The computer "glitch" happening today is just a precursor of what to expect.

Notice how this is happening on a Friday?

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The book is in Dutch. What does it say?

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What computer glitch?

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Some Microsoft issues around the globe apparently.

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Yes. MS Azure DevOps was down around the world. It's a tool I use in my software development work, as do many others, but not one that I could use yesterday. There were also glitches with Microsoft 365, less severe. I forget what else.

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I've been also expecting the chaos for the time of the (s)election in November. It will be the ideal time to introduce fake riots, shortages, UFOs, staged Chinese, Russian, and/or alien attacks, and the list is endless, but the results converge, as I intimated already in April, 2023:


The people are totally defenseless... Can they have a getaway plan? (from November, 2022)


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The gateway plan is to live simple and try to start getting use to a barter system! Not very appealing but simplicity will make you a happy person. The Amish were way ahead of their time!

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I don't think this can be predicted. The only purpose will be to declare a world-wide emergency and implement CBDCs for every human. I wonder if the markets were to crash as you suggest, how much would all the billionaires be affected since most of their wealth is in stock shares?

We have heard about these doomsday scenarios for decades. They say another big crash is around the corner so subscribe to my newsletter to get your survival plan or some such. No one can predict any of this. Fear sells everything on the planet from vaccines to adult diapers.

I don't believe these global clowns could engineer a toothpick.

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Oh I'm sure by November they'll do something. I don't know exactly what, but I know demon-rats are scrambling. But you're right they couldn't engineer a toothpick! The scamdemic proved that! Sure they fooled ALOT of people and killed 100's of thousands between medical malpractice in hospitals to the failed MISERABLY clot shots! However, they woke up MILLIONS because they got greedy and messy!!! We've been threatened with dark winter since 2020. Aka internet goes completely out and NOTHING works! Including electricity! So we can't bond together, we can't shop, we can't do anything but burn our furniture and fight off looters! (Sound familiar...cough cough Venezuela) That's why they want us wasting all our bullets on looters...cue the migrants! Of course all of that is just my personal opinion, because I definitely don't think like the psychopaths in charge! Brandon, Obummer Hussain, his husband, Soros, Piglosi and her idiot nephew, Hell's Gates, Clitons, Big Harma, along with all the ridiculously crooked politicians, lawyers, and judges! (I'm sure I forgot a bunch!) Getting inside their minds for 5 minutes we'd probably be in a corner with our thumbs in our mouths from the immense trauma that would cause!!! Anyway we can't prep enough. That's silly anyway. All I picture is like the walking dead running from zombies. Just eat me already and I'll go onto Heaven. Or maybe it'll take something catastrophic to wake everyone! It'll be miserable, but maybe we'll win! Either way they're going to do what they are going to do. We can only do our best and do what's right. And yes sometimes God called for wars in the Bible and He DEFINITELY called us to be warriors for Him and stand up to evil! He warned us we'd be persecuted for being His followers. This is the most Godless I've ever seen the US. Unfortunately. I remember when my son's were one in elementary and one in Jr High listening to AFR and the commentator said something to the affect...we are witnessing the largest uprising for Jesus in our youth we've ever seen and I don't believe we'll see it again in our lifetime! Boy was he right! That was around the CO Columbine incident. Remember that had alot to do with Christianity. My oldest at one point snapped all his questionable cd's in half and threw them away. He felt a calling in his heart to do so. We all lived better back then. They have been desentizing us for YEARS! Started with Disney movies having subliminal messages in children's movies. The Christian community started a boycott, but nothing ever came about it! Why...because just like Anheuser Busch, Target, Wal-Mart, Starbucks...we are too worried about feeding our flesh instead of making sure if a business doesn't PUBLICLY apologize and do an about face we CLOSE THEM DOWN! Just like a rapist or pedophile a slap on the wrist GUARANTEES they'll REOFFEND!!! Every single time! This all comes down to a battle between good and evil! For the LOVE/LUST of money is the root of ALL evil! Doesn't help we keep feeding their pockets!!! So in all that I'm saying I agree with you, but if it happens we'll just have to deal with it. All these articles present a problem and never present a solution. God only knows what's going to happen and He's also told us not to fear/worry. Me being a PROFESSIONAL worrier at that! 🤦‍♀️ God continually shows me how worthless worry is. And Roger Sterling hit the nail on the head...this has been brewing for YEARS and it's only a matter of time. Something will have to give...we desperately as a nation need to get back to God! Me included!

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Actually, these people (Deep State, DemonRats) whatever we want to call them are smart and we shouldn't underestimate them. They are communist and we should never under estimate a communist! They control the levers of power with the media, politics and entertainment in order to control the masses. If they decide to create an event such as a Scamdemic or Crash the Economic System, or start WWIII you can bet they will make their billions and the people will move in lockstep with these demons!

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I agree mostly...I don't agree they are smart. Example...a REALLY smart person can make wise decisions until it's extremely personal. Alot of really smart people fell for the scamdemic. Yes, like I already stated, they are going to do/try what they want. However, they believe they can predict the outcome and really can't on a society that still have their firearms.

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Cliff High has been predicting this for two years... I won't hold my breath.

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Oh I forgot Schwab. Now that's a seriously weird duck! 🤯 They need to make insane asylums cool again! 😳😬

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The wealthy will become wealthier by hedging the market and buy Put Options! The wealthy know how to play the market because they own the market/Game!!

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Here’s the thing… while totally plausible, it is only a matter of time before we have a global crisis. First we have China whose economy is under severe stress because of its real estate market imploding (remember real estate is where the Chinese put their money). Accordingly, their banking system could collapse. These banks will be forced to sell their US bonds to raise cash to bolster their balance sheets. Personally I see this as an opportunity for the banksters to buy Chinese assets on the cheap…aka a stealth wealth transfer. Next we have Europe who have been spending and borrowing like a drunken sailor…without an economic base to support the abuse. Not a good position to be in. Finally we have the US which has squandered 75 years worth of future prosperity by its reckless borrowing and the funding of two non-essential wars. (Sorry folks but neither Ukraine nor Israel are in our vital interests). This all has lead to inflation of asset values that will be negatively adjusted once the above markets seize due to the fiscal abuse. Thoughts? Pax

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At least he is up front about his purpose, which is to "shock" us. After which, he provides links we can follow to learn how to save ourselves.

I don't know if there is going to be a "crash" or not. I do know who my Savior is, and it sure isn't me.

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Klausey and Billy have the Great Reset all planned out for us.... What say we don't cooperate and hold a substantial amount of cash precious metals..?. We'll get those two psychos caged up yet.. Nuremberg closer than ever...

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Bring it I’m ready

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September may be a better date. It would take a long comment to explain, but the short version is Armstrong's ECM model, it's uncanny by the way, and it shows a panic cycle beginning in September. Yeah, yeah, you might say. But this model also had a panic cycle scheduled for the week of July 15th, too. Nothing significant happened this week, by right?

The model does not explain the events just the time periods for events to occur. It is linked to financial markets because of how sensitive they are to events.

So yeah, this could happen and if it does September is the month. An important point is it may be a different event or the culmination of several. Well have to stay awake.

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Unfortunately, Americans have an appetite for luxury and always want bigger and better things even though they can't afford them. Case in point: during the 2008 mortgage meltdown, people who did not have to be pre-approved for a $500K home with a future balloon payment had to have the big home to impress friends, and then when the mortgage payment was due, they would lose the house and blame the bank for taking out an outrageous loan; some people went as far as damaging the home.

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I heard from another substack from a Russian that they were going full digital money there. They may be trying to do the same here soon.

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