Thank you Catherine.

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I noticed that St. Kitts and Nevis are not listed in the Deagel report. Does anyone know what the 2025 "prediction" is for this country? Looking at relocation/2nd home options. Are there any other missing countries from this report. Wondering what this means.

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Evil eats itself. Three letter agency reports are written by men and women who loathe their bosses. The write bullshit reports for their psychopath bosses and get paid. The bosses wet dream is an 80% reduction in population. Wet dreams don’t make babies. Living men and living women make babies. So yes the employees who can write write fantasy scenarios for their dimwit angry bosses. Megalomaniac satanic ritual survivors are at the top of the central bank currency schemes. A short list of central bank delusions - nuclear bombs are real, man walked on the moon, WTC collapsed from plane strike, Covid is deadly, vaccines save lives. Anyone in the global trauma system has a very hard time escaping. The old Stockholm syndrome. We seek comfort in Satan’s embrace that ends in our deaths. Seek God’s embrace and nature’s truth and nature’s laws and live forever.

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So the question is, what are we to do with our money??

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It's obvious from this map which countries they want to reduce the population. White privilege is looking not so privileged in the map on this site https://nobulart.com/deagel-2025-forecast-resurrected/ Scroll down the page to the world map. Praise Yah we have a saviour and a defender.

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Can't help but thinking if The Powers That Shouldn't Be contrived a population reduction like that, in a time frame like that, the situation "on the ground" would be one of complete chaos and anarchy, people would be eating their dogs and cats -- and each other... Imagine Europe at the height of the Black Death... 🤔

Under those circumstances their control could easily slip from their fingers. But I keep forgetting how evil and crazy they are. 🙄

(7 hours later) And, just possibly, "stupid".

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I will only add that in the bombing of the Federal Building in OKC there was no Ammonium Nitrate used. Eyewitness accounts testify to this, as anyone in the vicinity to a destination of an ammonium nitrate bomb is overcome with breathing difficulties, chemical vapor burns etc. this did not happen in OKC and instead Ammonium Nitrate was the official narrative. Thank you.

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yet another lie...these devil psychopaths have been lying for decades...we just did not know it...what Covid censorship did is they forced us to invent platforms where one could speak the truth...and reveal MANY things that took place for decades...behind the curtains...sinister plans...and we find out that the DOD has been killing their own Americans just to open the door "innocently" to their next step...bunch of deranged evil psychopaths...but they will NOT escape...

(Job 34:20-22) They may die suddenly, in the middle of the night; They shake violently and pass away; Even the powerful are removed, but not by human hands. 21 For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.

I will not shed a tear...hahaha

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approximately 77% of Americans ALREADY took the C19 fake vaXXXine KILL SHOTS....(98% of US soldiers POISONED)....

the game is already over as all the enemy has to do is wait...tick tock

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You’re correct. It’s called 5th Generation Warfare.

Now what are you going to do? Sit on your hands?

Stop crying in your damn beer and get on with it!

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well we have had 10,000+ generations of warfare so IF this was actually 5th generation warfare that would mean the first war was 175-250 years ago and that’s false…nevertheless the solution to WIN the war is the same as all wars since the beginning of time….soldiers on our side need to kill enemies OR the enemies will kill us (they have already poisoned over 5.5 BILLION to kill us for WEFs Great Reset)….

I am a doctor…

not a soldier

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but it seems that everybody forgets that God is still in control...we are his creation...he stopped Nimrod who did far less harm than these deranged evil psychopaths...he will stop Satan and his puppets...it is obvious, Satan who knows his time is almost up is hurrying to prove something to his creator...what an idiot...

(Revelation 12:12) On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”

So it is God's battle not ours...he will fight for us, like he has done many times before

Exodus 14: 13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. 14 The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

but there will be 2 billions people dead before He intervenes, unfortunately

(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

(Revelation 6:8) And I saw, and look! a pale horse, and the one seated on it had the name Death. And the Grave was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.

It is almost over, see you soon on a beach in the restored paradise

(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.

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Fifth-generation warfare is a type of warfare that involves non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems

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We’ll doctor, I suggest you start thinking like a soldier. I’m a fired (forced) deputy.

Welcome to the party pal!


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Complete and utter uneducated nonsense. Thanks for posting. Now I know to unsubscribe.

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time will tell darling...you will find yourself in the same boat as these deranged evil psychopaths...peeing your pants...it is all coming down very soon, buckle up it is going to be a very rough ride, like we never saw before

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This was all published and taken down in 2021... many many people have copies of what was there before it was taken down. This isn't conjecture... this is reality. You need to wake up.

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So, specifically, what parts do you disagree with?

Please provide your counter arguments with supporting documentation.

We really want to learn your side here, Karyne. The more detailed you are in offering evidence refuting the points in this article, the more persuasive readers will find you.

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If the Chinese, Russians, or [redacted] want US land, then contaminating the place with nuclear fallout seems less likely than clearing out populations with bioweapons.


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look up Dr Ana Mihalcea finding thru the lense of her dark field microscope...we are ALL contaminated with these bioweapons, self assembling structures, she has many videos all frightening,


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Yes. Her findings are ominous if correct.

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I have been aware of this report for a decade or more. The numbers smack of a nuclear attack. Thankfully, we will have all those freaking nutcase gay helicopter pilots to protect us. Or not. https://twitter.com/coradine/status/1409745001144143876?lang=en

And yes, homosexuality is always, always consistent with the devolution of a culture. They can do what they want in their personal lived, but keep your freaking mitts off our kids, and out of our institutions.

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May 29, 2023
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Thanks. I still have trouble believing that magnitude of a drop would be organic. But I guess we will see!

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May 29, 2023
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Read: “The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival” -Selco Begovic

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May 30, 2023Edited
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“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” -Sun-Tzu😉

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Thank you. But very respectfully, I still don't see it. ALL of South America is now run by Marxists - Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Peru. Europe is fasco-Marxist. The CCP in China is worse than here, and is vile Trudeau's Canada. Africa? South Africa is also Marxist, and Nigeria is full of violence; Congo is even worse. Maybe Rwanda or Uganda might work. Muslim countries? Bonne chance. Russia might possibly work. Mexico? Have fun with once the cartels come after you. Other than that, there are countries on the margin, like Uruguay, some of the Carribbean islands... and maybe the Kerguelen Islands.

I lived through the Y2K mess, and people were CERTAIN the embedded chips would fail. They didn't. Y2K did have a lot of issues, but most were remediated, interestingly. But all these definite prognostications did not occur. Similarly with rogue planet Nibiru, similarly with Yellowstone blowing up. Now, maybe Deagle is correct. Maybe you are correct. But these guys are not God, and there are all kinds of variables that may not be accounted for. So, for me, I listen to these guys, I listen to you, try to sift things, etc. But they are not the gospel. And while they, or you say, not nuke attack, I still don't see how the number add up (what? a bio attack will end at the border wall with Mexico? Will not make its way to Chile? Possibly this could be a nuke power plant issue.

Still, I listen to everyone. But Deagle might simply be WRONG. Or maybe it is something else, like a genetically based bio attack. Any way once cuts it, preparedness IS a good idea!

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May 30, 2023
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That may well be. But Deagel is not the Gospel. And 340 mm to 80 is more than emigration and urban violence.

We shall certainly be finding out soon enough

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To be honest, most people I know are too utterly FAT, too morally lazy, too dumbed down, too entitled and could care less. This includes most of my family, and a goodly percentage of the confessing church. Many I have just given up on. E.g., one family member, whom I emailed maybe once every 4 months on Covid, telling about where I have done a 2,300 page paper, 10k footnotes (yes, really), citing folks like Harvard Medical School Martin Kuldorff, Yale Medical SChool Harvey Risch, Johns Hopkins Med school Martin Makary, Stanford Med School, Jay Bhattacharya, PhD and MD, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr, Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, etc etc etc etc etc etc. Also cited Lancet, BMJ, NEJM, etc etc etc

I.e,., this is not some fake news. Sources were always included to verify. You would think he might say "Gee, what did you learn?" from the thousands of hours of work you have done. But you would be wrong. Rather, I got an idiot reply of 'stop emailing me." Yeah... one email every 4 months... but CAN"T countenance the truth for even 30 seconds to read. Last report his fully vaxxed wife was on her second round of serious Covid. His two sons are fully bought into the Deep State vax gambit, love wearing masks, got all the shots, etc. And they are both in the freaking pastorate!! I sent info verifying that aborted fetal material is used or tested with, including screen dumps from internal whistle blowers at Pfizer (I also worked at Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center, where some of the fetal material came from) and they are not interested. Had another guy yell at me in church who ran up to me,not me to him, and demanded to know if I got the shot. I told him the same - long paper,thousands of footnotes, etc. Again, yiou would think he might ask "What did you learn?"; rather, when I replied about the paper I had done,he just turned on his heel and stomped off. Facts cited like:

- The Lancet Infectious Diseases October 2021 — Fully “vaccinated” individuals who develop breakthrough infections have a peak viral load similar to that of unvaccinated people, and efficiently transmit the infection to unvaccinated and “vaccinated” alike in household settings

- The Lancet Preprint — Fully “vaccinated” Vietnamese health care workers who contracted breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta infections had viral loads that were 251 times higher than those found in cases infected with earlier strains. So, the shots do not appear to protect against infection with the Delta strain.

- A July 31, 2021, medRxiv preprint by Riemersma et. al. found no difference in viral loads between unvaccinated people and those “fully vaccinated” who developed breakthrough infections. They also found the Delta variant was capable of “partial escape from polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.

- Eurosurveillance rapid communication, July 2021 — An outbreak of the Delta variant in a hospital in Finland suggested the shots did little to prevent the spread of infection, even among the “vaccinated,” and despite routine use of face masks and other protective equipment.

- Eurosurveillance rapid communication, September 2021 — An upsurge of Delta variant infections in Israel, at a time when more than 55% of the population were “fully vaccinated,” also showed the COVID shots were ineffective against this variant. The infection spread even to those who were fully jabbed AND wore surgical masks.

All the abobve meant nothing to these people. Sadly, much of the church is totally bought into the whole Deep State fasco-Marxism, and just wants to shuffle off on their tidy little, self-absorbed, entitled, wealthy little lives, just like the 'good Germans' did in 1938. Look at pictures of Dresden, 1945 to see how that worked out. And the non-churched people are much, much, MUCH more asleep. At least I find a goodly minority who get it in the church.

I didn't put the links above as they don't paste to substack, but EVERYTHING I do is cited. People are just too intellectually and morally L-A-Z-Y and too interested in their personal peace and prosperity to be interested, and don't want to get their hands dirty. A few who do get it, like one sibling, and didn't get the shot, are still to self-absorbed to actually do anything about it other than tacit assent. Too busy living for their pleasures with all their m-o-n-e-y.

This is NOT going to end well. All the above is sad, but true. I just cannot get people off their Brobdignagian derrieres.

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I too have been shouting from the roof top since they rolled out the vaccines...and nobody wants to know...they say "I am listening to conspiracy theorists BS" and I should stop watching all the garbage on social media...because Marik, McCullough, Kory, Ryan Cole, Rashid Buttar, Kary Mullis... are all idiots...what about Luc Montagnier, Noble Prize, and Arne Burkhardt...apparetnly they too are idiots...I heard Dr Peter Breggin, psychiatrist who took the medical association to court in the 70's to stop lobotomies, and he did and he was hated for that, he said he sees in the MRI of the brain of vaxxed people the same damage he saw in lobotomies, holes in the frontal cortex...so should we be surprise if they cannot think any more?

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I’m from Pittsburgh and I suspect Pitt Medical Center is a bit of Satan’s playground. Most of my friends and family are in la la land and I’ve been threatened to be blocked.

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I have worked at UPMC, and you are right. Some of the aborted fetal material we know for a fact came from UPMC.

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and those aborted fetus have to be alive, and they cannot receive painkiller when they extract the cells from their kidney or retina...they are all monsters...just like Dr Mengele,in Hitler Germany. I just read that special unit of the US army was sent to Germany at the end of WWII, (Operation paper clip?) to bring home as many as possible of those scientists...so they were brought to the USA to continue their sick game...only God will fix all our issues and he will avenge us all, nobody will escape

(Job 34:21, 22) For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.

(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”

Sweet...I will not shed one tear! see you all in the restored paradise

(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.

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I always repeat that we must be nonviolent and remain fully within the law . That being said there's an awful lot we can do

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Since much of the law in the US and other countries are corrupt, seems like kind of a bad idea to try to remain fully within these corrupt laws.

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The only thing we have is a belief and faith in God. Pray that satan is sent to the depths of hell for eternity. What we have to do now is put on the Armor of God and follow his guidance.

I only have a few friends that get it. My best friend a highly educated French woman listens but it seems to go in one ear and out the other. There is nothing I can do for her.

I’m hiding out in Chile with my two boys. I’m illegally here and soon without passport. I have a big garden and multiple fruit trees and chickens but not quite enough to live on. I’m in the process of obtaining a firearm very illegally but at least I will put up a little resistance when the satanic hordes come for me. God help my two eldest daughters who are back in the states. With Gods help maybe I can get them here when shit hits the fan.

The few of us that know the truth must stick together.

God help us

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is it not the guy from Argentina who told Klaus Schwab where to go at the WEF meeting...Javier Milei...might be able to ask him for Asyllum?.... what a flipping world...worse than Hitler all over the Globe...

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BTW, we are in South Dakota as I write, checking out moving here. At least better than the fasco-Marxist People's Socialist Dystopia of Venezeullinois outside Chicago where we are now! But yeah, check out Uruguay. Financial writer Doug Casey thinks it is an option. Not sure how bought into the Covid scam they are, but economy is not super correlated with US, very European in immigration history, and not a mess like Argentina or now that Bolsonaro had his election also stolen

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Argentina is Javier Milei, the guy who told Klaus Schwab where to go at the WEF where he had been invited...hahaha

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I was born an raised in Wyoming. South Dakota is a conservative farming country. Good pheasant hunting!!!

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We have rental propertiies in Casper! Thankfully, Cheney was absolutely HAMMERED in the last election, despite her having a MASSIVE number of signs all over the place

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My buddy just moved to Wyoming…ain’t much out there…LOL!

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Mi hermano menor vivi in Chile por diez anos... el trabaje con Caterillar.

Last I read Bachellet the communist was in power. Is she still there?

I understand Uruguay, per Doug Casey is also a good location. Maybe check there?

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No Chile has a new communist president. I feel things will be bad here if there is a downturn in the economy. There are no safety nets such as food banks or welfare. Most people are at the poverty line now and crime is on the rise. I’ve had my pickup broken into and my computer stolen and was robbed by four men with two guns. They didn’t believe I would fight back but I gave em hell and they didn’t get much. Now I sleep with the doors locked with a machete and a can of pepper spray next to me.

Chile is not a threat like the US because they have very few private guns and the people are weak sheep. We had one of the worlds most intense lockdowns where we were only allowed out for three hours, twice a week to buy food or medicine. And you had to have an approved pass from the government stating where you were going and exact times.

That said I have a well and a couple acres land outside of Santiago with many farms and a couple vineyards nearby. Many people don’t have bank accounts so the digital currency is harder to implement here. I’m only here because I have two teen boys. When they graduate I don’t know where we will go.

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I know how you feel ! Boy do I know.

I’ve tried everything to convince my husband but he’s hopeless.

So sad.

I’m fairly convinced that we are helpless

to change peoples minds.

This is a spiritual war and only some of us realize that and have the discernment to know truth from fiction .

I still get angry and deeply frustrated but I think I am ever so gradually accepting the inevitable dismantling of our precious realities . The lesson is perhaps that we learn to die to this world and trust God with it . We are helpless to control any of it or save anyone in it .

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Satan changing our DNA, God genetic code he has put in all our cells...it is such a haughty defiance to our Creator, Satan will soon be removed...

(Revelation 12:12) On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”

so it is war between good and evil between our Creator and the idiot and God will win, it is HIS battle, we just have to "Stand still and see the salvation!"...only (sick enough) 2 billions will die when God intervenes, so a better number than the 7 billions useless eaters they wanting to cull

(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

(Revelation 6:8) And I saw, and look! a pale horse, and the one seated on it had the name Death. And the Grave was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.

it is almost over ...1 billion have died or been severely injured by the j-a-b, add to that number the ones dead in wars and famines...we must be VERY close...get in your interior room and be quiet, it is GOD"S BATTLE...

(Deuteronomy 32:35) Vengeance is mine, and retribution, At the appointed time when their foot slips, For the day of their disaster is near, And what awaits them will come quickly.’

(Romans 12:19) Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay.”

(Hebrews 10:30) For we know the One who said: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.”

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The sad thing is that so many in the church bought into the Big Lie... just like the German church, vs. the Confessing Church under Bonhoeffer, Niemoller, etc did with Hitler. This staggers me. As I say, my paper is literally now 2,300 pp, 10k footnotes, all citing sources as named. Gee... Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Stanford medical schools. Hardly fake news, and why they are so intellectually dishonest to not even ask "Gee, what did you learn?? blows me away. Yet, they REFUSE to listen, period. The arrogance paired with ignorance is staggering. Do a search for Dresden, 1945 and look at the pix. THIS is were all that idiot arrogance and ignorance will lead..

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Frankfurt, Germany for some reason was never bombed by the allies. It is the home of the Rothschilds and IG Farben chemical company.

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Gee... what a shock Frankfurt not bombed. Not.

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Jun 26, 2023
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Gates’ plans will probably far exceed the lives lost in Nazi Germany. My own brother who was vaxed and boosted 'died suddenly' today. I am still in shock. Yes, IBM was responsible for the numbering system that was used on the Jewish and they were never held responsible. Natsis quoted U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes in defense and claimed the eugenics program was being run from the United States.

"IBM's business was never about Nazism. It was never about anti-Semitism. It was always about the money. Before even one Jew was encased in a hard-coded Hollerith identity, it was only the money that mattered. And the money did accrue." ~ IBM and the Holocaust; the Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation by Edwin Black

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do you know you dear brother will be coming back very soon...this evil agenda is almost done, God is about to intervene before we are all dead. Thanks to chemtrail we all have these self assembling crap in our veins so we should all die very soon, but God will intervene and then the resurrection will start, your brother, my little girl are both schedule to come back..hang on to that concrete hope from God

(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

(John 5:28, 29) Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.

See you in the restored paradise, very SOON

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So very sorry 💔

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I would love to read your paper if you don't mind. My email is absc8849@gmail.com

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Just emailed now. Let me know if you didn't get it. I just sent a tiny snippet, of course; will need a place to upload in toto (it is MASSIVE in size, plus lots of graphs).

If you really need this for your work, and no place to upload, I could possibly put on a jump drive and mail it. It's worth the money, as our battle, being a non-violent, peaceful, law abiding one, is one of information sharing. You can use this however you want, with the caveat that it is my opinion only, not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, check with your own doctor before undertaking medical care, etc.

If it didn't show up by email, let me know here and I'll try re-sending. I also put a few things on https://blaisevanne.substack.com/ as well. But if you can tell me where to upload BIG files, I will do that.

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Well said and I agree.

I, too, always found the passage in Revelation intriguing that it included “cowards” in the list. Now I completely understand.

Keep up the good work.

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The damage that has been done by willful ignorance cannot be overstated.

Of course, the Bible does speak of the narrow gate. Seems it will be even more narrow than we thought.

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so there will be a depopulation...all the wicked will be gone...good riddance...

(Job 34:21, 22) For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.

(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.

see you on a beach in the restored paradise soon!

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Yes!! Narrow indeed!

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Seems there is a narrow gate salvifically, and then within that, a narrow gate also for those who, while they may be saved, either do, or do not, follow the Lord's commands. Some people called them "Clairol Christians" - riffing off the old hair colouring commercial, "only God knows for sure!" But be that as it may, we are losing the battle as too many Christians are, to put it baldly, cowards. Rev. 21: 8 says "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake..." Cowards? Yes, that is what it says. But to be honest, most I see are just caught up in normalcy bias, and don't want to get involved. Sadly as I often say for those who think they can "sit this one out," they *can't;* they *won't* - AND THE DEEP STATE/WEF/SOROS ETC NEVER INTENDED FOR YOU TO BE ABLE TO! I just wrote about this on my substack today https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/the-bud-lite-rebellion

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Cowardly and unbelieving are listed first … I was surprised by that many years ago, I understand now.

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And I agree , arrogance = death

Horrible photos .

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It’s absolutely staggering— I agree! That’s why I think it’s spiritual. I literally think satan is blinding people. I mean all you have to do is study a little history to see the pattern , eugenics, genocide, the Nazis , the Russian revolution, etc. etc .

Do you know who Father Peter Heers is? He’s a popular eastern orthodox priest with YouTube channel (orthodox ethos) and he’s also on telegram. He’s completely awake to everything and has really supported people who are against the vax... he talks about the rampant heresies and betrayal of Gods will in the Catholic as well as orthodox church .

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Jun 26, 2023
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Speaking of 'quackzines,' back in the mid 1700’s Native Americans were afraid of being vaccinated, so the then missionary Reverend Edwards was trying to show them the vaccine was safe. Reverend Jonathan Edwards was born in 1703 in East Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony, Colonial America and died March 22, 1758, at the age of 54 from a smallpox immunization reaction. Rev Edwards was praised for his sacrificed life for a scientific quackery jab. His famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is available online.

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Quackzines. I'll have to remember that. Did you make that up? If so, brilliant!

Above, same with my brother. I emailed him some very gentle info perhaps once every 3 or 4 months. NOT much. I have - yes, really - a 2,300 page, 10k footnotes, paper on the topic, so I know a thing or two. So even at that, rather than saying "I disagree, but tell me what you learned," which is what I would do out of intellectual honesty, I also got the "quit emailing me." So I did. Last report his fully vaxxed wife had her second round of serious Covid. Another guy in church marched up to me demanding to know if I got the shot. Same thing: I have a massive paper on the topic, etc. His response? Again, NOT "Gee, what did you learn?'" but rather turned on his heel and stomped off.

I wrote Ed Stetzer, who runs Billy Graham Center, and is one WMBI. Stetzer was pushing the vax from the confirmed liar former NIH head Francis Collins. I sent him a letter asking why he was pushing this shot, since it is clearly killing people. No response. I told him in a follow up email if he ever comes to our church again, I will walk out, and if I have the guts, will call him out, out loud in front of everbody, as I walk out. One senior elder also suggested people get the shot. He is now out very sick; same exact thing with Franklin Graham, who is usually solid. Got the shot, then came down with pericarditis.

Intellectual dishonest and laziness is not very appealing. And if you are using the pulpit as a means to do something like push a shot, you had BETTER get up to speed on the details. They did not.

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We Are In The Midst

Of A Chemistry Contest:

Natural Immunity






Spoiler Alert: Bet The Reigning Champion.



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Lioness; Just a word to thank you for what you do for all of us; at the very least; those who are open to hearing the truth of matters. God bless.

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🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 ❤️

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I really appreciate you bringing this to us. I know that all of the information you write about is important, but this one is crucial. I have known about the Deagel Report but this article sheds light on it in a new and very important way. Thank you for the heads up. You help us to be armed with knowledge.

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🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 ❤️

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