Brave of her to come forward.

For that she should not be criminally prosecuted.

But at a minimum she should still lose her license.

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Really? Public promoter of genocide and we are slow walking ranges of penalty??

That is what is called printing get out of jail free passes. The Medical Cartel has a few 24 hour presses. It is not an act of bravery, its an act of self preservation. Finger pointing phase in full swing. Pay attention.

Too little too late.

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It should be for the courts to decide.

If they were functioning, that is.

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The courts are as co-opted and corrupted as all our other institutions; "there is no health in them," to paraphrase "The Book of Common Prayer."

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Unfortunately the courts *are* corrupted.

But I'm not a big fan of anarchy or military tribunals, Captain.

And there are some redress mechanisms built into the U.S. Constitution, like the 10th amendment. Oklahoma and Louisiana have recently reasserted their right to ignore edicts from the UN, WHO and the WEF.

Another powerful instrument of redress is Citizen Grand Juries, which are required to be called if enough signatures are collected on a petition. Citizen Grand Juries are allowed in six U.S. States, including Oklahoma:


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They most certainly are. Oh boy could I enlighten the many on Australia.

Judges are pedoes and in a state of Australia, kids are used as playthings and are abused sexually. But when there is a hint of them being discovered - the kids are killed and thrown down a state's mine shaft.

Bit vague? yes, I have someone I have to protect so I have to be vague.

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I agree with you... Alas I am domiciled in the Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White Peoples' Republic of Canuckistan of Justine Castreau and Her Merry Men... Things like "Magna Carta", "Habeus Corpus" and "The Bill of Rights of 1689" have largely been consigned to the recycle bin... we don't have the protection of the 1st, 2nd and 5th Amendments, and while we have a Constitution with lots of fair-sounding phrases, the truth is it can be abrogated in whole or in part at any time by Act of Parliament, Cabinet Order-in-Council or one of the provinces opting out with the "Notwithstanding" Clause.. and since Castreau has seized power we are at the mercy of "The Compelled Pronouns Act" of 2017 (Bill C-16), "The Canada Broadcast Act" of 2021 (Bill C-18), and "The Online Harms Act" now tabled in Parliament (Bill C-63) under which I risk life imprisonment for uttering "hate speech" or if I'm anonymously accused even of 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 of uttering hate speech! All of this is and will be under the aegis of the extra-judicial Provincial "Social Justice Tribunals": No appeals. No evidence, you will be found guilty, you will be fined a minimum of $250,000, and -- You will 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲!

Jordan Peterson speaks of the reality of the situation on the ground in Canada, here:


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"King" Charles, your head of state with the red picture and everything, announced the "Great Reset" along with Klaun Klaus.

My sympathies.

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she should be in JAIL FOR LIFE

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or worse

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

Many of us who are not doctors or "in the know" figured out that the so-called "vaccines" are extremely dangerous and refused to take them regardless of the unrelenting pressure to do so. We now need to decide how we are going to deal with those in authority (whose responsibility it is to know better) that pushed the bioweapons, but who now, like this Dr. Boz character, are acting like they are the great saviour. Whom should we "pardon" and whom should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for crimes against humanity? Where should the line be drawn? Where should it be drawn for those that pushed the clot shots who are not at the top of the food chain in the biological- or medical-sciences, but rather are in some other leadership role, like in government, the military or in media? Many of them would have likely had insider knowledge too. What price should they pay? To what extent are we prepared to purge society? Consider, for example, the medical field: if we prosecute everyone in it that pushed the lethal injections there likely wouldn't be any healthcare system left in any country; would that really be solving anything? How would that help someone who has just been in a car crash and has nowhere to go for help because all the doctors and nurses have been locked up or executed during this "Great Purge"; which -- in the interest of retribution...or more likely revenge -- might turn out to be something akin to the Reign of Terror, which occurred during the French Revolution.

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Everyone responsible for this, the most appalling crime in human history? The death penalty. End of discussion. Their executions must be public and televised, nothing less is adequate. As for execrable filth like Annette Bosworth who deliberately betrayed her trust... but is now attempting to cover her ass? Life Imprisonment. No parole. End of discussion.

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Ok maybe.

After fair trials, if the courts start functioning again.

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Forget FAIR. Theres NOTHING fair in the Stakeholder corporate public/private collusion ongoing thats destroying the Tax Payers lives in favor of the illegals...

Fair is what Criminals call for after being found out.

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I for one would not be in favor of any kind of "Truth and Reconciliation" solution which would only be manipulated by the perpetrators.

No, first, make the courts function again, then put each suspect on trial and if found guilty sentence them individually. To do less would be to invite future abuses.

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C Taylor

You are so correct about the average person being able to see the dangers and a Doctor can’t !!

If a doctor is willing to jab someone, themselves or their own kids with “anything” without doing any research, in my mind is no doctor at all.

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They went along to get along and ne'r a one defended the true and dedicated dr.'s I don't want a reign of terror, but I want to know who was corrupted and prison sentences and financial ruin. They should be all sued to eternity until they work in Walmarts. They threw honest people to the wolves without understanding or questioning their own beliefs. Please remember they also got paid for every shot. Let her proveto us that her family all got vaxed. They were the nazis.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

So true. I walk my dogs with a Professor of Diabetic Medicine who heads a huge department with great research and much incoming funding. Asked why he took, early on, the Phizer shots. His reply - yes I know they contain adjuvents and foetal cells and Mrna is experimental etc. etc. BUT I am responsible for much research grants am 72 years of age and do not want to end my career by being thrown out! - Look how they treated Prof. Luc Montaigner in France - ( AIDS Nobel Prize Winner) - expelled to China! - and Prof Didier Raoul in Marseille treated all patients with Hydroxycholoroquine and the so called "horsepaste" - openly made fun of in France on TV and the Press...despite good results from his cohort of patients!

We have to faced facts. The Golden Rule has become "Those with the Gold Rule" - until the sect of malevolent Talmudic Jews is removed from Public Office we are all Fcked.

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"For that she should not be criminally prosecuted"? To that I cry "BULLSHIT!!"💩💩💩

She is a medical doctor. It was her job to know the nature of the Lethal Injection. It was her job to know all safety tests were suspended in development. It was her job to know how slipshod and incompetent the development was, and done in less than 8 months. It was her job to know it was an unapproved, unlicenced, experimental drug, that consequentially comes under the terms of The Geneva Conventions, The Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Accords. "Brave of her to come forward"? The sleazy bitch is trying to cover her ass is all this is! "at a minimum she should still lose her license"? She has repeatedly committed Crimes Against Humanity: 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 she gave an injection; 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 she authorised an injection! 𝙄𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 ! ... To know that this was what she was doing!

Annette Bosworth, has absolutely no excuse, whatsoever: At the very least she has been consistently, utterly, criminally malfeasant, and, she is guilty of the grossest criminal negligence imaginable. To say this woman acted in good faith, that she didn't know, is simply ludicrous.

I'd give her this, for finally fessing up: Instead of her head sliced off in the guillotine in a public, televised execution: She can spend the rest of her life in prison.

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See above.

We all want to see justice done.

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We do indeed, "Yet Another Tommy". But I see it from a Red Pill perspective. I'm inclined to think you still do not.

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You're wrong then, and don't tell me what I think.

You do not know what justice is in these cases, no one does until there are trials and the evidence presented, from both sides.

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Look around you. Think of what's happened over the past 4 years. Western Civilization is circling the drain, and the Covid Fraudemic was the coup de grâce. There's your proof. I'm only telling you what I think: I have no idea what you're thinking. And/But if you won't, or can't see it, I can't make you see it.

Have a look at these two articles I reposted:

💣 "Repent" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent

💣 "Hommage to the Unvaccinated" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/homage-to-the-unvaccinated

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Absolutly right. Trying to escape responsibility.

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Have to wonder how much she profited from doling them out.

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It's rare to see a doctor at a food bank.

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Hopefully we'll get to see her breaking rocks on a chain gang.

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Will never happen Capt - but I revel in the sentiment expressed! More important now is what SAFEGUARDS can we put in place to ensure this never happens again! - I mean (((they))) are already fomenting DiseaseX

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Is "DiseaseX" "Bird flu"... or will it be the dreaded "Herpes Type X" -- you know, the one that can put lesions on porcelain urinals? 😱

I'm busy watching Mike Adams interview Alex Jones (https://www.brighteon.com/a9987df0-2c3a-473f-aac9-a67e0779a6b5) ... corruption enough to gag a maggot -- he talks about the general state of depravity and degeneracy in America -- and by extension everywhere else (I live in Justin Castreau's "Canuckistan") -- https://www.brighteon.com/0ca64e7a-4e0a-4640-9226-75b31819358f

Corruption enough to gag an army of maggots. At this point HuggyBear, I'd say it's too late, The Lord of the Nazgûl has passed the broken gates; the war is lost, it's time for all to flee who still can, except -- where are we to go?

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The Good Lord in his providence has a way of righting the scales - even if we cannot see it. Keep the Faith Capt and keep fighting to inform the sheeple! PS Make sure you give her Pine Needle Tea - it is said to eliminate the spike proteins!

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I'm saving my Pine Needle Tea for wife and myself!

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You have to remember that those who issue or revoke licenses, and those who would conduct a criminal prosecution are also complicit accessories to these crimes. There isn't going to be any justice coming from those directions.

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at






Raise Public Awareness



Take Action



Treatments for VAX injury here : 



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We need more doctors like her to come forward. All doctors (and citizens) need to look at the mortality charts produced by Aaron Hertzberg. Even a cave man can skim these charts and see that something major changed in the year 2021.


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The doctors who did not want to play the game and cash in did that in 2020! Anyone who comes forward from when the Bio-weapon was rolled out in late 2020 into 2021 should have known better. I owned a medical practice for 24 years until December 2020 and knew ASAP in March 2020 that something was wrong. And warned friends and family about the fraud that was perpetuated and predicted that this was never about the flu but about a dangerous bioweapon that was going to be used to eradicate humanity. I personally know of nine people as of today that died from the bioweapon. 2020 was only the opening act and there is a lot more to the bioweapon that meets the eye and the people behind it.

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Glad to were able to help others. I wish there were more doctors like you.

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Exactly and you were not early to the party. Some of us knew the mantra Safe and Effective was ALWAYS a lie over 3 decades ago. Lets be crystal clear. The Flexner Report was the origin of the takeover of the Medical Profession by Big P and its owners.

Wish I only knew 9...

This avalance cannot be stuck back on the mountain.

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How about we create a global movement called " Me too for doctors" on Twitter? Every doctor who was fooled can come forward and tell the world the truth about the " save and effective vaccines". I think the doctors of the world need to get united so that no government can do ever again this kind of atrocities against its own people.

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We first need to know how they were corrupted. How much money did they accept.

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There is a stampede for the exit. No shortage of data. Data changed no fools mind.

Time for retribution.

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Tell me something I don't know, Dr. BOZ! Isn't she a little late to the party? Anyone who is blowing the whistle now is just trying to ease their self-serving guilty conscience! Is she afraid of getting struck by lightning or getting diagnosed with the "karma bug"? Prominent doctor; if she is prominent I would rather go to a "witch doctor"! She don't need to apologize to me or anyone else; they need to repent to the Lord God Jesus Christ!

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Better late then never. She should applauded for her willingness to change her mind. How many doctors do you know that did just what she did? Not that many.

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inaccurate assessment

She has you eating out of her bloody hands

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just saw this before my comment to earlier post

Late for sure...

She is attempting to save her own _ss.

Repent they must, still Retribution cometh.

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She knew the dangers from the start.

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Well, she didn't. Because if she would have known the truth from the start, do you really believe that she would have given the " killer shots" to all her kids and her entire family? I don't think so! It just doesn't make any sense.

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not the time or place for hypotheticals

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"Geert Vanden Bossche

The issue of immune escape received special attention following publica- tion of an open letter by Geert Vanden Bossche (2021). Vanden Bossche, a virologist with experience of working for Big Pharma, GAVI, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, claims that mass vaccination with leaky vaccines could lead to more virulent strains of “Covid-19” developing in vaccinated people, which in turn could kill the unvaccinated, leading to a never-ending need to vaccinate against ever more dangerous strains. It was first theorised in 2001 that vaccines could in principle select for the evolution of increased virulence (Gandon et al., 2001). Empirical confir- mation was provided in 2015: immunisation of chickens against Marek’s disease “enhances the fitness of more virulent strains, making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit”; this is because leaky vaccination “prolongs host survival but does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission” (Read et al., 2015). If similar were to occur in humans, then “the normal ‘life cycle’ of a virus, from highly virulent and dangerous, to more infectious but less dangerous (‘virus entropy’) may be fundamentally affected or even reversed” (van der Pijl, 2022, p. 247). This contravention of Virology 101 seems prima facie unlikely, however.

The Vanden Bossche open letter reads more as fear propaganda than as science. For example, it refers to “killer vaccines” and claims that mass vaccination threatens to “wipe out large parts of our human popula- tion” by “turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.” If so, how might those behind the “bioweapon” expect to survive? Do they have the antidote? Vanden Bossche (2021) dramatically appeals to professional reputation rather than carefully supported scien- tific argumentation: “In this agonizing letter, I put all of my reputation

and credibility at stake.” Yet, an unreferenced, five-page letter is not the place to do this; rather, a peer-reviewed journal article, or at the very least a preprint would have been more appropriate, notwithstanding the urgency of the subject matter.

Like a tabloid newspaper, Vanden Bossche’s open letter places multiple, sometimes sensationalist, phrases in capital letters to grab attention, e.g. “THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMER- GENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN.” Phrases such as “racing against the clock” and “there is not one second left for gears to be switched” add to the drama but detract from scientific credibility. The virus itself is anthropomorphised as a kind of master criminal that will “take on another coat” as part of its “strategy” to replicate and increase its “return on selection investment.” The open letter also makes emotive reference to the vulnerability of children to “Covid-19,” even though there is little to no credible scientific evidence to support this assertion (Hughes, 2022a).

Vanden Bossche’s scientific claims are spurious. For example, he presents a jaundiced view of the human immune system (Frei, 2021), focusing on initial “passive immunity” but not subsequent “adaptive immunity” in which T-cells are produced. He tries to downplay cross- reactive T-cell immunity as “short-lived,” only mentioning T-cells twice, even though it is known that “CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and neutralizing antibodies all contribute to control of SARS-CoV-2 in both non-hospitalized and hospitalized cases of COVID-19” (Sette & Crotty, 2021). Because “SARS-CoV-2” is a coronavirus, there is already a certain degree of cross-reactive T-cell memory (found in ca. 28–50% of people) and therefore “some degree of pre-existing immunity in the popula- tion” (Sette & Crotty, 2021). The “Variants of Concern” do not change this, for they “do not significantly disrupt the total SARS-CoV-2 T cell reactivity” (Tarke et al., 2021).

Despite criticising leaky “Covid-19” vaccines for endangering all human life, Vanden Bossche (2021) reaches a surprising conclusion: “Paradoxically, the only intervention that could offer a perspective to end this pandemic (other than to let it run its disastrous course) is ...VAC- CINATION.” Thus, he does nothing to challenge the “Covid-19” vacci- nation agenda. Instead, he proposes “large vaccination campaigns” that will prime NK (natural killer) cells so that they “acquire immunological memory” and thereby become able to “recognize and kill Coronaviruses at large (include all their variants) at an early stage of infection”—even though there is still no cure for the common cold.

If Vanden Bossche were right, deaths among the “unvaccinated” would have spiralled out of control. Instead, not only did Omicron fit the viral entropy model of more transmissible but less deadly (it was likened to the common cold), but health outcomes among “unvaccinated” people proved better than for the “vaccinated” (see Chapter 7). It is therefore hard to escape the conclusion that Vanden Bossche is yet another medical establishment figure responsible for propagating a pseudoscientific fear narrative. Almost no one had heard of him before he entered the scene, and he disappeared just as quickly, having played his part."


“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the

War for Technocracy


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What I would like to know, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here, is who paid you to write this propaganda article about Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche? Just tell us. Everything you said would have been much more credible if you wouldn't have attacked and criticize him. What you should have done instead is to come up with a scientific contra argument for every ones he make about the " tsunami of severe ilnesses and deaths" that will greatly affect the vaccinated people in highly vaccinated country. But let us guess: you are not a doctor, and even if you were, unless you have the same background as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, you have no credibility. Nobody with an open mind and critical thinking should find any reasons to believe you. It's as simple as that. I wish you could bring in solid reasons why Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is wrong and his predictions will never happen. Honestly, it would have given many of us peace of mind. What you achieved instead, was just the opposite.

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Not my words, but David Hughes.

In my opinion, given your reaction, he must be over the target.

Being a human, I'm a stakeholder.

It would be interesting to know what exactly *your* role is in the G3P.

What Is the Global Public-Private Partnership?


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Just the name " Vanden Bossche " does not inspire trust. Sounds like a baddie in a spy thriller.

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Many people will not recognise that they are suffering from mRNA injection damage, my neighbour yesterday stated proudly he had his "Covid injection" and he has never had "side effects" from it. This previously very healthy man is now breathless on slight exertion, has fluid retention and is a shadow of the man he used to be pre covid. He has no recognition that his steadily declining health may be due to the many mRNA injections he has taken.

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Yet, she can't quite get herself to believe that the other shots are useless and dangerous.

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Nah, she is gaming. Regardless of whether complacent or complicit, there must and will be retribution.

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You are going to wait many lifetimes to see an actual, real, deadly pandemic. The fake covid pandemic was and is one big-butt crime but the hard part to get over is that one is is being held accountable in any meaningful way. That means they are going to keep trying and millions are going to be murdered again.

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You meant to say, "the hard part to get over is that NO one is being held accountable", i suppose.

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I popped over to her channel just to scan the comments... seems she is getting honest feedback from those who aren't as well educated as her lol. Karma's going to be rough for a lot of people.

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At this point in time there isn't any reason to believe that everyone who took even a one single shot will be dead in 3 to 5 years. If that were the case, the number of deaths should already be much, much higher. But it isn't right now. However, this could change rapidly once the Tsunami predicted by Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche arrives. But even then, I doubt it will be the case. That's because 30% of the shots were placebos. Therefore, many people who took one shot only, might as well gotten a placebo. There is a gray zone, and we just don't know how big it is.

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Incorrect. There is every reason to believe an enormous D & D worse that the 40% current increase. Knowing what % was saline is a guess not a fact. Making presumptions on assumptions is not particularly useful.

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I think Gabriella has a good point. We cannot just think in absolutes. We do not know what was in those vials - to say major deaths in 3-5yrs is based on "theory". I am not vaxed but most everyone in my circle took this. To say now all these bad things will happen with such certainty does not add credibility to the cause. Our goal should be to make people aware of what really happened so that this will not be repeated again! So all these docs who are spreading doom and gloom i do not believe are really helping here. This may just back fire.

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Occam's Razor suggests that the simplest explanation is nearly always the correct one.

Now that prominent renegade Vax proponents are a dime a dozen what makes sense??

The finger pointing phase in full swing. Criminals scurrying.

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Just looked over the good docs articles. Stellar.

Every article has a telling headline and irrefuable content.

A cursory read is adequate, though scrutiny encouraged.

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Glad Annette Bosworth has stepped up now. But Dr. Tenpenny warned of what could happen at the VERY BEGINNING of all this----she wrote of how she asked questions, and studied MRNA, and then predicted what it could do.

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Well THAT conclusion sure took YEARS too long !

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Amazing that now so much info. is coming out via e-mails, that

she is now apoligizing. She must think we are idiots. How much money did she get for each vax? Why would anyone trust her? Is she trying to avoid any blame for subjecting her patients to her corruption ? Cry me a river. Let us know how much money she received. Is she going to do due dilligence going forward? I just would not trust her again. Will she be willing to be a witness in lawsuits against the pharma's? Rats flee sinking ships. I beleive coming forward for her is cya.

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