This industry is nothing less than demonic

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Absolutely demonic!

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All industry and religion comes from the glorification of death. Look at the logo of the Christians - a man hanging on a cross with blood all over him and nails in his hands and feet. We see this symbol everywhere and sometimes people even wear it as jewelry. How kookoo are we that we don't notice these things.

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I think I understand what you’re saying but Jesus Christ is not a religion. He’s the son of the living God, the creator of all things and lover of my soul, and I don’t have anything to do with putting him back up on cross. Religion does that.

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All our ideas and beliefs are being challenged. I hate to break it to you but the notion of a sole creator doesn't hold water, nobody creates alone. The idea comes from the patriarchal mind which never allowed itself to be balanced by the feminine mind. Everyone is partly masculine and feminine, the gender having more weight than the opposite side. But we haven't comprehended the world from the aspect of "the other side" thus we've been seeing everything in inversion mode. Patriarchy values heroism and almost every man fantasizes about their own heroism, and this is why god is expressed as a sole entity. The idea of ownership too is patriarchal as are pretty much all our ideas. But they are distortions as t hey left out the balanced view. It's like we've been seeing things with a patch over one eye.

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Yes. All of these people serve satan. The trick is we will never defeat/beat them. We must ask God to bless them, and we must love them, even though we don't like what they do. Trust me, He will judge them, and burnimg coals will be heaped upon their head.

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I agree, and I do pray for their souls!

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I propose we start a prayer group to pray for these blessings. Matthew 18 20 "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst. Anyinr interest respond andnstart coordinating a universal prayer group. Imagine if it was 2,000-3,000, 200,000 -300,00

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Agree Steveo 🙏

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Lets get it going, coordinate time zones, a prayer everyone can say together

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This is a great idea. I was involved in a prayer group like that years ago. Every day from wherever you were you prayed at noon for a particular purpose. It’s not the only thing we should do but it’s a little thing we can do.

There was a World Invocation Day recently wherein millions of theosophy followers prayed for some new age to come.

They apparently believe they have the power to direct an outcome for a new world through their efforts. Who or what they were evoking we can only guess.

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I only wsnt to pray for the evildoers, ask God to bless them, knowing He is the only Judge. I only want to further God's Kingdom, Will...

Other than the obvious, the sick, children, etc.

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Pray sounds like what? (Prey) because when you pray you are the prey. Don't worry about their souls, put your attention into making the conditions here on earth unfavorable for psychopaths. Your prayers are just mollification for the guilt of inaction. Sure let god fix it even though we did it all and we allowed it all. Therefore we never need to grow up by facing our own participation in it.

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Ah, that's saying bud out and do nothing. But you're paying taxes aren't you and interest to banks? Therefore you are investing in these satanists. We don't need to defeat them, we don't even have to acknowledge them, all we need to do is build a new way without them. Don't give them any attention as that is fuel. Nobody is going to come from the heavens to save you. Please know that. They have concocted that story in order to fear you into being a good little peon so that you go to heaven after life. It's treacherous how they have manipulated and abused our psyche.

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So you live as a cave person?

You can believe what you like, but realize this, it's an eternal decision/choice. Why would everyone in the world have a genomic sequence of YWVH, the hebrew name of God?

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Oh Denise as I read your comments I'm getting the sense, tho I agree with some, that you don't know the Word of God. There is no book in this word like it, no book! The prophecies have come true and are still coming soon! The facts are there. Satan is blinding you! We are in a spiritual warfare. A battle for our souls. Evil is taking over as the Bible says. We are ALL destined to hell because of the original sin. If you don't find Jesus in your heart and accept him as your Lord and Savior, and ask him to forgive you from all your short commings then you will be destined to an eternity in hell. I don't want that for you. He doesn't want that for you! You really need a good deep dive of bible study and hopefully youll see his light! You are his child and he needs us now to fight this evil that's overwhelming the earth. We are living in the end times. No one knows the day or hour but we need to be ready. When Jesus calls his believers, God's wrath is coming and there's no one we should fear more than him! May God be with you and open your heart, mind, and soul before its too late!

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Very wise, kind words. The only way to lead someone to God is through love.

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What is the definition of love? People bandy that word about a lot. I don't see too many religious people practicing it. Or they do but very sketchily.

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All Christians should practice love. I can't speak for all people, or "religion." I don't know what that is.

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I know all about the book, I was brought up in the faith. It's all smoke and mirrors. This "destined to hell" bizzo is like a cudgel they hold over your head. I do not want forgiveness for being true to myself. Can you not see how narcissistic this god is to hold such blackmail against you? I've been through the whole psychological cesspool with religion. I know all about it and I also can identify that it's like everything else in this modern world - all designed and written by males exclusively. These are the end times for baloney - we are going into the world of truth now. The bible uses a psychological technique to 1. scare you so as to weaken your mind and 2. Gets you to keep imagining doom so as to have its readers create it.

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So being your true self...... you don't regret how you treated someone( friend/ family) that day, how you envy and ur jealous of your friend or neighbor, how you wish something terrible on someone because they pissed u off or u had a bad day. Being human we are not perfect. We are flawed ( because ofadam & eve)but we know what's right and wrong and WE SHOULD REGRET and BE SORRY for the terrible things we've felt or done. I agree with being one's true self but NO ONE is perfect! He knows we're not perfect. He loves us and forgives our transgressions. We make the choice to be good and be sorry or DON'T! God gives us freewill, love, and salvation. NOT BLACKMAIL!

Me I'm a believer. I can't stand the catholic church but more so the pope. All of this, everything is being foretold. Its all in the Bible. They're evil evil people. So I get it about religion but I know deep in my soul He's real! Good luck and God Bless!

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We have been so mind controlled that the mind control prevents us from seeing that we've been mind controlled. Yes I agree, we should reflect on when we've hurt others or done harm - and yes, none of us are perfect even if we try to be. But the idea of a solo god is childish. Like he's our father. It's silly. If anyone created all this complexity, and it can't be one, because nothing is created by one, it always takes more, they wouldn't use blackmail getting you to believe in them, or else. They wouldn't care if you believed in them or not. What they would care about is how you treated others and nature itself. But there is nothing in the bible about caring for nature. In fact it talks about dominating nature and that's because it was only written by men who usually don't care about nature and t hey want to dominate it as they do mostly everything (including women and dogs) It's so obvious when you see it clearly but I know most people are very tied to their beliefs in a daddy god.

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They would like nothing more than for you to ask god to bless them. Maybe you should sit down while I say this - the notion of god is issued by Satanists. They wrote the bible and those religious texts. They wanted them to come out. If they really had merit, they would have banned them but what do they put into the dresser of every hotel room? It's not like they don't want us to know, they WANT us to know. They invented the whole story. People should be careful not to put their life into the hands of the written word. That is not real life, that is illusory life. Real life is talking to each other and communicating to others. Not that books are not good but you cannot and must not hinge your life on them.

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That's fine, and I will continue to ask for blessings on them. You're entitled to your opinion and I respect that. I've seen miracles work in my life, and I continue to see prophecy fullfilled which was written thousands of years ago. I provided scientific proof to you. You can choose to sesrch for yourself or not. More proof is based on the trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all things consist of three cmponents, even something as simple as water is two hydrogens and 1 oxygen, air as well. One of the strongest confirmations for me is the fact that government wants to get rid of God, completely erase Him. This is they push "Pride" on everyone. Even pridemonth, spells demon in the middle. Just like everything has an opposite, bad, evil, positive, negative, yin yang. God, satan. You actually help prove my point. Why would satanists help spread the myth of God. If there is no God, why would there be any satanists? They wouldn't exist, there would be no need. There would be nothing to oppose. You realize all cultures that existed also tell of a great flood destroying the earth. Did you know the UN building is on a mountain where they suspect the niphilim are buried? In fact, the US government is actively trying to locate them. People didn't evolve from fish in the sea, and even if you want to say it was a "big bang," I would say that God's creation of everything on earth would have been so spectacular it may have created a big explosion. But, it wasn't some random, spontaneous combustion and then all of a sudden humans and every creature all of a sudden existed. You say don't put your life in the hands of the written word, and the Bible tells us in multiple places dont put your trust/faith in man. That's exsctly the problem with todays society. There's no faith and no one believes in anything except themselves. Me, me, me. Even the Georgia Guidstones (destroyed last summer on the 4th if July) erected anonymously stated they wanted to get rid of God to create this very type of society, and it worked. Your beliefs are proof. You know, a lot of what you say reminds me of Yuval Harari. Are you a wef member?

Have a good day, God Bless!

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Thank you for your kind words however a book written by who knows who many moons ago, is not proof. Please know that. Satanists spread the word of god to make you look outside of yourself. In reality we are all source, we are all connected, there is no one sitting atop everyone else. They used this technique to make you small so you wouldn't think of using your own innate capabilities. And that translates to them owning resources and controlling billions of people. It's great for the ego and Satanists are all ego. .

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Without God, there would br no satan. You speak of satanists but claim there is no God. I'm sorry, im confused.

Please forgive me, I don't say this in a bad way, but I feel like you've been hurt by a church. I've seen it happen a lot, in many ways but it always results in the same outcome. Questiining of faith and disbelief in God. You're right, we're all connected, we're all brothers and sisters with the same heavnly Father. I wish you well!

While I feel like you're conflicted, as your own statements are contradictory. I love your heart, you believe what you believe and you stand for it. More than a lot of Christians.

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AGREED my brother in Christ! I have also heard that's why the went to Iraq and made up all the weapons of mass destruction!

Look up! Hopefully our salvation is near!

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Thimerosol use to be a notorious preservative in ophthalmic solutions taken internally begging for issues

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I believe this is what causes high eye pressure.

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Thimerosal was never implicated in elevating IOP it was responsible for allergic conjunctivitis especially when a preservative in contact lens solutions. Luckily has been replaced years ago

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Peeps need to get off pharmaceuticals pretty much across the board. It's silly to complain and then take them everyday. regardless of the doers being demonic or anything else. If we invest in it then we are saying we want it.

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Not to mention approx 85% are being produced in china, and they never cut corners or use dangerous chemicals in plastics or other products. I also suspect onr day they will stop shipping them. Imagine how many people that would take out. They're avtively pumping fentanyl into the country, money into trans ideology, and toxins in harmaceuticals, and the US government helps them.

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Why is it found in contact lens solutions …?

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As a preservative/antimicrobial.

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I don’t want that in my eye.

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I used it for at least 15 years to clean my hard contact lenses.

Developed extreme photo sensitivity.

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That was due to corneal toxicity. In soft lenses it soaked into the lens and concentration built up. They did come up with less to ic options AND disposable contacts

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I was using it to clean hard contacts lenses. I rinsed them very well under running water...and the solution still affected me.

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All of the advances in technology and they can’t come up with a preservative that is nontoxic? Non-poisonous? No, they choose not to.

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They are trying to kill us, pure and simple. FDA is a joke. Their approval means squat. Every health agency is contaminated by big Pharma’s bribery. Shut them all down.

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Shut them down and prosecute them for treason. There is a penalty for treason and it isn’t prison.

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But way if we have been funding them? You pay taxes don't you? You pay registration on your car and bank interest on loans? Peeps who do are also culpable. This is reality not the illusion any more. The illusion is breaking down. Gone are the days of storming the Bastille, we are in the digital age now and everything is different. We have to wipe the illusion clean. We are the ones that have to change. Stop funding them, stop investing in things that debilitate you and others. Stop voting, stop paying interest, stop doing everything by their book. Branch out and learn to say no to things that insult humanity and nature.

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I doubt they truly exist. Prob a physical address to an empty building.

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That’s very true. Receive multi millions annually but the buildings are empty.

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The Death Cult has been perpetrating this for a century or more and went undiscovered until a mass poisoning with SynBioNanoTech sensitive to frequencies not utilized in general human anatomy were injected are used for Disability, Sterilization, Mass Genocide and Neuro Control with escalation to Physical Control of all life on the planet with the destruction of DNA creating an 'Extinction Level Event' of all organic life.

And now, they are creating their SLAVE-MASTER GLOBAL CULTURE through empowering the ignorant and poverty stricken FOREIGN INVADERS/ILLEGAL ALIENS willing to live WORSHIPING HUMAN BEINGS in Concentration Camps who are placed OVER the current Western Population?


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Look I don't know about you but I spotted the hoax on day one. The minute I heard about it. I had absolutely no doubt what was going on. But people believed there was a pandemic, they believed they had to wear masks, they believed in germs and the fear of microscopic germs. Such obvious mind control. Look how they lured people to get the jab - offering everything even the raunchy. Insane. Yet everyone signed up to get it with a grin on their face. They got it if their boss told them to, they didn't even speak with their colleagues about how they never signed on for that when they took the job. So they took the jab when demanded to. They don't even defend their own body autonomy. They are more concerned with fear and obedience that they prioritize it even above life and their children's lives. They [put things in their children that they never do their due diligence on like what's in it. Blaming the people who tell you what to do is the lesson we need to learn to reclaim our choice. Choice is power. But if one believes in authority, one dooms oneself perpetually.

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Absolutely...Us, too.

Anybody of sanity KNEW it was a hoax and when they pushed for pregnant women to get the poisons only requiring what appeared to be months to creat; THEN KNEW IT WAS ABOUT MURDER AND POISON.

Completely agree with you.

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It's just so sinister in every way. Standing by having to witness all this and having to zip our own mouths for fear of the zombified hords was an experience in terror in itself. Everyone around us fell for it. They believed the whole thing, visited their grannies in plastic body condoms and all. Wore masks over their fresh air intakes.

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We don't zip our mouths and this whole scheme has utterly changed our lives.

We expect there to be escalating attacks upon our way of life and are prepared in the whole community in concert with other communities. Don't use Cell Phones and Computer is in only one location not relevant to the actual work and organization. Cars are old and not subject to Chip Technology with a Machinist and Metalurgical Engineer designing/creating parts for them.

Retired and opened a school for the neighborhood kids on the farm to accompany the Farm Co-op and all is going fantastic.

So many parents and people here now know about the benefits of involvement with us...God, Health, Clean Food and Water, Supplementation for the Poisons which is flexible to address diverse health issues...Under Homeopathic Physicians.

None of us placed our elderly anywhere near the Allopaths and all left their Doctors to obtain others willing to address issues with Natural Products specially grown and made in Greenhouses now producing as you can't imagine. We have products from everywhere on the Globe.

In the end, we're actually MUCH healthier; but expect attacks to escalate. THIS IS GOING TO BE A FIGHT and it is going to cost blood, limb and life before it's done.

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Excellent thanks have you guys read the Lancaster study debunking germ theory ? https://en.rattibha.com/thread/1629159544348717061

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You'[re putting the cart before the horse. This is like arguing whether vaccines are safe when really their safety is irrelevant unless you choose to put it inside of you. And if someone else chooses that you get it when you don't want to - well that's what is the real argument here. Why is terrain theory kept so secretive in the medical fraternity? Nurses and doctors I speak with have never heard of it. That means they really don't know what is going on. How can we debate it when people don't even know what it is? The secrecy within the medical field is what needs to be debated at this point. We can work out germ's or terrain's veracity after people know about it. Amandha Vollmer had a debate with a doctor and she trounced him on every point.

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Infuriating that pig pharma continues "vaccination" program - greed, just greed.

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I see it advertised in my local papers, see it on billboards, outside of pharmacies, in organizations - it is unconscionable that they don't know. They do it because they will lose their job if they don't. Therefore they are aiding and abetting mass murder. That's the reality outside of the delusion.

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I wonder why? Would that blow up the fake vaccine agenda? I would never take any vaccine for any purpose.

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Thank you thank you I cannot thank you enough for this article! This is what I learned during my early years in the medical field.. and it’s why I quit nursing. Dr. Andrew Moulden is a hero and died (murdered) a hero for exposing all of this. This is treason and all these complicit people …. I pray they repent. Hell and eternity is a long time.

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No they have to account for it here in this life because they did it to us. But they're not alone remember, most people are funding it and carrying it out by working for the medical cartels and the government and insurance. There are also those working in the bombing industry killing people in other lands just because it's their job. Everyone is culpable really in different degrees. The ones making the laws have been coddled to go as far as they have. We have not acted as a proponent of truth because we've been more concerned with hurting their feelings.

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Fluoride in the water, GMO's grown for food, hormones given to animals, oh the list of poisons go on and on. We must strike at the root, not at the symptoms. The root is the money system, the system that issues more debt by magnitudes, to credit. That's what all this and every other miserable distortion comes down to. Money can be designed in many ways, countless ways. Why not get onto another money system NOW? Hmm?

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Thimerosal used to be as a preservative in hard contact lens cleaning solution LC-65 which was made by Allergen.

I had used it for years before I finally became allergic to it. Extreme photo sensitivity.

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Yes of course it was premeditated poisoning. It's surreal now watching it unfold so blatantly right in front of us, yet so many of us knew long ago & warned, only to be called tinfoil hatters. So very sad really in light of all the deaths & injuries.

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Now we have to warn the others. Every chance we get say that covid was a hoax. I did it in one of my zoom groups and boy did that cause a stir. But it has to get out no matter what. What it come down to is people must reject putting those things into their bodies and their children's bodies. And we need to make a fuss about it.

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Amen we do Denise. I continue to do so & began way back when I discovered the scam from my own V injury. We trusted the medics not knowing didn't we? There is so much more evidence too now to show people. Docos, articles and so on.

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And I thank you Pam for the work you are doing with your site that I only discovered through a link on a substack the other day.

I have shared the mining 1080 story even printing it out . Another poison to expose.

Have you seen this , its fits right in . The poisoning on all levels.


Common sense will prevail if we feed it.

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Thanks Denise. Thank you for the link also. Have saved to watch. I'm wondering which 1080 article you've seen, is that at truthwatch dot is? Not envirowatchnz dot com? the latter has much more on 1080, all of the excellent research of Carol Sawyer. NZ Medical whistleblowers on that topic plus the human poisonings that have been covered up. Deep deep corruption. For folk who are interested in the 1080 topic the must watch doco by the Graf Boys (NZ guys) and banned from NZ's tv is 'Poisoning Paradise'. It's on Youtube.

Thank you for sharing the info anyway. Greatly appreciated!

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The only test, the only test. 1929.

Let that sink in!

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Mercury was in vaccines supposedly as a preservative but that was only what the FDA and the public were told. It was in there as an adjuvant - something that would upset the immune system and as such was supposed to have cleared safety testing which would have been impossible.

How many times have we heard that the mercury in vaccines was the safe mercury or that ethyl mercury was not a concern like methyl mercury, because it was cleared out of the blood so fast. Yes, it clears out of the blood and goes straight to the brain and other organs... dosn' hang in the blood like methyl mercury does, but who knows this if you are not a chemist?

So, these greedy misanthropes have been lying to us for decades and felt very empowered doing so as no one ever held them accountable.

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Yes they have been blatantly lying so why are people still funding them? Hmm?

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Tangled web of money laundering, blackmail.. the usual

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You don't work? Pay taxes, utilities, car registrations, collect retirement, social.security, buy groceries?

Im 100% in agreement but not everyone can live on air alone. And we grow a lot and minimize contributing to the system as much as possible but I doubt most can exist as cavemen.

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I told this to my dr. They're so ignorant. I argued, even if you believe the attenuated vaccine prevents disease, which it doesn't, there is absolutely no sound medical basis for pumping all.of these adjuvants into a healthy newborn babys brain, and over 80 of them by the time they're 18 years old wonder how they can now project the rate of autism now? Needless to say, no longer our dr. Besides this they mived tona concierge style practice where now you get to pay 250 per month to maintain them as your dr. So they can take phone calls, renew scripts etc.? All things I thought ws part of being a doctor? I had to laugh. We used them 8 years, I think saw them once, had no diagnosis yet wanted to prescribe drugs. Also 8 years, myself and spouse would have been an additional 48,000 for....NOTHING. the health care system has nothing to do with health.

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Me: Define … Isolated Virus

Malone: Define …. “Define”


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Vaccines are not necessary. They are just a huge moneymaker for Pharma.

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They hate this guy for his progress because he has been trying to educate as many people as possible... meddlers stand in his way..... If you want the truth ..... Red Pill Expo STUDY HALL -- (18 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief



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