“ Where is justice?”

On the business end of a noose.

This revelation that everyone was expecting really puts this video in a whole new light:

For the Greater Good: You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity/Medical Professional/Politician Again: https://old.bitchute.com/video/11Mnwir6Hhqz

24 minutes of celebrities & politicians lying directly into you and your impressionable children’s faces in order to influence us to get the poison we now know they knew was a killshot and avoided it like the plague that it is—it’s safe to say that COVID19 was the vaccine for it.

Drawing and quartering, firing squads, necks in nooses, or millstones and oceans.

Step right up and pick your pleasure.

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I pick whichever is the slowest and most painful...

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Boats should do it.

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Of course they were given saline, all government employees especially MP's especially here in Canada did not get the real Covid Bio Weapons. Kind of obvious if you ask me. How many Canadian MP's have any adverse injuries or are dead. Not as many as the doctors who took the real one.

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Pretty sure I saw a minister of health or some position get a shot right through a shirt, figures that had to be a fake. I've never seen a medical ahot give through any article of clothing, oitside of life saving epi injection, etc.

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Like Trudeau and Sofia posing for the shot and the nurse did not even use 2 hands to give as phoney as you can get.

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Many examples of fakery. Also many examples of celebrities, politicians, and pharma people caught with fake vax passports. They knew how bad they were, yet were pushing them & riduculing people for not takong them.

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Most knew it was a plandemic.

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They were all in cahoots for they are all evil.

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I have been saying that for a couple of years - I really doubted whether celebrities, politicians, and the rich actually got jabbed. Nice to see proof, thank you!!!!!!

Imagine pushing fellow human beings to get jabbed, when all the while that deck was totally stacked. And imagine pushing the jab, KNOWING it was too harmful to take. The underbelly of the US/world really is dark and disgusting.

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It happens because we ordinary folk do not hold body autonomy in any regard. People have now given that away along with their power. So all that's left of most people are empty husks.

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No we and ours and some friends did not give it away, we quietly went on and tried to help through it all. The truth is always out there, just hard to find for many.

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How did you help through it all please?

Once we find the truth, then what?

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Well we ordered ivermectin from India pharmacy and Canadian gov confiscated telling us in written form only non Canadians 'terrorist illegal arrivals' in Canada could order and have it. Oh yah ?? Thereafter we put together what we found, East indians bring it is and sell to others etc.. we bought ot with stack of nattokinase bromelaine a number of other things in the stack find it online. to help our families that took the killshots. Ot has been a blessing and an education to learn as much as we can since the medical profession pharma leaders etc are all entirely untrustworthy. The doctors online that took a stand against this murder of the masses even teach how to make hydroxchoroquin from grapefruit and lemon so teas to them and us was a definite part of use and teaching others how to take them.

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Yes we can still get around their restrictions. Oh how we need to get off this ridiculous idea call governments and their manacle called "law". Those doctors who stood apart to help people will always be remembered.

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I just said no thanks. Not expressly because of body autonomy, although that is what I possess, but because from the very start, there were red flags all over the place. Nothing scientific, just gut feeling. But then, I am retired and did not have a job to lose, so there is that.

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Did you lose your job because you did not comply? Are you self employed? I was retired - I do not know what I would have done had I been the primary bread winner- see pilots, see military, see fire fighters, see police, see hospital employees, teachers - all captive to the government illegal mandates - I live in California ‘em with dictatorial governor -probably would have had to move to another state with more enlightened policies to survive. We forget at our peril was was done to us.

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I am retired. No job to lose. I decided very early on to not get jabbed, as the players and the procedures were all very suspect. Not based on medical data, based on who was involved and the methods they were using. Zeke Emanuel, for instance. I felt that he was just bursting to put his triage plan into effect. And he is pretty open about no life-saving medical treatments for folks over 75. Which applies to folks like me, but not, I bet, to the aging politicians and celebrates and the rich. Fauci seemed sleazy. Biden putting together his own Covid team, well ahead of the election, for political purposes, not humanitarian. The advertising folks put together a list of ways to coerce people. Lots of strange stuff on government websites. Just a feeling. But no, I did not have a job to lose, and also I have never been one to follow the crowd in regard to anything at all. I told my family that if I got sick, do not take me to the hospital, I felt things were very strange in hospitals, I would rather die at home. Looks like my gut was correct!

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Kudos to you! Well done!

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I feel what employed workers could have done was get others who work with them to stand up for not being forced to take the jab. After all, nobody signed up for that. What is the meaning of employers now telling people what medications they have to take! I think we must never forget what was done to us, it needs to be remembered for all generations to come.

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Dynamite article. Thanks for sharing.

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Well deamplify me and call me buddy.

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So many people and groups that I’m not hating enough - I can’t keep up...Bezmenov- Cloward-Piven perhaps?!

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Kamalas folding syringe was one of the more obvious ones to me.

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Seriously, link?

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There may be something online but i saw it on tv and have a video of it. The lady giving the injection, kept hitting the metal part of the syringe against the arm of the chair because it kept folding.

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I’d love to see that bizarre footage!

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Not sure how to uplaod here. Sometimes I have an option to upload and sometimes not.

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How nice for them. So when they pull this mandate vaxxine because of THEIR Plandemic II for mandating the unvaccinated these celebrities/politicians/medical top cartel who complied won’t experience the harmful effects as the unvaxxinated people will who rebelled against the Deep State. What a hatched, diabolical, wicked plan. Still want to coddle these evil doers?? Disgusting coming from the pit of Hell. God help this country despite America trashing God.

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If everyone stopped paying their bank loans, everything would be reversed overnight.

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And federal taxes, which were voluntary all along. We've been funding our own demise since we were born.

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This doesn’t s surprise me.😡

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I'm sorry but I find it hard to sympathize with people who took the shot and who believed that they should because their favorite celebrity was seen taking it. Don't you think humans have a lot to learn? Many are still like "monkey see, monkey do". We are so much better than this. The gullible types are dominating our society. Everything we do is to keep them placated, keep up their comfort levels. Dare we speak truth to them, they will go into a fit. Everyone says they will come to the realization at their own time - NO! We must be in their faces and not let them take their time while children are being raped, families are being bombed, torched, starved, and our earth is being desecrated. They think it's ok for us who follow the truth to shut up so that we don't disturb their serenity but it's ok for them to leave us to shoulder it all.

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We hard copied Fauci Gates patents for these vile killshts and tried telling everyone not to touch them because they were kill shots patented by those two pigs and others. We ran them off because the patents were done but the filth was patented from 10 to 20 years ago. I do not know why people would not listen. Many family and neighbors died from them, but, there is an underground that somehow everyone was in touch with and maneuvered amidst the hate and anger to those who did not take the clotcancershots. Who cares whether they were rich or poor, they knew the truth and refused killshots. Never believe or trust these monsters in gov medical anone anywhere or in the work places, anyone for their lying and murders.

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The illuminati UN get a free rain and can act as they please rape murder destruction anything goes for these criminals.

Article 104

The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.

Article 105

1 The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of its purposes.

2 Representatives of the Members of the United Nations and officials of the Organization shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organization.

3 The General Assembly may make recommendations with a view to determining the details of the application of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article or may propose conventions to the Members of the United Nations for this purpose.


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Even common and poor people worked through it but funny no one could tell anyone anything while doing what was right to help. Interesting society we have now.

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Why is this news? Anyone with any common sense would have done the same thing.

Special vaxxes for Pharma employees - sure they were complicit in making this poison. Special “shots” for the culpable.

Curious only about the famous talking heads that pushed the vax via government propaganda - did they get a special vax to for their patriotism and selling out to DoD?

We live in amoral times every man for himself regardless of the push for communitarian values over the right to informed consent.

What would you have done in their place? Why demonize self interest and self preservation? If only more people had been able to dupe the system that mandated death shots in order to work and still does. how about the immorality of vaccinating perfect immune systems in children now turbo cancer is prevalent in 4 month olds - can’t make this up.

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TCongress and Senate exempt from having to take the vaccine. Mmmm wonder why? In on it,payola from Pharma put and keeps them in office. Symbiotic relationship good luck in reigning in this monster - Cha-ching

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What a bunch of freaking turds.

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