Bravo. Some sense here and awareness. "The ability of government to use all elements of the ladder [of coercion] rests on social licence or the population’s acceptance of the government’s governance." National Ethics Advisory Committee (NEAC), 2022, ‘Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic’, Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Health
I guess it's because the Satanic globalists have Directed Energy Weapons (DEW's) that are capable of attacking cities, states and countries. We have seen many of them on display over the past 2+ decades. If people were individually willing to be martyred, en-masse, if necessary, the issue could perhaps be brought to a head before their "Beast System" is completely ensconced. It does not appear that there exists any fervor for that approach, however. What is clear is that protests, voting, petitions, demonstrations and the like are completely ineffective. The perpetrators have not relented one millimeter as a result of any of those and there is no reason to think they will. Those who control events in this world are tools of Satan and they are doing these things because their god demands it of them. They are either ignorant of their ultimate fate or they are so morally bankrupt that they are willing to carry out these horrendous crimes knowing it will mean their eternal damnation. Nothing else makes any sense. There is no other explanation that accounts for all the evidence, IMHO. For more details, see aka's substack and scroll through the articles.
Sometimes in history Force in the form of armed resisrance along with a properly focused offencive is the correct and Only answer. I pray the side of Good and God wins.
Actually that is never an answer and even less today when government has so many fancy weapons that can boil your brains remotely along with everyone in your city and state. It is pathatic to keep on with the same old responses that don't work. We have to move forward and now instead of use brute force, we need to use somthing more subtle but more powerful. That is living by principles such as free speech, body autonomy and reason. The idea that a side with mightier weapons has to win every argument just because they can wipe out the opposition needs to go to bed forever now. By relying on wepons and violence we (humans) have actually retarded our growth intellectually and consciously ("spiritually") But so strong are these attributes that even at this late stage, we can outshine the cavemna's panacea. If we censor each other, it means we condone censorship. If we force vaccines or masks on others then that means we condone being forced ourselves. It's that simple but with a twist to what we've usually been indoctrinated to think. If you're wondering how we can do it, well withdraw from funding the sysstem. That's all. Nobody needs to get hurt. Better still is finding others that want to withdraw from the system. I'm sure there are plenty around. That means stop paying taxes, interest on loans, fines, fees and anything else they slap on us. That's their scorcecard - money. And every time you accept their system, they get paid by your strawman account. Oh it's very well recorded. Everything you do.
Most people are incapabilith staning up against these demonoic foreces because they are unabward of the fact that there is an important difference between a "comple" and a "non-comples physicals systme This that a "complex" physical system exhits one or moe "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such properties.
check out and read carefully a petition at free from un control reject the international health regulations it currently has over 25000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and then by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same the idea is to get it continualy signed and reshared widely from any country in the world a good place to start would be substack
It's best to reject the very idea of authority over you. You must be your own authority and claim that. Read Larken Rose's seminal novel "The Most Dangerous Superstition". Or listen to it on youtube.
What am I to do with you Denise? You come close to the accuracy of the words that spell "freedom." "The Truth will set you free."
The CYSTem, the sheeple, many people, everyone and everything out there, seeks to control us. The main Entity that seeks to influence us for our well being is NOT religion for most religions are enslaving and apostate.
I go back decades to my first year in high school now. I never forgot a girl who first tore big chunks out of my heart. I never forgot her name but I will call her by her real first name of Sharon.
It still hurts because associated with her is a man who was honest with me. He was in his late teens, I was in my early teens. I liked him, aware though of his prolific use of alcohol. I liked his girlfriend at the time named Sharon. It still hurts. And will to my end. It is one of those memories carved into one's emotions.
She was known as a "fast" girl. Gary was her bf. I recall standing with a few fellows, all classmates in the hallway when Sharon walked by us. Someone said "hi" to her and she stopped to talk. That was when one boy spoke the word, "Zip." I was looking at her when that happened and her face suddenly showed deep hurt and deeper pain. She was ready to cry and ran down the hallway. They laughed. I just stood there watching her run until she rounded a corner and disappeared from my sight. The others walked in the direction of our next class. I hung back. Sharon was about five foot eight, with blond hair and blue eyes, a pretty face and a soft disposition.
As you know, the word "Zip" had an intended correlation with sex and the associated disrespect of a "fast" girl that some would refer to as a "whore." I liked her and I will always regret not running after her to tell her I considered her a pretty girl and did not agree with the word used. I was 13 at the time though and still a boy. But that was not the end of it all.
A few years later she quit school to have a child, a boy. I discovered Gary was the father and he married her and they had another a year later. Since Gary married her, and lived not far from me, I saw him occasionally. He worked for a garage repairing cars.
Years later when I was out of high school, I saw him at the garage and asked him how his wife Sharon was and his sons? He was into the booze in a big way and he looked at me and said, "Do not ever start drinking, it cost me the loss of my wife and children." I not only heard those words but felt them, noting the regret and pain in his tone.
What has this to do with the topic? Everything. His master was the bottle, it almost totally destroyed him, and I feared for his sons and wife Sharon. I consider her hurt and that of his boys who watched him become a slave to the bottle. I am not making excuses for him. I have seen many enslaved and with their families, destroyed.
We tend to forge our own chains and suffer the consequences of bad decisions. But the worst decision made in Canuckistan was to elect a fat assed useless moron with SFFB. It brought upon many, ordered catastrophies. The sheeple gave control to a fool and the worst smile minister God ever strung gut into. But it was worldwide in scope. Ovomit, biDUMB, merkel, macron, ardern, etc. The world sheeple gave control of their destinies to madmen and madwomen.
I feel hatred now linked to turdo, the friend of pain, hurt and sorrow. One of the first things that pos did was legalize weed. Not just an enslaver but worse. Every cop I have talked to agreed that weed is the worst gateway drug leading to far worse and even deadly illicit drugs such as fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, etc
Most Saturday afternoons I drive to a nearby city run by a damned LIEberal mayor and see many homeless people and drug addicts. I have been the object of four intended assaults, one by a young woman, all high on crack which tends to make them delusionally aggressive. I called police on one of those occasions because the teen high on crack was threatening an old man.
This is the state of things in every big "SH*Tty in Canuckistan and note the cause has mysteriously been ASSociated with a pos slime minister including runaway inflation, high costs of all commodities and the dumbing down and destruction of our youth.
I have a message to you turdo, you have hell to pay because all this is on your ugly head. All of the popes ever born from the start, every bishop, every priest, every archbishop if they could assemble at your death, wearing long robes, with tanker trucks of holy water, canterns smoking incessantly, mumbling Latin phrases and praying, could not in the least prevent your miserable dark, corrupt soul from being cast into hell the moment you die.
I want to say damn you and fill the internet with vile foul language but I will not. The scriptures damn you already, and in the end the devil gets his dues. You are singularly responsible for the illicit drug deaths of tens of thousands and the deaths caused by the experimental fake jab plus serious side effects suffered by tens of thousands as well. Search "React19"
On top of that you are a DICKtator (pricktator) the mangiest junkyard dog would not even piss on the best part of.
Ah yes, a fake grade five ASSistant drama teacher with the IQ of a corn cob and the appeal of a three day old used diaper. You never had the ability to even run a lemonade stand let alone a nation.
One day you will stand in front of a mirror and puke at what you see. The lines of age already show on your face and your ample ass bears testimony you are a huge waste of flatulated gas and useless as teats on a constipated boar.
Time passes fast, and you will at some point realize you have hell to pay for the destruction of a nation, its people, innocent children and newborn babies.
Again, the devil gets his dues and there are many fake world leaders in the same sinking boat as you occupy. Were I you, I would be fearful of the reality written in scriptures, "Prepare to meet thy God." You will first meet Him but will be passed on to your own god, Satan.
Sucks to be you, time marches on and none of us know the appointed time He has set for our demise. I am one who fears not you or any man, for unlike you I am not a respecter of persons. You have hell to pay and for all the money many think you have stolen, I would not want to be you.
Sounds like a reason for armed resistance. You guys better cut of the heads of whoever is after you. The world is watching and the Good people are praying for you.
You could eliminate every head but it wouldn't make much difference, we'd just be back to first base within a generation, know why? Because that is the symptom of the problem, it is not the problem. The problem is that people believe these whack jobs. That is the problem. People in droves, populations believe that someone has a say over their lives and they acquiesce to it willingly. That is why we are in this mess.
You always provide insightful comments. And as raw and hard it is to accept the awful truth of this evil force pushing at us so intently, what you wrote there is sadly correct. Their compliance is our downfall. . . But we must not give in. . Love and strength to all of you xx
Thank you. No, on the contrarry, this mess is like a vomitting of all the ills and once it's out, nobody will consciously want it. Right now they are living in the unconscious and that is the only way the ghouls can get their way, that is the only place they can thrive. So making others conscious and talking about our new world, the world we want will have the effect of fading this evil away.
There ARE other 'Issues' @ Play, NOT SEEN in Previous 'Wars' - Except, possibly in the 'Mythical' ( ALL, Myths & Legends must have a 'Truth' Thread/Element, because PRE Societies 'Wouldn't have Appropriate Imaginations for Concepts involved'- Aka; Human/Animal 'Splicing', & other Tech such as 'Chrystals- WHER did that MIS/DISappear too?) Atlantis realm. THE Global 'Release WITHOUT CONtroll' of Class 2 CRISPR Cas Technologies, -as far as I am aware, IS Irreversible to DNA 'Altering Protocols, WITH, associated SCIENCE/PATENTS Literature 'Describing Downstream Offspring as 'Mutants'- AND, probably sexually Sterile! As observed,You CANNOT fight this with a 'Gun', BUT, if THE CurRent Trained/Bought Political MONKEYS, Aren't 'INTERRUPTED/RESTRAINED' - Along with Their 'OverLords- WITCHES/WARLOCKS', then KISS the Current HUman 'BioLogical' 'Species' ( AND Others [species], because the Same USELESS Political/COMIC/'SCIence' - Loose Term> Monkeys, HAVEN'T GOT A CLUE about the NEO CRISP-A.I-R InteractiviTies on Release to ALL Metric EnvironMeants - Micro/Macro= FROM 'SOURCE' - The F'K'N GENIE, AIN'T GOING BACK > IN THE BOTTLE - OR PANDORA'S BOX Upon Release. NOR THE SATAN 'CONstruckT', For Whatever 'THAT' ActEweAllLie IS, Gonna 'Care OR Save' the PATHet[h]ic Underlings), in it's CurRent FORM - GOODBYE!
Last; PracTickle 'With-Holding Supply of Coin' ( Do not Comply - & I'm trying to do Same [With Resistence from partner- for fear of Realistic Systemmic 'RePrizeAlls'{Psych LeverAge IS All}]), only 'WORKS' to a Certain Point! When ANY Govt ( & in OZtopia, IT IS A FOREIGN GOVT= U.S. Registered CorpoRation), That Arse Kisses the GlobAlist/ALL metric CorpoorRatS/Operates OUTSIDE THAT SOVEREIGN NATION'S CONSTITUTIONS - REGULARLIE/ FREE BLEEDS IT'S 'OWN' CITIZENS For The Banking System & ALL & SUNDRY, 'They'= The Govt/ Agencies, ARE ALREADY 'DROWNING IN COIN'- Whether by FALSE FIAT Resources, OR, Just Creating MORE 'National Debt' > FOR the Peasants - OR, Outside GlobAlist 'Theoretical/HARD', Animate [Troops/Foreign Cops; Aka G. SoreArse's SCN SocieTies such as VicTopia> MelBoria!], Or Inanimate SINthetic resources= It's only a Digital Number to THEM!
To use TechnoCrat Talk= 'Ignorance',NOT that it will make a Physically manifested/Timed outcome- IS NOT an 'Excuse'!= How's that 'Working for Them', 'Cos THEY AIN'T IMMORTAL- NOR, Their Prodginy!
Last; In reference to CurRent Politicos- "OH LOOK! MEDUSA'S BACK IN VOGUE! WHO KNEW?"
Acronyms time; COMIC - Corporate Organised Military IndusTrial CONplex.
Tje modus operando of these tyrants is to mistake the example of a complex physical system that is the healhcare system for this pandemic for a "non-complex physical system, for a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such properties.
New Zealand was disarmed, Canuckistan is in process of same, BrItain was disarmed, and there is a world wide push to disarm every western nation. I want to say I am all in and I am not surrendering to a morally bankrupt CYSTem. I also want to know what is a Tam? Looks like an Adams apple to me on its neck. Turdo appointed this moron.
So here we are all alone which gives me the opportunity to tell you a real fact. UniverSH*Tties have devolved into nothing more than anti freedom bastions of politically correct kookiness and woke wanker cesspools the fools wallow in. These hotspots of sh*tpots are really the sewers of indoctrination in the lieberal school of insanity.
My concerns are front row center because New Zealand has no enshrined right in law for firearm ownership. Ardern has stated that gun laws are going to change, and noting her flawed character I expect the same sh*t that has happened to Canuckistan under slime ministers "cretin" and "turdo."
For those not yet having considered the issue, this safetyism is directly downstream from women’s suffrage, as are open borders, trannies, decarceration, below-replacement fertility (which means we will be replaced by non-Westerners with no concept of human rights, cuz demographics ALWAYS wins). We can have a free, safe, educated and fertile West … OR … women’s suffrage. Look around it’s a binary choice.
To stop this atrocity, the head of the snake must be removed. That may be a ten head beast, but we already know the fate of the beast. That much is good news. It is just a matter of time.
Pandemics of the biological kind don't really happen, we need to start using the term 'plague' to call out the fakery of the current paradigm. For example: "Have you had your anti - plague shot yet?" - "No. I had the plague last week, and now I have immunity." Whether it's the chicken plague or walrus plague, we need to point out the absurdity.
Power and light to you, sister x
Thank you for clarifying.
Can't see the original comment but I trust your judgement:).
I live in NZ and think it is real this time
Me too. Watching from NZ as well. This time is different for sure … they’re being so quiet and sneaky … not out in the open like last time
Bravo. Some sense here and awareness. "The ability of government to use all elements of the ladder [of coercion] rests on social licence or the population’s acceptance of the government’s governance." National Ethics Advisory Committee (NEAC), 2022, ‘Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic’, Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Health
Get out and go where?
Areas of Africa or India where people never lived with electricity so an EMP attack will not destroy their society.
Why can't the world stand up against these demonic forces, they can't stop billions of us.
I guess it's because the Satanic globalists have Directed Energy Weapons (DEW's) that are capable of attacking cities, states and countries. We have seen many of them on display over the past 2+ decades. If people were individually willing to be martyred, en-masse, if necessary, the issue could perhaps be brought to a head before their "Beast System" is completely ensconced. It does not appear that there exists any fervor for that approach, however. What is clear is that protests, voting, petitions, demonstrations and the like are completely ineffective. The perpetrators have not relented one millimeter as a result of any of those and there is no reason to think they will. Those who control events in this world are tools of Satan and they are doing these things because their god demands it of them. They are either ignorant of their ultimate fate or they are so morally bankrupt that they are willing to carry out these horrendous crimes knowing it will mean their eternal damnation. Nothing else makes any sense. There is no other explanation that accounts for all the evidence, IMHO. For more details, see aka's substack and scroll through the articles.
Sometimes in history Force in the form of armed resisrance along with a properly focused offencive is the correct and Only answer. I pray the side of Good and God wins.
Actually that is never an answer and even less today when government has so many fancy weapons that can boil your brains remotely along with everyone in your city and state. It is pathatic to keep on with the same old responses that don't work. We have to move forward and now instead of use brute force, we need to use somthing more subtle but more powerful. That is living by principles such as free speech, body autonomy and reason. The idea that a side with mightier weapons has to win every argument just because they can wipe out the opposition needs to go to bed forever now. By relying on wepons and violence we (humans) have actually retarded our growth intellectually and consciously ("spiritually") But so strong are these attributes that even at this late stage, we can outshine the cavemna's panacea. If we censor each other, it means we condone censorship. If we force vaccines or masks on others then that means we condone being forced ourselves. It's that simple but with a twist to what we've usually been indoctrinated to think. If you're wondering how we can do it, well withdraw from funding the sysstem. That's all. Nobody needs to get hurt. Better still is finding others that want to withdraw from the system. I'm sure there are plenty around. That means stop paying taxes, interest on loans, fines, fees and anything else they slap on us. That's their scorcecard - money. And every time you accept their system, they get paid by your strawman account. Oh it's very well recorded. Everything you do.
Already did that waiting on t
Y’all now!! WWG1WGA
It's too cryptic for me. I'm not into the latest narratives as I never look at commercial news or articles.
Yes use of DEWs threats makes the most sense to me. Turkeys earthquake, floridas bilateral hurricanes during rnc primary ect…
Most people are incapabilith staning up against these demonoic foreces because they are unabward of the fact that there is an important difference between a "comple" and a "non-comples physicals systme This that a "complex" physical system exhits one or moe "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such properties.
Oops, I meant to type "system" rather than "dydyrmr"
The people are sheeple. Cowards condemned for being cowards.
Cause millions of people already their poison shots and they have the ability to control them!
check out and read carefully a petition at free from un control reject the international health regulations it currently has over 25000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and then by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same the idea is to get it continualy signed and reshared widely from any country in the world a good place to start would be substack
It's best to reject the very idea of authority over you. You must be your own authority and claim that. Read Larken Rose's seminal novel "The Most Dangerous Superstition". Or listen to it on youtube.
'It's best to reject the very idea of authority over you. You must be your own authority and claim that."
What am I to do with you Denise? You come close to the accuracy of the words that spell "freedom." "The Truth will set you free."
The CYSTem, the sheeple, many people, everyone and everything out there, seeks to control us. The main Entity that seeks to influence us for our well being is NOT religion for most religions are enslaving and apostate.
I go back decades to my first year in high school now. I never forgot a girl who first tore big chunks out of my heart. I never forgot her name but I will call her by her real first name of Sharon.
It still hurts because associated with her is a man who was honest with me. He was in his late teens, I was in my early teens. I liked him, aware though of his prolific use of alcohol. I liked his girlfriend at the time named Sharon. It still hurts. And will to my end. It is one of those memories carved into one's emotions.
She was known as a "fast" girl. Gary was her bf. I recall standing with a few fellows, all classmates in the hallway when Sharon walked by us. Someone said "hi" to her and she stopped to talk. That was when one boy spoke the word, "Zip." I was looking at her when that happened and her face suddenly showed deep hurt and deeper pain. She was ready to cry and ran down the hallway. They laughed. I just stood there watching her run until she rounded a corner and disappeared from my sight. The others walked in the direction of our next class. I hung back. Sharon was about five foot eight, with blond hair and blue eyes, a pretty face and a soft disposition.
As you know, the word "Zip" had an intended correlation with sex and the associated disrespect of a "fast" girl that some would refer to as a "whore." I liked her and I will always regret not running after her to tell her I considered her a pretty girl and did not agree with the word used. I was 13 at the time though and still a boy. But that was not the end of it all.
A few years later she quit school to have a child, a boy. I discovered Gary was the father and he married her and they had another a year later. Since Gary married her, and lived not far from me, I saw him occasionally. He worked for a garage repairing cars.
Years later when I was out of high school, I saw him at the garage and asked him how his wife Sharon was and his sons? He was into the booze in a big way and he looked at me and said, "Do not ever start drinking, it cost me the loss of my wife and children." I not only heard those words but felt them, noting the regret and pain in his tone.
What has this to do with the topic? Everything. His master was the bottle, it almost totally destroyed him, and I feared for his sons and wife Sharon. I consider her hurt and that of his boys who watched him become a slave to the bottle. I am not making excuses for him. I have seen many enslaved and with their families, destroyed.
We tend to forge our own chains and suffer the consequences of bad decisions. But the worst decision made in Canuckistan was to elect a fat assed useless moron with SFFB. It brought upon many, ordered catastrophies. The sheeple gave control to a fool and the worst smile minister God ever strung gut into. But it was worldwide in scope. Ovomit, biDUMB, merkel, macron, ardern, etc. The world sheeple gave control of their destinies to madmen and madwomen.
I feel hatred now linked to turdo, the friend of pain, hurt and sorrow. One of the first things that pos did was legalize weed. Not just an enslaver but worse. Every cop I have talked to agreed that weed is the worst gateway drug leading to far worse and even deadly illicit drugs such as fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, etc
Most Saturday afternoons I drive to a nearby city run by a damned LIEberal mayor and see many homeless people and drug addicts. I have been the object of four intended assaults, one by a young woman, all high on crack which tends to make them delusionally aggressive. I called police on one of those occasions because the teen high on crack was threatening an old man.
This is the state of things in every big "SH*Tty in Canuckistan and note the cause has mysteriously been ASSociated with a pos slime minister including runaway inflation, high costs of all commodities and the dumbing down and destruction of our youth.
I have a message to you turdo, you have hell to pay because all this is on your ugly head. All of the popes ever born from the start, every bishop, every priest, every archbishop if they could assemble at your death, wearing long robes, with tanker trucks of holy water, canterns smoking incessantly, mumbling Latin phrases and praying, could not in the least prevent your miserable dark, corrupt soul from being cast into hell the moment you die.
I want to say damn you and fill the internet with vile foul language but I will not. The scriptures damn you already, and in the end the devil gets his dues. You are singularly responsible for the illicit drug deaths of tens of thousands and the deaths caused by the experimental fake jab plus serious side effects suffered by tens of thousands as well. Search "React19"
On top of that you are a DICKtator (pricktator) the mangiest junkyard dog would not even piss on the best part of.
Ah yes, a fake grade five ASSistant drama teacher with the IQ of a corn cob and the appeal of a three day old used diaper. You never had the ability to even run a lemonade stand let alone a nation.
One day you will stand in front of a mirror and puke at what you see. The lines of age already show on your face and your ample ass bears testimony you are a huge waste of flatulated gas and useless as teats on a constipated boar.
Time passes fast, and you will at some point realize you have hell to pay for the destruction of a nation, its people, innocent children and newborn babies.
Again, the devil gets his dues and there are many fake world leaders in the same sinking boat as you occupy. Were I you, I would be fearful of the reality written in scriptures, "Prepare to meet thy God." You will first meet Him but will be passed on to your own god, Satan.
Sucks to be you, time marches on and none of us know the appointed time He has set for our demise. I am one who fears not you or any man, for unlike you I am not a respecter of persons. You have hell to pay and for all the money many think you have stolen, I would not want to be you.
I am sure I have been clear.
Everyone needs too fight back against the government or die by forced bioweopens vaccines
..???? — T O T R Y AT
Me: "No thanks.".
Sounds like a reason for armed resistance. You guys better cut of the heads of whoever is after you. The world is watching and the Good people are praying for you.
You could eliminate every head but it wouldn't make much difference, we'd just be back to first base within a generation, know why? Because that is the symptom of the problem, it is not the problem. The problem is that people believe these whack jobs. That is the problem. People in droves, populations believe that someone has a say over their lives and they acquiesce to it willingly. That is why we are in this mess.
You always provide insightful comments. And as raw and hard it is to accept the awful truth of this evil force pushing at us so intently, what you wrote there is sadly correct. Their compliance is our downfall. . . But we must not give in. . Love and strength to all of you xx
Thank you. No, on the contrarry, this mess is like a vomitting of all the ills and once it's out, nobody will consciously want it. Right now they are living in the unconscious and that is the only way the ghouls can get their way, that is the only place they can thrive. So making others conscious and talking about our new world, the world we want will have the effect of fading this evil away.
Yep. Most under 30 who went to college.
Forgive me Denise, I am starting to adore you for the acutely accurate mind you have as a woman that separates truth from fiction.
There ARE other 'Issues' @ Play, NOT SEEN in Previous 'Wars' - Except, possibly in the 'Mythical' ( ALL, Myths & Legends must have a 'Truth' Thread/Element, because PRE Societies 'Wouldn't have Appropriate Imaginations for Concepts involved'- Aka; Human/Animal 'Splicing', & other Tech such as 'Chrystals- WHER did that MIS/DISappear too?) Atlantis realm. THE Global 'Release WITHOUT CONtroll' of Class 2 CRISPR Cas Technologies, -as far as I am aware, IS Irreversible to DNA 'Altering Protocols, WITH, associated SCIENCE/PATENTS Literature 'Describing Downstream Offspring as 'Mutants'- AND, probably sexually Sterile! As observed,You CANNOT fight this with a 'Gun', BUT, if THE CurRent Trained/Bought Political MONKEYS, Aren't 'INTERRUPTED/RESTRAINED' - Along with Their 'OverLords- WITCHES/WARLOCKS', then KISS the Current HUman 'BioLogical' 'Species' ( AND Others [species], because the Same USELESS Political/COMIC/'SCIence' - Loose Term> Monkeys, HAVEN'T GOT A CLUE about the NEO CRISP-A.I-R InteractiviTies on Release to ALL Metric EnvironMeants - Micro/Macro= FROM 'SOURCE' - The F'K'N GENIE, AIN'T GOING BACK > IN THE BOTTLE - OR PANDORA'S BOX Upon Release. NOR THE SATAN 'CONstruckT', For Whatever 'THAT' ActEweAllLie IS, Gonna 'Care OR Save' the PATHet[h]ic Underlings), in it's CurRent FORM - GOODBYE!
Last; PracTickle 'With-Holding Supply of Coin' ( Do not Comply - & I'm trying to do Same [With Resistence from partner- for fear of Realistic Systemmic 'RePrizeAlls'{Psych LeverAge IS All}]), only 'WORKS' to a Certain Point! When ANY Govt ( & in OZtopia, IT IS A FOREIGN GOVT= U.S. Registered CorpoRation), That Arse Kisses the GlobAlist/ALL metric CorpoorRatS/Operates OUTSIDE THAT SOVEREIGN NATION'S CONSTITUTIONS - REGULARLIE/ FREE BLEEDS IT'S 'OWN' CITIZENS For The Banking System & ALL & SUNDRY, 'They'= The Govt/ Agencies, ARE ALREADY 'DROWNING IN COIN'- Whether by FALSE FIAT Resources, OR, Just Creating MORE 'National Debt' > FOR the Peasants - OR, Outside GlobAlist 'Theoretical/HARD', Animate [Troops/Foreign Cops; Aka G. SoreArse's SCN SocieTies such as VicTopia> MelBoria!], Or Inanimate SINthetic resources= It's only a Digital Number to THEM!
To use TechnoCrat Talk= 'Ignorance',NOT that it will make a Physically manifested/Timed outcome- IS NOT an 'Excuse'!= How's that 'Working for Them', 'Cos THEY AIN'T IMMORTAL- NOR, Their Prodginy!
Last; In reference to CurRent Politicos- "OH LOOK! MEDUSA'S BACK IN VOGUE! WHO KNEW?"
Acronyms time; COMIC - Corporate Organised Military IndusTrial CONplex.
Wellness to the Unified 'Balanced' US! - John D.
Tje modus operando of these tyrants is to mistake the example of a complex physical system that is the healhcare system for this pandemic for a "non-complex physical system, for a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such properties.
New Zealand was disarmed, Canuckistan is in process of same, BrItain was disarmed, and there is a world wide push to disarm every western nation. I want to say I am all in and I am not surrendering to a morally bankrupt CYSTem. I also want to know what is a Tam? Looks like an Adams apple to me on its neck. Turdo appointed this moron.
Tam is a dude.
Yes but gal, I think you should have spelled that DUD.
So here we are all alone which gives me the opportunity to tell you a real fact. UniverSH*Tties have devolved into nothing more than anti freedom bastions of politically correct kookiness and woke wanker cesspools the fools wallow in. These hotspots of sh*tpots are really the sewers of indoctrination in the lieberal school of insanity.
Nz wasn’t really disarmed.
I have heard others say that. You may be correct. I will verify either way.
I know first hand. 😇
There are conflicting perspectives so you may be right.
My concerns are front row center because New Zealand has no enshrined right in law for firearm ownership. Ardern has stated that gun laws are going to change, and noting her flawed character I expect the same sh*t that has happened to Canuckistan under slime ministers "cretin" and "turdo."
Resist any way you can.
For those not yet having considered the issue, this safetyism is directly downstream from women’s suffrage, as are open borders, trannies, decarceration, below-replacement fertility (which means we will be replaced by non-Westerners with no concept of human rights, cuz demographics ALWAYS wins). We can have a free, safe, educated and fertile West … OR … women’s suffrage. Look around it’s a binary choice.
Continuity of care... I'd wager those needing "care" aren't traveling extensively. And those traveling won't need "care" until their next booster.
They can kiss my arse
To stop this atrocity, the head of the snake must be removed. That may be a ten head beast, but we already know the fate of the beast. That much is good news. It is just a matter of time.
Pandemics of the biological kind don't really happen, we need to start using the term 'plague' to call out the fakery of the current paradigm. For example: "Have you had your anti - plague shot yet?" - "No. I had the plague last week, and now I have immunity." Whether it's the chicken plague or walrus plague, we need to point out the absurdity.