The photo of Bafflement is the Best!! Why, oh why do we have so many people who are not willing to see the corruption and evil of the jabs, baffles me to no end!

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Likewise. perhaps it’s the other way around: Those of us aware cannot help but see the insanely evil crimes. It’s a blessing and a curse. Ultimately, Love/ God wins.

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They see it but the court system is corrupt or intimidated and no state AG will bring the charges.

We saw what they did to ken Paxton when he tried to investigate corruption of FBI in Arizona.

The current DOJ is using lawfare to silence/punish anyone exposing the truth.

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This picture should be in the Met, in Nyc. Never saw a better picture.

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When you have been mind controlled and believe the lies...the reality is hard to fathom.

Humans believed the "officials" and the fear porn, believing they were doing the right thing.

How sad. that this is a MASSIVE WAKE UP CALL

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It's only logical to assume that even exercise has been weaponized, as it speeds up the toxic impact of the injections:


Of course, the problem is more complex than the injections:


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Who determines what an "expert" is? Give us the name of just one "expert".

"I tried to find the science, but couldn't find it. Then I followed the money and found the science."

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God Almighty is life tough?You gave me life and I cannot throw your gift back in your face. Everyone of us fallen humans have so many sins to answere for. How does someone who claims to be human and acts like a DEMONIC priest want us to accept his human demonic sins?

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I pray hard each & every day - just took a walk with my Rosary. Dear Lord, help us to help ourselves & deliver us from evil. GOD bless you Dr. Coleman - you are appreciated & one of my favorite TRUTH Warriors ...

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The perfect picture of Succmmey. The Devil incarnate. But do not worry he the Demon and his DEmonic wife have pleanty of money,. Even whataver you call that Demon it is definitely Fauci. History will eventily show you for the DEMON you are.

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What the world needs is an equally mysterious rash of sudden deaths of politicians worldwide. It would be even more baffling! But also won't it be wonderful? It'll be truly an uplifting boon that puts a smile on every face.

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World peace!

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I think politicians did NOT get their jabs, but who knows...They got a saline solution.

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What if the whole need for Covid vaccine is a cover up for all the other failed dangerous vaccines? The flu vaccine was an extreme kill being noticed too much? China had a mandatory vaccine rollout early December 2019 in Wuhan? People seen dropping may not have been theatre for Covid. I saw someone yesterday that got the new flu vaccine, now bi-valent. He is super sick, has known serious heart issues and of course took many shots.

Nothing should be mandated whether it is deemed safe and effective or not.

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How dangerous would it be if the experts knew what they were doing? Scary.

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We’ve just GOT to figure out a way to blame this on Iran. They’ll offer us jobs in the state department.

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It’s definitely climate change 🤪

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I would like to see comparative numbers for 2016-2019 and 2012-2015

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Nice 'Pick' Tony.

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People don’t want to see it! They just want to go on pretending nothing is happening! It makes them feel more comfortable, such stupidity!

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