We had vaccine passports. Next time just pin stars on us so the livestock won't be inconvenienced. How are the Phase 4 covid "vaccine" trials going? No one seems interested.

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Definitely Fascism, People keep saying it’s Communism but it is FASCISM. 3rd Reich Style. We thought we defeated The Fascist 3rd Reich but the Yanks repatriated them to the US and sanitised their past.

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Thank you. There are still those who deny the death toll of Jewish humans during that

time period. Some say some of the concentration camps did not gas humans, and a lot

of the statements were propaganda. I do know that the banksters were bankrolling both

sides of the war, which was of course, a satanic sacrifice. And, that Hitler did escape to

south America. His body double was the one killed.

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True. And we met a gentleman ..years ago ..who was from South America and he had met Hitler because Hitler use to dine at his Uncle’s house and this gentleman was being raised by his uncle …due to his parents had passed away from a car accident. And sometimes this gentleman… he would dine with his uncle and Hitler … be it for lunch or dinner.. and what was so amazing was this gentleman was very matter a fact about his uncle.. who was friends with Hitler …and he …the gentleman.. the nephew … was like didn’t everyone know that Hitler was alive living in South America.

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YES, interesting. There was a fascinating short series on TV about 8-10 years ago

called "hunting Hitler". The expert investigators traced Hitlers escape and

where he went. The U.S. Government knew all about it of course. Great show.

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Thank you for your reply and thanks for the information about the TV series “hunting Hitler. I bet it was a fascinating story and I look forward to watching it. Thanks again!!!

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It was a fascinating series, revealing so much our Gov't

knew and swept under the rug. Enjoy!.

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Guess we have to hang those involved in the new final solution like we did with those who tried this in the 20th century… can think of a few names that should be tried for treason too.

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Many were rewarded for their evil and brought to the US. Very disappointed to learn that.

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Many have already been. Guantanamo military has tried and executed likely a million

already, including many humans (military, government, state) brought up on charges of treason. And a million+ more have been executed trying to escape from working in child trafficking, selling children, and similar nasties. The Ukraine is a major hub for child trafficking and also laboratories creating bioweapons--THAT is why Russia is doing what it is doing, to rid the evil from there, not to harm Ukranian people. Not in the mainstream news. When the phrase "darin the swamp" is said; this is what is meant.

Many of the famous humans you see (politicians, celebrities, banksters, entertainment moguls,) are not human, they are clones.

God is shining a bright light to expose the darkness that has been hidden, God bless the truth.

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Summer 2021 an old couple in their 90s comes into one of my exam rooms and says they can’t believe they are seeing this (coming mass death) again in their lifetime, their family members were holocaust victims, the american public is so dumbed down, doesn't know history nor propaganda when they see it. Sweet ole .. wise and discerning couple.

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Good summary, There's nothing stunning about this to old news junkies like myself, but there's 3 generations that missed the boat & need to know that the " Not Sees" won the war & are now in charge of our "health" care and the govt that fund$ it.

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Not many folk know this but thalidomide was invented by a murdering nazi experimenter:


"During the Nazi occupation of Poland, Mückter was deputy director of the Kraków Institute for Typhus and Virus Research. Mückter and his colleagues repeatedly experimented on concentration camp prisoners in Buchenwald. Many prisoners died as a result of the experiments."

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AND, fluoride was placed in the water of prisoners to dumb them down, The same

reason it is put into our water, Forced medication...

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Vaccines are helpful for dumbing us down also. Also schools are doing a pretty good job of keeping people ignorant of the organic utterances of real American history. So much time to teach ridiculousness, though.

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Thats' the least of it, genocide is the reality

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Nazi salute to the still controlled Germans. I was married to a German once. Nice and very tolerant of me. But she still had to have the knives and forks set right at the table. If I set it wrong she would change it to the proper way. They are a culture set in their ways. They do as they are told by the government.

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My experience: married to a German once, earned PhD in German lit, fled the burgeoning insanity of academe in the 90's, became a happy HS German teacher.

I worked so hard to see the value in that obedience (even though I got scolded often and roundly for my non-German lack thereof) , but the scales fell from my eyes in 2020: even my elite intellectual friends, with their multiple graduate degrees and supposedly deep understanding of history & politics & culture, have snapped to attention.

The only dissident I know is a friend who is a former East German with bipolar disorder. You just can't make this shit up.

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East Germans can smell an authoritarian dictatorship a mile away. I used to find it amusing the Germans would never jaywalk even at 3am with nary a car in sight. They are zombies. Look at photographs of them all "seig heiling". Hundreds of thousands of them. They weren't forced to do that and did it of their own free will. There was a time in the 1930's where the Nazi party couldn't print membership cards fast enough.

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"How could the people of 1930s Germany allowed that to happen?" asked every single of us when we studied it at school. I guess the last three years have given us that answer in detail but, sadly, it seems that the very people who bayed for their neighbours to be deprived of basic human rights and cheered when they were stripped of their ability to work/feed their family are the ones who seem hellbent on ignoring the obvious parallels.

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They were propagandized. Jews weren't popular in the Western world at that time and Hitler piled on the propaganda and claimed that they were "subhuman" and a threat to the "master race". Hitler didn't kill a single Jew it was thousands of Germans that committed the atrocities.

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Yes the last 3plus years has proven that many of us would have been Good Little NAZIS.

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To quote Pogo the philospher, " I have seen the enemy & he is us."

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"Never Again is Global" is a doc by Vera Sharav who survived the WW2 abbatoirs created by Deutschland medical community, which first went after its own citizens (Aktion T4). After that "success" killing outsiders was easy. Listen to how she condemns her own govt & medical community in Israel for the same evils. Absolutely worth watching...

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The USA and Israel... and others are backslidden.

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This looked like an interesting and relevant book. On Amazon it was $139 and no Kindle.

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Might be a pdf somewhere. Found POISON BY PRESCRIPTION: THE AZT STORY, by Robert Lauritsen free online. It's about the way Fauci was murdering homosexuals in the 1980s and at the same time terrifying the public. It was at Pagan Press.

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Good correlation and good article. Will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I might as well be wearing a six pointed yellow star emblazoned with 'UNVAXXED'! I saw the horrible parallels from the beginning as Vera Sharav - a true heroine - did.

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' GESTAPO JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (67) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily! https://www.reverbnation.com/amazingamycontortionistuniqueyogadancer


Thank you Lioness for this excellent Substack post. Pam Popper of Wellness Forum Health and Make America Free Again also covered this issue in not as much detail.

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Thanks for sharing. If u want to change your life, ASK your angels, guides and God for

the results that you want. This is so simple, WE HAVE TO ASK. Do not worry HOW it

happens, just focus on the result that you desire, put lots of thought and emotion/feelings

into having received it. Watch video's with Neville GODdard's lectures in them on youtube. Take care...

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I have no money or help to offer, but I would like to send you hugs and hopes that things will turn around for you promptly!

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& still the grandest #Mengele experiment on children in the history of #Faucism continues unabated, but the thundering indifference should not surprise anyone familiar with #PlannedParenthood and the murder of viable babies when the mother's life was not endangered.

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CDC= Crap, Dangerous Crap.

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