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I just hope Trump can get back in the White House and 'Make America Healthy Again' with RFK Jr otherwise it might be too late. Unfortunately I think 'they' will do anything and everything to stop that.

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Exactly, that is the plan for RFK Jr. He needs to ABOLISH the evil CDC, and STOP all vaccines for children. ALL of them.

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I'm not sure if you realize this but both are "pro vax." Rfk has said so. He just wants more testing. So after seeing all of the "science" for these "man-made" diseases he just wants more testing? Which would require more babies/children as sacrificial lambs? Hasn't he said he has children with nut allergies, etc. he attributes to jabs? Kinda sick if you ask me.

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RFK Jr's organisation Children's Health Defense has been speaking out for years against vax harms. They spend every day fighting big pharma. They have produced 3 bus movies Vaxxed 1, 2 and 3 to air the voices of those families who have experienced horrific vax injuries and death. I know he says 'I am pro vaccine' but he always qualifies it with 'provided there are proper placebo controlled studies to demonstrate safety and efficacy'. I would imagine he assumes animal studies will needed initially as is normal practice for other pharmaceuticals. None of the vaccines have ever been tested against a true placebo except for one. I have a list somewhere. As far as Trump is concerned prior to 2016 he was tweeting that he suspected vaccines were causing autism. OWS was run by the military and Trump never mandated any vaccines. He said words to the effect of 'discuss it with your doctor to see if it is right for you'. So I have no concerns they want to push unsafe pharma products.

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RFK has nothing to do with the vaxxed movies. That’s del bigtree who made those.

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Sep 8Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Who also is a supporter of vaccines, do some digging on him. Here's a little help. https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=1094625&post_id=145349794&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1n82mw&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OTQ3NDAwOCwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQ1MzQ5Nzk0LCJpYXQiOjE3MTc2MTQzNDUsImV4cCI6MTcyMDIwNjM0NSwiaXNzIjoicHViLTEwOTQ2MjUiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.D3w0VLd80UxWpUggetfxzdPJlgI4a0bXT18pWXrypWk

Why is he trying to build confidence in something, vaccines when they aren't needed because the diseases are man-made and not occuring naturally?!

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Read the bill - it provides exemption from mandates for any vaccine which does not meet certain criteria including the vaccine manufacturer must have liability for deaths or serious injuries. I understand you believe the diseases are man made - does that belief extend to all bacterial or virus infections?

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I am not sure that is correct Polly Tommey is director of programming for CHD-TV and she is very involved with the Vaxxed movies. You are right about Del Bigtree

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You still are not understanding the point. Vaccines are not needed. The diseases are man-made, not naturally occuring. To prove my point, perhaps you can explain how this guy knew how to create a patent for something that wouldn't show up for another 5 years? And a Rothschild at that! They named it "novel corona virus, covid19 because it was miraculously discovered in 2019, hence "novel." Look up the definition of novel, then look up novel coronavirus.


If he was a true warrior he woukd speak this truth, and he would fight to shut down the whole vaccine machine. As you acknowledge RFK knows all of the real dangers of vaccines and has fought for years, but wants them tested, presumably on animals first, which is terible in itself but then what? Eventually it would be on babies. Ifyou want to offer your children up for that, please go ahead, I'll pass. As far as Mr. OWS, he signed an executive order in 2019 to speed up and modernize (mrna) vaccine production, right before they released the plandemic, the fake, non-existant virus. So he was crucial to enabling the maiming and murdering. On multiple occasions he's encouraged people to take them, said he took them. Plenty of material out there on that but here's one example. What he said was reckless, and false. Doesn't he realize there are idiots out there that will hear him say that and then go jeopardize their life and well-being? Of course he does, it's why he said it. You do know he accepted money from pfizer, the repeat serial killing company, fined in the billions, which has never cured a disease or health issue. There should NEVER be a conversation between a Dr. And a patient about a vaccine, not if good health is the topic. Did you know Jonas Salk was a eugenecist? Did you know polio was a ddt poisoning? Did you know cancer causing sv 40 (monkey cell line) was put in his "vaccine," an "accidental contaminant" that just so happened wound up in c19 shots. How does that happen? I guess they're so incompetent they just keep making the same mistakes. I pray the scales will fall from your eyes. https://youtu.be/eA306aNtvmk?si=bEHSucc15ffn7nhT

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I agree that vaccines appear to be another scam. Yes I know about DDT, yes I now about SV40, yes I know Trump accepted money from Pfizer. I have read about the history of vaccines (Dissolving Illusions, Moth in the Iron Lung, Turtles all the Way Down) and our stance as a family is that no-one in my family (including pets) will ever take another vaccine. However the vaccine believers, who make up the overwhelming majority of the population, are in a cult. It truly is a battle for the normies and the only hope of waking someone up from a cult is by giving them small crumbs of information. It never, ever works revealing the whole picture. If you do you have lost them forever and they label you as a conspiracy theorist.

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Heck of a lot better than anyone else is doing. I also think the research will guide him

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Whomever THEY are. They must be CRUSHED.

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This is plain and simple evil. They know damn well the shots are harmful. CDC needs to be ABOLISHED, and something else takes its place which is not intent on harm.

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I'll bet ZERO relatives of the sorry individuals who run this country are taking the advise.

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You could safely take that to the bank.

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Not One In Congress DIED of C19 or mRNA Bioweapons. Not one motherfucker. It is a FACT that 388 members of Con gress are guilty of TREASON for allowing the 2020 selection of TRAITOR JOE AND THE HOE. 72% of Con gress are guilty of TREASON and deserve to HANG IN PUBLIC. These traitors have given US 4 years of 3X the cost of most everything. Fuck you. Every single one of you. YOU ARE ALL GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

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Congress was exempt from taking the covid DeathVax.

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Tribunals for the offenders are necessary for the world to recover from the man engineered plague named Covid 19.

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What a bunch of soulless money loving demons.

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“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak . Not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

This is diabolical ! These pagans are ignoring the scientific evidence that these vaccines are harmful.

The parents who comply are irresponsibly. It it time for resistance in no uncertain terms.

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Evil is the word. Few really understand what evil is about as society has been dumbed down to it over the decades. It always comes disguised as good however now it's ugly face is in our faces...and are people waking up?

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First we overlook evil

Then we permit evil

Then we legalize evil

Then we promote evil

Then we celebrate evil

Then we persecute those who call it evil

"Woe unto them who call evil good, and good evil."

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How the fuck is the CDC still in business after the last 4 years of DEATH AND DESTRUCTION? It's way past time for The American People to take a stand against every single individual who helped to devised the plan to use C19 & mRNA Bioweapons to force Trump out of office while killing and injuring millions globally. Fuck you! All of you.

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Every single CDC board member needs to be injected forthwith with a Convid injection every 3 months until they die. Really that simple at this point.

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before they exterminate humanity, they look for another huge - very sick mind!

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There never touching my children again, I kept them safe from the Covid vax, but I got duped on some of the earlier vaccines. Never again not a chance!!!

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Please, someone, make it stop! I beg you, rise up and protest, all who have a voice that can speak to power. Is anyone listening? Parents? Healthcare workers? legislators? Protect us from these madmen who would force this poisonous substance onto our civilization.

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Somebody stop this madness!

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Here's a link to Steve Kirsch's Substack - the VA knew about harms from the covid DeathVax


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Any doctors or nurses injecting this crap into babies need to be prosecuted just as Nazi doctors were in the Nuremberg tribunals, with similar sentences if found guilty. For starters, the general public should boycott the practices of such pediatricians, and out them by name on the Internet and social media.

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Any nurse or doctor who injected Remdesivir is also a murderer.

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Also, those who denied off-label use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

Doctors enjoyed a higher status in society, but rejected epistemic responsibility.

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We're definitely boycotting ours and I drive my kids 1 1/2 hours to see a safe doctor who has received many threats.

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