Over my dead body

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Haha, I just wrote, "OVER THEIR DEAD BODY."

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If they try to make people take vaccines again, we have to realize that this is the age old practice of Democide: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

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What blows me away is how anyone with any kind of a brain continues to take these lying grifters seriously.

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I saw a video months ago that showed the Chinese who were under lock down were getting their poor kitties and dogs bashed to dead by the enforcers. I'm a cat lover.

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To me, that was worse than imprisoning people in hotels. Worthy of capital punishment in the same manner they dispatched it.

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Lies, dam lies, big bad lies, and in the last category CRIMINALS lying to justify their political scenario.

Just more fear porm from thugs. No. I will NOT COMPLY.

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Here's the strategy, folks. The Cabal has been implementing this narrative for quite a while. They want humans afraid of all living creatures. They want humans to eschew contact with animals, insects, plants, etc. by instilling fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. And more fear. So, when humans live in their 15-minute cities and are prohibited from taking hikes in their national forests or enjoying other wonders of nature and eating their crispy insect bread, they won't blink an eye because they'll have adopted the position that everything outside themselves is gunning for them.

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They are very very evil! It's too much!!!

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I grew up on a farm with pigs, cattle,chickens,cats and a couple dogs. We were very healthy and never had any problems with illnesses from our live stock. These perps are lying sacks of crap and they know it.

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What are the odds that 40% of the country will line up for this jab? AND of this 40% … 80% will be from the left and west coasts 😂. Pax

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Human sheep will euthanize their pets on the way to get the bird flu jibby because the tv said so!

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Tell Lie Vision🤣

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The tell lie vision said my dog is sick even though he’s healthy! I think I’ll euthanize my pet because I’m stupid and I’m brain washed! 😂

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The new UK law on getting all cats microchipped or face a £500 fine makes sense now!! As well as the new law ( last week)to register all chickens and fowl. They are planning to cull to create a famine!!

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What amazes me is that these dopes don’t realize that when people lose everything and have nothing left to lose…they lose it. Think in terms of the shit show that was the French Revolution.

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Another idiotic horror show created by antihumans.

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Every time I see a child in a mask,

I think:

“ Kid we’re doing everything we can for you. It’s your parent’s and their doctors that are killing you.”

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Parents, doctors AND the Educational Unions.

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They called the DOJ on mothers and fathers across this country because the school board members could feel their early death 🤣

Can I use sign language on this stack?


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We should be putting bells around the scientists necks so humans and all animal life can hear them coming and get out of their way fast.

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They want to kill you cats because they possess a healing frequencies with their purring. A purring cat lying on you when you have broken bones can accelerate healing with that vibration and frequency.

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They also do healing massages. Some call I the milk tread. Do not comply with any tyrannical commands, at all!

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