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Jun 7Edited
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Excellent question? Seems that no one knows

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Wow. I was there last June. It was very enjoyable. Nice people.

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Philippine people are workers, not layabout "gimmees" like inbred somalians who are so stupid in their affirmative action programs as police that they arbitrarily shoot innocent people. DIEverSHITty is our weakness.

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And congress says NOTHING bc their networth is increasing while our death rate skyrockets! Evil!!! All of them! Not one stood up! Stolen election! Crimes against humanity! Corrupt judiciary! I hear nothing!!!! The sound is deafening!

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Congressman Jack Metcalf (N Sound Wa. St. 20+ years ago)didn’t live so long after going toe to toe with Army, as to “what’s in these anthrax shots” that’s harming our soldiers. Slowly some truth leaked out about a horrible adjuvant, squalene? Army would admit nothing. An antibody test revealed it. Yet, any personnel refusing risked ‘dishonorable discharge’.

I met vets with stories and messed up bodies. So very sad!

But story seemed to have died with him. Was carried by a local Seattle paper back then, though.

Events with my step-kids, decades back (febrile seizures, etc) made me vaccine hesitant. Nothing but the most vile of mankind, running the pharma-harma industry (Rumsfeld-enough said) has not given me any confidence to say yes to the bought ‘science’.

With every ‘color revolution’, or some phony NATO or CIA ’nation building’ , events like a ships anchor just happening to sever a communication/internet cable?!??? We are in some new-generation information warfare. Time is now to harken back to some biblical warnings. “See to it that no man deceives you”

I read it as given in an imperative (!)

See to it that no man deceives you!! The voice of one whose sheep know his voice. It was in reference of the time of the end. ‘Signs’ were of lesser import. Not being deceived, of first.

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Half a million excess deaths, for a country whose population was around 112 million in 2020, that's a huge number ...

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I guess the plan is working - the Philippines appears to be publishing real numbers. Given the nature of the mass inoculations the numbers could exponentially increase - the plandemic death via vax is working. World War III brought to humanity by 194 governments in concert waging war against their citizens every day through a needle. The reality of this is hard to comprehend and yet the sheeple que up to take the jab at their nearest killer pharmacy. Their hopefullybis a special place in hell for all the perpetrators. DoNotComply!

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The woman speaking in the video is SuperSally - you will find lots more information about the shocking number of excess deaths in the Phillippines on her Substack https://supersally.substack.com/ . I had the privilege of working with her to prepare the Philippines page of www.excessdeathstats.com last year www.excessdeathstats.com/phillipines The Philippines increase in excess deaths in 2021 was the biggest we have seen to date on that project.

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Do we have any information for the United States or any other countries for excess deaths or are they hiding that in the US as well? 💩💩💩

I would love to see a presentation like this on myocarditis… Cancer… Auto immune disorders… etc… Before and after the 💉💉💉😡😡😡

Thank you, Ms. Claire… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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It has to be off the chain - I know of so many who have died as a result of these jabs - personally know them. If someone in a very small town could have knowledge of over 15 people, I hate to know the numbers in larger locations. At one point in my parent's small town, they were attending two or more funerals a week - when they would attend one a month normally.

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Thank you for sharing this Clare!

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Here's a quote from Atty. Tanya Lat who spoke at the end of the video.

“Forced vaccination can be viewed as rape” – Atty. Tanya Lat


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What an amazing coincidence! That’s exactly what the UN, the WEF, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Gates Foundation and other mechanisms of the rich elite had wanted to happen: a massive drop in population AND in fertility. They also wanted to implement The Great Reset, where “you will own nothing and be happy” (Klauss, I think, will still own stuff), and centralize our economy to make us dependent on them for food, shelter and everything. It’s amazing how perfect COVID, which escaped from a lab we were funding that was run by the Chinese army, accomplished that, shutting down the mom and pop stores that employed 60% of Americans and transferring all that business to a few corporations, like Amazon. Next we’re going to hear from those crazy Conspiracy Theorists who think that all of this may have been done on purpose…

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Are the officials there arguing and obfuscating facts like they are here in Canada? Or does it feel like more of a unanimous wtf?

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Mostly stony silence and nothing in the MSM. However, at least the hearing is ongoing and slowly garnering more attention.

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If I remember correctly, the Philippine government was like a bunch of Nazis in forcing people to take the covid DeathVax.

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Sounds about right. All their politicians and officials take fat bribes.

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It was very draconian in the Philippines over the pandemic period. People were locked in their homes for nearly 2-years. 1 person allowed out to buy essentials. Vaccine cards needed to enter most places, to access public transport, and even to travel between cities. Officially people were allowed to say no to vaccination, but in practice that was very very difficult, particularly in the cities. Here is a link to my post sharing a compilation on human rights violations. https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/tagalog-version-25-minute-video-compilation?r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you for sharing that information.

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See, everybody thought we nearly had this thing beat, it is on time, schedule and budget, the Governments, incredible!

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the pandemic treaty is not dead in the water as so many wrongly believe its no coincidence that both the treaty and the bird flu scam are currently centre stage on the world stage..could it be that the who are responsible in order to force the nations of the world to comply with the treaty.after whats happened in the last 4 years it wouldnt surprise me....be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world using all platforms and alternative outlets but dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it.....it currently has over 2,506000 signatures

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Guess that "bird flu" is getting into us like the sickness did from last week where I live. Suddenly, there were 3 large planes - all in uniform flight at night - spraying the area. I was out walking the dog. The next day, I awoke with a hugely sore throat and congested chest. Wonder what they released. Whatever it was, NUMEROUS people around here are sick. The birds that were numerous before last week are now not around. The hummingbirds that were here are no longer present. We are being methodically killed.

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FYI: The Largest Child Trafficking Operation in History

(FF to JJ Carrel)


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Here is a link to a clip showing human rights violations in the Philippines over the pandemic years. While the government had said vaccinations are not mandatory and could not be forced for work and school and to access services, the on the ground was very different and it was very hard to live without taking the jabs, particularly in the big cities. Now the consequences are being reaped.

So many people are having poor health now. So many people are dying suddenly or from rapid cancers. https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/tagalog-version-25-minute-video-compilation?r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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check out a video at banned.video..un set to announce new bird flu pandemic,repeat of lockdowns,forced injections to stop trump,and pass pandemic treaty

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In my opinion those excess deaths are mostly COVID virus rather than vaccine, because they happen in 2021 before the vaccines were widely given. The vaccinaton drive seems to have begun in Dec 2021 and never reached the levels of the US, while the excess deaths are largely in 2021. The excess deaths in following years are pretty typical like 10%. Just my opinion, and maybe I'm wrong. If they could break the deaths into different causes such as pneumonia and calculate excess deaths for these causes then it might be a smoking gun. The virus and vaccine would have tended to have different causes of death (especially in 2021).

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The vaccines killed. The virus was the flu..

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