check out and read most carefully a petition at citizengo.org...break free from un control reject the international health regulations..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world on all platforms and alternative outlets it currently has almost 20000 signatures

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And these poisons are still mandated…….now they are hyping the Bird Flu vaccination for a disease that has not even caused a serious infection…..we are being played again

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I do believe there were over 1,000 possible negative reactions to mRNA poisons. You are bound to get one or more of them.

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But the good news is they end when you’re dead.

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Good for business and the investors.

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And the jab-pushers will say that hey, it is worth the risk. When the jab first emerged from its dark dank cave, I asked a jab-pusher "what if it kills me?". They said oh well, it is just doing its job. In a way, kind of prophetic, come to think about it.

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The spike is the gift that keeps on giving - from corrupt governments who the sheep think are their shepherds.

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Dear Dr. Coleman, As many have noted, the toxic mRNA COVID injections cause reactions in the body that mimic just about every disease yet described in one way or another. The simplest explanation is that all forms of disease are caused by hyperactivity of a single mechanism. This concept is called “stress theory” was proposed by Dr. Hans Selye, and it was the prevailing paradigm of medical research for some 30 years following the discovery of DNA. The objective of this research was to identify a testable “stress mechanism” that theoretically repairs tissues and regulates organs. The intense international search for this mechanism consumed the careers of hundreds of trained researchers, the lives of thousands of tortured test animals (mostly rats) and millions of dollars (today billions) but failed to find any clue of any testable mechanism that could explain any aspect of the hypothetical stress mechanism. As a result, Selye’s ideas were abandoned and relegated to the realm of the unicorn. However, powerful new theories typically arrive long before adequate evidence becomes available to confirm them, and that is the fate of stress theory. Almost 30 years after stress research was abandoned, accumulating evidence from unrelated research has enabled the description of the “mammalian stress mechanism” that was postulated by Selye more than 60 years ago. This enables the “unified theory of medicine anticipated by Selye, which confers safe, simple, reliable and predictable treatments directed at the cause of disease instead of “trial and error” treatments whose efficacy is judged by their effects on fickle symptoms. This promises to revolutionize medicine. It indicates effective treatments for COVID and “Long COVID” syndrome. I urge you to explore my website www.stressmechanism.com and contact me directly if you have any qestions.

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They did away with experimenting on monkeys & instead went straight for us.

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Just tell everyone Covid was a scam. There are NO effective vaccines for ANY cold or flu period.

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I am so happy to see this phrase used: "'inadvertently escalate autoimmunity risks in genetically susceptible individuals.'"

I believe we must overcome an inability--a refusal--to understand that the nanotechnology is interacting very specifically based upon two factors: (1) the weakest genetic DNA code in the sick individual and (2) the program in the nanite. I also think the nanites are unequal. Some are fulfilling their functions, and others have quit for some reason. The nanotech is like all predators: it goes for the weakest component in a system: a man wanting to commit violence will look for an elderly person; a crippled individual; or a small woman.

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Not surprised given that those adverse effects were noted in Pfizer's own document titled "5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT


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Yep, knew it would come out, myocardia was a given considering what the 'spike protein' does, that was for certain.

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