Reducing population is what Gates and the Pharmonsters are all about. Luckily Dems are probably more jabbed than average. With any luck they won’t reproduce🤣

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They are effectively killing off their own voter base... Completely Illogical.

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Unless they know they can continue the “selection” process disguised as elections ???

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I don’t think they ever thought about that!🤣

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As the Color Revolution of 2020 proved: "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." However, in 2024 there was a Wild Card: Uncle Elon!

Joseph Stalin

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Oh no! Conservatives might become a majority, then people like Trump (father of the covid vax, pusher of 5G and backslapping pals with Schwab) might get in every time!

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Ironic how that worked out.

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Kill Gates giggles on Fallon while AI robots replace humans! He cares deeply! And the sheep clap in the audience while they’re being replaced! 😎💯

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Yeah, quite the spectacle.

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I’m baffled! But the jabs were to keep you safe and protect grandma! 😎💯

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Only when you fail the Global IQ Test.

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Yeah, the shots are harming the next generation not just fertility, young moms are going into the ICU (HEELP Syndrome) and several a week are being readmitted after discharge from having a baby with "post partum preeclampsia"...Preeclampsia babies admitted to the NICU, the silence continues...

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The hits just keep coming, don't they? Dr. McCullagh did a study said 70% of all deaths the last few years were really beastvax deaths.

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Yes Dee Dee , so true . What’s frightening, is some women were jabbed 3 plus years ago … the effects of the jab are not fading .😞

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I hadn't heard that! I'll have to look at that.

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I didn't even know that was a thing

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The mRNA Concoction is very much like Agent Orange a multigenerational gift that keeps on giving.

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Non-vaxed males should become high demand studs. 😂😂 I sense a new business model.😂😂🤑🤑

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There seem to be never-ending ways to reduce the population! I am sure the WHO miscreants never got the jab.?

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We need to remove and severely punish this tyrannical evil group. All of them

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Sorry to tell you, the unvaxxed are polluted too, just not so badly or a few years behind. This is an extinction level event.

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Unfortunately, the female fertility is tanked too. Its across the board.

So the "studs" will need to find their "studette" to have a potential chance at non IVF produced or incubated children.😐

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As long as everyone leaves their paws off my husband! Go find your own stud, ladies.

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Yes, we were told it would destroy men's fertility. I read something about the original mRNA test subjects were chemically sterilized after tests so they could not have children.

Hey guys... ever wonder where that shlong went and got replaced with a pickle? Clean the bots from your blood, you'll get your junk back like a stallion, no joke.

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They’re a depopulaton weapon birthed by Donald. J. Trump. When is there going to be an investigation?

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Trump was just as hoodwinked as everybody else. I'm waiting to see what Bobby does.

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Are you serious? Was he hoodwinked when he told America that the virus was only an issue for less than 1% of the population and then two months later locked down Americans like prisoners? Is he still hoodwinked? Has he not looked at VAERS? He’s still out touting his “beautiful vaccine” that killed and injured millions. Why isn’t DOGE at the CDC and the FDA? Fauci needs more than his security detail cancelled. Why do you need to wait for Bobby? I was with Trump until 2020. Now he’s dead to me.

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Let's see what Bobby does.

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I wouldn't hold your breath

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The wing that harrased everyone and mandated it are not dead to me, but are quite clearly the evil ilk. We're not "the people" going on and on about a vexx? We're we not assured wr have safe vexx?

0biden demanded and required and harrased.

Recently, we've heard Trump speak and call into question all of these vexx

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🤣😂🤣 You've been brainwashed! They were already here! The people wanted a bexx. He NEVER mandated. In fact, he gave examples of other ways to heal if you happen to get it.

But the left will always find a way to blame someone else. Masters of deception, and they claim it. Read "Yes, We Still Can, by obammas aide, Dan Pfiffer. How on Christmas am, after a long night of partying, apparently in the hotel or building. O man came in and demanded they Meet that day, while out of session for the holy day. 8am. All hung over. Had one repub join them- Schumer, maybe. You'll have to read it. They would laugh and have a good time, w every deception, it was reported.

Who mandated this thing from early on? Remember, Trump was out at the very beginning. He approved a watp speed (as the pros in that area said they were capable of- we always assume safely, but this regime were out to depopulate, so they didn't care).

It was 0biden who required and pushed and harrassed and had fits to get those shots into people's arms.

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I thought these scientists, researchers and doctors were at least smart enough to look before they leaped. The information was out there in the beginning and very few said stop, we have a big problem.

Better late than never, but the damage has already been done.

Maybe they will look before they leap next time ???

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Everything they did seemed to be counter intuitive and fly in the face of 2000 years of medicine, even an idiot like me could see that. How the doctors missed it is inexcusable and indicates the rot and corruption.

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And people who didn't want it had to continue to pay the bills..

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Had to work, so accepted it

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Indeed. Think of the possible lawsuits...endless, infinite.

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The polls are rigged, they don't even need any "voters" but only "ballots!"

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Once they get that hive mind control from the Simulacrum, voting will be unnecessary, since you get programed with your politics from the mainframe anyways and everybody will vote the exact same.

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Could be their plan, but the battle is already won. These are evil demons

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Well done Dr Fauci

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read an article recently, wish now I could remember what nation is

experiencing same for women

Pregnancy levels have dropped appreciably and they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the jab

IF you cannot kill the child in the womb, then keep it from being conceived

Gates has wailed loudly for some time about OVERPOPULATION

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Data from the Czech Republic. Vaxxed women have 66% reduced fertility as opposed to unvaxxed. That's an extinction level event.

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Thank you for filling in the blank for me

I recalled it was Eastern Europe but had forgotten which nation

Catastrophic % :-(

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Thank you, for reporting

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Thank you, for reporting

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The genie is out of the bottle - too late to reverse the effects of Covid vaccines - not content the powers that be develop bird flu vaccine to finish the job- population collapse within 10 years or less - the powers that be won - but new mRNA cancer drug in the offing. - oh how generous of our captors to squeeze the last dollar out of the afflicted before they die. This my friends is our dystopian life.

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Look folks, yes the shots dramatically increase infertility% on a dose depeindent format, BUT don't buy the BS narrative that the infertility rates were all fine BEFORE the shots. They weren't.😐 The "overpopulation" narrative has been a BS grift since 1990.

All the countries live birth populations were dropping, all over the globe. Yes, even Africa, India, South America, etc Australian was at 1.8-9 in 2019. 😐🤔🤦‍♀️

I mention it because IF you allow them to use the shots as a narrative to cover the real reasons that we have permently changed the future of humanity, then it will allow THEM to continue with the plan that they believe is "saving humanity" but making them a $#!@ ton of money and power, and making them the new kings of the world.😐

If you like living as a slave for some fat cat, then by all means blame the shots for the infertility. If you don't, then call them on their BS.

And, re the fertility- nature has a way of rebuilding despite damage, I see it everyday. So we can rebuild fertility in humanity, but not if the real causes are covered up.😐

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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The globalists got exactly what they wanted, Depopulation. It is too bad that so much of the world fell for the propaganda and bioweapon. We could be heading for a worldwide population crash that may be a threat to mankind as we know it.

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That’s exactly what they were intended to do if not kill you outright.

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The other thing I bet will be discovered is that 'vaccines' are responsible for the soaring incidences of sleep apnoea and the creation of an entire market of services and products for 'sleep disorders' including clinics and a whole proliferation of 'CPAP' machines!

"The Light (of Christ) shines in the darkness, and the darkness CANNOT extinguish it!" John1:5

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And so much mental illness. So much in suicide. Half of my young sons friends are gone. From illness to suicide.

He just turned 35. I am so disgusted with this oligarch rule. We must put them down and have the most severe consequences

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That is horrific – parasites feeding off of the death and destruction they have created!

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And weight gain! Oh! Here you go! Ozempic will cure you 🤡

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