Because other than Mark Zuckerberg who is like a second degree black belt the others depend on others around them to keep them safe and survive. Do you think and of these elitists have survival skills. If I had basic gear aka my AR, my hunting rifle, fishing gear fire starter, a few descent knives, fire starter with plenty of ammo. I can sustain myself for months if not years. These bozos are so fucked if they got trapped outside their bunkers.
Oh I clearly understand and I now get your point. Say perhaps Jeff Bezos just becomes an unbearable tyrant and his staff just gets sick and tired of his bullshit and decides to eliminate their aggravation. Who will know?
I wouldn’t but they will, their bunkers are highly secure with Secret Service level security with men with Army Ranger and Navy Seal skillsets.
These rich asses will needed their security and care takers because they are used to having servants.
Because other than Mark Zuckerberg who is like a second degree black belt the others depend on others around them to keep them safe and survive. Do you think and of these elitists have survival skills. If I had basic gear aka my AR, my hunting rifle, fishing gear fire starter, a few descent knives, fire starter with plenty of ammo. I can sustain myself for months if not years. These bozos are so fucked if they got trapped outside their bunkers.
Oh I clearly understand and I now get your point. Say perhaps Jeff Bezos just becomes an unbearable tyrant and his staff just gets sick and tired of his bullshit and decides to eliminate their aggravation. Who will know?
What illnesses
LOL...What the hell good is money if you are trapped underground with assholes?