such illnesses before releasing them upon the unsuspecting and gullible public, apparently that's OK?
Surely they won't miss the next scamdemic opportunity?
No to the covert World Health Organisation 'TREATY' because the, financially CORRUPTED, WHO is now part of the WEF's 'New World Order' con and 'takeover' plan.
NO LIABILITY will be a condition that all Governments will be forced to accept in order to be conned out of billions of $£$£$£$£'s for more USELESS and DEADLY 'CURES', they still call "VACCINES".
Ivermectin works! I've got mine but won't need to use it until the next man-made health Emergency because of my healthy diet, my vitamin D intake from sunshine, my active lifestyle and my avoidance of the Big Pharma cons that create more illnesses than they cure!
I’m 69 years old. All through my childhood, and in my first 12 years of school, I NEVER heard of, or observed, anything like ADHD or even autism! I did get the flu pretty bad in 4th grade (1964) for about two weeks, long before the flu vaccine appeared! I honestly don’t recall it before, and not until my last two years of high school when the “swine flu” hit the MSM of the time. Also, I never knew, or even heard of asthma. Of course, perhaps I was simply unaware. However, before you conclude that is the case, ask others of my generation. I have, and I am not alone in those observations. Kids back in my day were really quite healthy stock! So, the vaccine information provided herein is both shocking and angering in me! The chemicals and outright poisons included in vaccines should upset all of us! Back when we were raising families, working, and continuing education, we had very little R&R time, and no such thing as the wild arrays of technology available to us today to wake us to all the medical issues we took at face value from the general medical community! I sincerely regret that we were complacent in the past.
What data is available on the so called vaccines shows that they saw results that were detrimental for human injection but they hid everything and were saying the vaxes are safe and effective. I have not trusted the medical injury since young age as I saw people developing problems with various vaccines as I grew up I realized at that time that something was wrong.
Humanity is being phased out of existence by the deep state. We are being lead to our destruction if we do not wake up and unite as a people. If we are to survive and destroy these Satanists we must take back AMERICA and Make AMERICA Great Again.
Do not say any vaccines are safe!! They have never been tested properly. All the trials were manipulated!! They have been poisoning our children! Do more research on this! Read the book. Turtles all the way down!!
Agree. I made the mistake of taking the flu vaccine three years in a row in the mid-90’s because my employer offered them to all the employees! It was the sickest I had ever been and I was sick as a dog each year I took them! So I got the flu three times a year until I quit it and have never had it again! I would say I am not anti-vax knowing what I know and how dangerous they all are. I will never trust any doctor or nurse again who pushes any vax!
Same here, I had to take the flu shot for a few years to ‘protect’ my heart transplant husband. I got the flu every year, he didn’t. He passed away 15 years ago, I stopped getting the flu shots & every other shot & I haven’t had even a cold in 15 years. I take my Vit D + K2, liposomal Vit C, Quercetin w/ zinc, Tumeric & a few different supplements here & there. I’m 78 & very healthy.
No, they won’t. Of course most don’t question, so unless they do how will they ever find the information. Head in the sand & please don’t bother me with your conspiracy theories.
SIDS is vaccine caused. Look up it's origin as a "diagnosis" and the implementation of "baby shots." They are identical. Kinda like "SADS" and Covid Injections.
Furthermore, Japan stopped vaccinating before the age of 2 and "SIDS" evaporated.
It's the vaccines. 97% of the time "SIDS" deaths occur within one week of the vaccination.
YEP! I have been screaming about that Hep B shot for awhile. They are so freaken concerned the new baby could have Hep B. I have never seen a newborn play with needles or hang out on a street corner doing drugs. If they are that concerned then test the Mother. However they won't do that. The hospital vulture comes in a New Mom's hospital room saying to the the exhausted new Mom that it is mandated by law they have to give the new born baby a Hep B shot. This does two things. It makes sure the new Mom never knows their child without having poison in it, and it gets the new exhausted Mom used to the idea that it is normal to inject foreign substances into her child so she will be less likely to object later on to more.
I feel bad for the young Mothers and babies that haven't learned yet to have a healthy distrust to the doctors they see. To take what they hear with a grain of salt as most doctors today only had a Rockerfeller education. A Rockerfeller doctor education is in the best interest of a Rockerfeller, not the patient.
Why should vaccines be held until over 2 years old. It seems to me they should be eradicated altogether & put in the dustbin of history. All of them. I haven’t seen any evidence that even one is beneficial to anyone at any age.
Yap...And if some groups, movements, no movements, organizations, experts in evetything, health/freedom fighters are saying that they want to reform the medical system and the main point of this reform is not the fact that humanity, all beings on the planet earth DO NOT NEED ANY vaccines, this nightmare will never end. Sensitive subject, isn't it.
I follow your work Lioness of Judah. However you may not “like“ my comment.
Your statement :
“ I am not an anti-vaxer, I am only against experimental Covid mRNA jabs, but I trust traditional vaccines. Traditional vaccines have been around for a long time, they are thoroughly tested and licensed by the FDA”.
This is very discrediting to you and disgusting to those of us ALL who read this substack.
However, I myself used to say the same thing to be politically correct and to let others think I am “normal” too.
We should All be Anti-Vax because we all know the shots are poison to all humans. It gives them patients for life from the maladies vaxxes cause.
I survived the ones I received, even the measles combination one that gave me leg paralysis for 2 weeks in grade school. My guilt ridden mother even later told me I had had German measles. So I can remember havin chicken pox but not measles, eh Mom? It is hard for mothers to admit to vaccine injuries they allowed to happen. They are fooled also by the people wearing white coats too. Until they aren’t, usually too late.
You have a fairly large platform and audience. You should pay attention not just to this comment, but everyone on this board, cause we are all saying the same thing and RETRACT your foolish statement.
Aside from this, keep up your excellent work Lioness.
"It gives them patients for life from the maladies vaxxes cause." - yup, except of cases of death, but this might be covered by insurance?
"We all heard the common sentiment: “ I am not an anti-vaxer, I am only against experimental Covid mRNA jabs, but I trust traditional vaccines. Traditional vaccines have been around for a long time, they are thoroughly tested and licensed by the FDA”.
Read all. He did't say about himself but about a lot others (most of the doctors for example) who are anti this one now, not having problems with the rest of the vaccines.
Yep, my bad. I’m aware I jumped the gun before I re read. But thanks for noticing.
I totally agree with you. I am a 100% antivaxer. We have no sickness in my family already thirty years as a result.
I think I should qualify this statemen....We are also anti pharma.
We don't take meds of any kind, for any reason, at any time.
Bot should get their Boosters now b4 they run out.
The one good thing about all this coming to light is that it seems to be finally opening people’s eyes to the fact that Big Pharma has been an enemy of the people for a long time.
They have withheld off patent cancer cures from us. https://open.substack.com/pub/fastwell/p/an-odd-cure-for-incurable-cancer?r=1mvilc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
They have poisoned us with mental health drugs that often make us worse. https://open.substack.com/pub/fastwell/p/how-one-harvard-doc-is-astonishing?r=1mvilc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
They have made statins the most widely prescribed drug when the side effects are devastating and the benefits unlikely. https://open.substack.com/pub/fastwell/p/statins-detrimental-to-health-you?r=1mvilc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
They have hidden the simple cure for type 2 diabetes from the public. https://open.substack.com/pub/fastwell/p/an-open-letter-on-curing-type-2-diabetes?r=1mvilc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
Yes, they have wanted to depopulate the earth for some time.
I'm 78 and hear where you're coming from Mark. 'Medicine' has become a 'vehicle' for profit! Since the turn of the century, Big Pharma has realised the enormous profits that can be made from 'MODIFYING' diseases and using their medicines to extend these diseases. Fauci got on the bandwagon early and reaped the enormous benefits with his Gain of Function 'tailored diseases'.
Medicines, particularly injections they try to pass off as VACCINES, have caused massive increases in Autism and other more profitable illnesses. I believe these increasing illnesses are 'designer' health problems, created for massive markets and the profits the makers enjoy.
I believe Big Pharma's slogan should be "THERE'S NO PROFIT IN HEALTHY PEOPLE! Join the dots!
So who has the PATENT on Lyme Disease? The CDC, The WHO, Pfizer, Moderna, The WEF's 'New World Order'?
Apparently, The CDC has just PATENTED EBOLA! It 'was' (IS) illegal to PATENT a LIVING ORGANISM just in case the 'evil' PATENTEE decided to MODIFY the illness for PROFIT! But, if you can make money from modifying such illnesses before releasing them upon the unsuspecting and gullible public, apparently that's OK?
Surely they won't miss the next scamdemic opportunity?
No to the covert World Health Organisation 'TREATY' because the, financially CORRUPTED, WHO is now part of the WEF's 'New World Order' con and 'takeover' plan.
NO LIABILITY will be a condition that all Governments will be forced to accept in order to be conned out of billions of $£$£$£$£'s for more USELESS and DEADLY 'CURES', they still call "VACCINES".
Ivermectin works! I've got mine but won't need to use it until the next man-made health Emergency because of my healthy diet, my vitamin D intake from sunshine, my active lifestyle and my avoidance of the Big Pharma cons that create more illnesses than they cure!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
I’m 69 years old. All through my childhood, and in my first 12 years of school, I NEVER heard of, or observed, anything like ADHD or even autism! I did get the flu pretty bad in 4th grade (1964) for about two weeks, long before the flu vaccine appeared! I honestly don’t recall it before, and not until my last two years of high school when the “swine flu” hit the MSM of the time. Also, I never knew, or even heard of asthma. Of course, perhaps I was simply unaware. However, before you conclude that is the case, ask others of my generation. I have, and I am not alone in those observations. Kids back in my day were really quite healthy stock! So, the vaccine information provided herein is both shocking and angering in me! The chemicals and outright poisons included in vaccines should upset all of us! Back when we were raising families, working, and continuing education, we had very little R&R time, and no such thing as the wild arrays of technology available to us today to wake us to all the medical issues we took at face value from the general medical community! I sincerely regret that we were complacent in the past.
What data is available on the so called vaccines shows that they saw results that were detrimental for human injection but they hid everything and were saying the vaxes are safe and effective. I have not trusted the medical injury since young age as I saw people developing problems with various vaccines as I grew up I realized at that time that something was wrong.
Humanity is being phased out of existence by the deep state. We are being lead to our destruction if we do not wake up and unite as a people. If we are to survive and destroy these Satanists we must take back AMERICA and Make AMERICA Great Again.
Do not say any vaccines are safe!! They have never been tested properly. All the trials were manipulated!! They have been poisoning our children! Do more research on this! Read the book. Turtles all the way down!!
Yes, Deb, and read: "Dissolving Illusions" by Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
I'm so angry. Thanks a lot for your work
ALL vaccines are full of garbage........Stay away from ALL of them!!!!
Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets
Agree. I made the mistake of taking the flu vaccine three years in a row in the mid-90’s because my employer offered them to all the employees! It was the sickest I had ever been and I was sick as a dog each year I took them! So I got the flu three times a year until I quit it and have never had it again! I would say I am not anti-vax knowing what I know and how dangerous they all are. I will never trust any doctor or nurse again who pushes any vax!
Same here, I had to take the flu shot for a few years to ‘protect’ my heart transplant husband. I got the flu every year, he didn’t. He passed away 15 years ago, I stopped getting the flu shots & every other shot & I haven’t had even a cold in 15 years. I take my Vit D + K2, liposomal Vit C, Quercetin w/ zinc, Tumeric & a few different supplements here & there. I’m 78 & very healthy.
I am against all injections, none of you are normal humans.
All these reports are ‘Mind Blowing’, but sure believable now with what’s happening.
Hugest Love❤️🙏Gratitude dear Lioness for bringing Truth out into the open. ❤️🙏🌟
Extremely vital information....facts that need to reach a broad audience but even with that, will the indoctrinated come out of their stupor ??
No, they won’t. Of course most don’t question, so unless they do how will they ever find the information. Head in the sand & please don’t bother me with your conspiracy theories.
Scary shit.
They forecast what is coming and people act surprised at the outcomes. 😵💫
SIDS is vaccine caused. Look up it's origin as a "diagnosis" and the implementation of "baby shots." They are identical. Kinda like "SADS" and Covid Injections.
Furthermore, Japan stopped vaccinating before the age of 2 and "SIDS" evaporated.
It's the vaccines. 97% of the time "SIDS" deaths occur within one week of the vaccination.
Wake up others.
YEP! I have been screaming about that Hep B shot for awhile. They are so freaken concerned the new baby could have Hep B. I have never seen a newborn play with needles or hang out on a street corner doing drugs. If they are that concerned then test the Mother. However they won't do that. The hospital vulture comes in a New Mom's hospital room saying to the the exhausted new Mom that it is mandated by law they have to give the new born baby a Hep B shot. This does two things. It makes sure the new Mom never knows their child without having poison in it, and it gets the new exhausted Mom used to the idea that it is normal to inject foreign substances into her child so she will be less likely to object later on to more.
I feel bad for the young Mothers and babies that haven't learned yet to have a healthy distrust to the doctors they see. To take what they hear with a grain of salt as most doctors today only had a Rockerfeller education. A Rockerfeller doctor education is in the best interest of a Rockerfeller, not the patient.
Why should vaccines be held until over 2 years old. It seems to me they should be eradicated altogether & put in the dustbin of history. All of them. I haven’t seen any evidence that even one is beneficial to anyone at any age.
Yes, I have also started to wonder about SIDS and vaxxes.
"An analysis of three decades of VAERS data found 75% of reported post-vaccination SIDS cases occurred within seven days of childhood shots."
Yes! I thought then, as well since, something doesn’t add up!
Check HOM3OSTASIS website