Just like all the other establishment medical societies. Corruption AND prostitution.

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thank you

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"For the love of money is the root of all evil" - God

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I was fairly certain that quotation was not from the Rothschilds.

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I’ve seen some evidence and public admissions some churches and possibly many organized religions took money from governments in exchange for their support of the pandemic measures…

In other words, some churches or religions were ready to object the lockdowns because they would lose money and some of them were already selling their real estate, stocks etc. ..

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We all have our own truth, and egregious wrong we would like to correct, but reality is the only thing that matters.

Since our government officials and talking heads taut our system as a civilized democracy, voting to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Since the Congress and Legislatures openly admit they do not examine the laws they vote on, as they typically vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day, reality dictates that we, The Citizens, must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day. And we must clarify who gets to vote and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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Pig Pharma makes billions in profits and therefore has very rich hands to pass out money to whoever they need to. Therefore, they do and we don't know the half of it, I bet.

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So, sir, thanks for clearing that up! What you’re saying is the IDSA is exactly like the nightly propaganda, oh hehe lol ‘news’. They take cash from the lying rich evil merchants of the earth who deceive with their sorceries and then ‘educate’ the masses with the parroting agenda-driven propaganda. Yep!

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Infectious disease accounts for less than 1% of deaths in any developed society.

Shut these pr*cks down.

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Absolute slow motion evidence that Trump was NOT shot....


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May all involved in the genocide be executed by a military tribunal

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