Absolute rubbish!

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This literally enrages me.

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They are getting completely desperate with this horseshit. As soon as one of these demon "cullers" gets shot or attacked by a mob while trying to off someone's pet it will stop. Of course Im not promoting violence. :)

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IF it gets to that place, it won't stop. They will go crazy with a mass culling. If anything's been learned in the last 4 years, they quadruple down when called out.

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Cant think like that, this is now that was then, no one is the ssme.

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P'nut didn't enrage much 😿. As far as I know

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They are just setting the stage and spinning narratives with this. Establishing the brainwashing on the large percentage of the population who are asleep. What I think we're all missing and forgetting however, is they are setting up the mechanisms to FORCE us into complying with all of their tyranny, via digital ID's, CBDCs and digital money.

Once they unleash their planned "events" to push digital ID's and digital money, and if everyone accepts it, then we're screwed. Literally. Game over. They won't need our consent for just about anything in a very short while...

Next up, your digital ID will get tied into EVERYTHING...banking/finance, health, employment, etc. All traceable and trackable on the blockchain and policed by AI. They will be able to control everything. If they determine you have cats that haven't gotten their hidden slow cull "vaccines", or one day in the future don't straight up bring in the animal you are found to have to the vet for euthanasia, then they fine you to oblivion, or eventually shut you off from society. No work, no food, no transportation for you.

At the same time, they likely continue to take over the pet food supply and attempt to price, poison or starve us out of owning animals.

All of this, of course, for public health...to prevent "pandemics", "climate change" and their net zero bullshit. We are at the precipice and so close to this starting to unfold at a rapid pace and people don't realize it. They are setting up all the events..."the year of the polycrises" as psychopathic Klaus Schwab parroted on stage.

PS: Now ask yourselves, why would Trump/Drumpf be trying to make the US "the bitcoin capital of the world"? It's the narrative and bridge to the new system. People are following him like the pied piper, thinking their portfolio's look great, that digital money will be a good thing...BTC in the strategic reserves is a good idea, etc. It's not -- we need honest, real, constitutional money in our reserves. GOLD. China for example is buying tons of gold. We are not. Trump won't even talk about it. People are so asleep to where he's leading us. He's just the next phase in the reset/nwo agenda -- and everyone is literally tricked by the two sided political theater. We don't have two sides. We have a luciferian, psychopathic, pedo globalist uniparty who are all marching to the same tune/agenda, with the illusion of sides. It's all a ruse. Smoke and mirrors. I wish people would wake up. Divide and conquer and Ordo Ab Chao being used against us (look that up) -- textbook masonic and communmist tactics to achieve an agenda.

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Revelation 13:17 New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995 (NASB1995) and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Revelation 9:4. ESV They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Repent and believe in Yeshua Messiah. The kingdom of Yahweh is coming

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Same 😾

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Let’s face it — Satan hates ALL of God’s creation and wants to see it all destroyed. The sad thing is so many people don’t know God and are deceived and buy into all of Satan’s insane lies and schemes. Satan is the reason sin came into the world and why God sent us His only Son to redeem us as well as the whole creation.

“For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers as with the pains of childbirth together until now, awaiting its full redemption…” Romans 8:22

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They want to destroy our food supply first. So they lie about bird flu infecting chickens. Then they lie about bird flu infecting cows. Then they lie about bird flu infecting pigs. Then they lie about bird flu spreading to cats. Then they lie about bird flu spreading to humans.

Bird flu is a LIE. It is an attempt to shut everything down again. They think we are stupid. But most of us know their evil agenda now. They actually want US dead. We will NOT comply.

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Kentucky Fried Labmeat from Gates, Inc.

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This just means murder for so many cats by idiots who believe this crap. There have been many articles over the last 4 years maligning our pets with reasons ranging from too much trash generated from their pet food to cat litter to their feces. Most people are fiercely protective of their pets and this is likely going to get uglier before it’s over.

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Itll keep happening until we say NO

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It happened before. In the medieval the pope gave orders to kill all Cats in Europe - because they were allegedly satan's creatures. The ancestors of the shot takers killed most of the Feline population in Europe. After that, the bubonic plague decimated the moronic populations in Europe in a sleight of Karmic hand. Proving once more that there is truth to the fact that history repeats itself until it stops.

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Sounds like the WHO one health plan coming! Birds are infecting mammals then humans. Everything and everyone needs toxic syringes to stop the spread of something that doesn’t exist! Kill your pets and yourself to stop the spread!

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I smell a rat, not a cat.

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A BIG swamp rat that needs to be caught in a trap.

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A rat named Rockefeller:).

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The ones that the rat won't be able to leave alive.

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Just like the so-called vaccines, this is another line in the sand.

I don't consent.

I won't comply.

I will resist.

I will deny.

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Leave my cat 🐈 and anyone else's cats alone.

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All these fools need to be shot, shut down the universities seem to be where all the stupidity comes from

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What folk don't realize there is a hidden global agenda. In NZ it's labelled Pest Free NZ 2050:

"What is driving the Pest Free NZ Agenda and the hysteria in eradicating non native species. Answer - International agreements and a global agenda to purge all non native species of animals and plants around the world."


They're eradicating anything that's edible IMO. Here in NZ they've vilified cats for a long time (cats kill the native birds apparently & at one time gave someone a license to cull feral cats with guns) however our poisoning environmental dept DOC poison the birds anyway with impunity. They also reward kids for killing certain animals.




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Dec 20Edited

This is diabolical on so many levels , firstly its an insult to God Almighty the Creator , secondly after four years of almost MK Ultra levels of psyops on the population ,you can almost guarantee that this will be one of the last straws for some poor sod!s ! : (

absolutely do not comply !!!!!!! ,like it says at Acts 5: 29 " We must obey God as ruler rather than men"

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These assholes never saw this, which is disturbing in itself:

This is one of the most clever and effective and amazingly prescient satires of modern times

Simpsons - Art Predicts Life - House Cat Flu - YouTube


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LOL! KOOL AS!! HOW do The Simpsons CONSISTANTLY 'Do It', on Relevant issues??!!

The only other 'Alternate' is the Cover of The Economist magazine! -

Eg; Christmas edition 2012. Titled; A rough guide to Hell. Israeli/Hamas 'Hang Gliders' = Who knew!! - LOL!

Wellness - John D.

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Kim Ivories and Haaretz report: GAZA HORROR IDF Soldiers Reveal Atrocities—'Everyone Is a Terrorist' - YouTube


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IDF - Unfortunately, the Subject of the Report IS Israeli 'Standard Operating Procedure!

Look at the 'Deals' Struck between The Zionists & the Globalist 'Installed' Nazi 3rd Reich, Including Trade Deals & Everything else (Medals struck in Colaboration - Star of David on 1 side, Nazi Swastika on other side.; 'A Nazi travels to Palestine'. (1934).

Q; With the Zionist 'Felling' of Prominent Families in Europe including Russian Royal family (Early 20th Century), & The 'Import' of Policies & Techniques for 'Restraint & Isolation', & Dissolutions of Structured Society, WHO/m, gave What to Who - & in Which Order? Aka, Current & Historic atrocity protocols, seem far too 'Familiar & Natural' to The Zionist 'Group', to believe that 'They', weren't the 'Inventors' of Such Protocols! This IS Einsatzgruppen Protocols - On a much wider dispersal - Population Pro Rata!

Only Naive folks, 'Believe' that 'Incidents' are NOT Choreographed for Staged forward Movement of Agenda! And ALL of the Israeli Political & Media Allies (Australia Inclusive)Bear the SAME level of responsibility for ANY of the ILLEGAL protocols! while we're at it, The U.N IS A DEAD & USELESS ORGANISATION! It can't even support it's OWN charters!

Thanks for Reference clips!

Wellness to All.

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Agent131711 on Substack wrote an informative article based on his research that found the Bubonic Plague may not have been caused by a contagious disease but rather by poisoned water. Pope Gregory IX had a large amount of cats killed throughout Europe right before the plague occurred. It seems that whole scenario is being attempted now. My guess, and this is only a guess, is that they know we watch our beloved pets closely and care for them as members of the family, and our small animals can be like canaries in coal mines-- being affected by pathogens before we are. What if they're planning some kind of poisoning on the public and they need all the "canaries in the coal mines" out of the way first so it's more difficult to accurately gauge what's really occurring?

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You beat me. Didn't read all the comments before I commented myself. I have written about the first Cat culling in Europe forty years ago. Ironically, the perpetrators then were very much like the indoctrinated fools of today. And yes, they are spraying shit every day here in Florida. All useless life is getting exterminated now. It is happening on a daily basis and no election will change that. It will always be like "meet the new boss - same as the old boss". Or does anybody believe the culling will end January 20th? I got some nice bridges for sale for those.

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Amen!! Or any other animal.

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Ha!! Try messing with our pets!! Talk about war

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