The first step to recovery is admitting its a military operation.

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Operation warp speed spreading poison to every corner of the world continues brought to you by the self proclaimed father of the vaccine Donald Trump.

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Thank you Prof Dalgleish. CoVid will not stop or be over and mass killings continue around the world as I write this, until we ARREST and hood these treasonous psychopath elites accountable!

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So are the OB docs recommending the vaccines.

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“Destruction of God’s Creation”

This statement made is central to all that is happening.

Satin wants to be God. In order to do so he must destroy everything that God has made and blinding man to the truth with lies as he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.

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Exactly. I knew they wanted to destroy His creation when they created GMO's. Now we are on the chopping block along with all of the beauty of nature. Satan and his minions are behind all of this and they are manipulating men to do their bidding, unfortunately there are many who are willing to help him.

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People are not that, most are sheeple.

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clarify the ppl behind the ppl at pf and mode rna are financing the ppl and are just as evil and must be called out as much much broader than just pHarma

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And the ppl PUSHING THEM

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Title is an understatement.

Somehow, 'evil' doesn't quite cover the reality.

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The real perps behind Covid are invisible and shielded by a phalanx of legal eagles.

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Here is the conundrum; Pig Pharma desperately desires every person on the planet to be fully engaged with taking several drugs for life and using its expensive useless drugs for all diseases (meaning they desire to rape your wallet) while at the same time many of these drugs are deadly, especially vaccines and mRNA poisons. In effect, they are murdering their customers and potential life-long drug users. Maybe it's a delicate balance as they suck the most value out of every patient before they are murdered by those drugs.

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