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Jan 14
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So how many died in Mississippi from COVID? Certainly don’t remember anything biblical being reported. And how do you know how many of those died from “covid” vs mistreatment, flu disguised as Covid or the impact of the vaccines, instructing your Mississippian bodies to manufacture the spike protein - one sure way of making sure the entire population caught it?

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Jan 14
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You know nothing about me or how I responded. And you make no attempt to respond to my question. You really are a sanctimonious prick.

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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted


Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.


More fakery from the wizards

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government


Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







Dr Jane Ruby explains the genocidal Globalist agenda a must watch


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@susrust it would be great if investigative journalists took the time to critically examine the claims being made, rather than simply accepting the official narrative. No H5N1 "virus" has ever been directly purified, isolated from fluids, & scientifically proven to be pathogenic.

Here are resources to help your investigation:

1. Lack of purification/isolation.


2. No H5N1.


3. Genomic tricks.


4. The necessary scientific evidence required.


5. The fallacies of virology.


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Jan 14
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What did happen is fear was struck into folks, especially the elderly and those with comorbidities, AND they were not properly cared for like as in the past. People were left in hallways (at a hospital I know of), not given water, etc. and just left there. It is like they wanted people to die! Our security guard (at the hospital system I worked for) took her mother OUT of that situation, brought her home and nursed her back to health in a week’s time….they were being intentionally neglected or given toxic meds…. All to create an illusion… very sad 😔

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Oh, hey, now I believe the bird flu pandemic is coming - the angry authoritarians are crawling out from wherever they were resting, complete with ivermectin hissy fits.

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So they say. I can’t see it getting too much traction.

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You are correct. I have a mountain of evidence, as does anyone who researched online data and research statistics made available to the public. Medical Facilities and Main Stream Media were paid highly not to report the Worldwide Health releases that confirm your assessment and opinion. Thanks for your bravery and truth good citizen.

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And a pandemic of iatrogenic deaths, a pandemic of illness and death caused by coerced injection of a toxin that caused our own bodies to manufacture unlimited amounts of the most toxic part of the supposed lethal pathogen.

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What did happen is fear was struck into folks, especially the elderly and those with comorbidities, AND they were not properly cared for like as in the past. People were left in hallways (at a hospital I know of), not given water, etc. and just left there. It is like they wanted people to die! Our security guard (at the hospital system I worked for) took her mother OUT of that situation, brought her home and nursed her back to health in a week’s time….they were being intentionally neglected or given toxic meds…. All to create an illusion… very sad 😔

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The G3P, the transnational deep state, speaking through voicepipes like Neil Oliver, may be repositioning their covid narrative to now look like a giant mistake by foolish and greedy pharma, in a desperate effort to obscure what is really going on, which is a military run depopulation program.

They probably will then pivot towards a narrative they think is working better, although its not clear what is working any better for them. Maybe they think they have successfully fooled people into believing things like the L.A. fires are due to climate change.

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Put zero trust in the pseudoscientific and corrupt system of (so-called and misnamed) “healthcare”. The government and the media are filled to the brim with liars. The mass of people are filled to the brim with those who are true believers in the lies.

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During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s demo-n-cratic Global Village (i.e. Sodom-Egypt) all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured UN Global Village.

Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their patriotic lives in militant defense of licentious Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution. Under God’s strong delusion they democratically bow their idolatrous hearts, in a worshipful corporate pledge of allegiance, before the Masonic Statue of Columbia’s licentious sacred image—“Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are Lucifer’s brainwashed chattel, not unlike Covid-19 inoculated beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the eugenic ‘security’ of Democracy’s slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.

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You, John Shaphat, don’t have a Social Security number? If so, how intriguing!

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Gary, how is it intriguing to you that I am not a digitally-marked (SS#) goat in the Beast’s Social Security System? Christ Jesus, my Good Shepherd, intimately calls His beloved sheep by name, not by an inhumane SSS-ID number. He called me to repent of idolatrously trusting my life’s temporal security and welfare within the Marxist Beast’s eugenic Socialistic Security System: “Repent and come out of her, My people, so that you will not democratically share in her corporate sins or contract any of her malignant plandemic plagues. For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. The miraculous welfare and eternal security that God is providing me within Christ’s guarded sheepfold is GLORIOUS!

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I don’t know how you got rid of your digital Mark, i.e. your Social Security number .

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The Spirit of God’s Word led me to repent of foolishly being held captive, from cradle to grave, as a digitally-marked, dependent-ward that is happily enslaved within Socialismʼs idolatrous Security System. I learned that God personally calls each of His own children by name. Whereas the devilʼs antichrist spirit digitally-marks/brands the democratic souls of his accursed children with an impersonal SS# for a name. A very jealous God commands His beloved children not to let the digital mark of the Beastʼs Socialistic Security System to be etched into the memory of their foreheadʼs consciousness, or imbedded in their hand-held credit card, or in their handʼs signature (i.e. signing their SS# on a document). For Godʼs sanctified children cannot be named by, nor obediently serve the holy will of both Godʼs Theocratic Spirit and the devilʼs Democratic spirt of antichrist.

In 1990 I began repenting of everything that required me to have the Marxist Beast’s SSN. God forbid that I idolatrously bear the digital name (SS#), and lukewarmly serve the will of two masters. I burned everything that had my SS# printed on it and I discarded everything that required a SS# (i.e. drivers license, credit cards, bank accounts, legal contracts, passport etc.). I am my Lord Christ Jesus’ slave and my work is to do the will of my Father Elohim in heaven. Since I am the Lordʼs slave, my labor is not for hire. The Lord faithfully provides for all my needs. Being a harmless, non-violent member of the Good Shepherdʼs sheep-fold, I continually trust in His omnipotent strength to protect me, as He leads me through the midst of  Big Brother/Uncle Sam’s ravenous, ‘sheep-loving’ wolves. His omnipotent security and miraculous health care provision for me has been amazing—perfectly faultless!

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Cool. The social security number is also the tax identification number. Since your labor is not for hire, you’re living without having to file a state or a federal income tax return. Even though the USA doesn’t have a Caesar per se, you don’t have to render unto Caesar what is his and you can only render unto God what’s His. Very good.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


All I see are people that gave up on themselves and forfeited their minds.


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'PANdemics', as diffeRent to PANdemonics, are IMPOSSIBLE in Modern Societies containing Elevated living standards, Infrastructure supports- Aka; clean potable water, sewage systems, basic nutritional needs & PROPER 'HEALth support'! Even as a DumbArse Tradie, able to read SDS (Safety Data Sheets) & product info, it's obvious that 'Virus' - Different to LIVING Bacteria & Fungus, ARE IN ALL OF US, AS = SYMBIOTIC 'Soft ware', to our Anatomical Hardware- 'REQUIRED' for Standard Human Operating Procedures(SHOP) & Optimising Operating Personal Systems(OOPS)! WE, NEED Virus to operate OOPS! IN- CONvenient to Corporations@Large, THE GangStar U.Nations(Including their Military 'Arm'=The W.H.O) & their PETS (1) @NotMyGov, Trying to Fill the INHUMANE edicts of the U.N/GlobAlist/IMF - 17 PLUS SDGs(2)= PLAN-Demonic Negative outcomes for National/InterNational Citizens 'HEALth' EVERYWHERE.

1) PETS - Pretty Easily Trained StupidDoes (-BahCoded muppets).

2) SDGs - Strategic depopulation Goals.

RT-PCR = Real Time- Population Conjob Reporting (It should have been RT-PC'F' - Fratricide - in MANY metrics!

Thinking Folks@Large should have smelled a RAT (Not the other Pathetic test swindle), by COVID - Being in ALL of us for 100's ot Thousands of Years - NORMAL- 'Suddenly', a Hollistic Natural software App, 'Magically' CAN be passed to 'Others' - Who/m, ALREADY HAVE IT, as ALSO, Their Normal operating system= OOPS! Thankyou MSM & NotMyGov, for THE Co-Op Terrorist Psych-Op 'DOWNGRADE'! THANK GOD, The OZtopian Government IS, a U.S CORPORATION (Ref; COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Reg U.S.SEC# CIK 0000805157), otherwise I'd be in fear of 'Foreign'(3) Actors!

3) Foreign/Def; Belonging TO, or associated WITH - A Country, which IS NOT your OWN!

Note; COVID -19 (Allegedly year of 'Discovery' of 'NOVEL' NEW Disease - 2019). SO - HOW - Can R.Rothschild (U.K) 'register' a 'Test Kit' SPECIFICALLY for Covid-19 IN 2015! HAVE, said Covid-19 Test kits Shipped in Bulk - Globally[Tracking # Via IMF bank W.I.T.S Trade tracking # 300215) IN 2017>18 Including Australia & N.Z? Now, that IS 'Future Health'!(Not a bad Little InvestMeant either, along with Not Fit For Purpose 'Masking', as well!).

Last; Note that the original reference to SARS-COV-2 novel [n[CoronaVirus announced with MUCH fanfare by MSM & NotMyGov, discreetly 'Dropped' the 'n' for 'novel'(much like AstraZeneca's dropping of it's Covid 'Products', into a vacuous Media response - CONvenient- ALL round!).

Wellness, from 'Just a Tradie' - John D.

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Hi Lioness of Judah,

I would like to invite you to be included in a table of responses to 24 yes/no covid and great reset related questions. If you take one minute per question, that would be 24 minutes, but I bet you could do it in 5.


Your row in the table can be filled out by entering a comment using the following template with answers of <yes/ yes (see comments) / no / no (see comments) / ?> where any comments can be in the comments section, then I will put your answers in the table.

These questions follow the Open World Assumption:

"The Open World Assumption (OWA) is the assumption that what is not known to be true or false might be true, or absence of information is interpreted as unknown information, not as negative information"

So an assertion of one thing in the list does not negate the assertion of another thing. People will have different interpretations of different things.

The questions:

1) Supports Trump

2) Trump assassination attempt faked

3) Trump is a Technocrat

4) mRNA is a bioweapon

5)All vaccines are bioweapons

6) Vaccines were always bioweapons

7) Covid was just poisoning

8) Covid was a military operation

9) Covid was dangerous

10) Covid response was dangerous

11) Covid was a pandemic

12) Covid was a bioweapon

13) Viruses exist

14) Viruses cause disease

15) Terrain theory is correct

16) Germ theory is correct

17) G3P is in charge

18) G3P runs Putin too

19) Global warming caused by humans

20) Supports Ukraine war

21) 5G is for depopulation

22) Chemtrails are for depopulation

23) Malthus was correct

24) The Earth is overpopulated

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Thank you Lioness , blessings to you and yours 2025.🙌🏼

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I said to hubby a few months into so called covid, where did the flu go? He was like ummm good question. I said was just the flu re-branded and since no proof otherwise...it was the flu and the vax killed people.

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People simply don't want to know. They don't want to see or admit their detrimental behaviour of the past 5 years. They bow to their technocratic gods of scientism, believing the jabs and testing, or whatever pharmaceutical "solution" they present, will bring them salvation.

Seeing a young man, perhaps 18 years old, walking outside with a slave mask on his face here in Holland makes me almost lose hope... 😢

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You forgot to add DEMOCIDE by BIO WEAPON for population reduction .

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‘“ I am not persuaded that there was anything novel called COVID. COVID came and influenza vanished…”

"What we ended up with was a pandemic of testing, with the misapplication of PCR tests that were never designed, according to their designer, to be used as diagnostic tools." ‘

———THEY simply gave a name to the common cold (yes, can become worse/flu in those who are elderly, frail, compromised, having comorbidities) knowing most were not aware of the coronaviruses we humans have, along with influenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, RSVs, etc. all that can be tested for by PCR, BUT these tests are done as part of the WHOLE CLINICAL SYMPTOMATIC PICTURE, not just arbitrarily to non-sick people, the masses in parking lots lining up to find out if they have ‘IT’... SOME test systems may have been overamplified to give false positives, but it is a diagnostic tool ONLY if used as part of the whole clinical presentation/picture. Yes, the scam proved to be a way to make money for test manufacturers, testing labs, etc.; our lab system that one year said they made 50% more money thanks to this particular testing…. Fear not, our immune system makes these non-living viruses when our own lil living bacteria could not get the job done as they want to live too! Viruses are a back up mechanism we were created with to be able to dissolve toxin buildup in whatever tissues it resides. Lord knows in this environment now we have tons of toxicity in many forms… 😊

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hi folks check out a petition at citizengo.org..deal a lethal blow to the pandemic treaty tell trump exit the WHO now..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours

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That's right. And it was all displayed at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics Opening Ceremony before the Athletes came out. It's ALL THERE...


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Like SOOO many Olympic Games 'Opening Ceremonies'! I, haven't personally bothered with these 'Summer Games' for a while, usually sponsored by 'Health' orientated Mega Food/Drink Corporations - (Much like the U.SCDC, but that's another story). A quick glimpse at these 'Ceremonies/Ritual' spectacles, & one simply asks - "What the Hell (LOL), has ANY of this, got to do with Sport/Athletics?" - Could add into this, 'Opening Ceremonies', pertaining to C.E.R.N 'Facility'! Along with IOC, both based in Switzerland.


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Check out the work of Cristine Massey.

She has been doing freedom of information requests and getting zero proof of virus isolation from any government, university, or lab.


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