It's pretty obvious the blood supply is now a deadly poison

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This is why I proposed Remember Baby Alex legislation in my Letter to Ron Johnson. I was trying to prevent future casualties from the contaminated blood supply 😭😭😭



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Ron Johnson won’t do anything. My husband told me his wife has a big, big stake in China assets!

Ron Johnson never invites Dr. Michael Yeadon to any tabletop discussions and you have to ask yourself why???

He never invites Dr. David Martin either because of the patent disclosure. They all hold nefarious patents.

I was in PL for 10 years….they are ruthless! USPTO made it easy for for them to destroy the small entrepreneurs.

If I remember, all the republicans that stood next to Trump during a recent speech, this man was giving him the mean mug.

They all do….the ones who are trying to manipulate you to look here…no look there!

That told me the scumbags in DC are all in the money with China! IMO

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Funnily enough, it was Mike who introduced me to Ron Johnson and shared my letter with him. To Ron’s credit, he immediately followed up to schedule a phone meeting. He was very gracious, but he also said about my three proposed bills, “You know these are never going to pass, right?”

That was when I decided to stop bothering with trying to effect change through political avenues.

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Good grief….😳

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He was being pragmatic, which I understood. We did discuss strategies for waking people up. His approach is far more measured than mine ;-)

I just remembered I shared more details about our exchange in this update after “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler” (which could easily apply to Ron):


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Measured approach is a losing strategy. Measured approach is word salad for

I’m a politician, and I have to figure out how this will impact ME.

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Bought and paid for. Damn politicians. So corrupt. 🤬 Thanks TB. Your husband is a smarty! https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/397040-gop-senator-trumps-policies-doing-permanent-damage/

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Wow…thx c Anderson…this is a keeper👍

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I believe Peter McCoullagh provides the best advice how a case like this must be treated, “it’s the COVID Vaccine contaminated blood, until proven otherwise!” The poor woman 🥹

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In fact this makes others as well complicit in murder though not planned. The CYSTem is run by damned fools and criminals.

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I pray I never need blood at a hospital. God has protected me thru all of the insanity so Im praying He continues to protect me. The sad thing is, being un-injected doesn't mean much these days because everything is poisoned now by chemtrails and we eat the meat of the animals who eat the poisoned food they're given, we must keep our bodies as healthy as possible with natural supplements, I take a few to keep myself healthy and at 72 Im doing pretty damn good.

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Damn 72? Girl you be looking good!

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Dr. Ben Marble is one of the heroes in this whole :;-t show.

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You talk about another massive scandal. Richard Hirschman, the most famous whistleblowing embalmer who keeps finding these hideous-looking white fibrous clots in bodies, told me in an interview that he wonders about this too. He said 1 percent of the clots he's found (in hundreds of bodies) apparently came from the unvaccinated. He speculates this tiny percentage may have received blood transfusions or other blood products.

Do the blood banks know this? Have they investigated this possibility? If they haven't, why haven't they?

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From what I've read, many blood banks are specifically avoiding the issue and not identifying vaccinated blood donations. I'm sure direction came from "above" and they are using the excuse of privacy. Realistically, some donors will not tell the truth anyway, so only testing would be able to determine vax/unvax source. I have never looked into the process followed from the time the blood is collected to when it becomes available from a blood bank - that would be interesting.

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Some kind of test that would definitively prove that someone had never received any mRNA vaccine or "booster" would definitely help. I'm not sure such a test exists, but someone needs to create one.

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In the 1980's the canadian red cross didn't test donated blood for AIDS and several people died. It was known as the "Tainted Blood Scandal". The government of the time took away the blood donation work from red cross and created a new agency "Canadian Blood Services". I called Canadian Blood Services donor appointment line in early 21 to ask if they would be segregating VAXXED blood. The lady said no, the vaxxed blood was safe.

Another era, same SH_T. I have not donated since.

I did send money to a Swiss organization trying to set up a SAFE blood network instead. Canada only allows the one corrupt blood donor network.

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Some maverick entrepreneur has to establish a non-vaccinated bank of stored blood - pronto.

... This wouldn't be that hard to do, right? It would be a life-saving idea/service - and would probably make the company that did this billions of dollars. IMO many people would gladly pay for the "peace of mind" of getting "unvaxxed blood."

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Funny thing, right after your comment I got a donation request from the Red Cross. I am still on their Donation List. I wish they had a spot for comments on why I don't donate to them any longer.

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I just unsubscribed from the Jab Happy Red Cross Philanthropy group.

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Yes, this needs to happen. But, would hospitals actually dispense it is the question…. Regulations blah blah, safety blah blah, protocols blah blah. I don’t know if the medical cartel would allow this into their system. You almost have to create a whole new medical care delivery system.

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Right. The captured establishment - covering its ass - wouldn't allow "clean blood" to be offered to their patients. This is another great "tell" about the true nature of our "healthcare" providers and "pubic health" establishment. One thing that would save lives, they'll never do.

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As John Rappoport once asked, why hasn't anyone, the scientists, ever examined the blood of vaccinated and actually proved they are there? The used test is looking for antibodies, not the SP. These would surely appear to ward off the very toxic LNPs and smash them into smithereens which would prevent the mRNA from instructing cells to make SP. These LNPs are highly volatile without mRNA to cause innumeral damage. How would they prove blood to be SP/LNP free? Antibodies?? Immuneocompromised people don't make antibodies. My friend's organ transplant husband didn't make antibodies and they sure kept on giving him covid injections! Some people will have no idea until ill that they are compromised. The older you are, the lower your body's response, too.

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I've sadly come to the conclusion from personal experience (family, friends, acquaintances) that our current medical system is not about health or healing or bodily wholeness. Maybe it never was, but things have gotten much worse in the past decade. (I'd love to see a deep dive on the regulatory, structural, and treatment paradigm changes that the Affordable Care Act did behind the scenes.) Not to say there aren't individual practitioners who are wonderful, caring, ethical, intelligent healers, but these are becoming farther and fewer between.

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The medical system is so screwed up, I don't know how it could be "reformed."

You'd have to scrap everything and start over from scratch.

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Never divulge the truth. This is how the lockstep continues. But God knows.

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It would almost immediately invalidate the existing "standard" blood supply. The market for untested blood would shrink. Then lawsuits of those possibly harmed by standard untested vs unvaxx'd blood would proliferate. I don't see any way for this to happen for the general public.

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There are several blood banks that only take unvaxxed blood; I have an article or two but can't find at the moment. But in the light of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and her findings (unvaxxed blood look the same as vaxxed in live blood analysis), the issue may be moot. :( I did find these:

SafeBlood Donation (Need a donor)

Pure Blood Registry

Blessed By His Blood Cooperative

My True Blood

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There are 2 at least that I know of that have been setup. Safeblood and another I can't remember. The same crew who set up the global "control group" database, set up an unvaccinated blood bank. Think there is one in the states, one in UK and one in NZ. Try contacting Dr Tess Laurie on Substack, think she was involved with one.

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It already has, distribute this far and wide. The more who know and use it, the more it will grow.

Can’t remember the SS Post this came from.


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Same here in the UK

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They'll sweep it under the rug somehow... "and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care." (George Carlin)

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This reminds me of how tainted blood transfusions wiped out the hemophiliacs in the 1980's because of the AIDS virus in the blood. The American Red Cross sat on technology of how to cleanse the blood for 4 years before implementing the process. They should be isolating non-vaccinated blood from vaccinated blood. If they did, they would be admitting the great risks of RNA injections. They won't. It would slow down the Big Pharma push to have RNA injections become the new form of treating disease states. Over 100 RNA projects are in the works. Billions to be made!

Here comes a new Merck vaccine! https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/updated-covid-19-vaccines-use-united-states-beginning-fall-2024.

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I think it was the treatments offered to mitigate the alleged HIV virus that killed them, not the blood product. Many people with the so called virus are alive and well as they stopped treatment or refused it.

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All those who needed regular blood transfusions died! My neighbor died because he was in a serious car accident and got the tainted blood and died from AIDS. He was a Hospital Administrator.

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I'm sorry. I watched a video a while back, Spanish speakers, some gay, hetro, drug users, etc., females too, and for whatever reasons were tested positive and told if they wanted to live, they needed the treatment. Some took it, some died, some stopped taking it and lived. Another video was about a baby girl adopted from Europe to USA, perfectly healthy until health authorities tested her as positive and put on meds and she then failed to thrive. Was constantly ill. Her parents realised it was the meds, took her off, and she grew up to a healthy woman. You didn't mention if he got meds to treat his AIDS which wouldn't have killed him abruptly.

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Another message from the same doctor..

https://t.me/stevegamble/61576 ➡️❌➡️

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Wow!! Thanks for the link.

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One more time and for what it's worth ... nobody has to read the story; just look at the first photo. This is what the Establishment does NOT want the public to see. Is there one person on the planet who would conclude these clots look "safe?"


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reposted on the Mark Crispin Miller Died Suddenly website.

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The blood supply is contaminated. But you can replace blood with saline often.

You need to plan ahead for this with your treating physician, who may - or may not cooperate with you

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Exactly. I'm no longer apart of the medical system and haven't been for years. I found that, as I aged in my 60s (now in 70s), that doctors seemed determined to have me follow their protocol for elderly patients rather than allow me to choose for myself. I well understood what was happening during the "pandemic" with the aged caught in long-term facilities since I had friends who lived in senior citizen housing and long-term care. They are given no choice. Your best alternative is simply not to partake of any medical treatment. My medicare doctor has never seen me, and I wish that I had never signed up for Medicare years ago (everyone said that I must back then).

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Embalmer Richard Hirschman shared a similar account of an unvaxxed woman dying after a blood transfusion in Alabama. He found the fibrous clots in her body while embalming. Her family told him she hadnt been covid vaxxed .This was shared during a November 2022 Focus on America meeting.


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You know, the blood supply has always had significant risks. There are a handful of groups that go further and refuse transfusions.

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