They are out of their gourd.

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Luck 9ff cdc. No 9ne should listen or obey them again. Time to defend our state health d3pts.

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Yeah lock em up for pink eye

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That was sarcasm.

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I wonder what they are really thinking. Just making it up as they go along and staring out the window at the traffic in the street I guess.

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probably still "working" from home with their masks on

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From listening to WHO during covid, they came out and said after the cases died down, that they should go into homes and find who is sick and separate them. That was in one of their live feeds at the time. With their so called "tests" they keep using they seem to be starting again with the same narrative. What better way to say someone tested positive but is not actually sick then to pull them out for their political gains. Remember in China they used peoples phones that were never reactivated as possible deaths during the breakouts.

https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-8717250566 Hard to say, especially when phone use would most likely be higher to the fact of no contact in nursing homes and families. I guess it would be a toss up on what to believe.

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Bird Flu (Avian flu) is not transmitted from human to human and anyone that can read should know that. A human can only get it by contact with an affected animal. And the effects on humans is minor. CC presents fear porn 2.0.

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Infected animal?

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And here's an9ther suggestion.. no one may use a pcr test to determine ANYTHING.

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There's a big bin full of free covid tests at the local chemist. It's been there for a week. It's still full.

I think people are over testing...

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They have burned all their bridges. There is no coming back this way for them again.

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The scare stories are everywhere. Bird Flu is going to kill us all.

Hang on a cotton picking minute, what is the evidence?

One person in the entire world with mild hayfever like symptoms has been diagnosed with H5N1 using a PCR test.

If those tests are as reliable as the “Covid” PCR tests then it is safe to assume a total risk of 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%

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But Robert, the newspaper says it's a hundred times worse than covid! You could get pinkeye!

You trust the newspaper, don't you? Don't you???

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They tried the same garbage in 2009. These clowns need to burn their playbook.

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CDC can F off.

FDA and WHO. All of the above.

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Now your talking!

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A health alert after ONE case (in a farm worker who had direct contact with infected animals). Can the CDC please go away thank you very much? Here's my snarky take: https://jennasside.rocks/p/scientists-warn-of-deadly-new-virus

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They are basing this off of one case in Texas. They guy is fine and resting at home. They are hilarious.

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How about a story on the millions fired from their jobs and careers...We said hell no but got fired. I am broke but happy and safe but many are suffering in a great way. I know small cap businesses that had to close and the families lost everything including their homes. in Sacramento 50% of the restaurants in downtown Sac are now closed... In California divorce rate is up - homelessness is up - business loss is off the charts - unemployment is way out of control and they lie about everything...your kicked off unemployment after 6 months - it use to be 1 year... those kicked off unemployment are not counted in the unemployment statistics. Ohhh there is more...it's disgusting thanks to moisty boy - WEF boot licker Gavin Gruesome.

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Oh but wait…illegal immigrants get everything they need to live and comfortably!!! They don’t have to test, vaccinate, nothing and many are the worst of criminals!!!

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Wasn’t the guy’s symptoms red eyes or something? Kind of like pink eye… 🙄

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I didn’t believe the Covid bs and I’m not believing this either.

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How about cat flu?

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It’s fine to warn the people about the next shamdemic being touted by the corrupt government health agencies but isn’t it about time for some retribution/punishment for those corrupt officials who continue to promote these fear mongering lies and propaganda? Otherwise there’s no ending the continued pimping for big pharma and globalist agendas⁉️😳🤔🙏🏼💕🇺🇸🙏🏼

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I sent this to my (former) MD months ago; he did not respond.

The ICD-10-CM has four new codes in it: Z28.310, Z28.311, Z28:29, and a fourth I’m not interested in. I am trying to determine the significance of the first three. They are all centered on the vaxx status of an individual who interacts with a “covered entity”. (A covered entity is defined as any health provider subject to HIPPA.) That’s a lot of covered entities; including optometrists, dentists, chiropractors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physical therapists, blood labs, health insurance companies, and on and on and on.] EVEN IF YOU PAY CASH. I asked my (former) optometrist.]

The codes above are, respectively: “fully vaxxed” “partially vaxxed” and “(purposely) unvaxxed.”

"Z28.29 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. Short description: Immuniz not crd out bec patient decision for oth reason The 2024 edition of ICD-10-CM Z28.29 became effective on October 1, 2023. "https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/Z00-Z99/Z20-Z29/Z28-/Z28.29

As I understand this, the word “can” means “must” BECAUSE ONE OF THE THREE BOXES MUST BE CHECKED.

In other words, it appears that anyone who has consulted with ANY “covered entity” since October of 2023 has their vaxx status on file with the CDC.

Someone please tell me that I’m wrong.

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I've avoided my pcp since 2021... my sister saw something on her chart recently like "refusing boosters". I know there are codes for this.

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