Anyone have luck finding a non satanic pediatrician?

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May 4·edited May 4

Dr Mike Yeadon has never said people did not have ILI ( Influenzas Like Illnesses) or the severe symptoms associated with them, in 2020 / 2021 etc. These patients should have been treated in the normal way.It is misleading to mix up the no virus debate with ,the people who were misdiagnosed debate.

He stated that these symptoms were incorrectly attributed to SARS cov2/ Covid by unreliable PCR Tests, etc, consequently they were not treated as usual.

.SARS virus has never been isolated ( in fact no virus have been isolated by the accepted scientific method). Therefore there was not a Pandemic, by any normal standards.

Denis Rancourt has published papers showing that there were no excess deaths, many other reputable Scientists agree.

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May 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

People did get sick. People did die. So what was it? Flu? Bacterial pneumonia? Interesting, however, that 2020 (without vaccines) had no excess deaths.

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May 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Edward Jenner had a temple in the back of his garden, - the temple of Vaccinia

This is a shrine to the cult of vaccination.

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Jenner was a Freemason

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Apr 17Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Legitimized poison for our children provided daily via all vaccines and now covid vax an EUA product has been normalized and on the vax schedule. How perverse is our medical world ensuring lifetime employment caring for the kids they poison, real humanitarians !

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CDC Members should be rounded up and exterminated to save children from PURE FUCKING EVIL.

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President Putin stated a few days ago that Globalists like Klaus Schwab are enemies of the Russian Federation and are legitimate Targets for it's Military. These people have been trying to destroy Russia for Centuries so Russia will eliminate them. This means Soros and his son, hopefully Gates and all of the other Globalists.

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May 3Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

And yet Russia mandated their anti Covid vaccine.

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Great piece from February! I am a bit confused, though.

Your subtitle asks, "Are you AWAKE yet?" As if we should be striving to be awake.

But woke people and things are bad.

Is this part of your psy-counter-op against their psy-op?.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

This is an excellent post . Thank you so much . It covers a lot of ground in a direct manner that I’m sharing with others .

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Dr. Makary at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Medicine with other scientists teamed up with the non-profit FAIR Health group to look at the insurance data of 48,000 children diagnosed with Covid between April 2020 and Aug. 2020. Not ONE of the children who died were free of pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer And this is true in Germany, too, where a massive study late fall showed ZERO – there’s that word again – deaths from Covid among healthy German kids, as reported by Alex Berenson Dec. 2, 2021, or at LifeSite News. Or see a the details in a late 2021 German study (collating evidence from three sources 1) a national seroprevalence study (the SARSCoV-2 KIDS study), 2) the German statutory notification system and 3) a nationwide registry on children and adolescents hospitalized with either SARS-CoV-2 or Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS)) reported that there were zero (0) deaths in children 5 to 18 years old across the period of study. Ditto in Sweden - Swedish data by Ludvigsson reported on the 1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2020) who were 1 to 16 years of age who attended school with largely no lockdowns or masks. They found zero (0) deaths. “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” If you include kids with serious morbidities, there were six deaths. In Germany, out of a total population of 80 million, around 10 million school age kids. Even serious illness was extremely rare, 1 in 50,000. See Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s SWEDEN AND GERMANY: NO DEATHS IN CHILDREN DUE TO COVID for more reading, or this article which notes that German scientists found that no healthy child 5-17 years of age died of COVID in Germany.

And Dr. John Day, MD, noted in his blog about kids and the shot “COVID-19 rates in children ages 5 to 11 are so low that there were ZERO cases of severe COVID-19 and ZERO cases of death from COVID in either the treatment (n= 1,518) or control group (n= 750). So any claims you see in the press about the Pfizer vaccine being “90% effective” in children are meaningless... Pfizer’s clinical trial in kids was intentionally undersized to hide harms. This is a well known trick of the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA even called them out on it earlier this summer and asked Pfizer to expand the trial and Pfizer just ignored them because they can... Pfizer only enrolled “participants 5-11 years of age without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.” Does the Pfizer mRNA shot wipe out natural immunity and leave one worse-off than doing nothing as shown in this data from the British government? Pfizer has no idea because children with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection were excluded...”

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Excellent post, especially the exposure of CDC.

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"Politicians, judiciaries, and regulators are nothing but actors, Luciferian deceivers, and illusionists put in place to intact (sic) the satanic script."


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That's exactly correct so really who are the fools - them or the people who obey their laws and mandates once they know that this is all satanic?

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It's just not the Covid Clot shots people.....IT'S ALL SHOTS!!!!!

"The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination.....100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines."

-Dr Guylaine Lanctor author of "The Medical Mafia"

"Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child....There in convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease"

-Dr Robert Mendelsohn author of "Confessions of a Medical Heretic"

"These chronic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, cancer, and AIDS, are the result of wrong interventions upon the organism by conventional medicine.....the immune systems of the Western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated vaccinations, have broken down.....medicine, instead of curing diseases, is actually the cause of the degeneration of the human race"

-Dr Juan Manuel Martinez Mendez writing in the Aug/Sept 2004 Townsend Letter

The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax


Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets


The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean:




10 Most SURPRISING and DANGEROUS ingredients in vaccines, and the industry’s poor explanations for why they’re used


Dr. Andrew Moulden: All Vaccines Cause Ischemia (Impaired Blood Flow) Which Blocks Oxygen Delivery Leading to Chronic Disease






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it’s been stunning to me that any parent is not outraged and called to action by this wicked development. California backed down from their proposed requirement of the c19 injection for school this year due to public outrage, we must not let our guard down because have no doubt whatsoever that they are NOT done pursuing this evil.

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The system will just keep everyone working against the next thing and the next thing and the next thing that comes out. The system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. The system. It's the system.

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Wow kitten that’s a step in the right direction or do they want Newsom in the White House when Biden bites the dust !! Still positive for California though but it’s now on the vaccine schedule..

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don’t trust anything they say or do, hearing that public school enrollment numbers are declining dramatically in some areas… weird concurrent timing with CDC though.

you’re probably right about the political tactic.

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Time will tell … have u seen the super blooms in the desert? ( if I remember correctly?)

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i have a carpet of white allysum blooming in my garden now but just a few California poppies have started blooming so far, maybe a few more weeks… was helping my neighbor the other day chop down his waist high weeds which was unbelievable & bodes well for the super bloom season.

the bulk of atmospheric river was positioned north/central to Central Valley, Sierras but bypassing Death Valley, lesser impacting Joshua Tree, Anza Borego Desert.

probably the most amazing displays will be the Lancaster poppy fields, Carizo Plains, Sierra western foothills, eastern Sierras near/ north of Bishop.


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Lovely , I will be hiking in a few weeks . 💜

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Men had better wise up soon... May God Almighty bring down fire at the NFL Stupor Baal https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/nfl-stupor-baal-lvii

Wield the Sword for the King of glory ~ Shalom, Peter

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