Is someone going to jail yet?

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And never will.

I'm praying for an asteroid...

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Are you the Kathleen Janoski who was involved in the Ron Brown investigation?

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I will write you in messenger.

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How can influential figures get away with such misinformation at this point? Why is Astra Zeneca getting off the hook for not telling the truth at the outset?

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Because it wax a dod op ..theclaws they passed make this a legal ki,l box.. read Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova. Immunity. From top to hospitals to your local


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Everyone knows this is not exceedingly rare, or rare. It's exceeding common. I pray this suit is won, and sets a precedent for others to go forward with law suits.

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impossible - extremely rare - rare - fairly rare - not rare - quite frequent - frequent - very frequent - everybody's dead

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‘You can’t hide your lying eyes…..’

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thank you

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Told people they were bioweapon death shots and people looked at me like I was a nutter.

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Kathleen I've been reading your comments for a year or more..can't remember. But you feel like my sister from a different mother.

Personal question..don't answer if you don't want to.

Do you sleep anymore at night?

Cause I dont..thought it would pass..but I don't sleep well anymore..at all. Waking up now more times at night than I want to admit

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lol true Duchess

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Hey Duchess, it's OK to ask.

I don't sleep very well at all.

Get up several times a night. I did change 2 of my blood pressure meds but that is only part of the problem.

The days of sleeping like a baby are long over. I have this impending sense of doom that I cannot shake. Never had it before covid, so my spidey sense is working overtime trying to warn me...of something.

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I so understand....I was thinking back to when I slept soundly..with wistfulness just yesterday...looking at the kids I teach and their fresh faces...

And that impending sense of doom? Oh yes. It's like captain hooks crocodile and the ticking of the clock in its stomach is getting louder.

I'm kinda paralyzed this spring..my gut is telling me one thing..my brain another.

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The last couple of years has really done a number on people.

The constant fear porn has changed the brain. If you can, watch Dr. Michael Nehls interview.

Here is link to one of them:


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I am reading his book. Truly..I can read about one chapter and then I have to put it down and do something safe..like empty the litterbox..do the dishes...do laundry. It is that stunning and scary and is a lot to take in.....I am learning now about the hippocampus....and I have to take it in small doses because I Had No Idea.....and I'm angry I never was told or maybe back then we didn't know..I feel like such an ignorant old woman....so much to unlearn and them learn....oh gosh I wish I'd known....

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I just started his book. Going to re-read the first chapter to let it all sink in.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

The whole fear porn thing for the last couple of years was the most effective military and government psyops ever invented. It was studied for years. They probably reviewed Joseph Goebbels fear campaign in Germany and the occupied countries. Constantly having the populace in a state of fear and anxiety and not knowing when the next shoe would drop. Always in a heightened state for when there would be a knock on the door and a person would be shipped off for forced labor or a concentration camp.

That, is what they did to us.

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Here is another interview with Dr. Michael Nehls on how the whole covid thing has affected people's brains.


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And this "Health Secretary", Matt Hancock has to look over his left or right shoulder from now on and whenever he's somewhere outside. Maybe he sloud hire some well trained body guards.

My sister ( 65 yrs ) and her friend ( 63 ) have been tricked in taking the Astra zeneca jab. They have been living with their heads in the sand, so maybe its a good idea to send them this article. To ( F*cking) Wake them up !

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Yeah, like the former italian health minister ...


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Kevin McCairn spoke on a Mercola video on the jabs and prion disease. Frightening.

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I will never forget watching Matt Hancock on tv when the first victim came forward for their experimental injection, he was giggling and wiping his eyes pretending he was emotional all I could see was his evil smile, vile reprehensible creature jail is too good for him.

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agreed. Hell would be more suited to that demonic soulless prick

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Dupers delight

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"Safe and effective" is not a lie. It's two lies.

Connecting a few dots here: The Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab is made from chimpanzee poop.


Can chimpanzees carry/get infected with monkeypox?" Answer: YES! Chimpanzees DO get monkeypox. Don't believe me? Just google it yourself.

It would ONLY take a couple of batches of Oxford/Astra Zeneca jabs contaminated accidentally (or intentionally) with monkeypox to seed monkeypox virus in the Covid-jabbed population, who then would spread it to others, especially at times and places when their resistance to disease is lowered, like at a series of orgies, LOL.

It is interesting that the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab was predominantly used in Europe more so than in the United States. And where did the monkeypox cases first start appearing? Yes, you guessed it ... in EUROPEAN tourists at the gay rave parties in the Canary Islands.

Remember always: If you let someone inject you with a jab derived from ANY animal, DO NOT BE SURPRISED if you subsequently contract an animal disease, as "vaccination" is one of the routes for animal diseases to "jump" into humans ... And IMHO this is also why VETERINARIANS always seem to understand what is happening so much sooner than M.D.s whenever a new disease first appears in humans!

Fortunately most straight and gay Europeans do not attend orgiastic rave parties in the Canary Islands which, for Bill Gates, Matt Hancock and Fauci, must have been a huge disappointment.


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GA GUIDESTONE MATHamatics Reduce Population to 500 Million

BewRe the Medical industrial complex Sneaky little poops they are.

Owned by Rockefeller... fellows

Beyond ridiculous WWE Jerry springer production eviL

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AstraZeneca is the largest public company in the UK by stock market capitalization. They seem to be a law unto themselves.

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My old college boyfriend took the jab n j..same thing. 10 months later he had a blood clot..bad..in his leg. He can't connect the two..cause his doctor said well its been a while probably cause you were driving.


Slo MO holocaust, indeed.

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Bullshit con artists 🤮

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Beware the military industrial complex also.

4 yrs and 1.4 Trillion in Ukraine alone expenditures for US taxpayer's.. beyond Ridiculous insult transparent. Biggest money laundering biolabs Ukraine epstein wolfe Metabotia Clinton Foundation gates wef who new world order bs.

Where you think the next bird flu spars pandemic is being manufactured and managed by,? Any betters out there. Theor manufacturer is making the next deadly bird flu to launch in Ukraine! There were 47 biolabs over there.. I think putin knocked ot 34 already. Yet Ukraine and Korea are making lethal pandemic to launch on populations as we type.

Oh yes sir.. reduce population to 500 million

Whether you grasp that concept or not. It's full Throttle on. Beware of impending energy grid cut off and food supply shortage. These psychopaths of extreme narcissistic sociopathic murdering business minds are not slowing this down by any means. They wanna kill you! I'm not bullshittinG pal.. it's on..

God bless .protect your family..

Cause these evil reptilian pieces of whale dunG ain't playing...

God Speed

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British surgeon Dr. Ahmad Malik explains how he went to a UK jab centre in 2021 to find out more about the jabs. Whilst he was asking questions they jabbed him. He was so shocked he went and sat in his car, had a little cry. Explains how he and his wife woke up.


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