Glad I was smart enough not to the poison jab....

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Praying ppl start seeing the truth.

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And yet, our own government is turning a blind eye to these horrific statistics. Numbers do no lie. I am so grateful that I and most of my family did not take the jab.

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Wow, now this is a stack of full exposure, on display of the most evil man in the world! Thank you! You get it and you always have compared to all the other medical experts out there! And you were by far the first one calling this evil plan out before anyone else❤️!

We need to send this stack to every buffoon in DC (blind freaking idiots) and let them know we ain’t taking this shit any more! Do it! Tell them to hold this POS to account for murdering and/or hurting so many Americans. We live with this shit every day watching our loved ones suffer! This man…how the hell has he gotten away with this for so long? We will find out and you MFs better come clean cause it’s just a matter of time before FOIA’s start to surface!

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Nothing to see here, the shit sandwich is pretty good? I'm afraid the American/World sheeple would do it all over again.

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18

Told everyone starting in March 2020 whatever convid is don’t take the poison jabs when they roll out. Apparently it isn’t shit because I’m in my 4th winter of death I was promised and barely get a sniffle! Un jabbed, zero pharma, zero fake tests, zero brain rape swabs! Already knew what was going to happen. Fell mostly on deaf ears. Boss shares custody of their son who has CP. Born with the cord around his neck. He’s 27 now and was only using a walker. Late 2021 ex wants to get him the Pfizer jab. I said do not let her. He argues with her for a while and finally caved. This is around October 2021. By Christmas his throat was paralyzed. Steroid shots through the neck to talk again. Took 8 months to talk again. Then bladder failure. Had a tube down his penis for a while. Kept getting infected. Now he has a permanent tube to a bag strapped to his leg. Then came transverse myelitis. Can’t feel his legs from the waist down. Last stint in the hospital is 3 months. There as I type! And all this shit happening while Justin still has to use a walker! Pfizer can get fucked!

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...and we haven't killed grandma either.

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Good luck waking sheep up! I’ve been at it for around 15 years trying! My tin foil hat seems to get everything right! I don’t discuss jabs or jab injuries with people that took the sauce. You were supposed to listen and not take it but damage done. This includes most of my family! Can’t reverse it! Know quite a few jabbed injured that didn’t listen!

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Need. It is a difficult pill to swallow. I too tried but am aware of many who are hypnotized that appear unable to remove the blinders. Nay, it’s worse than that: many of them fight for bigger blinders, equipped with more poisons built into the blinders so they can die and kill others faster.

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Yes dialysis places are closing !!!!

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Not enough patients, they have passed away

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I guess DaVita will be suffering 🥸

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There is one company that may be claiming bankruptcy and closing , time will tell

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beware the pandemic treaty

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More bad news from the vaccine that keeps on giving.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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Who is surprised. The fake jab is still in the experimental human guinea pig stage. I guess the lives of humans are less valuable than the lives of guinea pigs. Typical bureaucrap reasoning.

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thank you.

This is a good place to tell everyone about @nutridetect on twitter, Garrett Smith on nutritondetective.com, Garrett Smith on youtube at nutriton detective, and Grant Genereux at ggenereux.blog .

Vitamin A is a toxin not a nutrient. Same looks true for copper. Life gets easier quick. Please learn more with the threads on twitter.

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Yep glad I did not take that bio weapon either. Whenever the government shoves stuff down our throats, we must realize it is not healthy if they had to coerce, mandate, lockdown etc. The worst part is people are so blind they still refuse to see. Sad, they took the mark of the beast. Any doctor that will not look into the reason you are not well and only wants to give you drugs, is not a doctor but a pharmaceutical Sales Person. Period.

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Maiming people was after all the purpose of the vaccine.

It is the ‘gift’ that keeps on giving!

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The level of evil involved in the Covid scamdemic is chilling.

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