Monsters!!! 👿

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History repeating itself? I hope people realize that the Holocaust started within the medical community. The idea was to kill undesirables (mostly the mentally handicapped and others with severe physical ailments) in the name of compassion. These people were deemed to not have a "life worth living". The only reason that this stopped was when the public became aware of the scope of the project. This is when the Nazis changed tactics. History does not repeat itself but it does rhyme. Pax

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There was a billboard up near me encouraging the poisons for disabled children. Stated that they were more likely to die of the GOF virus.

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Evil front and center

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History does repeat itself. When you have a censorship industrial complex that only allows speech when it is agreed upon. When you distinguish or remove history. When you accept lawfare. When you partake in experimental medical interventions. When you allow millions into a nation who will not assimilate to the ways of the land or even speak the language. You have a very good chance of repeating history.

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They used anything when the couldn't get the drugs needed. Valium for midazolam, morphine for fentanyl, to treat the 'patient' for ever (till they expired). Purposely with holding fluids, it doesn't take long in most cases.

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Unbeknownst to much of the world, the modern stone age medical mafia has been using drugs to murder people for well over 100 years.

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Yes, in a hospital I worked in they would just keep increasing the Morphine dosing.

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I find it interesting how this letter seems aimed at much more than the horrific thing outlined here: facilitating involuntary euthanasia, i.e., killing those NOT GUILTY of capital crimes. Both its tone and its emphasis seem aimed also at those U.S. states which continue the Biblically commanded practice of executing those found GUILTY of capital crimes. Or to put it another way: "Hey Red States! We Blue States want you to stop killing murderers and rapists so we can quietly kill inconvenient grandmas and blame it on lack of mask compliance." Wickedness!

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You do not "treat" patients with a syringe driver of Midazolam and Morphine to improve their respiratory viral infection, you do it to sedate and the end result will be to depress their breathing. Many were given this "treatment" in the UK, they trusted the doctors and nurses. How many people, if told it would depress their breathing, would have agreed to it?

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Thank you for reminding us of this absolute horror. One more thing to add to the DNR document.

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JJ Couey https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological

Housatonic (Mark Kulacz ) https://rumble.com/user/Housatonic

Jessica Hockett https://substack.com/@jessicahockett

...have all been saying this for a while now.....

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