She proved her point: "Disinformation is deadly."

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Mar 13
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I hope her entire family drops dead.

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That's perhaps a little unkind... 🤔

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She's killed many children...

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I was talking about her family.

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Then according to your rationale you should pay for the crimes of your parents

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While I agree with your retort, we might also apply this consideration towards the kids. They are likely paying for the crimes of mommy (not knowing the truth about vaccines). She might have off'd them herself. being a 'doctor' and all. What a crap time in history to be in a Western medicine family, eh.

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she likely forced the rest of her family to take the shots too … some of them (children if she had any) likely didn’t have a choice … it’s tragic. and i agree that she coerced others to take the “safe&effective” jabs that worked so well for her and likely for others too. i’m not going to mourn her but many others died because they trusted “the science” and followed “the experts” to the altar and some of that fault lies with them and also with the “experts”. more will die, the aftermath is not over yet.

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Dude, don't sound like them. I understand the sentiment. Anger, revenge... I parted ways with a friend that said " fu-ing A-wads, I hope they all die. My partner is in my mind vx compromised in a significant way and the people that pushed this should pay. But her family? We are better than them.

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The thing is... we didn't do nuthin for them to wish us dead...

Whereas they bullied... mocked... ostracized... and make no mistake -- if the machine asked them to burn us at the stake (to cleanse the world of the dangerous unvaxxed) they would not have hesitated.

Most Germans 100% supported the extermination of Jews....

F789 the Vaxxers... this ain't over yet and they still might be asked to burn you alive.

The ONLY way they MIGHT stop -- is if enough of them die from vax injuries

We need MORE Vaxxer deaths and injuries

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Look back in history, This is the holy war. They’ve planned this for decades.

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“Disinformation” .lies you mean .🙄 I don’t speak their made-up language .

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Well said. She’s with her master Lucifer now. I can’t believe the idol worship of such a bad person clearly.

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God works in mysterious ways.

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Obviously, God was not in her life. She carried the Mark of the Beast.

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Why do you say this?

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B/c religious people like to shame everyone

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Wrong .a lot of us are not interested in shaming the idiots who took the poisoned jab. and l am not "religious" , l am a Christian.🙂

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Pre 2020 you were all very good at shaming those who haven't found religion... I doubt you know the majority of religious people.

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Pardon? .l don't understand your statement 🤔

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No l don't know religious people .l KNOW born -again Christians . There's a very BIG difference. Obviously you don't understand.

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Well maybe they do ,but their not Christians, their religious, big difference.

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I’m not a bible thumper. And I DO believe in God.

Unfortunately, the masses have been systematically dumbed down, have no clue what is happening all over the world & blindly took the jab.

Now, the hens have come home to roost.

My daughter’s fella died less than a month ago. He was 2-3 times jabbed & had 4-5 different cancers . Maybe more, lost track. He’d beat one & then another would pop up. Very sad. Good man.

I do believe & understand this was planned as early as 1968.

I came across an old film with a man speaking to a group of elites. Same stuff that was in-scripted on the Georgia Guidestones ( which were mysteriously destroyed s few years ago).

Very disturbing. Everything that is happening present day this man laid out in great detail.

The so called elites, blue blood intellectuals ( inbreds) want us dead.

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She willingly took "The Lethal Injection" didn't she?

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By definition the jabs could not be the mark of the beast.

But first, since you know what the ‘mark’ of the beast is, then tell me who the beast is. Please. And do not say the ‘globalists’ because they are not a kingdom and a beast, as defined by Daniel chapter 7, is a kingdom. Hint, ALL the Reformers knew who it was, and yet is.

The jabs did NOT involve the worship of the image of the first beast which had a deadly would by the sword but did live. Therefore, the jabs cannot be the mark of anything except stupidity.

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A definition of the jabs is at least a sign that those who agree to par-take must be off the mark of the beast. The deed done consciously or ignorant, there is no excuse. The act of supporting a fraudulent industry puts the mark on them.

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I get where you are going with this but there is one critical issue that is missing. Yes, whether a true believer (mark on the forehead) or whether it is just to avoid trouble (the hand) will a person be condemned according to the third angel’s message of Revelation 14:9-11.

However, the second land beast of 13 Revelation has yet to form an image to the first sea beast of 13 Revelation, commanding all to worship the first beast who had the wound by the sword but did live. That is yet future and it will enjoin a no buy no sell clause to all who do not worship the image of the beast. Revelation chapter 7 also talks about the ‘seal’ of God and that it will be those who are sealed of God that will incur the ultimate wrath from this yet future ‘beast’ system. And a beast, by the definition given is in Daniel chapter 7 is a kingdom/nation. Not an individual person.

For over 400 years, EVERY SINGLE Reformer from John Wycliffe to Calvin to Luther to John Knox to Charles Spurgeon to Roger Williams in America, all correctly understood the first beast which came out of the sea with 7 heads and 10 horns to be the Roman Catholic Church, specifically their hierarchy. I believe this.

Millions of innocent Christian’s who refused to go along with Papal apostasy were tortured or killed, hence that period of time is known as the ‘dark ages.’

No one at this present time has the mark of the beast because the image has not been formed yet. Neither has it been made clear what it even is.

It can be known, and I believe that it is known, even now, what that ‘mark’ will be, but I will not go there.

Like I said to the first poster, getting the jabs isn’t the mark of anything save that of stupidity.

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Yes the Spanish inquisition is still talked about today.

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Not God's work, but the work of the devil and his minions. They told her pretty lies, led her down a primrose path to self-destruction. Her own hubris likely played its role, as well as other human frailties. But what little power the devil possesses is rooted in the sophistication of his lies, which sound like truths in the ears of the spiritually lost.

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Very true, without HIS Truth, “…My People perish for lack of knowledge”?!? Hosea 4:6


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I was an atheist... then I read this article!!! Now I just have to decide which flavour of church to choose

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Freemasons, theosophists, zionists and Church of satan members are exempt from all jabs.

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Jan 2023

The Satanic Temple dedicating 'largest satanic gathering in history' to Boston mayor, will require masks

SatanCon 2023 will require surgical masks and proof of COVID-19 vaccination


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How do you know?!

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Evangelical Pentecostal.

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😑Hey! Blasphemer! another of your lies . 🤨

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The angel of death is on the loose

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Unfortunately it is not fun being in the medical profession at present...

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Agree. I used to be very proud of my profession.

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Being in that profession and aware of the j ibja bs dangers must be hard. I wonder if the info on Rockefeller’s control of the ama will ever come to light.

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Given the bogus "Flexner Report" was published in 1910, I'm inclined to say "No"...

Here, in about 120 pages of hard copy, Wade Frazier's "The Medical Racket". All you need to know about Orthodox Western Medicine... 🤔 https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

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Thank you for the link!

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Thanks. Dr Peter Glidden ND who works with Dr Joel Wallach exposes allopathic medicine. It’s soulless, doesn’t treat causes, breaks a body system down to parts. Evil. I’m horrified we don’t rise up about this genocide here in our country

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I wonder, Dr. Maria how anyone with a measure of decency over the past few decades could remain in Medicine... OTOH just occurred to me people will also work their butts off to get into Law School... 🤔💩


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Western medicine had its days,that is for sure.

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Hate to be cruel “KARMA IS A BITCH”

Any doc worth their salt never ought to push this deadly vaxxine!!!!! Let alone shame anyone for making their own bodily decisions.

Ya know sweetly, shame on you Doc!!!

God has the final say.

Not your arrogance

Not your godplex

Not your badge of an md

May God have mercy on your soul.

I’m yet to be so kind

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No such thing as "karma".

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It has just been witnessed.

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I feel the same way. Hope she is getting hers. What a despicable God complex person. Good riddance. These doctors killed many by guilting jabs. She was a mass murderer. Who shames people to get their voodoo?? Evil ones.

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Karma,in all it's Glory...

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Sorry no such thing as "karma" .🙄 GOD ELOHIM IS in control

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Karma doesn’t give a sh*t.. (oops..just noticed Michael's post above...... same idea.

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Well. It’s a lesson.

Are they finally hearing the issue?

Do they yet understand?

Hate the deaths. Truly.

But, …

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The number 500 Million has been reported, in the ever increasing " Died Suddenlys" Worldwide..

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Oh my dear heavens. I’ve not seen the figure - but every day in my newsfeed or MCM’s ‘stack or social media there are so very many deaths it’s overwhelming. I cannot understand why people don’t see this (although I guess I can understand not WANTING to see it particularly if one took the injection). My heart 💔💔💔

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I don’t think anyone that is unvaccinated and suffered through all the harassment by the media, friends and restrictions imposed on us gives a rat’s ass about this death. As everyone says Karma is a bitch.

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We had no restrictions 😅no masks, etc. and we shut off the msm 2020 may.

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Expect Blaim to be anything, but the Covid Vax..

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Blinded. Very sad.

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Yep, she had it coming, don't temp fate.

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Wisdom. Yeah. Not so much it would seem, but I have no doubt that she changed a lot of lives, just not for the better. What remains to be seen at this point in time is just how many. So very sad, very, very sad indeed.

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Four years in, it still boggles my mind that otherwise (supposedly) intelligent people have happily accepted this experimental genetic treatment, over and over again, without blinking. They must wear blinders. Or have such arrogant, hardened hearts they are blind to deception. Nothing getting through to them. Her death a tragedy, which could have been avoided, but none will admit it. Move along.

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Unfortunately, health professionals are conditioned from day one of service to accept all dictated shots. We at least until they wake up and realise they are always sick after the latest flu shot. It's a case of put up with it or go elsewhere. Also consider the unconscious brain washing when judging a situation. As Jason Christoff points out...smell the coffee!

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"Don't let the door slam you in the ass on the way out."

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Hopefully she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and repented before she passed!

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I often imagine the shock on the poor souls of the "suddenly dead" docs and other vaccentric folks as they come to the knowledge of what happened to them and what they've done to countless others. I pray they find rest in Christ, but I have a nagging feeling they will be left outside, in the wilderness.

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Yes, I have to agree with you on that. Good point. I personally know of nine people who died suddenly from the jab. Youngest 30.

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A cousin of one neighbor, caught on indoor security camera. Became a bit wobbly, sat on a kitchen chair and rested the head on crossed arms on the table. Was found 2 days later, as such. Massive hemorrhagic stroke. Another neighbor, female, under fifty: heart attack, but survived, and, praise the Lord, is thriving. And many others...

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Sad, sad days ahead!!

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How many people do you know of that died from COVID OUTSIDE of a hospital setting? Me ZERO!! The number of people I know that died from the Bio-Weapon, Nine

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We had a guy in the neighborhood that got hit by a bus and died on the spot. From pavement to morgue. They reported cause of death Covid. 😂

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Of course!! Last year I interviewed Dr. Scott Jensen who in 2020 was instructed by the hospital he was working in to falsify death certificates!

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Same. I had three friends die inside of hospitals during the Covid plandemic. Not only do I not know anyone who died outside of the hospital, I have never even heard of anyone dying from Covid outside of the hospital. I'm sure there are some outliers, but it's most certainly not the norm. By the way, all three friends were given Remdesivir (aka Run-Death-Is-Near) and hooked up to ventilators.

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Yup, all you have to do is connect the dots by following the money!!

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Once their dead ☠️,NO HOPE IT'S 👿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👹👿😈

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