Thank you Catherine.

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I noticed that St. Kitts and Nevis are not listed in the Deagel report. Does anyone know what the 2025 "prediction" is for this country? Looking at relocation/2nd home options. Are there any other missing countries from this report. Wondering what this means.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Evil eats itself. Three letter agency reports are written by men and women who loathe their bosses. The write bullshit reports for their psychopath bosses and get paid. The bosses wet dream is an 80% reduction in population. Wet dreams don’t make babies. Living men and living women make babies. So yes the employees who can write write fantasy scenarios for their dimwit angry bosses. Megalomaniac satanic ritual survivors are at the top of the central bank currency schemes. A short list of central bank delusions - nuclear bombs are real, man walked on the moon, WTC collapsed from plane strike, Covid is deadly, vaccines save lives. Anyone in the global trauma system has a very hard time escaping. The old Stockholm syndrome. We seek comfort in Satan’s embrace that ends in our deaths. Seek God’s embrace and nature’s truth and nature’s laws and live forever.

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So the question is, what are we to do with our money??

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It's obvious from this map which countries they want to reduce the population. White privilege is looking not so privileged in the map on this site https://nobulart.com/deagel-2025-forecast-resurrected/ Scroll down the page to the world map. Praise Yah we have a saviour and a defender.

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Can't help but thinking if The Powers That Shouldn't Be contrived a population reduction like that, in a time frame like that, the situation "on the ground" would be one of complete chaos and anarchy, people would be eating their dogs and cats -- and each other... Imagine Europe at the height of the Black Death... 🤔

Under those circumstances their control could easily slip from their fingers. But I keep forgetting how evil and crazy they are. 🙄

(7 hours later) And, just possibly, "stupid".

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I will only add that in the bombing of the Federal Building in OKC there was no Ammonium Nitrate used. Eyewitness accounts testify to this, as anyone in the vicinity to a destination of an ammonium nitrate bomb is overcome with breathing difficulties, chemical vapor burns etc. this did not happen in OKC and instead Ammonium Nitrate was the official narrative. Thank you.

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approximately 77% of Americans ALREADY took the C19 fake vaXXXine KILL SHOTS....(98% of US soldiers POISONED)....

the game is already over as all the enemy has to do is wait...tick tock

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Complete and utter uneducated nonsense. Thanks for posting. Now I know to unsubscribe.

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If the Chinese, Russians, or [redacted] want US land, then contaminating the place with nuclear fallout seems less likely than clearing out populations with bioweapons.


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I have been aware of this report for a decade or more. The numbers smack of a nuclear attack. Thankfully, we will have all those freaking nutcase gay helicopter pilots to protect us. Or not. https://twitter.com/coradine/status/1409745001144143876?lang=en

And yes, homosexuality is always, always consistent with the devolution of a culture. They can do what they want in their personal lived, but keep your freaking mitts off our kids, and out of our institutions.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

To be honest, most people I know are too utterly FAT, too morally lazy, too dumbed down, too entitled and could care less. This includes most of my family, and a goodly percentage of the confessing church. Many I have just given up on. E.g., one family member, whom I emailed maybe once every 4 months on Covid, telling about where I have done a 2,300 page paper, 10k footnotes (yes, really), citing folks like Harvard Medical School Martin Kuldorff, Yale Medical SChool Harvey Risch, Johns Hopkins Med school Martin Makary, Stanford Med School, Jay Bhattacharya, PhD and MD, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr, Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, etc etc etc etc etc etc. Also cited Lancet, BMJ, NEJM, etc etc etc

I.e,., this is not some fake news. Sources were always included to verify. You would think he might say "Gee, what did you learn?" from the thousands of hours of work you have done. But you would be wrong. Rather, I got an idiot reply of 'stop emailing me." Yeah... one email every 4 months... but CAN"T countenance the truth for even 30 seconds to read. Last report his fully vaxxed wife was on her second round of serious Covid. His two sons are fully bought into the Deep State vax gambit, love wearing masks, got all the shots, etc. And they are both in the freaking pastorate!! I sent info verifying that aborted fetal material is used or tested with, including screen dumps from internal whistle blowers at Pfizer (I also worked at Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center, where some of the fetal material came from) and they are not interested. Had another guy yell at me in church who ran up to me,not me to him, and demanded to know if I got the shot. I told him the same - long paper,thousands of footnotes, etc. Again, yiou would think he might ask "What did you learn?"; rather, when I replied about the paper I had done,he just turned on his heel and stomped off. Facts cited like:

- The Lancet Infectious Diseases October 2021 — Fully “vaccinated” individuals who develop breakthrough infections have a peak viral load similar to that of unvaccinated people, and efficiently transmit the infection to unvaccinated and “vaccinated” alike in household settings

- The Lancet Preprint — Fully “vaccinated” Vietnamese health care workers who contracted breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta infections had viral loads that were 251 times higher than those found in cases infected with earlier strains. So, the shots do not appear to protect against infection with the Delta strain.

- A July 31, 2021, medRxiv preprint by Riemersma et. al. found no difference in viral loads between unvaccinated people and those “fully vaccinated” who developed breakthrough infections. They also found the Delta variant was capable of “partial escape from polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.

- Eurosurveillance rapid communication, July 2021 — An outbreak of the Delta variant in a hospital in Finland suggested the shots did little to prevent the spread of infection, even among the “vaccinated,” and despite routine use of face masks and other protective equipment.

- Eurosurveillance rapid communication, September 2021 — An upsurge of Delta variant infections in Israel, at a time when more than 55% of the population were “fully vaccinated,” also showed the COVID shots were ineffective against this variant. The infection spread even to those who were fully jabbed AND wore surgical masks.

All the abobve meant nothing to these people. Sadly, much of the church is totally bought into the whole Deep State fasco-Marxism, and just wants to shuffle off on their tidy little, self-absorbed, entitled, wealthy little lives, just like the 'good Germans' did in 1938. Look at pictures of Dresden, 1945 to see how that worked out. And the non-churched people are much, much, MUCH more asleep. At least I find a goodly minority who get it in the church.

I didn't put the links above as they don't paste to substack, but EVERYTHING I do is cited. People are just too intellectually and morally L-A-Z-Y and too interested in their personal peace and prosperity to be interested, and don't want to get their hands dirty. A few who do get it, like one sibling, and didn't get the shot, are still to self-absorbed to actually do anything about it other than tacit assent. Too busy living for their pleasures with all their m-o-n-e-y.

This is NOT going to end well. All the above is sad, but true. I just cannot get people off their Brobdignagian derrieres.

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We Are In The Midst

Of A Chemistry Contest:

Natural Immunity






Spoiler Alert: Bet The Reigning Champion.



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May 28, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Lioness; Just a word to thank you for what you do for all of us; at the very least; those who are open to hearing the truth of matters. God bless.

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May 28, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I really appreciate you bringing this to us. I know that all of the information you write about is important, but this one is crucial. I have known about the Deagel Report but this article sheds light on it in a new and very important way. Thank you for the heads up. You help us to be armed with knowledge.

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