Sep 19Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

When are we going to call it what it is…TREASON! Part of a Marxist coup to destroy our Republic. Pray for a reckoning

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I agree, I left a late comment saying the same.

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We should arrest all the leaders of the alphabet soup agencies, all 535 Reps, the President, Vice President, their staffs, the Congressional staffers, and everyone else in the chain of command. and send them to Gitmo north, Alaska internment camp, until we get this sorted out.

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Quite agree. Add the airlines to the treason list. Their flight records need to be appropriated to find out which NGOS / government agencies were involved and where the illegals were from. Might make it easier to find at least some of them.

Get rid of the tax exemptions for the NGOs and kick them out of the country, together with the UN and all of its affiliates, agencies and personnel. It’ll be a beginning, combined with your list of the other likely criminals.

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Oh, I am so sorry, I misread, I thought you said, "Gangplank." oops, my bad.

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I love it when good guys retire from gov't positions and spill the beans.

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Well… they would lose their fat pension if they spilled the beans BEFORE they retired. Good guys?

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And there is no doubt most of them are still roaming the countryside being treated as welcomed generals in the democrat's army of anti-humans while we slaves are doomed to perish under the jackboots of digital-terrorism.

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“ordered to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists arrested at the border.”

Just following orders… pussy!

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We are in the middle of an ongoing Democide and invasion facilitated by an occupied government and yet has even one person been held accountable for anything?

I suppose it doesn't matter as this ship has already taken on too much corruption and will sink just as the USSR did.

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HIGH TREASON, committed by THIS tyrannical, illegitimate government. Justice must be meted out, with executions of those involved.

Mass deportation of all illegals flown into the US must be done, including all the terrorists, gang members, criminals, drug dealers, and human traffickers.

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Yeah where are the anti Trump bidenista morons in all the comments I keep seeing under MSN stories about Putin now? Waiting for pro Kamala comments here...

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The only terror attacks occurring in the US have been done by the deep state security agencies. Anyone remember 911? Directed Energy weapons. Boston Marathon? Another hoax. And so on. So WHO are the real terrorists?

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Glad he is sharing… a bit late but.. cannot heart this. Need 🤮 emoji.

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So he followed illegal orders and now is exposing it after the damage is done. Nuremberg, anyone?

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If this testimony is true, and imo it is, the Biden/Harris Administration should be charged with TERRORISM, and many of the individuals inside of it, charged as TRAITORS.

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