Wendigo energy has haunted the far North for a long time, the Ojibewa, would kill a suspected Wendigo possessed person immediately, no questions asked, because the insanity spreads like a contagion so fast. Canadians didn't just elect Wendigos to govern them, they got ego obsessed in rallying around them to own the evil, rude Americans to the south. They invited them in and helped them. Wendigos don't eat people because of hunger, they use hunger as a lure, but because the ultimate taboo is canabalism. Because it is an affront to the Light. They may not be literally eating these poor souls yet, (probablly in the pipeline tbh), but they are still consuming people in an affront to the Light. They best feast for a Wendigo is your own parents or children. All of Canada are Wendigo now...
If I try to have a conversation with 'normal' people about this constantly creeping evil, they think I'm crazy. I don't see a substantial number of people waking up. I just don't see it happening.
In Nazi Germany, they murdered them and we said “never again”. This evil has gotten smarter. It now helps these commit suicide, after, of course, years of ads telling everyone how normal it is. We either stop this or we are complicit.
True dodo must go. When the whole world was finally relaxing restrictions, True dufus evoked war powers against his own truckers. He's a little petulant tyrant beast, and those are just his good points
When I came out of coma from being put on a ventilator I could not breath without high a oxygen flow. I had lost so much weight that I looked like skin and bones and was too weak to even hold a tooth brush. To try to move would cause me to nearly pass out because I could not get enough oxygen to my blood to even talk very long. They told my wife to get things in order as I was going to die. It got so bad that I told my wife that this was no way to live and I asked the doctors to not let me suffer. They told me they could stop treatment at anytime and give me drugs to ease my passing. I talked it over with my wife and decided that if it got worse we would allow them to drug me and end it. As you can imagine I was not thinking strait being in the condition I was in, however my wife was and noticed the reason why I was going to die was that they were letting me die. I had not had nutrition for maybe 8 days by this time and no water except for a few ice chips a few times a day and the skin on my lips was peeling like a snake. Not long after that my wife said what about a feed tube and I immediately said yes give me one please, they told us it was risky if you can imagine that but finally they gave in. I started to slowly recover. I also remember one night waking and struggling to breath while seeing the doctor rush from the room into a nurse who asked him loudly, what did you do , what did you do? I could see him put something in his pocket so I knew he tried to kill me, I woke before he could finish and the nurse seeing him rushing from me made it so he was caught in the act. Because he ran from me while I was having trouble I knew he was a murderer and called him that several times. I shouted as loud as I could which was not very but called to my phone to call my wife several times only to realize it was not with me so I called out 911 over and over after a while I could see police officers in pale blue uniforms which I had never seen before, they could not hear me through the windows and left after talking to the doctor after which he came back and said they would not be back rather matter of fact like. I feared for my life. My point is that these criminals would have killed me while I was not able to think strait with out hesitation and not lose a nights sleep. We must end the insane running the country to kill, cripple, and steal mass wealth for the sake of complete control so they can continue their immoral acts on the children and the population. May they all be made to pay for their crimes against humanity and if ever I can make those who tried to kill me pay I will. So no child or minor should be giving any doctor permission to kill him/her because they would not be thinking strait while being under stress. The people must get moral politicians back in government now.
OH my goodness, my heart breaks for you and the absolute horror you, your wife, have been through!! UNimaginable horror!! ThAnk you, for sharing your story!! God obviously has plans for you!!♥️ Continue to share, far and wide!! HUge hugs to you and your wife!!
I think that because the police and a nurse was involved they could not make anymore attempts on my life also the fact that my wife was there everyday to keep an eye on them and asked many questions as to what they were doing to me I was kind of safe. Once I after getting a feed tube which was no fun, because my wife thought of it only. I started to be able to think strait. They were going to let me starve to death with no water also. I did everything I could with great difficulty to heal, learn to shallow as the ventilator damaged the flap that closes off the wind pipe, had to learn to walk again and overcome oxygen dependency. After some time I was able to go to the Glen Rose Rehabilitation hospital to learn to walk better until I was at the point they could send me home to further my recovery, and finally get off of oxygen altogether. I spent nearly six months in hospital and was so glad to see home again after thinking I never would ever again see my wife in our home. Mind you I still can't get enough oxygen to my blood to do anything strenuous for more then a minute because of of Sevier lung damage from the ventilator. So now I try to wake the people up to the reality of the world situation. I was told I will need a lung transplant in the future so I pray to be alive long enough to see the insane criminals in control be put in prison for life at the very least, some should be hung so other nut jobs will never try this ever again.
Having someone there for you was crucial. No one must ever enter a hospital without someone who can check on you daily and advocate for you 8n person. Operation Pharmakia has shown millions the horrible nature of Healthcare workers known to lawyers for a century--most, male or female, Dr or nurse or orderly, are sociopaths. The historic outcomes for people who had neither family nor for hire representation have been abysmal for a long, long time. What they do to people, in assisted living is basically a model designed to hasten the deaths of their inmates for profit (if you have a relative in a home and you don't visit regularly, when you get their corpse it will be sk8n and bones wrapped in bruses and bed sores. With Operation Phatnakia they just took their evil prime time. I am so sorry you suffered and so happy you survived. I join you in your prayer to live to see them hang.
This is truly sickening and escalating news from Canada. It will not stop at our borders in these United States. The US is as impotent as all the other nation states in these matters. We are under international siege and it will not stop until we convince all we the people as to who the rulers who mandate this crap really are. Wake up before all is gone - swept before us like so much garbage. The garbage is the international globalists who hand down the orders. We have a very large garbage problem.
I can’t think of a more sinister, yet effective, method of burying all the carnage created from the child mutilations at the behest of the government in synchrony with the transitioning cult.
What would 17 medal winning Paralympian Oksana Masters have to say about this? Her harrowing and inspiring memoir was released in February 21. There are many Ukrainian Canadians living in Canada.
The slippery slope leading to death( and the sooner the better) was paved when liberals took(stole) power by paying off the media. Our country didn’t stand a chance after that. As usual, one law takes an inch, the next a foot, the next, a mile. The depopulation agenda of evil is thereby instituted like a frog being boiled slowly. But we know the heat is turned up, and demons possess those with their luciferian fingers on the dial.
Wendigo energy has haunted the far North for a long time, the Ojibewa, would kill a suspected Wendigo possessed person immediately, no questions asked, because the insanity spreads like a contagion so fast. Canadians didn't just elect Wendigos to govern them, they got ego obsessed in rallying around them to own the evil, rude Americans to the south. They invited them in and helped them. Wendigos don't eat people because of hunger, they use hunger as a lure, but because the ultimate taboo is canabalism. Because it is an affront to the Light. They may not be literally eating these poor souls yet, (probablly in the pipeline tbh), but they are still consuming people in an affront to the Light. They best feast for a Wendigo is your own parents or children. All of Canada are Wendigo now...
If I try to have a conversation with 'normal' people about this constantly creeping evil, they think I'm crazy. I don't see a substantial number of people waking up. I just don't see it happening.
In Nazi Germany, they murdered them and we said “never again”. This evil has gotten smarter. It now helps these commit suicide, after, of course, years of ads telling everyone how normal it is. We either stop this or we are complicit.
True dodo must go. When the whole world was finally relaxing restrictions, True dufus evoked war powers against his own truckers. He's a little petulant tyrant beast, and those are just his good points
When I came out of coma from being put on a ventilator I could not breath without high a oxygen flow. I had lost so much weight that I looked like skin and bones and was too weak to even hold a tooth brush. To try to move would cause me to nearly pass out because I could not get enough oxygen to my blood to even talk very long. They told my wife to get things in order as I was going to die. It got so bad that I told my wife that this was no way to live and I asked the doctors to not let me suffer. They told me they could stop treatment at anytime and give me drugs to ease my passing. I talked it over with my wife and decided that if it got worse we would allow them to drug me and end it. As you can imagine I was not thinking strait being in the condition I was in, however my wife was and noticed the reason why I was going to die was that they were letting me die. I had not had nutrition for maybe 8 days by this time and no water except for a few ice chips a few times a day and the skin on my lips was peeling like a snake. Not long after that my wife said what about a feed tube and I immediately said yes give me one please, they told us it was risky if you can imagine that but finally they gave in. I started to slowly recover. I also remember one night waking and struggling to breath while seeing the doctor rush from the room into a nurse who asked him loudly, what did you do , what did you do? I could see him put something in his pocket so I knew he tried to kill me, I woke before he could finish and the nurse seeing him rushing from me made it so he was caught in the act. Because he ran from me while I was having trouble I knew he was a murderer and called him that several times. I shouted as loud as I could which was not very but called to my phone to call my wife several times only to realize it was not with me so I called out 911 over and over after a while I could see police officers in pale blue uniforms which I had never seen before, they could not hear me through the windows and left after talking to the doctor after which he came back and said they would not be back rather matter of fact like. I feared for my life. My point is that these criminals would have killed me while I was not able to think strait with out hesitation and not lose a nights sleep. We must end the insane running the country to kill, cripple, and steal mass wealth for the sake of complete control so they can continue their immoral acts on the children and the population. May they all be made to pay for their crimes against humanity and if ever I can make those who tried to kill me pay I will. So no child or minor should be giving any doctor permission to kill him/her because they would not be thinking strait while being under stress. The people must get moral politicians back in government now.
OH my goodness, my heart breaks for you and the absolute horror you, your wife, have been through!! UNimaginable horror!! ThAnk you, for sharing your story!! God obviously has plans for you!!♥️ Continue to share, far and wide!! HUge hugs to you and your wife!!
Thank you.
Wow. How did you finally get away?
I think that because the police and a nurse was involved they could not make anymore attempts on my life also the fact that my wife was there everyday to keep an eye on them and asked many questions as to what they were doing to me I was kind of safe. Once I after getting a feed tube which was no fun, because my wife thought of it only. I started to be able to think strait. They were going to let me starve to death with no water also. I did everything I could with great difficulty to heal, learn to shallow as the ventilator damaged the flap that closes off the wind pipe, had to learn to walk again and overcome oxygen dependency. After some time I was able to go to the Glen Rose Rehabilitation hospital to learn to walk better until I was at the point they could send me home to further my recovery, and finally get off of oxygen altogether. I spent nearly six months in hospital and was so glad to see home again after thinking I never would ever again see my wife in our home. Mind you I still can't get enough oxygen to my blood to do anything strenuous for more then a minute because of of Sevier lung damage from the ventilator. So now I try to wake the people up to the reality of the world situation. I was told I will need a lung transplant in the future so I pray to be alive long enough to see the insane criminals in control be put in prison for life at the very least, some should be hung so other nut jobs will never try this ever again.
Having someone there for you was crucial. No one must ever enter a hospital without someone who can check on you daily and advocate for you 8n person. Operation Pharmakia has shown millions the horrible nature of Healthcare workers known to lawyers for a century--most, male or female, Dr or nurse or orderly, are sociopaths. The historic outcomes for people who had neither family nor for hire representation have been abysmal for a long, long time. What they do to people, in assisted living is basically a model designed to hasten the deaths of their inmates for profit (if you have a relative in a home and you don't visit regularly, when you get their corpse it will be sk8n and bones wrapped in bruses and bed sores. With Operation Phatnakia they just took their evil prime time. I am so sorry you suffered and so happy you survived. I join you in your prayer to live to see them hang.
Thank you very much.
Question. Isn’t everyone in a state of terminal illness rather sooner or later? Because in the end, Life is terminal.
Thank you
Proverbs 6: 16-19
16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Hands that shed innocent blood! 🔥🔥🔥
That's how it started with adults
The term "consenting minor" should terrify everyone and they have been working on this for a while
Trudeau takes office in 2015 and MAIDs starts in 2016? Canada needs term limits….
This is truly sickening and escalating news from Canada. It will not stop at our borders in these United States. The US is as impotent as all the other nation states in these matters. We are under international siege and it will not stop until we convince all we the people as to who the rulers who mandate this crap really are. Wake up before all is gone - swept before us like so much garbage. The garbage is the international globalists who hand down the orders. We have a very large garbage problem.
AntiChrist Spirit is here.....
I can’t think of a more sinister, yet effective, method of burying all the carnage created from the child mutilations at the behest of the government in synchrony with the transitioning cult.
This makes me ill 😥
What would 17 medal winning Paralympian Oksana Masters have to say about this? Her harrowing and inspiring memoir was released in February 21. There are many Ukrainian Canadians living in Canada.
The slippery slope leading to death( and the sooner the better) was paved when liberals took(stole) power by paying off the media. Our country didn’t stand a chance after that. As usual, one law takes an inch, the next a foot, the next, a mile. The depopulation agenda of evil is thereby instituted like a frog being boiled slowly. But we know the heat is turned up, and demons possess those with their luciferian fingers on the dial.
Nailed it!! 🔨