Hey, where is the World Health Organization with its funders Bill Gates and Big Pharma seemed with the “shall” version of the IHR declaring a “pandemic Concern” that Bill Gates and Big Pharma are murdering human beings for money in a 196 countries world wide. Let’s start with Japan.

I ask again where is the WHO with their new powers with pandemic concern of myocarditis, lymphomas, breast cancers, clots etc forced by deception injecting genetic modified organisms not vaccines.

Where is the WHO to declare vaccines do not work AND are not safe.

Why are they so quiet on the murder charges?

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Sep 30Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Alcohol has been around for thousands of years! What is wrong with these people? The problem is that vaccinated people are now spike protein factories!!! Not to mention all the other garbage and now new frankendiseases being created by compromised immune systems. We literally have to detox DAILY! https://impacthealth.care/qa-about-the-covid19-vaccine-residual-analysis/

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People have been drinking less over time too. There certainly hasn't been a sudden jump in consumption recently.

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Yep, a bunch of crap. We binged like crazy, and no one ever got caner.

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While the alcohol excuse is just as pathetic as all their others, it is the case that much beer, and possibly other beverages, are filled with glyphosate. As is food. Glyphosate slowly destroys the cardiovascular system, amongst other horrors. Dr. Seneff believes it played a part in bad convid outcomes (ie. it was used to prime us).

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Hey where is the WHO knowing widespread existential risk of gain-of-function research going on world wide preparing for more profitable pandemics with no cure.

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Where are all the doctors speaking out in all the world is the question, we know the WHO wants us all dead.

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Sudden rise in 2021! Not alcohol. Try mRNA poisons.

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Conveniently, The Lancet study linked at the end of the Slay article analyzes cancer rates only to 2019. They’re laying the groundwork and planting seeds in people’s minds that this is a long term trend.

Surprising to me how even though people may sense a recent increase in cancers and other diseases, they’re ready to believe it’s caused by “lifestyle choices” and unhealthy foods that have been around for years. Doctors have no excuse, really, since none of the causes they mention explain why the cancers are more aggressive than in the past.

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And in much younger patients!!! I used to sell chemotherapy, would sit in tumor boards listening to their concerns. Young mother breast cancer was a rare event. Now the ages of cancer patients has

Become normalized. But this all started in 2021

Directly caused by the mRNA shots. And I’d bet ya in private oncologists hematologist are up to their eyes balls and would admit privately the truth.

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Intentional global depopulation.

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It makes me spit chips when I read that alcohol or diet is being blamed for what is obviously the frankenstein vaccines. Really, these people can't put two and two together. They are not intellectually fit to be consulted for crossing a road let alone people's health. The cone of silence sourrounding this is wrenching, especially when advertisements continue to promote vaccines and for people to go in and get them. This is such treachery beyond belief. People are dying left and right and this farce is causing so much suffering. Why isn't anyone yelling from the rafters about this?

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Yes now fake dr's adding 'microplastics in the blood' to fake lists of causes. THINK WE ALL AI DUMMMIES. Yehhh cept for Substacker critical humans here.

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The doctors at flccc.net have been yelling before the shots were started…READ

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I will and thank you for this.

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Many did. Bahkti cried on video in early ‘21 pleading. Docs and scientists who spoke were canceled. Censorship lives. Propaganda rules.

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Sep 30Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


no one can know with certainty what is causing the recent cancer surge" GIve me a break please!!! What did change since the so called plandemic??? Is it MAYBE the rollout of the safe and effective fuckcine??? Noooo, of course not!!!

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Sep 30Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Rember Melinda GatesofHell is just as guilty as her paramour Gatesof Hell. She travelled with him all over Africa promoting his poisons. She didn't seem to care that it was Humans that they were killing as long as they paid no taxes and it was the poor, whom they claim to help and love. With whatever billions she got to shut up and not talk about their diabolic plans were, she is sure proving that birds of a feather flock together. She has donated millions to planned parenthood.Did she and the former Epstein pal encourage their daughter <married to a paki.muslim>to abort?

Enquiring minds want to know. When beezleb gates is demonized always remember that that his most trusted baby producer is just as guilty.

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Melinda looks like a trans woman, doesn't she?

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Mrs Obama and Mrs Macron also. It seems to be a theme?

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Someone in the treatment loop should be asking every patient if they have had the gene therapy jab, and RECORD the DATA!

That will give the clear answer soon enough.

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What a concept! You could be president!

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Sure, since 2021 all of a sudden: "Alcohol really changes a lot of the DNA"... and hence causes all kinds of cancer on a scale not known before. I wonder if these people believe their own nonsense.

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At least these shills didn't try and blame ''Climate Change'' one would say blaming these turbo cancers on lifestyle choices is duplicitous.

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They have, though, used that excuse more than once wrt. cardiovascular issues, ie kids dying while playing sports.

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If I wasn’t such a well balanced analytical realist with a sharp investigative bias I’d clench my teeth until blood would ooze from my gums thinking about the extremely ordinary privileged unproductive spoiled rotten ungrateful rotted members of the WEF, WHO, Bill Gates and CEO’s of Big Pharma with no leashes. That must change or you get this world wide disruption of humanity by malcontents deserving the ultimate punishments for the scale of damage brought on all of humanity by deception to satisfy their unfathomable greed of their not short enough life spans.

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Stop funding WHO and WEF. They are criminal cartels mass murdering everyone.

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I'm almost 58 years old. If alcohol is the cause, nearly 80% of everyone I know ow and served in the military with should already be dead. Many are in their 70s and 80s and remain moderate to heavy drinkers. Look at previous generations and you'll find the same situation. This is gaslighting at its finest. We all know we are being poisoned with various injections, frankenfood, forever chemicals, and God knows what else. Don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining.

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Only way to survive madness alcohol n mary jane ,wink wink.

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It's the awful vaccines. Terrible.

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