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Oklahoma becomes 2nd US state to pass a law that denies jurisdiction to the WHO, UN and WEF

No edicts coming directly or indirectly from WHO, UN or WEF will be enforced in Oklahoma


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It’s funny the Japanese since the beginning have been allowed to discuss this stuff. I don’t trust any of them.

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From the chapter "the dogs bark, the bear moves on". The subject now is discussed relatively openly in other places as well. the fact that some time has passed, the unique answer is "no one knew, but vaxx was needed like air, because there was a great emergency", the new plandemic conspiracy is on the way, no authority reacts, makes no one pay for anything, for any crime, abuse or fraud, no one will be investigated and judged, actualy the masters control the situation very well, the message for everyone being "this is what we are doing to you all and you can not stop us".

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An unending series of disgusting plandemics, back to back. Just before the outrage can bring justice, another plandemic kicks in. Perfectly orchestrated.

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Nah, they've screwed the pooch. It is very difficult to get pathogenic spread of a lethal virus, or whatever. And no way are people gonna line up for genetic jabs ever again. They know it, and we know it.

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Jun 1Edited

Viruses are at tv, in mass media, they come from the script. The doctors are sold, the goverments are sold, they can make lines for traveling, jobs or food.

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they are not really stupid, they have brought the world to the point where they can manipulate it with great success and fulfill most of their goals. for devils it is the game of their life. for us, all that remains is to be strong, aware of what we are facing and with faith in God.

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Safe for the person giving the 'injections!'

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They won't be safe once the uprising starts. None of them, from the 'vaccinators' to the homicidal loons behind this and their lackeys.

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Globalist Evil plans, to reduce the World's population by many means. Injections of "Safe & Effective"clot firming, Cancer increasing, Heart and Stroke inducing "Medications", anyone noticed few if any Pregnancies, or newborns?

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Let’s harm everyone! For money!

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Why do we not see this news in mainstream media? Oh that's right not too long ago ever other commerical from the news casters was "This message was brought to you by Pfizer"

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This JUST in…..

WATCH: World Health Organization Director-General Tedros, speaking at the World Health Assembly happening this week in Geneva, says, “It’s time to get aggressive with anti-vaxxers.” https://thecanadianindependent.substack.com/p/watch-world-health-organization-director

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Turd-dross speaks?

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The behavior of all public health officials during COVID was a disgrace. Fact is, living conditions in developed and most semi-developed countries have improved to the stage where epidemics of disease do not occur. In times past people lived with disease-spreading insects like lice, fleas, flies, bedbugs, mosquitoes, and so on. Water was contaminated. Overcrowded tenements in cities. Dust, rats, manure.

No longer. Refrigeration. Less food spoilage. Garbage collection to landfills or incineration.

Times have changed. To fear the bogeyman of past epidemics is just plain silly. Don't let these scientists and public health types go unchallenged. Their doom-laden prophecies are full of crap.

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