I used to dismiss a Nuremburg level investigation into the criminal culpability of the manufacturers and promoters of the mRNA Covid vaccine as necessary. No longer. Nothing less than a full and fearless investigation into and prosecution of the implicated will suffice to restore faith in our medical and political institutions.

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You had me right up to "Restoring Faith In Medical or Political" institutions... Fuck that. NEVER in my lifetime will I ever trust a doctor or a fucking politician. Doctors broke their Hypocratic Oath and Politicians have committed TREASON globally. #RevoltOrDieTrying #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators

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Hi: Only seeing your reply now (2/5/25). I understand your point entirely. Perhaps I should have qualified my observation with “if ever faith can be restored, given their atrocious breaches of faith”

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I’ve been calling for one since 2022, when it became abundantly clear what was going on. The perpetrators of this need to be held accountable, including governments and their agencies, leadership in Big Pharma, and members of medical boards and the MSM, who helped to force this onto the world and then cover it up. This compares with the Holocaust, possibly worse, in terms of crimes against humanity, and a Nuremberg-type tribunal needs to be established so those responsible are tried, and if convicted, punished severely for them.

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Don't worry. Lawsuits mean that maybe Pfizer will go down (ModeRNA cannot go down, too many governments invested.) Pfizer will claim mea culpa, so bad, so sorry, and then re-org into another such company. This has been happening for decades in pharma.

WHO held accountable? There are so many players.

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Governments invested in mRNA Bioweapons should be overthrown.

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Once brainstormed about why things happen the way they do, I often notice that the word Depopulation is almost never uttered. While those who make no secret of the fact that they are strongly in favor of decimating the world's population and are hugely invested in making this a reality. The most infamous example of such a person is, of course, the scoundrel Bill Gates. When it is found by medical researchers of integrity as in this article that never in human history have so many side effects been found with 1 type of so-called vaccination we find it shocking, but for the Neo Maltusian hyper eugenicists these findings are only exactly right.

The NWO Blob seizes every opportunity to achieve its goals, to acquire mountains of money and power with it, time seems to be running out, but if you look at, for example, the irreparable damage of chemtrailing, together with all the excalating shocking consequences of the so-called vaccinations and all other measures, it will eventually prove impossible for the NWO Blob to be able to stop this tsunami in due time if, for example, the goal of a world population of half a billion is achieved. It will prove to be an unlivable world for the new “Chosen” people in which their widely praised and adored Technology will not be able to save them either.

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Cmon Kill Gates is just a misunderstood philanthropist! In one of his latest juicy life saving videos brags about how in the future they will able to produce “life saving” jabs for $2-3 dollars a pop by tweaking self replicating lipids! Little tweak here little tweak there! Sounds delicious and healthy! He’s super excited he will able to kill a human for $2-3 a pop and get rich doing it!

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Depopulate GATES.

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Which will end up costing the victims $2-3 million to "manage" symptoms in their lifetimes. No thanks.

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Kill has some wonderful patents that should solve humanities problems and not effect the human body. Patent 060606 ties the human body to crypto! Sounds delicious! Another patent turns humans into antennas! 6G sounds warm and fuzzy! Isn’t technology awesome! Hey get that next booster! CVS opens at 7am! :)

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#DepopulateTheDepopulators #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #FreedomIsNotFree #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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That’s what lipids do! Even pass the blood brain barrier! Doesn’t take a team of researchers to find that out! Just a roll of tin foil to wrap around your head and a cell phone to look into it! Trust the science!

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I never used to believe in evil. I do now. The cabal behind these toxic jabs has gone to great lengths to craft obvious mechanisms of harm.

I'm afraid people will keep rollling up their sleeves as long as long as they remain trapped in the virus lie.

It's great that prominent researchers speak out against toxic jabs, but I wish they'd address the elephant in the room: there are no viruses requiring fake - and - deadly - ‘vaccines.‘

Once people wake up to the Germ Theory fraud, we will witness a preciptous decline in toxic jab uptake.

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Trust no one.

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Trust the science 🤪

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Trust nobody who says Trust the science.

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So - this means the cat is out of the bag and Japan no longer encourages the jabs. But - I just did a search and it’s still “safe and effective” in Japan, at least according to my search. For all I REALLY know, Japan could be rioting in the streets over this.

Information. The new weapon.

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Oct 18Edited

Um, if you listened to the scientist, he is crying into the wind. The government is not listening, and he is befuddled as to why not. They haven't stopped the program (pogrom?) in Japan.

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I was being sarcastic. Guess I needed the /sarc tag after the first sentence.

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Has anyone got a link to this paper the japanese doctor talks of?

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The site the presentation comes from is a Japanese site tracking the whole issue. They have a section that contains ALL the papers that this scientist has used to make these statements- they are listed here:


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It's not one paper as yet. The presentation/press conference is about all the papers that have evidence the harms.

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Over 3,000 papers...

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Unless you can read Japanese you'll be SOL.

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Thanks for sharing. Side note, never thought I'd see the day when Rumble would be used as a reference in a scientific paper! Not a criticism, given the level of censorship experienced, people are thinking outside the box. But still, strange times.🤔😉🤐.

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FAKE ‘viruses‘=FAKE ‘vaccines‘= REAL DEATHS and DISABILITIES 💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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One of many countries that will cease to exist soon as the Depopulators realize their goulish goals of Depopulation. #DepopulateTheDepopulators #DefundTyranny #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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Alberta ordered by Health Canada to destroy "COVID-19 vaccines" - i.e Destroy Crimes Evidence!


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mRNA is poison.

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Good one; keep it up. :)

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No vaccines made have ever stayed in the shoulder, that was another one of the lies they told.

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