"Sucrose is a type of sugar that is commonly used in food and pharmaceutical products as a stabilizer and preservative. In the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, sucrose allegedly helps to maintain the stability and efficacy of the mRNA molecules in the vaccine."

A bit OT and far-fetched, but my brain triggered on this paragraph. Sucrose is one of the building blocks of life at the sub-cellular level. Sucrose is a sugar. Sugar is a food, in fact it is one of the most elementary foods used by cells and micro-organisms. So, is mRNA actually "alive" and using sucrose as "feed"? Is that why these vaccines initially required -70 degrees temperatures? So they would essentially "hibernate", but stay alive until injected? And then what?

I am obviously not a scientist. But I can't help but wonder...

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Thanks Kyle, good to be among those in the know.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

...but Dr. Ryan Cole insists that he's never found any evidence of graphene oxide in the 100 or so vials he checked! https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/12/dr-ryan-cole-addresses-covid-19-jab-claims-graphene-oxide-nanotech-parasites/

(Wonder where he's hiding today?)

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Graphene Oxide is now in so many products today it’s sick!!! From foam mattress toppers to vaccines! And everywhere in between! Trust that. So disturbing! This is a great piece of work here with awesome information! Thank you. 🙏

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Remember when stem cells from young children were going to solve many medical problems?Disaster followed. There is nothing bad about money, it is the love of money wherein the satanic problem lies. How many houses<notice I did not say homes>can you live in?How many places, cars etc. does a person need. When you are lonely do you talk to your possesions? Do they answere you back? Can you take them with you when you die? I spent 2and a half years with nobody coming to visit, and when they did they stood in the middle of the road to talk. Those fools who took the death shot were so self centered that they forgot, or did not admit to themselves that life has it limits. I can in a way forgive them their ignorance and arrogance, now God help them they are paying the price. The demons who run the pharm's we now know money is their god. The slaughter of the INNOCENTS will be on us all until we decide they are us .

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Does anyone know exactly HOW shedding occurs? It's often referred to but not explained scientifically.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

The GO is not a contaminant, it was put into the Democide jabs intentionally. This all part of the Transhuman agenda. The GO is necessary for the body to be transformed into a human operating system. This is why 5G is needed, to activate it and boosters are needed to keep it up and running.

This whole charade is extremely complicated, curtesy of the DOD and DARPA and many other evil ones.

The bottom line is they want All of humanity destroyed, nothing in God’s image will be allowed. Satan is alive and well and working in tandem with our gubment to kill us all. This is a spiritual war against God and humanity.

Do be aware that this GO and mRNA is in all vaccines, it is in the air, foods, water and harmacuiticles (drugs). What they did with the covid crap is just an extension of what they have been doing for a long time. They just stepped it up.


Check out this link , it’s is almost 3 hours long, but a very well spent 3 hours as it puts everything in perspective.

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(Banned)Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Lioness of Judah Ministry, that link 'its website' you cite:


from in the sentence:

"And in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages per month, and since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website as they have been published.:"

gives me:

'Sorry we could not find the requested page or document. Please use the menu above.'

The graphene issue is extremely important but also DIFFICULT to untangle, due to its complexity.

When you read that FDA doc, quote:

"PF-07302048: Structural and Biophysical Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein (P2 S) as a Vaccine Antigen VR-VTR-10741, Ver. 2.0"

you realize that the 'mesh grids freshly overlaid with graphene oxide' WAS used ONLY in the

'3.4. Cryo-EM of P2 S' electron microscopy experiment for the protein characterisation. Nothing alive comes out of cryo EM, these samples are shot to death, all what is left are PICTURES. Thus mass production of the synthetic genetic material can't go through the same process, in my opinion....

That Pfizer whistleblower who was suing them, was always saying that their vials were glowing BLUE(!!!), which would be graphene, DIRECTLY added in the manufacturing process..

Also anyone doing any microscopy experiment and putting claims, should PROVIDE GOOD CONTROL, including even plain water exposed to the air! WE need to remember, we are being sprayed with the same material via geoengineering experiments, which are targeting, like the covid injections, specific areas.... That's why the complexity.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I think we all remember when that graphene oxide scientist was murdered in Germany...and when the Japanese stopped injecting because the liquid in their vials were strange colours.

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Ginger Breggin here. They all knew— about nanotechnology, so-called mRNA vaccine dangers, and the across the board earlier vaccine development failures in the “dual use” gain of function research being done by the US DOD, NIH, etc. We documented some of the evidence that those who are supposed to protect citizens were indeed hiding the vicious dangers of the vaccines.


Now it is clear that all those folks that were supposed to protect us also knew about nano technology and the toxicity of these mRNA “vaccines”’

So let us not hear anymore about whether we can ask questions, discuss, speculate, argue, and research every possible aspect of these toxic substances. The human species has been exposed to. We have wasted enough time withholding questions already.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

And friends and family do not want to believe still. 😡😡😞

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Excellent letter, Thank you for all your great efforts in exposing these atrocities. GOD bless you!

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Bioweapon technology. It’s still recommended by the ACOG for pregnant women. The end game is depopulation in my book.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Looks like the courts are Guilty on more than one Issue!

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This is just the push I need to publish the next post I have brewing. Thank you.

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