This is what is important. Watch the TI videos. Stands for Targeted Individuals. It is becoming common now and will continue to become more common.

Read the comments in here and follow the links. The Odysee link explains how they do it. Average people, in fact most people will not be able to understand this do to lack of education and background knowledge in this subject matter. Some may be able to get the gist and be able to research it.

The phone alarm a couple of days ago was related. In US coast to coast and reportedly Brazil ? and Russia ? all at same time?


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I will see if I can get the Odysee.com video back explaining how they do it. It was taken down on rumble! It may have been person herself that posted it for obvious reasons. She is brillant. If anyone copied it 🙏 please post here. Maybe KK did?

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According to the WEF at their January meeting, many of their members said that humanity is already interfaced with a chip.


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Hard to trust what liars say.

I don't doubt a small number are.

Stupid Swedes took it willingly ( apparently 15,000 or so they say).

And b.hates announces he does it with Master Card in west Africa

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I read your Substack on the clathrin/5G/Quantum computer topics. Very well done yet frightening.

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Altering people's thinking has been working by propaganda, chemicals, and radiation. It's extremely disconcerting that the ingredients can activate or enhance each other's impact...

There are zillions of "cures" out there, but even the diagnosis is uncertain:


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Thanks for this wealth of info. I can't bring myself to read Satan Klaus Schwab bullcrap. Bill Binney is a valuable voice to listen to and he has been targeted. Check out:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COJi50XXvbo&t=11s and


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Please read the links and pass on to anyone specializing in the field EEng., technical communications, etc. and is 100 % White Hat ( working for the good side ).


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I'm not sure about Kingston. Seems like controlled opposition to me.

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Great article, I think some of us are uniting just fine. People are generally pleasant and rational on Substack...

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Obviously, all you WEF turds have had your brains altered because you are speaking total retardation.

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I will not republish or link to a post with a video with added depressive music in the background. Not because the content is not relevant, but because it is a subtle way to discredit all involved. It is controlled opposition, aware or unaware.

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Rule #1: NO FEAR.

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There is a good channel on YT LOOKOUTFACHARLIE who breaks down the sounds and voices and how the guvmint is piggybacking them into natural sounds everywhere. We are all being mind controlled and brainwashed continuously.

His work is simple yet amazing for anyone interested.


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Powerful & informative - GOD bless you Dr. Coleman for our Creator & Truth are the Solution/Weapon ...

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