The spike protein is a chimera of influenza/UIV (GP 120proteim/TB , badger culling in UK to develope the gene in bristol /porton downs. A bioweapon bt the Satanic cult of Globalist Elites.

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In response to public demand for even more debilitating side effects from the VAER-Y SCARY 19 JAB ™, the masterminds have now rolled the booster into the original!!

And so, MoMurder-na Harmaceuticals proudly presents... “One&Done... &Done™ ー the all-in-one shot that saves yoy time by skipping straight to the long-term complications!!

Because why space out your suffering when you can get it all in one convenient dose?

“100% Safe and Effective ... Until It’s Not!!“

Are you tired of living a long, healthy life? Do you long for the excitement of a debilitating, mystery illness? Well, worry no more!! The VAER Y SCARY 19 VACCINE is here to shake things up!!

Straight from the brilliant minds who brought you opioid epidemics, thalidomide babies, and the food pyramid that made you diabetic, MoMurder-na is proud to offer you a vial of Holy Water designed to fortify your faith in modern medicine.

Side effects?? Only the BEST!! Here are the top 19 thrilling adverse events waiting for YOU and your family!!

🧘 Anaphylaxis - Because breathing is overrated

💕 Myocarditis & Pericarditis - Give your heart that warm, inflated feeling!!

🚑 Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) - Clots? Low platelets? Why not both?!!

🦽 Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) - Who needs mobility when you have compliance?

💉 Severe Allergic Reactions - Let's see if your EpiPen works!!

🤸 Seizures - A great way to shake up your nervous system!!

❤️‍🩹 Stroke - A stroke of bad luck, but hey, safe and effective!!

❤️‍🩹 Heart Attack - Because nothing says protection like cardiac arrest!!

🎉 Pulmonary Embolism - Breathe deep ... if you still can!!

🙈 Deep Vein Thrombosis - A clot of fun for the whole family!!

🥳 Appendicitis - Appendix?? Who needs one anyway?

🙇 Intestinal Obstruction - Your gut instincts were right to be afraid!!

🚑 Kawasaki Disease - Vroom vroom!! Straight to the pediatric ward!!

🔥 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) - The kids are NOT alright!!

🧏 Bell’s Palsy - When your compliance shows ... on only half your face!!

Transverse Myelitis - For those with backbone!!

👀 Optic Neuritis - Who needs eyesight when you have blind faith?

🏥 Autoimmune Disorders - Your body’s new hobby? Attacking itself!!

☠️💉☠️💉 Death - R.I.P.

But wait, there's more!! While we've already delivered 19 VAER Y SCARY side effects, we just couldn't in good conscience leave out these additional surprises:

🏎️ Turbo Tumors: Growing faster than a biotech stock before the recall!!

🌳🪵Sterility Surprise: The ultimate way to trim your family tree down to its roots.

🏥 Blood Bank Bonus: Your monthly cycle transforms you into a one-woman donation center.

🏛️Kafkaesque Neuropathy: No cure, no logic - just suffering, like a true bureaucratic masterpiece!!

🗽CIDP: Your nerves stage a failed uprising, with no liberators in sight!!

🛌 Sleep Disorders: Tossing and turning like a paranoid dissident waiting for a knock from the secret police.

🎹Fatigue: So drained, you'd swear you'd carried a grand piano up a 100 flights of stairs.

🕺🤸Chronic Muscle Spasms & Tics: Spontaneous Lock ’n Pop breakdancing - just hope it doesn't hit during rush hour!!

☠️💉 Death: We like to double-down on this one!!

Worried? DON’T BE!!

The ’safe and effective’ data was carefully curated, massaged, and retroactively adjusted by esteemed experts in white coats - the same ones who promised you that cigarettes were good for your throat and DDT was safe to spray on your kids!!

And if the ’science’ isn't enough to calm you down, don't worry!! We've got free Happy Meals waiting for you and your loved ones - post jab!! 💉☠️👍 Because nothing says ’trust the science’ like an over-processed burger and fries served with a side of coercion!!


(To the tune of a cheerful ad ー think McDonald’s but sinister!!)

“Get the shot, don't ask why!!

Ignore the deaths ー comply, comply!!

It’s VAER Y SCARY, but don't you stress...

Side effects mean it works the best!!“

Narrator: MoMurder-na Harmaceuticals ー “If you survive the first dose, we’ve got boosters lined up just for you!!“

🚨Warning: Some customers may experience buyer’s remorse, loss of bodily autonomy, or sudden urges to question authority. If symptoms of critical thinking persist, please consult your nearest fact-checker. 🚨

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Well!!!! Let’s see if we can finally stop blaming the unvaccinated for every contagious disease 😏 better take your TB shots 😂🤣

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A recent peek once again into what is happening in retirement facilities besides MAID, is the residents are still being jabbed, and dying in droves. Damn you turdo, hell awaits murderers such as you.

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The pharmaceutical industry is a blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity!

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Dormant tuberculosis. 🤡.

Bacteria feed on dead tissue. All organs are negatively affected, damaged, by the Covid vaccines to some degree. The lungs are no exception. Bacteria then bloom on the dead cells.

-There are many causes of 'tuberculosis', from exposure to toxins, to nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin D & C prevent most causes. There's no dormant virus just lying in wait. We all inhale bacteria, fungus, mold spores & other toxins, including TB bacteria, 24/7, with no ill effects. Not among the healthy anyway.

Add tuberculosis to the list of side effects, or rather, consequences of getting injected with the Covid vaccines & boosters.

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Yes, this could very well be. Sally Morell has made a good case for TB having been iron oxide poisoning, hitherto, anyway: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/solving-the-mystery-of-tb-the-iron-factor/#gsc.tab=0

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🎯Brent Rice

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I'm not a doc but having all my organs involved in a battlefield where dead lie everywhere, I think you nailed it. The gift that keeps giving 🤬

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They also are spraying our TX skies pretty consistently and insanely lately which has resulted in some people I know having chronic respiratory issues. Who knows what is in that. Or the toxic fog. Seems to be untold toxins coming at us from every direction.

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Yep. Nothing like watching the sunrise through chemtrails 🫣.

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South Florida got hammered yesterday. Sheep don’t look up or care!

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Oh no! You are not saying what they want you to say! He recovered so he's just fine. Just like all those kiddos with mild transient myo/pericarditis. They'll be A OK 👌🏽

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I think it's called Mild Carditis. Had to coin a term to placate the kiddos

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Amazing what a dollop of micro clot induced necrosis can do. Anywhere any time with seeming random arbitrary malevolence it can cause a little bit of rot in just the right places at just the wrong time.

Cause of death?

Act of god of course. Not totally untrue. Bio weaponeers have a god complex.

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The jab effects are numerous. The ability to invade and evade our God given immunity is demonic

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Once again I am so thankful I never received a single COVID vaccine. I feel so sorry for the people that did.

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Calling poison in a syringe a vaccine is what got the world into the mess it’s in!

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It's not a vaccine

It's needle rape

Coerced injections without informed consent. That's rape 101

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Sheep waited for hours in their cars to let a stranger rape their bbb with a tainted swab because the tell lie vision said they were sick with nothing! Asymptomatic bs!

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Standing in lined to be raped sets a new bar for dystopian

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2025 experts sound the alarm. 2020 tin foil hat peeps aka “conspiracy theorists” sounded the real alarm before the damage done and remain healthy! I’ll take a roll of tin foil over any joke degree! 😎💯

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Probably doesn’t help they allowed untold thousands or millions to come through the Darien Gap where drug resistant TB was known to thrive. No doubt those people had suppressed immune systems from the filthy, dangerous trek with limited clean, quality food/water etc. and now they are dispersed amongst us spreading disease among the VAIDS victims. Another attack on humanity.

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I think 5G radiation can also boost latent pathogens to become active.

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The true meaning of safe and effective. All drugs are safe to take meaning that they might not kill you right away. And they are effective in that they will eventually kill you anyway.

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At this point what don’t they cause? The list of side effects from phizer is pages and pages long

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I bet he wasn't up to date on his TB vax - sincerely MSM. 🤡

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A very well designed bio weapon indeed.

With the two mechanisms of micro/macro clotting potentially ANYWHERE in the body & the potential for inflammation ANYWHERE in the body this very well designed bio weapon can take you down by launching almost any disease in any time frame. No sense to even speculate about it causing cancer. Hard as hell to prove and good chance if there is a cause & effect the cancers may just be a 2nd or tertiary effect of the clotting and inflammation. Such a wonderful mystery. The DARPA folks and their comrades must be proud. Dr's Shiro Iishi & Mengele finally vindicated. Misunderstood. Ahead of their time. Those SOBs even stole Dr Iishi's notes. At least they kept to the deal. "Mr Iishi, you give us your secrets to mass murder & we will spare your miserable life."

You see. Bio weaponeers can have compassion just like the lab rats.

When the potential maladies that may take you out is virtually the set of all maladies it makes it real difficult to find the smoking gun that caused it. Perhaps some micro clots in the wrong part of the brain will just set you to self exit. You know. If micro clots cause that part of the brain that keeps you from getting depressed to just shrivel up and die you may find jumping off the bridge irresistible. Who you going to blame? Hard to diagnosis eh? Those bio weapons were probably designed by the four point oh's. The kind of guys with the big brains who studiously grind away to get their P H D. They did their jobs well. Because scoring high on their SAT's is all there is. Nothing in there about morality or using your gifts for good. Just do what your told. Never ask questions. No approval for those annoying people who ask a lot of questions but won't shut up and finish the assignment even when the assignment is mass murder.

A well designed bio weapon ideally makes it very difficult to assign cause and effect. REULE NUMBER ONE. Protect the perpetrators at all costs. The boys at DARPA really did their homework when they designed and unleashed this thing. If nothing else it can cause infertility which kills the NEXT generation even before it is born.

When the kids can't have kids who you going to blame? You blame the victim OF COURSE. Sheez. That's deflection 101 stuff. Just say that they are all a bunch of promiscuous immoral sluts. Probably got a STD or something and now they're infertile. It's perfect. No one will ever suspect it came from a different form of immoral promiscuity. Needle rape. Beware all injections. No matter the source.

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One can also have chemo induced TB due to the destruction of the immune system. So with the statement below from the article, the clown scientists are telling us both a weak immune system and a strong immune system can give you active TB. What!?

"Doctors discovered that his immune system, now stronger from the vaccine, started attacking the TB infection too aggressively, causing inflammation and the flare-up of symptoms."

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