With all the evidence that proves the jab a killer, why are stupid sheeple still lining up to be the authors of their own serious side effects and/or death? But bloody hell, sheeple have always gravitated to such a mindset. Look at the drug addiction problem. Look at the alcohol addiction. Look at the weed addiction problem. Look at the sheeple voting problem?
It seems everything humanity does is a recipe for disaster anymore. And they all line up to take the proven injury and/or death jab.
But you always were intelligent, beautiful inside and out, perceptive and ordered and your perspective is correct. You are one of those amazing real women and I cannot but adore each and every one of you. This is a reminder to you of who and what you are. So many of you here that it makes me think I died and went to Heaven. There is a five letter word here in the mix that always triggers my appreciation and affection.
N-U-R-S-E But you know it. And every single one I ever met knows it too because I tell them face to face even if they are strangers.
One of the last ones I did that to stood and smiled at me while her bf received a brief smirk from her. She loved it.
I think I can open myself to you a wee bit. Looking at the state of affairs all is in substance either shallow or fake. That even applies to music. Going back to the time of the crooners like Perry Como, Andy Williams and Matt Monroe, those performers had talent. These were in my younger days but there has been none like Matt Monroe who they called the singing bus driver. Here is one of his songs. All songs of this genre had a message. The rap crap has neither legitimate messages nor substance.
What worries me is the inclusion of LNP/hydrogels/GO in other products produced by these giant morally degenerate pharmaceutical LLCs in other injectable products they manufacture such as local anesthetics. I've had various discussions with both dental and surgical doctors. Some vehemently denied such a possibility, the 'safe and effective' line, while one surgeon did not rule this out but basically left it unsaid that 'what alternative' is there? If anyone has to take a local anesthetic they should be prepared to detox afterward is my takeaway from these talks.
What are the detox methods please? Also this article didn’t really address that these degenerates are now spraying these things into the air we breathe. So it’s not about any choice anymore. Detox will need to be ongoing.
Online there's a Dr. Ana Milhacea (SP?) that initially took the CV injection(s) and now does periodic detox (EDT- ?). You're correct in that even the unvaxxed are now being found to have the toxicants (hydrogels , lipid nanoparticles and graphene oxide) in their blood. I would check her out online for detox info. "just stayin' alive is now an act of resistance". I live in a relatively pristine area (small town Canada) with little fly over and so do little detox but have taken Heavy metal detox and NAC purchased from my local heath foods and supplement store, but do your own research definitely. Hope this helps but not medical advice on my part.
I understand your empathy. Pediatricians should get paid for what they do--but they were bought off with the covid bonuses. And there may be an argument for medical supply provision when no one else would/could do it. (historically, physicians could not own a pharmacy unless the locale was too small or isolated for anyone else to do it). But...we cross the line in to compromise when we sell what we prescribe, be it a lab test, prescription, Xray, neutrapharmaceutical, or use a certain hospital for some type of kickback. But I am 82 and that is how I was raised....
Could it all be true? COVID 19 initial strains deadly to some high risk people if not treated properly and too late; the COVID-19 bio weapon counter measures with poor quality control intentionally or unintentionally have a mix of modified mRNA to sloppily make spike protein and other proteins, graphene oxide, self assembling nano particles, SV40 DNA, random e Coli DNA in plasmid form and SNPs; and all of this is intentional, & some batches are predominantly one and some predominantly others, and some deliberately a mix.
So they have us all blind and examining the elephant in the room and arguing with each other about whether it is a snake, a tree, a wall, a rope, a blanket, or whatever else the fable said; rather than going after the bastards that are trying to kill and or control us.
Let’s all just give each other some grace and focus on the real enemies.
No one completely understands, we are all learning. Some of you all caught on from the get go, some of us were early with the repurposed treatments, but were snookered into the Jabs initially (guilty as charged), but are now awake, and awakening to the dangers of most or all vaccines, and some are now more open to alternative medicine treatments, etc.
Let’s vigorously seek truth and more knowledge and advocate for what we know and have seen work, but let’s not be like politicians who seek to win by denigrating and attacking others (absent demonstrated fraud or malice).
We need to all hang together, lest they surely come and hang us separately (B Franklin, IIRC).
Oh and all orchestrated for fun, profit, destroying a too successful presidency, covering for the modern day Mengele, and covering for the CCP.
You speak in generalities, when there are specific people who are responsible and I think you are trying to excuse or cover for their culpability. That is not a becoming attitude on your part.
The whole event from lab release of the human altered disease, the subsequent psyop/public reaction and bioweapon solution was/is a multifaceted psychological and medical scientific experiment largely aimed at western peoples. This will now be enlarged upon to attack the human food supply in a cut off and substitute program as one front among many, with levels within fronts, that advance the 'pyramid cap's' wet dream of total control over the human experience of those that survive this onslaught
Experiment, only if you consider the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor an experiment. (I thought about just saying Pearl Harbor, but I realized that there maybe those who went to government schools in the last several decades who might not understand the reference.
well pathologist do stain organs from diseased jabbed dead people and find nucleotides. they say these are spike nucleotides. so what are they finding with the stains?? for anybody who says there is no spike or similar in people what ARE THE PATHOLOGISTS STAINING WHAT DO THEY SEE? ALSO THEY SAID THEY FOUND dna In it. so how that ends up in there if its all nanotech only? it think SOME batches have nanotech only yes but others have biological material as well some have a lot some have less. but it think all of them have the nanotech.
Geez, this statement about Drs Cole & McCullough is upsetting.
Without the context of what they said or didn’t say, I’m certainly not ready to condemn them until I can know exactly HOW they “threw shade” at the GO.
There’s a delicate balance between transparency and trying to avoid having millions of people lose their minds.
I have had concern since the tie in to the business side. A physician can’t be involved with selling product and maintain his professional independence--no pharmacy, lab, X-ray ownership.
Pediatricians get paid bonuses for vaccinating babies by age two, while our health agencies conspired to suppress treatments for viruses.
Drs. McCullough and Cole have taken a lot of time out of their practices and home lives to connect with the public, testify before legislatures and work toward solutions for us all.
SOMEONE had to develop, manufacture & get these products to the people.
Bringing in the doctors who have put themselves in the line of fire of the deep state, enabling them to share in the profits seems right & just to me.
The suggested antidotes will surely be "got-at" by those in power at the industries that make the patches, cigarettes and vapes to ensure the nicotine is reduced or removed entirely or worse contaminate them with their snake oil. By default the globalised Countries commercial fraud agencies will probably not even test the antidotes to make sure it contain the amount needed to detox the bodies systems. Alternatives will be needed once they doctor the easy detox pointed out.
Once they call a toxic substance an "adjuvant" and show how it "stimulates the immune system" it is then considered "good."
Injecting feces will trigger an immune response too. Oh yeah, they actually DID include e.coli in the spike protein's genetic sequence, along with myriad adenosine (code for venom) peptides.
I have a question. If there never was a Covid 19 virus, then what was circulating around that made so many sick. I’ve had it three times since the beginning of 2020. I’ve never experienced symptoms like that before. Something was causing those illnesses. Maybe weaponized flu.
Hi Paul, this is what happened to me. I got it 2/2020. And at the time, it was just announced on msm as a possible pandemic. I worked in a office building full of cubicles and I could hear employees coughing from the way far end and everyday it was coming closer and closer to my cubicle until the person behind me and next to me were so sick that eventually got me sick. At the time I worked for a company that refused us pto unless we had accrued it so everyone was sick in the building. People were having trouble breathing and lots of coughing, and some people just didn’t come in. Until they announced an official pandemic about a month later then they ordered everyone to pack up their stuff and go work from home. The building then became vacant until whenever. I moved out of state at the time of when just about everyone was leaving the building to work remotely. So, sorry about that long story but basically I’m saying that it was definitely airborne and contagious. For all we know, it was first spread by chemtrails and from there human to human. Now, that just about everyone has had it at least once we should have immunity to a certain extent. But I was sick for 3 weeks and no I’ve never been that sick either. I had to sleep on my stomach to breathe at night. I had a hoarse cough and now I still cough like that too even after all this time. If my allergies are bothering me a regular cough I used to have sounds much worse like the virus did actual lung damage. The virus was labeled Covid 19, however it was basically like you said a weaponized flu. The CDC just doesn’t want to label it as such but it is a really bad flu. A new virus that was different than the previous flu. A new strain.
Whatever "it" was it didn't come to Colorado. Also I personally witnessed everything respiratory being coded as "Covid". I suspect the fall 2020 flu shots.
I never got sick with anything during this whole event. I called BS from the beginning and never took the 'vaxx.' It's my guess that those that got the flu were listed as a CV case as per the totally deceptive and fraudulent PCR testing. In the wake of all this we now have a debate on germ theory and terrain theory that has yet to play out..
Unjabbed and have been sick a few times. Last time, the symptoms were so strange and not naturally occurring.. hard to explain. Like a program. 6 hours of headache sudden stomach grumbling, fine for hours, then chills for 6 hours, then felt fine, then nausea and aches the next afternoon. Feeling yin between. Never had a cold or flu like that.
Rosalind, we too are unjabbed in our household, never contracted it for 4 years then it has hit hard. Just recovering now after 6 weeks. The worst “flu” we’ve ever had! Nothing comes near these weird symptoms. I keep calling it “the body snatcher” because that’s how it feels. and what’s with that headache, the brain fog, the forgetfulness. Sheesh! I already have CFS/ME, fibromyalgia & asthma, daughter same, it has exacerbated these conditions. Husband has had the pneumonia & shingles all over his back as well, not fun at 78yo but he’s gradually pulling through with “nursie” looking after him. We’ve always been against any kind of immunisation jab, 6 now adult kids not done after one had terrible reaction in his 1st year. That’ll do it! But this “virus” or whatever it is, is some sort of bioweapon for sure. Never felt so ill in all of my 68 years. Husband & daughter say the same. The good protocols from FLCCC worked (friends had access to “I” and “H” & shared w/us), used golden seal, other natural antivirals as well and ventolin in nebulizer followed by Symbicort puffer.
Am also dumbfounded to read that McCullough is considered suss. Oh dear! I subscribe to him & appreciate his knowledge, but I’m skeptical as we all should be as to who’s who & what agenda is being pushed.
And as for chemtrails, I’ve got plenty of footage of them over our little coastal village in NSW Australia. Been watching them for years. Asthma always worse after them. I drive my family nuts because I can’t stay quiet when I see them in the background of movie or tv show we’re watching especially a period piece, lol.
IMHO there is only One Being to trust in this nightmare and am holding on tight to that.
The atmosphere aerial spraying experiment just doesn't just effect humans but the whole environment from insects on up the 'chain' to the drying out and sickening of plants, trees and forests.
Brad, I hand feed (supplemental herbivore mix/mince) a family of butcher birds & magpies for some years and I often wonder how they & many other creatures get on with this aerial poison. So much for the evil machinations of democide to save the natural environment. In reality “they” don’t give a rats a… about the natural world just their billions of investments to rid us from the earth and obviously as a damning result copious amounts of animals on land and in the sea/rivers while they stock up and prepare to dehumanize who’s left - and the animals? If they think we don’t matter, why would they care about the critters and supposedly “save” the natural world?! Humbug!
The Bible speaks of a 1/3 of all life being decimated on the planet at the end times. Used to think comet, meteor, disease and perhaps that’s true but now we have 100’s of ways to annihilate the planet including manufactured (GoF) WoMD.
A good friend has a small cattle farm nearby. He sees the chemtrails often and says the grass and trees are being destroyed by them despite lots of rain (ah, the runoff too) in what is touted as the wettest part of NSW, so he believes (and others he’s spoken with) it is yet another way to destroy the cattle industry, especially the smaller farms like his of which there are many in our neck of the woods. Makes you wanna scream out loud if it would do anything.
I also support AMCS for a better ocean environment, am probably supporting the one worlders but anything to help is better than nothing.
And I will not be lining up for MAiD to please them though. “They” at the WEF/UN/WHO should lead by example don’t you think? Buckle & tighten up the restraining straps and say: “Here’s YOUR mandated injection murderer!”
And, perhaps as some have noted & promoted, Soylent Green anyone? Shudder!! Can never forget that movie.
It’s horrible, whatever the “ virus “ & jabs. I’m glad you are healing and have support in the family. So many people don’t. (My husband is supportive. And a few friends. It’s divided families!)
Thank you, very kind. I hope you are doing well too as we battle on.
Yes there is some support in a couple of friends & family members. I fell out with my sister 3 years ago. She was so excited each time to tell me of her jabs, then when I voiced a few “concerns” things took a different turn.
A daughter has been divorced over it, 2 young kids, so tragic. Ex even had a cardiac event & ended up in hospital on his 1st jab, but he still went back for the next etc. and he thinks our daughter is crazy. Some joint custody now, but it’s a worry, he’s very controlling, one of those we all warned about, she now sees it after breaking free. So many have been torn apart & suffering needlessly also.
You know, karma is an ever present force for justice and righteousness, it will have its way, we may not see it, but be assured it’s always at work.
Oh geez, so you understand completely! Hugs & prayers to your daughter and grandchild/ children, especially. ( I was happily divorced from an alcoholic control freak for many years)
Thanks for the comment. Keep healing, it’s bio nano weapons? You made me laugh out loud when I read about your driving family crazy, I see chem trails. And I just left the living room so my husband can watch the nightly news in peace. I yell at Lester holt the broadcaster )
& in 2016, I was visiting elderly retirement community and got so sick with flu . No one around me got it and I was uncontrollably coughing everywhere on everything. I was scared, I was so weak.
Check this link for a revelation on how the US Department of Defence in concert with the NIH, FDA and CDC pulled it off via municipal water supply. Helps you understand why the CDC is constantly monitoring waste water to predict Covid-19 outbreaks!
Essential 2+ hours of information that seems to be lacking by those leading the charge against the establishment. Lots of additional information that reinforces the Industrial barons lies and just how the Agencies and Safety Bodies are all part of the profit taking but pretending safety is the top of their agenda when in fact like the Covid it is all lies and Globalist enrichment and potentially fast track depopulation by the dark sides.
Depends on 'What', folks are referring to as Convid-19. MSMedia (Global) Already had their Terror Campaign 'Primed & Ready to Go' PRE Convid-19. IF the Rothschild U.K. crew, can Register a RT-PCR '2019 - COVID-19 Dedicated' Test kit in Yr 2015, AND, ship said Test Kits in Bulk Globally in 2017/18 ( WITS - A division of world Bank; Bulk Item Tracking #; 300215), Then Their P.R. machine MSM, would Definately be in League on the Agenda!
Moving on. Notice the First shots fired on CONVID Info wars, was the Huge Deaths in Lombardi Italy & Precincts in China. - Not told- that would Negate the Swindle info, That most of these Areas/ Zones, were Industrial manufacturing Bases, using Highly Toxic Chemicals in processing! In Lombardi's case, 80% Plus Deaths were in populations over 70 Yrs old, Who had long history of Tobacco & Alcohol usage. And Yes, 5 G was an issue in collaboration.
Ditto Chinese Manufacturing Bases - Extremely Toxic Chemical Environments - Cumulative, & Fully enabled 5 G Systems.
Last; Weaponised Flu; Remember reading not long back, about authorised U.S. Military Aerial deployment of same, via Chemtrail protocol, across the greater U.S. I'll see if I can find it!
Az 5-G vel manipulálják a beléd juttatott grafént. Szinte minden beoltottnak már egyedi 12 karakterű Mac-címe van, számok és betűk keveréke, amit a telefon (nem midegyik) Bluetooth keresője is érzékel úgy 25 méteren belül. Még az eltemetett halottat is amelynek sírján már fű nő.
With 5-G, they manipulate the graphene injected into you. Almost all vaccinated people already have a unique 12-character Mac address, a mixture of numbers and letters, which can be detected by the phone's Bluetooth finder (not all) within 25 meters. Even the buried dead, on whose grave grass already grows.
No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The political party system has hijacked democracy. If we can establish local resistance networks before the next round of attacks (censorship, mandates, digital IDs, CBDCs, climate change, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, etc.) we may still have a chance to communicate and live freely.
LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to connect neighbours and initiate local action. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist. Here we provide a searchable database to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. To protect your safety and privacy you are not required to provide your real name to the database. If you are comfortable doing so later with the people you connect with that is your choice. Your level of involvement is totally up to you. You can talk privately here using our anonymous email system until you are comfortable with meeting in person, then you can work with others to establish working groups, organize events... anything is possible. No one will know your real name or see your e-mail address unless you give it to them. Your privacy is absolute.
LocalResistance.org is just a search tool, not a community group. User interests and beliefs don’t have to align with those of any other organization. There is no administrative hierarchy to restrain or approve you. Users form their own local groups independently based upon their shared concerns. LocalResistance.org exists solely to co-ordinate communications and establish partnerships… it has no other agenda of its own. We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org
There is no personal information to collect from here. You don't reveal your real name when you register and your email address is shielded. Users communicate by proxy through our smtp servers. None of your email messages to other members are viewed or saved here. The member database is hosted offshore in a country beyond the reach of the “five-eyes”.
Someone in the cyber world needs to track down the people responsible through their communications, phone, email, DMs. They are no doubt communicating with each other as they watch people get injured and die. Where the fuck are the WANTED POSTERS with stated BOUNTIES. I am ready to hunt.
Start praying. You can tell this is demonic by the level of hatred and attack.
This IS a spiritual battle.
Good news is they have already lost!
We are unfortunately (or fortunately for those spiritual warriors) “spectators or participants, here at this time and season “, within the timeline that must occur, before they are defeated. Reminds me of the Lord of the Rings finale. The scene looked grim and everyone was exhausted…but in the end -
the innocent, little ones win! 👏🏻🐑🥳
What is YOUR story going to be? You get to decide. You’ve been given free will by your Creator.
Know Jesus (Yeshua) ! 🙏Speak to Him and He will respond.
This is not a test, this is really happening and its all outlined in the New Testament of the Bible - read book of Revelation .🫶 PEACE.
Hey bro. Agree 100%. Yeshua is the only Way. All these times are predicted and not just in the Book of Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach, but throughout the prophets of the so-called “Old Testament” (it aint old and is quite up to date). We need to understand the prophetic writings of the neglected prophets of the Tanach in order to truly understand Revelation, putting all the pieces together. The God of all is watching, He’s at the helm & He will give a more just and honest response to these demonic creatures, as I said to my kids, “All in good time, my pretty”.
Keep the faith & if you don’t have any yet, you have plenty of time to educate yourself about what’s coming, where and why.
The whole situation seems to be right out of an episode of The Twilight Zone.
With all the evidence that proves the jab a killer, why are stupid sheeple still lining up to be the authors of their own serious side effects and/or death? But bloody hell, sheeple have always gravitated to such a mindset. Look at the drug addiction problem. Look at the alcohol addiction. Look at the weed addiction problem. Look at the sheeple voting problem?
It seems everything humanity does is a recipe for disaster anymore. And they all line up to take the proven injury and/or death jab.
I've come to the conclusion it's easier to believe the lies than accept the truth.
But you always were intelligent, beautiful inside and out, perceptive and ordered and your perspective is correct. You are one of those amazing real women and I cannot but adore each and every one of you. This is a reminder to you of who and what you are. So many of you here that it makes me think I died and went to Heaven. There is a five letter word here in the mix that always triggers my appreciation and affection.
N-U-R-S-E But you know it. And every single one I ever met knows it too because I tell them face to face even if they are strangers.
One of the last ones I did that to stood and smiled at me while her bf received a brief smirk from her. She loved it.
I think I can open myself to you a wee bit. Looking at the state of affairs all is in substance either shallow or fake. That even applies to music. Going back to the time of the crooners like Perry Como, Andy Williams and Matt Monroe, those performers had talent. These were in my younger days but there has been none like Matt Monroe who they called the singing bus driver. Here is one of his songs. All songs of this genre had a message. The rap crap has neither legitimate messages nor substance.
Reese Report video link broken. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fvj5ahWBEvF4
What worries me is the inclusion of LNP/hydrogels/GO in other products produced by these giant morally degenerate pharmaceutical LLCs in other injectable products they manufacture such as local anesthetics. I've had various discussions with both dental and surgical doctors. Some vehemently denied such a possibility, the 'safe and effective' line, while one surgeon did not rule this out but basically left it unsaid that 'what alternative' is there? If anyone has to take a local anesthetic they should be prepared to detox afterward is my takeaway from these talks.
What are the detox methods please? Also this article didn’t really address that these degenerates are now spraying these things into the air we breathe. So it’s not about any choice anymore. Detox will need to be ongoing.
Online there's a Dr. Ana Milhacea (SP?) that initially took the CV injection(s) and now does periodic detox (EDT- ?). You're correct in that even the unvaxxed are now being found to have the toxicants (hydrogels , lipid nanoparticles and graphene oxide) in their blood. I would check her out online for detox info. "just stayin' alive is now an act of resistance". I live in a relatively pristine area (small town Canada) with little fly over and so do little detox but have taken Heavy metal detox and NAC purchased from my local heath foods and supplement store, but do your own research definitely. Hope this helps but not medical advice on my part.
Thank you Brad
I understand your empathy. Pediatricians should get paid for what they do--but they were bought off with the covid bonuses. And there may be an argument for medical supply provision when no one else would/could do it. (historically, physicians could not own a pharmacy unless the locale was too small or isolated for anyone else to do it). But...we cross the line in to compromise when we sell what we prescribe, be it a lab test, prescription, Xray, neutrapharmaceutical, or use a certain hospital for some type of kickback. But I am 82 and that is how I was raised....
Could it all be true? COVID 19 initial strains deadly to some high risk people if not treated properly and too late; the COVID-19 bio weapon counter measures with poor quality control intentionally or unintentionally have a mix of modified mRNA to sloppily make spike protein and other proteins, graphene oxide, self assembling nano particles, SV40 DNA, random e Coli DNA in plasmid form and SNPs; and all of this is intentional, & some batches are predominantly one and some predominantly others, and some deliberately a mix.
So they have us all blind and examining the elephant in the room and arguing with each other about whether it is a snake, a tree, a wall, a rope, a blanket, or whatever else the fable said; rather than going after the bastards that are trying to kill and or control us.
Let’s all just give each other some grace and focus on the real enemies.
No one completely understands, we are all learning. Some of you all caught on from the get go, some of us were early with the repurposed treatments, but were snookered into the Jabs initially (guilty as charged), but are now awake, and awakening to the dangers of most or all vaccines, and some are now more open to alternative medicine treatments, etc.
Let’s vigorously seek truth and more knowledge and advocate for what we know and have seen work, but let’s not be like politicians who seek to win by denigrating and attacking others (absent demonstrated fraud or malice).
We need to all hang together, lest they surely come and hang us separately (B Franklin, IIRC).
Oh and all orchestrated for fun, profit, destroying a too successful presidency, covering for the modern day Mengele, and covering for the CCP.
But Dr. R, humanity has always been its own worst enemy.
You speak in generalities, when there are specific people who are responsible and I think you are trying to excuse or cover for their culpability. That is not a becoming attitude on your part.
The whole event from lab release of the human altered disease, the subsequent psyop/public reaction and bioweapon solution was/is a multifaceted psychological and medical scientific experiment largely aimed at western peoples. This will now be enlarged upon to attack the human food supply in a cut off and substitute program as one front among many, with levels within fronts, that advance the 'pyramid cap's' wet dream of total control over the human experience of those that survive this onslaught
Experiment, only if you consider the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor an experiment. (I thought about just saying Pearl Harbor, but I realized that there maybe those who went to government schools in the last several decades who might not understand the reference.
I could not have spoken my mind more clearly. Thank you.
You are welcome, and 2 months later I would still not change a single word. Blessings & have a happy, grateful and respectful Memorial Day.
Amy is always a hard hitter with the facts.
Amy is fabulous. As are the other conservative gals here.
well pathologist do stain organs from diseased jabbed dead people and find nucleotides. they say these are spike nucleotides. so what are they finding with the stains?? for anybody who says there is no spike or similar in people what ARE THE PATHOLOGISTS STAINING WHAT DO THEY SEE? ALSO THEY SAID THEY FOUND dna In it. so how that ends up in there if its all nanotech only? it think SOME batches have nanotech only yes but others have biological material as well some have a lot some have less. but it think all of them have the nanotech.
Geez, this statement about Drs Cole & McCullough is upsetting.
Without the context of what they said or didn’t say, I’m certainly not ready to condemn them until I can know exactly HOW they “threw shade” at the GO.
There’s a delicate balance between transparency and trying to avoid having millions of people lose their minds.
I have had concern since the tie in to the business side. A physician can’t be involved with selling product and maintain his professional independence--no pharmacy, lab, X-ray ownership.
Pediatricians get paid bonuses for vaccinating babies by age two, while our health agencies conspired to suppress treatments for viruses.
Drs. McCullough and Cole have taken a lot of time out of their practices and home lives to connect with the public, testify before legislatures and work toward solutions for us all.
SOMEONE had to develop, manufacture & get these products to the people.
Bringing in the doctors who have put themselves in the line of fire of the deep state, enabling them to share in the profits seems right & just to me.
The suggested antidotes will surely be "got-at" by those in power at the industries that make the patches, cigarettes and vapes to ensure the nicotine is reduced or removed entirely or worse contaminate them with their snake oil. By default the globalised Countries commercial fraud agencies will probably not even test the antidotes to make sure it contain the amount needed to detox the bodies systems. Alternatives will be needed once they doctor the easy detox pointed out.
Great article thank you for posting!
Once they call a toxic substance an "adjuvant" and show how it "stimulates the immune system" it is then considered "good."
Injecting feces will trigger an immune response too. Oh yeah, they actually DID include e.coli in the spike protein's genetic sequence, along with myriad adenosine (code for venom) peptides.
Lovely. Collect the whole set.
I have a question. If there never was a Covid 19 virus, then what was circulating around that made so many sick. I’ve had it three times since the beginning of 2020. I’ve never experienced symptoms like that before. Something was causing those illnesses. Maybe weaponized flu.
Hi Paul, this is what happened to me. I got it 2/2020. And at the time, it was just announced on msm as a possible pandemic. I worked in a office building full of cubicles and I could hear employees coughing from the way far end and everyday it was coming closer and closer to my cubicle until the person behind me and next to me were so sick that eventually got me sick. At the time I worked for a company that refused us pto unless we had accrued it so everyone was sick in the building. People were having trouble breathing and lots of coughing, and some people just didn’t come in. Until they announced an official pandemic about a month later then they ordered everyone to pack up their stuff and go work from home. The building then became vacant until whenever. I moved out of state at the time of when just about everyone was leaving the building to work remotely. So, sorry about that long story but basically I’m saying that it was definitely airborne and contagious. For all we know, it was first spread by chemtrails and from there human to human. Now, that just about everyone has had it at least once we should have immunity to a certain extent. But I was sick for 3 weeks and no I’ve never been that sick either. I had to sleep on my stomach to breathe at night. I had a hoarse cough and now I still cough like that too even after all this time. If my allergies are bothering me a regular cough I used to have sounds much worse like the virus did actual lung damage. The virus was labeled Covid 19, however it was basically like you said a weaponized flu. The CDC just doesn’t want to label it as such but it is a really bad flu. A new virus that was different than the previous flu. A new strain.
Whatever "it" was it didn't come to Colorado. Also I personally witnessed everything respiratory being coded as "Covid". I suspect the fall 2020 flu shots.
I never got sick with anything during this whole event. I called BS from the beginning and never took the 'vaxx.' It's my guess that those that got the flu were listed as a CV case as per the totally deceptive and fraudulent PCR testing. In the wake of all this we now have a debate on germ theory and terrain theory that has yet to play out..
My experience/thoughts too.
Oh, unjabbed.
We know they are splicing and dicing various animals bits and creating chimeric viruses in labs. There are many of them here in the USA and worldwide.
It’s beyond insanity.
There is a history for experimentation on citizens without consent.
Spraying San Francisco residents and other locals (NY subway) in the past.
The level of malfeasance is massive.
That’s what I think they do to us weekly to monthly. Spray us with chemtrails to see what will affect us and what won’t.
Unjabbed and have been sick a few times. Last time, the symptoms were so strange and not naturally occurring.. hard to explain. Like a program. 6 hours of headache sudden stomach grumbling, fine for hours, then chills for 6 hours, then felt fine, then nausea and aches the next afternoon. Feeling yin between. Never had a cold or flu like that.
Rosalind, we too are unjabbed in our household, never contracted it for 4 years then it has hit hard. Just recovering now after 6 weeks. The worst “flu” we’ve ever had! Nothing comes near these weird symptoms. I keep calling it “the body snatcher” because that’s how it feels. and what’s with that headache, the brain fog, the forgetfulness. Sheesh! I already have CFS/ME, fibromyalgia & asthma, daughter same, it has exacerbated these conditions. Husband has had the pneumonia & shingles all over his back as well, not fun at 78yo but he’s gradually pulling through with “nursie” looking after him. We’ve always been against any kind of immunisation jab, 6 now adult kids not done after one had terrible reaction in his 1st year. That’ll do it! But this “virus” or whatever it is, is some sort of bioweapon for sure. Never felt so ill in all of my 68 years. Husband & daughter say the same. The good protocols from FLCCC worked (friends had access to “I” and “H” & shared w/us), used golden seal, other natural antivirals as well and ventolin in nebulizer followed by Symbicort puffer.
Am also dumbfounded to read that McCullough is considered suss. Oh dear! I subscribe to him & appreciate his knowledge, but I’m skeptical as we all should be as to who’s who & what agenda is being pushed.
And as for chemtrails, I’ve got plenty of footage of them over our little coastal village in NSW Australia. Been watching them for years. Asthma always worse after them. I drive my family nuts because I can’t stay quiet when I see them in the background of movie or tv show we’re watching especially a period piece, lol.
IMHO there is only One Being to trust in this nightmare and am holding on tight to that.
The atmosphere aerial spraying experiment just doesn't just effect humans but the whole environment from insects on up the 'chain' to the drying out and sickening of plants, trees and forests.
Brad, I hand feed (supplemental herbivore mix/mince) a family of butcher birds & magpies for some years and I often wonder how they & many other creatures get on with this aerial poison. So much for the evil machinations of democide to save the natural environment. In reality “they” don’t give a rats a… about the natural world just their billions of investments to rid us from the earth and obviously as a damning result copious amounts of animals on land and in the sea/rivers while they stock up and prepare to dehumanize who’s left - and the animals? If they think we don’t matter, why would they care about the critters and supposedly “save” the natural world?! Humbug!
The Bible speaks of a 1/3 of all life being decimated on the planet at the end times. Used to think comet, meteor, disease and perhaps that’s true but now we have 100’s of ways to annihilate the planet including manufactured (GoF) WoMD.
A good friend has a small cattle farm nearby. He sees the chemtrails often and says the grass and trees are being destroyed by them despite lots of rain (ah, the runoff too) in what is touted as the wettest part of NSW, so he believes (and others he’s spoken with) it is yet another way to destroy the cattle industry, especially the smaller farms like his of which there are many in our neck of the woods. Makes you wanna scream out loud if it would do anything.
I also support AMCS for a better ocean environment, am probably supporting the one worlders but anything to help is better than nothing.
And I will not be lining up for MAiD to please them though. “They” at the WEF/UN/WHO should lead by example don’t you think? Buckle & tighten up the restraining straps and say: “Here’s YOUR mandated injection murderer!”
And, perhaps as some have noted & promoted, Soylent Green anyone? Shudder!! Can never forget that movie.
It’s horrible, whatever the “ virus “ & jabs. I’m glad you are healing and have support in the family. So many people don’t. (My husband is supportive. And a few friends. It’s divided families!)
Thank you, very kind. I hope you are doing well too as we battle on.
Yes there is some support in a couple of friends & family members. I fell out with my sister 3 years ago. She was so excited each time to tell me of her jabs, then when I voiced a few “concerns” things took a different turn.
A daughter has been divorced over it, 2 young kids, so tragic. Ex even had a cardiac event & ended up in hospital on his 1st jab, but he still went back for the next etc. and he thinks our daughter is crazy. Some joint custody now, but it’s a worry, he’s very controlling, one of those we all warned about, she now sees it after breaking free. So many have been torn apart & suffering needlessly also.
You know, karma is an ever present force for justice and righteousness, it will have its way, we may not see it, but be assured it’s always at work.
Oh geez, so you understand completely! Hugs & prayers to your daughter and grandchild/ children, especially. ( I was happily divorced from an alcoholic control freak for many years)
Thanks for the comment. Keep healing, it’s bio nano weapons? You made me laugh out loud when I read about your driving family crazy, I see chem trails. And I just left the living room so my husband can watch the nightly news in peace. I yell at Lester holt the broadcaster )
That does sound strange. Like as if someone or something is pushing buttons to control what symptoms you have at different times. Right?
More like the virus was mimicking a natural illness. & had gaps. 2 friends had similar experience .
It was strange.
& in 2016, I was visiting elderly retirement community and got so sick with flu . No one around me got it and I was uncontrollably coughing everywhere on everything. I was scared, I was so weak.
Check this link for a revelation on how the US Department of Defence in concert with the NIH, FDA and CDC pulled it off via municipal water supply. Helps you understand why the CDC is constantly monitoring waste water to predict Covid-19 outbreaks!
Essential 2+ hours of information that seems to be lacking by those leading the charge against the establishment. Lots of additional information that reinforces the Industrial barons lies and just how the Agencies and Safety Bodies are all part of the profit taking but pretending safety is the top of their agenda when in fact like the Covid it is all lies and Globalist enrichment and potentially fast track depopulation by the dark sides.
Depends on 'What', folks are referring to as Convid-19. MSMedia (Global) Already had their Terror Campaign 'Primed & Ready to Go' PRE Convid-19. IF the Rothschild U.K. crew, can Register a RT-PCR '2019 - COVID-19 Dedicated' Test kit in Yr 2015, AND, ship said Test Kits in Bulk Globally in 2017/18 ( WITS - A division of world Bank; Bulk Item Tracking #; 300215), Then Their P.R. machine MSM, would Definately be in League on the Agenda!
Moving on. Notice the First shots fired on CONVID Info wars, was the Huge Deaths in Lombardi Italy & Precincts in China. - Not told- that would Negate the Swindle info, That most of these Areas/ Zones, were Industrial manufacturing Bases, using Highly Toxic Chemicals in processing! In Lombardi's case, 80% Plus Deaths were in populations over 70 Yrs old, Who had long history of Tobacco & Alcohol usage. And Yes, 5 G was an issue in collaboration.
Ditto Chinese Manufacturing Bases - Extremely Toxic Chemical Environments - Cumulative, & Fully enabled 5 G Systems.
Last; Weaponised Flu; Remember reading not long back, about authorised U.S. Military Aerial deployment of same, via Chemtrail protocol, across the greater U.S. I'll see if I can find it!
U.S. MILITARY Broad spectrum Aerial Deployments/'Spraying'= 'RULE 23'.
Wellness - John D.
Az 5-G vel manipulálják a beléd juttatott grafént. Szinte minden beoltottnak már egyedi 12 karakterű Mac-címe van, számok és betűk keveréke, amit a telefon (nem midegyik) Bluetooth keresője is érzékel úgy 25 méteren belül. Még az eltemetett halottat is amelynek sírján már fű nő.
Translation from Hungarian to English:
With 5-G, they manipulate the graphene injected into you. Almost all vaccinated people already have a unique 12-character Mac address, a mixture of numbers and letters, which can be detected by the phone's Bluetooth finder (not all) within 25 meters. Even the buried dead, on whose grave grass already grows.
Could you share your data base?
Technological parasitism: Electromagnetic-based wireless nano-sensor network
All Covid-19 Vaccines Tested Contains Nanosensors & Graphene Oxide by Ricardo Delgado
https://www.bitchute.com/video/eJrJkYqfQLPg/ 262) Frying intracorporal nano and micro routers (EMP)
https://www.brighteon.com/34b1dc95-6c1a-4c35-b98c-012a47060e5a Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaccinated Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave!!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/y6oL6h0rjSPd/ How to find the Bluetooth chip in vaccinated people
No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The political party system has hijacked democracy. If we can establish local resistance networks before the next round of attacks (censorship, mandates, digital IDs, CBDCs, climate change, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, etc.) we may still have a chance to communicate and live freely.
LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to connect neighbours and initiate local action. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist. Here we provide a searchable database to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. To protect your safety and privacy you are not required to provide your real name to the database. If you are comfortable doing so later with the people you connect with that is your choice. Your level of involvement is totally up to you. You can talk privately here using our anonymous email system until you are comfortable with meeting in person, then you can work with others to establish working groups, organize events... anything is possible. No one will know your real name or see your e-mail address unless you give it to them. Your privacy is absolute.
LocalResistance.org is just a search tool, not a community group. User interests and beliefs don’t have to align with those of any other organization. There is no administrative hierarchy to restrain or approve you. Users form their own local groups independently based upon their shared concerns. LocalResistance.org exists solely to co-ordinate communications and establish partnerships… it has no other agenda of its own. We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org
The problem: how to know this is not a psyop....
There is no personal information to collect from here. You don't reveal your real name when you register and your email address is shielded. Users communicate by proxy through our smtp servers. None of your email messages to other members are viewed or saved here. The member database is hosted offshore in a country beyond the reach of the “five-eyes”.
Thank you.
Thank you for posting this info!
Question. We are attacked from all sides: our freedom, our food . . . even our right to inhale fresh air. How do we stop these monsters? Luc
Someone in the cyber world needs to track down the people responsible through their communications, phone, email, DMs. They are no doubt communicating with each other as they watch people get injured and die. Where the fuck are the WANTED POSTERS with stated BOUNTIES. I am ready to hunt.
Start praying. You can tell this is demonic by the level of hatred and attack.
This IS a spiritual battle.
Good news is they have already lost!
We are unfortunately (or fortunately for those spiritual warriors) “spectators or participants, here at this time and season “, within the timeline that must occur, before they are defeated. Reminds me of the Lord of the Rings finale. The scene looked grim and everyone was exhausted…but in the end -
the innocent, little ones win! 👏🏻🐑🥳
What is YOUR story going to be? You get to decide. You’ve been given free will by your Creator.
Know Jesus (Yeshua) ! 🙏Speak to Him and He will respond.
This is not a test, this is really happening and its all outlined in the New Testament of the Bible - read book of Revelation .🫶 PEACE.
Hey bro. Agree 100%. Yeshua is the only Way. All these times are predicted and not just in the Book of Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach, but throughout the prophets of the so-called “Old Testament” (it aint old and is quite up to date). We need to understand the prophetic writings of the neglected prophets of the Tanach in order to truly understand Revelation, putting all the pieces together. The God of all is watching, He’s at the helm & He will give a more just and honest response to these demonic creatures, as I said to my kids, “All in good time, my pretty”.
Keep the faith & if you don’t have any yet, you have plenty of time to educate yourself about what’s coming, where and why.
Indeed. There's hope.
Right on target.
- Luc