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He’s right…too bad Rome isn’t listening. They’re too busy saving Mother Earth (the pagans). Pax

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Yes, because this Pope is a Jesuit and they're more concerned about social justice issues then the four last things and the salvation of souls.

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I could be mistaken, but I think the Vatican 🇻🇦 🤔 strongly advocated for people to get these inoculations. They likely knew something was drastically wrong with the inoculations yet pushed anyways. What does that say about them? To me it clearly shows corruption and the mandate of this organization.

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Not the faith but members within. Long story that goes beyond a laconic post. Pax

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Yes. Theoretically AND traditionally, the Catholic Church would have/should have stood against government-coerced, historically-dangerous experimentation on the population, contravening an individual's free will on entirely specious grounds.

Instead, the Catholic Church's hierarchy was complicit with government and commercial interests, in exchange for financial incentives in some cases, in blackmailing their own adherents into receiving a delayed-suicide injection.

This betrayal was intentionally abetted by a false "pope" who appears to be a Catholic in name only (like Biden, Pelosi, and RFK Jr -- the abortion proponents).

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KT…I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks. These CINOs are playing with their souls and eternal damnation. Unfortunately the so-called pope and numerous bishops appear to have lost their supernatural faith (assuming they ever had it). This all has been foretold and it’s going to get worse. Good news is that we (the remnant) will win in the end. Pax

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Pax, Roger.

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Yes, they did cause horrible problems and death. Now Gates is pushing a turbo mrna vax. Insane, imho.

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No, insane just flat out wicked and despicable. This loon has god complex and thinks he can dictate who lives and who dies or he is deceived into believing his own salinity that he, alone, can save humanity when the truth of the matter is that he is THE eugenicist of all.

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Hang on to your hats. The fda just approved the latest killshot for mpox and WHO is already sounding the alarms about the coming pandemic..They're gonna do it to us again if we let them. Just Say No

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End times level stuff

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You are right, Rick.

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For God's sake enough!

We all know by now that it was a programmed op.

Why continue to explain and understand .

Forget the vatican..

Are people asleep or what?

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Yes, they are and as long as they have their social media and the stupid NFL they're good to go. I would add that at least this bishop has the cajones to say something from his position as opposed to most of the rest.

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I'm pleased to see a prominent Swiss Catholic bishop make these statements, however belatedly.

The Catholic Church could have had great influence if it had taken a stand against lockdowns and against enforced mRNA jabs when it really mattered: in 2020 and 2021 - to help prevent the disastrous outcome we're living with.

The Vatican and every level of priest down the line failed its worldwide Catholic congregation, and the world population as a whole, by falling in with globalists in exhange for financial incentives and what it believes is a seat at the globalist table.

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Well with the masters of the universe visiting the vatican what !can you expect

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Brave Bishop seems to be ok about Palestians being butched, right?

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Lots of people all over the world are being butchered.

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Spot on! Thank you.

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Experiment my arse

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Charge, try, convict and swiftly sentence all involved.

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Covid was an exercise in mass brainwashing carried out on a worldwide scale. It worked.

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SO...what are you going to do about it? The people in positions of ppwer are being bullies. What are upu going to do to stop being bullied? HINT You likely need to get together as one or more groups and work together to stop the bullying. So...let's get together and stop the bullying.

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40 months too late for all those murdered.

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The Pope is a Jesuit.And what are Jesuits doing?Whom they serve?Forget about Jesus,thats just a fake Name Jesuits,this was the entrence for them in evry place they was.Jesuits enter and bring their teologi to people who think jesuits bring the Evangelium.But they bring their teologi.

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