What else would we expect from a government owned lock, stock and syringe by Pig Pharma?

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All the theatrics around how to place your baby in a crib. They can't have blankets or anything else comforting in with them. All a giant hoax to go along with keeping "pediatric medicine" alive.

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Make money off of suffering and death, and then blame the victims.

That is one thing the govt is good at.

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I've been saying, "this pt is pretty young for this ...." to physicians. Their standard answer is, "oh s/he earned it!" As if they are to blame for everything that goes wrong with them. Especially now!

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Its inhuman perpetrated by non-humans.

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They were and are responsible for SIDS and SADS.. There are doctors and others who have known for years but as we have seen since covid, most doctors and health people are cowards and are paid off, more concerned about themselves and family then their patients or the American people.. They are agents of the enemy big pharma and the EVIL people behind big Pharma, gates and the WHO minions among others.

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You forgot Rockefeller and Faucci in that list.

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Too many of them to name...

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I just limited myself to the main players, Bill, in order to allow others their chance.

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SAD is a pretty sad name for a syndrome:).

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Yep, and so are the people including the drug companies and the doctors, who are not doctors but drug salesmen and saleswomen for the drug companies, then you have the distributors who are the pharmacists, then the drug companies are the manufacturers.. The corp government legalizes the pipeline, and they congressmen and congresswomen invest in the stocks.. Then they do a good job of talking, but doing nothing but getting richer and richer while we all get poorer and poorer and sicker and sicker, but them and their families never get sick only rich, wonder what they know LOL..

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Worthless parasites.

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Thanks for sharing

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Do you know how many parents were investigated, embarrassed and humiliated. 😢

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Some jailed, accused of shaking the baby violently and they die. The autopsies must show brain inflammation, from toxins used as adjuvants in vaccinations, not by being shaken.

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Interesting. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560807/

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Under Differential Diagnoses in that link, it has anaphylaxis which is one of several listed, that mimic SIDS. What can cause this? Vs!

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Unsure what 'Vs' stands for, Markker, but am quite sure the culprit will be one of the many ingredients in the slow hotshots, just one of seventy administered to children, in the US, starting at the three month stage.

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Excellent link. Thank you. 👏👏👏👍

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Im the middle of horrible grief!

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When I discovered that in 1992 after reading an article in a free health magazine, then researching, I decided to never vaccinate my children again. When I had my 4th child at age 45 in 1995, she never had any vaccinations. I wish I had known earlier for my other 3.

In spite of this, my 2 married children each have a child diagnosed as autistic. They vaccinated their kids. ☹️

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My condolences on the plight of your grandchildren.

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So sad. I have even heard of parents who protected their children from vaccines their whole lives, only to find out their adult child went and got the clot shot, mind blowing and tragic.

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I tried to get my son and his wife to not vaccinate the grandkids. They did anyway. One grandchild had a seizure the day after one of his shots, but luckily seems to not show long term damage from it. They did, at least, agree to one compromise. They spaced out the shots as much as possible even though it meant more trips to the doctor. Some poor infants get two, three, who-knows-how-many, shots in a single visit.

I tried to get them to skip the COVID jabs as well, but to no effect. And yes, not only my son and daughter in law, but the kids (now teens) as well. So far, nothing obvious with them, although some of my friends have not been so lucky.

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Facebook blocked need to hit them with a lot of these to post

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I gave up on FascistBook years ago, having found 99% of my postings attracted a ban, each one successively longer, plus the three accounts they deleted. Seems they dislike those that point out the faults in the official narrative, as well as being called out for their censorship. 😂

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No clue why anyone still participates in faceberg.

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Drunk and drugged up degenerate parents sleeping in bed with their babies are another cause. I'm sure vaccines are at fault too.

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Yeah, maybe the tiniest percentage of parents are drunk or drugged up, but it was kind of you to acknowledge the vaxxes carry some portion of the blame. Or were you being sarcastic and me too touchy?

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I despise the medical complex with a passion, but none of this is remotely possible without the active participation of the govt. They are the real enemy.

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No, our real enemy has always remained in the shadows, buying successive govts, across the planet, founding organisations that are pseudo-concerned bodies, supposedly protecting public interests; UN, NATO, EU, WEF, WHO, et al.

The USA, unfortunately, became victim, when it, along with the people, were sold by Wilson and both parties, in 1913, to a cartel of zio bankers, who legally converted the entire package into a Corporation, hence the name change to plain US, in order to comply with International Law, as no business may be named after any country, past or present, so the owners/slavemasters dropped America from the title, going with plain United States!

The owners pay Corporate tax to the English Crown.

Welcome down the rabbit hole.

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We have never had a truly "good" president it seems.

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Jack, for all his faults, was the only one that battled, his entire time in office, against the owners and their puppets.

He compounded this affront to their sensibilities by publicly threatening to drag them into the light.

Purely coincidental, I'm sure, but Bush Snr was on active duty, as a CIA officer, in Dallas, on that fateful day, however, his field notes, normally copious, we're somewhat sparse, on that particular occasion, unlike most of his collegues.

What are the chances that a future president would fail to protect the standing president?

The odds must be astronomical, however, there have been many similar strange coincidences with other presidents of the Corporation, almost as if fate had constant helping hands. 🤔🤫🤭

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we have had a few good presidents but they always seem to get murdered or at least attacked.

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And all the poor Women who have been locked up for life in prison...

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...and/or fathers?!

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Pavlov’s Doctor

The knowledge that doctors of medicine have gathered is only the knowledge that is spoon fed to them.

I have yet to come across a doctor in the medical freedom movement that strikes me as exceptionally bright.

In contrast to these idiots who call themselves doctors, the knowledge gathered by so many, who given their instincts for survival, choose instead to hunt and kill for their knowledge, has proven to be all that matters. It is preeminent.

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The sound of their masters' voices.

It all began with Rockefeller

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Absodefinitively a factor.

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Vaccines have a long and sinister history, covered up, due to self interest, by big Pharma, along with their paid/bribed lackeys in international supposed 'health' organisations and those allegedly overseeing these organisations, mistakenly/naively assumed as protectors of public interest.

Incoming/outgoing govts, parties and politicians cost big Pharma peanuts, in comparison to the £¢¥€$billions to be made from any one drug over it's lifetime.

For any that have not read it, may I highly recommend 'The Real Anthony Faucci' by RFK Jr.

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Injecting poison into an infant should be a capital offense.

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It IS a capital offense which remains unpunished.

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For years and years I thought "SIDS" was a real thing, and when we became parents we tried to follow advice about how a baby should be positioned when sleeping....because of course, sleeping position is a critical life sustaining matter. (Sarcasm)

When adults started dying suddenly in concerning numbers and the powers that be labeled it "SADS" I realized that ALL OF IT was a lie to cover for vax harms.

It took decades to get corporate America (and doctors who made $ endorsing cigarettes as healthy) to admit that smoking causes harm. Even when everybody already knew it was true.

How many more years, and what will it take for pharma to stop pushing poison and admit what so many already know - they are killing people.

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You and I, along with the other seven plus billion, who remain unselected by the globalists, are not destined to see the day when big Pharma faces the court for their crimes, I'm afraid.

I highly doubt all but few of their employees will be either, if that's any consolation.

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Jon Rappaport just posted that when you go to the doctor you are actually visiting a salesman. You make an appt. and get into the office within the office to see a salesman. Now these "salesmen" sell death.

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And nothing more!

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