They keep on pushing the jabs here in the UK. Nothing is learnt.

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That is the only answer.




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The ones pushing the jab have learnt very well, I'm afraid.

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This is the best explanation I have heard so far.

Long live Sasha.






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Words will not avail you

When words fail

Arrows hail

When the talking stops

The fighting starts

The time for talk is over

Tolerance is at an end

There is no peaceful solution


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The neo-malthusians, tirelessly scheming in the shadows to establish a global government under a technocratic elite, kneel daily in prayer...

Our Technocrat, who art in Cyberspace,

Hallowed be thy Blockchain,

Thy CBDC come,

Thy will be done,

In digital wallets and ATMS.

Give us this day our daily UBI tokens,

And ‘forgive‘ us our cash transactions,

As we 'forgive‘ those who use them.

Lead us not into financial freedom,

But deliver us from privacy.

For thine is the algorithm, the power, and the control,

Forever and ever,


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Yep. Biden pulled out of Afghanistan overnight because the country & people there don't matter either. But as we've seen this past week, the globalist leaders of Europe desperately want to start WW3 with Russia to break it apart, but don't want to do it themselves. They can't afford to. Instead, they want to get the US mired down in Ukraine & fighting Russia for everyone else, until the US is weak to. Their problem is the one president who isn't one of them, the one they tried to destroy for over 8 years, wants peace and a great, strong America.

The mineral deal Zelensky tried pushing was a scheme, a big con job to sucker Trump & get big US mining companies involved Ukraine and the US armed forces in the country to defend them against Russia But there's nowhere near $500 Billion worth of minerals in Ukraine.

The military industrial complex ( banker.included) stands to lose a lot of money if a peace deal is worked out. And millions more will not be wiped out.

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Does anything good come from bureaucracy?

Can anyone name one good thing they have produced? They are a drain on society, parasites leeching off of the productive people. They should be removed and banned altogether…when are the people going to fight back? Are we just going to sit and watch people die one by one and do nothing? This is the new war they wage, no old fashioned weapons of war. Man made disease, weather modification disasters and poisonous medicine. Silently killing one at a time…we have the power to stop it, we have to let them know we won’t tolerate anymore. If not, it will continue to grow bigger and get more brazen as they learn nothing will be done…fight for the children!

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hola, sasha.

this is a great summary introduction to the deliberations of the cull. it wasn't just an accident.

and for me a small synchronicity which i will add to an upcoming essay. i was at a small café here in oaxaca. a trio of older english speakers were directly behind me. soon after sitting down i heard the one of two women comment about the sorry state of the planet due to human presence and that 'it was unfortunate that the last pandemic wasn't better than it was. Hopefully the next one would be better [at killing more people].' hmmmm. something about that really disgusted me, this time. it stuck with me and i had the strongest desire to stand up and say 'Although the so-called pandemic didn't kill enough people, you can relax about the culling because places with high injection rates are seeing above expected rates of excess mortality and that the mortality rates for the injected continue to rise with younger and younger people dropping dead.'

i didn't do that. that was Friday night. and now, late saturday night, early sunday morning, i come to your interview summarising the plan which was about distributing a weapon in the form of injectable toxins. the weapon was not the virus, the virus was salting the mine of a fake pandemic to get a mass poisoning by injection. viruses and poisoning air, water and food are much more problematic to control.

and my thinking is that even with all their planning, the human body's resilience largely thwarted their kill off. imo far fewer died than they had planned for. one of the reasons for the huge push, now, was they were anticipating lots of dead which would enable the 15 minute city plan to work more effectively and that they were concerned that if they protracted the roll out people would wake up to their plan. what has happened with fewer than anticipated deaths at the rate they had planned for has kept more people asleep longer than they had anticipated.

although there are signs of awakening. on monday i was in a department store here in mexico and i saw a non-mexican looking for something. i approached him and asked him where he is from, why he's here, etc. nice small chit chat. he was from ireland visiting his brother. he asked me why i was here. i explained with simple language that i had been mandated to get the injection in canada or lose employment. and that i chose unemployment and so couldn't afford to live in canada and by 'chance' i wound up being here.

he said something remarkable! "you were right," he said, "not to get the vaccine. my father died because of the vaccine, i'm sure of it. a strange lung disease. and now my aunt is sick in a strange way and so is my sister. it was the vaccine."


we are living the bhagavad-gita wedded to the great apocalypse! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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It's eerie to overhear those conversations... most recently I walked in on a group of medical students talking about fluoride. I was excited thinking they'd talk about the ramifications of it's over use. Nope. They were talking about all the benefits! One guy adds it to his well water for health! Ugh 😩. I was sorely disappointed.

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yes, kat bro.

with sodium fluoride i frequently ask people supporting it if they know that every year several to many young children die of sodium fluoride poisoning after eating a tube of toothpaste. i elaborate that when i told my dentist this 'fact' she agreed and knew of that. then asked what else to use? green tea, which she told me about because of her experience with old school chinese people with perfect teeth, no brushing and terrible gum disease. lots of green tea has natural non-sodium fluoride that keeps teeth well.

one time i mentioned this to someone who was a dental hygienist and she commented that the intense liquid sodium fluoride treatment is dangerous for children who can go into a NaFl induced coma or die from it. she saw a few instances of coma from that treatment.

we are living the bhagavad-gita wedded to the great apocalypse! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Prozak is powdered fluoride..let that sink in.

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never heard this before. wow

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So is cipro... 😞

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big pharma owns the medical schools unfortunately so the lies continue

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It seems that the truth WILL set us free and thanks to the goodly people like Sasha Latypova and the others there’s more and more truth surfacing in these times to show us all the actual fake reality that the globalist psychopaths have hypnotised the academics the politicians the media and the WEF sock puppets .. summarised as the sock puppets of Satan... ?

Ian recently seeing academics that are beginning to break their programming that was earned when they attended the universities to gain their credentials.

On the Charlie ward show in the past few days and 30 or so minute interview was given with a closet scientist revealed that in main stream academia much of the actual truth of a topic . I’m this case “ climate change”..,

The scientist actually showed the the evidence she had did not in any way give evidence that co2 was causing man made climate change!

And she is portably an isolated voice in the main stream scientific community ?

What I see all the time in academia is a very sturdy barrier between the factors that we are seeing in the real world being included in the science that is being pursued in main stream academia.

Hence ... it is impossible for “science” to find the correct solutions to the multitude of dire problems we face on this planet.

The academics go blindly on

reciting their main stream mantras and civil station

moves blindly shed marching to the globalists marching tunes.

The signposts have been purposefully covered and like lemmings we move blindly forwards without any realisation of imminent insanities.

The usual suspects have rigged the computer models and corrupted the media and politicians and the ngo”s are the hidden tools of the globalist’s as are the universities and academics.

The DOGE detectives are finding that the nefarious projects are funded by the American taxpayers and that funding also enable colour revolutions and trafficking and bioweapons research

and their use as pharmaceuticals..

Etc etc ..

So I reference to hd bogus climate change “ science”

scientists are collecting their data and are totally unaware that HAARP is causing stratospheric heating and moving around the jet stream

(did example ..

The converted 747 passenger jets are spraying nano scale metals and various toxic substances that rain s down upon everything on the surface or mother natures realm.

The we have DEW weapons burning the forests and farms towns and to the scientists the politicians the media etc this is all because of the use of co2...

And much of of academia blindly accepts the lies and deceptions.

Also there must be corrupt scientists anc mass corruption elsewhere to facilitate these lies.!

This pattern is the same playbook used to justify the covid “ vaccines” etc etc etc etc etc etc etc .

Would any one care.to make a list of the nefarious bullocks and bullshit that guided humanity into it s future.

Here I will have to mention the nicotine guy who has uncovered one of the most

hideous deceptions and that is the demonisation of nicotine.

That means that all of academia has bought the bullocks and bullshit shovelled into the brains of maybe fifty years of students professors politicians media people and the usual victims..

Do we need a DOGE for

sconce physics biology nutrition environmental science energy etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc ..

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The Ai txt demon has changed words in my item (above)

Paragraph 3 / line 4 should read :

Climate scientist

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Yea, look at the VAERS Data. Then you will know. If they were moral the vaccine makers would have halted the campaign. But they wanted the money. Corruption!

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More Ai word changing

and my revision to return it to its predict meaning .

Paragraph 4 / line /:

She is probably

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You can edit your post by clicking the three dots to the right of your name.

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Hi kat !!!

Thanks v much for that ..


That will save a lot of tedious madness for me

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😂 anytime!

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Yes, you can edit, but I think that will remove any "likes", because you may have changed your post into something the person would not like!

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More revisions

Paragraph 7/ line 3 :

Civilisation not civil station as the Ai changed it to !!!

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Catherine Austin Fitts looks right in the face of the monster.

Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed

By Catherine Austin Fitts


John Titus has videos linked on Solari that explain the crucial difference between the Fed and the ECB.

Although the same oligarchs are probably behind both the Fed and the ECB, the Fed's subordination by law to Congress means, together with the Bill of Rights and the other provisions in the U.S. Constitution, that the U.S. is fundamentally more free than the EU, in spite of the oligarchs efforts to obscure that and present Trump and his Technocratic backers as our saviors.

Titus explains how the Fed can manipulate the money supply through reserve requirements and asset purchases, how it purchased only bank owned assets after the 2008 global financial crisis because of oversight from congress, and how in 2020 congress was distracted and it looked the other way while the fed purchased trillions in non bank owned assets to prop up the stock market.

He also very clearly explains that the crucial difference between the Fed and the European Central Bank is that, according to the U.S. Constitution, Congress retains money printing power and the Fed is only delegated that power and Congress (supposedly) oversees it and can even revoke it and take back the money printing powers, by law. Titus also explains how the Fed is forever gaslighting the public in saying that it can get better results without political interference, but that is demonstrably false.

So we see the result of the ECB being privately owned but completely politically untouchable in the EU approach to Russia and Ukraine.

Episode 1 - The War for Bankocracy

Brace yourself for another assault on the Constitution


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Thanks Sasha you’re correct and the jab is still on the market . Great interview.

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The spraying in the Belgian skies has come to the point of being surreal. No natural clouds anymore, only vaporising chemicals spreading and 'bleeding' out above our heads. If the jabs didn't do enough of the killing, lets do it this way!

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Thank you for posting this. Sasha has been speaking out since the beginning. She has discovered many things and drawn many conclusions since 2021. I think she believes that the entire vaccine program has been nefarious since its inception.

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Banksters and their big pharma assassins.

We need pitchforks and a lot of rope.

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