Brave woman, I wish her all the best.

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This is beyond tragic and I do so feel for her. When Covid hit I knew something was wrong. I am not an anti-vaxer but I could see immediately that this was a PLANdemic. I never took the shot and neither did anyone in my family. We all have tried to warn people but to no avail. It so saddens me to see what our president, the WHO, the CDC along with the evil Fauci and Kill Gates have done to our world. Did no one ever hear Kill Gates talk about the depopulation program? When the WHO take over the global health agenda in May, we will see billions of deaths. That is with a "B". Why is this so difficult to understand?????

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I still cannot believe how many people took the shots. People chose to get them. Nothing is worth keeping your job and giving up your health or your life. At the very beginning I prayed to God and I felt him answer me no do not get the shot. I feel more people should have prayed and asked God for his guidance.

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Why does she say: "I'm not gonna get political, but I will say that is f**** up."

She doesn't need to get partisan (especially considering BOTH Democrats & Republicans in DC have protected the total immunity of both vaccine & fake "vaccine" manufacturers). But she DOES need to get political! For heaven's sake, if THIS demonstration of human desolation and mass murder on the part of our totalitarian political "elite" & the unaccountable bureaucrats they have elevated to such enormous power is NOT an appropriate time to activate politically, then nothing is.

There could be NO CLEARER demonstration than the Covid Era abuse & mass murder of citizens by their own corrupt political "leadership" of the profound truth that: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty". Translation: Get political. Complacency is the road to totalitarianism.

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The link above may help you. I'm so sorry and praying for your continue healing. You might want to get in touch with Dr Ardis. He lost his father in law due to Covid, so he has been fight this battle and has found a lot of answers and may help you in getting better.

This product is show promising results help Vaccine Injured , but always research on this video that explains it. **GET Master Peace to GET THE GRAPHENE & nano tech OUT of your body!!** https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=4094 https://www.bitchute.com/video/AUcCfNRpmnt5/ This is the video Dr. Robert Young who explains the Master Peace to help vaccine injured patients. Dr. Young's site: https://www.drrobertyoung.com Also there's a link if you wish to sell the product if it works for you.

Also another great site is https://app.clouthub.com/#/users/id/ CEO Todd Callender, Esq is great to follow and is on also on SGT Report alot that could help. https://www.bitchute.com/video/oBMWN8vMhP6k/

Also a great team to follow is Hope & Tivon https://www.bitchute.com/video/ky4pqhRQjq6u/ This is the latest video on SGT Report.

21d13dc4-3a6a-4de5-8160-69e2d1360b16 . Please check out Vax choice and Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet could also may help you and also put your story out there. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3UhczUuVHw3x/ . Here is https://vaxxchoice.com/ they can direct you in medical or legal help.

Sorry ! I know its a lot of information, But I want everyone that took the vaccine to get help. There's a lot. of Doctors and many people around the world that just want the same. We the people all around the world must come together and help all vaccine injured. God Bless

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thank you for all of these. I don't know why I haven't been getting your mails other than I had a problem with my computer and now lots of folks are missing.

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I forgot another link of the Medbeds , that the deep state kept a secret. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QM8GNLpGyCZn/ There’s a lot of fake/ scams out there . But this video will explain how the Medbeds that We the people of the World tax paying people have been paying for. The great awakening is happening, keep the faith !! 🙏❤️😇 God bless !

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Is it posted on other platforms as it is restricted on "hate" grounds?

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Thanks for speaking up. Others take the coward's way out by denying reality.

NEW MUSIC VIDEO RELEASE. A Modern Day Shakespearean tragedy: Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Watch PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-release-perchance

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Sarah, thank you for sharing your story. And yes, shame on those that blame you. I don’t know you, but I sympathize with and for you. For all who took the vaccines. I am proud that you are strong enough to be there for your children. That is a feat in itself. I, myself, did not take the vaccine. Again, I totally agree you, thought you were doing right for the country. That is a great point. There are still plenty of people who have empathy and embrace the fact, that we are all suffering. I am sorry for all that happened in 3 years. I am grateful and happy you fought back to get to your normalcy. As far as drug companies go, yes, that’s big pharma for you! I fought Merck in 2017, over a drug that injured several people. Of course, there was no recourse, only to be “to fair”, pointing out their failures as a company that takes “oaths”, but they did not. We all have fallen into the hands of the medical industrial complex. I’m not sure what to say about the future, but please keep your head high. Know you succeeded, and navigated your own self through your journey. I support you! Thank you so much for sharing! Much appreciated big hugs, Lee 🥰

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GOD bless you SS for speaking TRUTH to medical tyranny. Justice will be served, either in this lifetime or the next. Thank you for continuing to share your story, you are a true Spiritual Warrior.

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Heartbreaking story. I applaud her tenacity and courage to keep telling her story and her strength to persevere through years of physical therapy.

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I do hope many who can’t wrap their head around this Bioweapon, wake up !!!! Please GVB please 🙏

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These doctors, especially the powers that be that created and enforced this upon the citizenry, need to be buried 6 ft. under.

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Agreed 💯

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There was someone at my wife’s work that got the vax then was in a wheelchair. About 3 months later she came back to work with a cane.

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People learn to live with injuries and through determination people can do anything! Look, I am not vaxxed, I was in a car accident in a wheelchair, to braces and a walker, to 3 replacements. I struggle everyday with pain. 11 years now. People eventually bounce back.

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Friend 9f mine took j & j.....to travel. 10 m9nths later he had a major clot in his leg removed. Don't think it was from driving the car.

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Good reply!

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This woman is much to young to have experienced the horrors of big pharma and equally baffled doctors. At least she seems to have somewhat recovered. How many stories like hers have not been told? Millions, I bet.

If you still trust big pharma and the medical system after the last 4 years, you deserve the pain, misery and death they will grant you by using their mostly horrid and poison products. Whereas your doctor should know and protect you, he is as dense as a post.

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In a nutshell: "Enlightened" occult followers donning symbols & clothing that are meant to show their allegiance to their god; Satan.

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Thank you for posting Sarah's account of her injuries. I knew everything she describes before the vaccine rollout. I was taken in by the Big Bad Covid Scare until two weeks didn't flatten any curve. Then, I knew we had a psyop on our hands. I knew the "vaccination" would injure people. I knew that the repercussions would be ridiculed and slighted. I knew MSM would hide the adverse reactions. I knew the medical profession in this country as well as other "developed" Western countries would have almost no response. I knew, because they were sticking their heads in the proverbial sand, that the research to help people like Sarah would not be done.

Funny...an AC technician just left after servicing the A/C for the upcoming season. Looks like my landlord is selling. He asked where I might be moving. I said Idaho. I admitted that I want to live in a state where, if such measures occur again as the WHO is so strongly suggesting, they would oppose forced vaccination. He said to me that he believed forced vaccination was treason. I was floored!! A younger guy in his 30s I would judge. I was so delighted to hear his response!!!

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