Regarding the unvaccinated had got less "COVID" c.f. the a European doctorthis makes no sense
Amazed the writer forgets that the PCR covid test cannot diagnose any illness or infection, & only introduced to increase false positives..against a synthetic amino acid sequence, formulated, in silico(on computer). Also considering fully vaccinated individuals still test PCR positive for COVID", whatever COVID is, emphasizes it complete uselessness
Something I have learned since realizing some sixteen years ago that I was infested with a man made bio-weapon is this: The top priority of the luciferian psychopaths in charge of this very planet is to lower, then control the number of people on it. They champion various forms of depopulation in order to get the population level where they want it to be. They are concerned that the natural resources of this beautifully refurbished planet (thank you Creator - whom I call GOD) will be depleted by all the "useless eaters" (their term for the non-white population). Let me ask a question, rhetorical though it may be: Do you really think that the supreme being (the afore mentioned Creator GOD) who put us here would command us to procreate yet not give us the means to support (i.e. FEED) these human beings we bring into this world? Of course not. We have the capability to easily sustain over ten billion people and new technologies exist that could make feeding them much easier - HOWEVER - since taking over the patent office, the ones in charge of our "being" (whether it be "well" or not) have weaponized any and all discoveries that could help us in this matter. One example is weather manipulation. Farm losses due to hostile weather could be eliminated via the Eastlund patent's ionospheric heating process. Tornadoes stopped in their proverbial tracks and hurricane dissipated immediately. Why aren't we doing this? Because they cause death and destruction... which the one in charge seem to like. <sigh>
I watched a TED talk some years ago where Bill Gates sat in a chair and happily informed us that is we did a better job with reproductive services, healthcare and VACCINES, we could lower the population by some certain (I forget the exact number) percent. This was long before the COVID operation. I am telling you - "their" number one priority is decreasing the world's population - and since America is the globalists "fly in the ointment" (the ONLY thing stopping the full implementation of their total control new world order) they are aiming their cross hairs at you and I..
They have tried to kill me and now I am being slenced by people who do not want me to have a fair due process of the law that would hold these people accountable for absolutely heinous crimes they have commtted agaiinst me and many others that i know about. Anyone who wants to help expose them, please do get a hold of me. Its not only about depopulating the countries but gettiing away with the most horrible crimes lke removng childrens pituitary glands. That is what they did to me in 1986. I have had severe nerve damage and bone erosion the past 38+ yearrs. I live in Missouri but this happened to me in Wisconsin and MissourI is helping to conceal it. The judges are doing this with law enforceent, doctors and the Military who is behind it all.
I don't think anything is going to change the minds of people that got vaccinated. They believe any injuries caused by the vax are "long covid". It's the majority view which will be reflected in polling which explains why politicians have no incentive to do anything. Not to mention that most politicians are culpable. Propaganda wins every time. There is no doubt in my mind that anyone that had even one injection has had their life expectancy reduced.
Hi, I saw something the other day about how someone finally did a study of the Amish in the US and their health as a statistical cohort. It was found that by any matrix, by a huge margin, the Amish were clearly the healthiest people in America. Forget where I saw it.
Association vs causation
Regarding the unvaccinated had got less "COVID" c.f. the a European doctorthis makes no sense
Amazed the writer forgets that the PCR covid test cannot diagnose any illness or infection, & only introduced to increase false positives..against a synthetic amino acid sequence, formulated, in silico(on computer). Also considering fully vaccinated individuals still test PCR positive for COVID", whatever COVID is, emphasizes it complete uselessness
"Safe and effective" they are not, not even close, a Bioweapon, folks.
So the people that injected poison through their skin are sicker than healthy people that didn’t! Wow I’m shocked and baffled!
Something I have learned since realizing some sixteen years ago that I was infested with a man made bio-weapon is this: The top priority of the luciferian psychopaths in charge of this very planet is to lower, then control the number of people on it. They champion various forms of depopulation in order to get the population level where they want it to be. They are concerned that the natural resources of this beautifully refurbished planet (thank you Creator - whom I call GOD) will be depleted by all the "useless eaters" (their term for the non-white population). Let me ask a question, rhetorical though it may be: Do you really think that the supreme being (the afore mentioned Creator GOD) who put us here would command us to procreate yet not give us the means to support (i.e. FEED) these human beings we bring into this world? Of course not. We have the capability to easily sustain over ten billion people and new technologies exist that could make feeding them much easier - HOWEVER - since taking over the patent office, the ones in charge of our "being" (whether it be "well" or not) have weaponized any and all discoveries that could help us in this matter. One example is weather manipulation. Farm losses due to hostile weather could be eliminated via the Eastlund patent's ionospheric heating process. Tornadoes stopped in their proverbial tracks and hurricane dissipated immediately. Why aren't we doing this? Because they cause death and destruction... which the one in charge seem to like. <sigh>
I watched a TED talk some years ago where Bill Gates sat in a chair and happily informed us that is we did a better job with reproductive services, healthcare and VACCINES, we could lower the population by some certain (I forget the exact number) percent. This was long before the COVID operation. I am telling you - "their" number one priority is decreasing the world's population - and since America is the globalists "fly in the ointment" (the ONLY thing stopping the full implementation of their total control new world order) they are aiming their cross hairs at you and I..
They have tried to kill me and now I am being slenced by people who do not want me to have a fair due process of the law that would hold these people accountable for absolutely heinous crimes they have commtted agaiinst me and many others that i know about. Anyone who wants to help expose them, please do get a hold of me. Its not only about depopulating the countries but gettiing away with the most horrible crimes lke removng childrens pituitary glands. That is what they did to me in 1986. I have had severe nerve damage and bone erosion the past 38+ yearrs. I live in Missouri but this happened to me in Wisconsin and MissourI is helping to conceal it. The judges are doing this with law enforceent, doctors and the Military who is behind it all.
I don't think anything is going to change the minds of people that got vaccinated. They believe any injuries caused by the vax are "long covid". It's the majority view which will be reflected in polling which explains why politicians have no incentive to do anything. Not to mention that most politicians are culpable. Propaganda wins every time. There is no doubt in my mind that anyone that had even one injection has had their life expectancy reduced.
Hi, I saw something the other day about how someone finally did a study of the Amish in the US and their health as a statistical cohort. It was found that by any matrix, by a huge margin, the Amish were clearly the healthiest people in America. Forget where I saw it.